MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 15 Resignation News (Part 1)

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On Friday morning, a red sun jumped up and lit up the streets and alleys of the city. Private cars keep coming in at the three gates of Dalan Group Nanshan Industrial Park.

Of course, there are also employees who ride bicycles and walk to work. People's joys and sorrows are not the same, and people's wages are not the same.

In the steady stream of traffic entering the factory, a fiery red Ferrari sports car is particularly conspicuous, as dazzling as a flame and as charming as a bright red rose. Many old drivers who drive wildly are envious and cautiously stay away from this Ferrari.

Madd, if this is a careless scratch, it will cost you a few months, buddy. At the same time, they were discussing in their respective groups, which department colleague is this?

After the red Ferrari entered the factory gate, it went in the direction of the product department building.

"Damn it, isn't the Maserati driven by project director Yu Ping the best in the product department building?"

"Ask the people over there in the product department."

Except for enterprises, institutions, hospitals and schools in Shencheng, most of the company's office hours are clocked in at nine o'clock in the morning. Therefore, many employees who arrive early will go to the company's canteen to have breakfast before going to work.

Several employees of the art team of the product department were having breakfast together on the second floor of the third canteen. This is the closest canteen to the product department building.

There are various styles for breakfast: white porridge, millet porridge, pumpkin porridge, all kinds of steamed buns, xiaolongbao, shaomai, flower rolls, fried dumplings, sausage rolls, eggs, all kinds of noodles, pancakes, etc.

Zhan Boyu, a celebrity in the group, took a dinner plate, sat opposite a young girl with fair skin and a hot body, and asked with a smile, "Lu Zi, what are you talking about?"

Lu Zi is a college student who just joined this year and graduated from Jiangzhou University of Science and Technology. With a height of 1.66 meters, a fierce and thin waist, a gentle and beautiful beauty.

She habitually covered the neckline of her turquoise dress with her habit, and she was very troubled. Holding a spoon and eating fried rice, he said, "They are talking about Brother Cao's spending millions in the Baifeng Bar last Friday."

A boy said enviously: "Brother Cao is really awesome! It is said that he took two top beauties with him that night."

He envied such a life. Twenty-three or four-year-old single youth, in a metropolis like Shencheng, how could they not yearn to sway hormones in bars and harvest fungus?

Cao Su's impression inside and outside the company department is that of an "honest person". Diligent, hardworking, quality and quantity. But the younger employees in the group still respect him.

Think about it, such an old employee is willing to help you share some work when you are busy, and is willing to teach you. Would such a person really be disliked by the team?

It's just that the Dalan Group is huge, its equity is complex, and it is a private company. Job promotions are determined by the top. The so-called: grace from the top!

Zhan Boyu doesn't like to hear this. He hasn't forgotten that last Friday, Cao Su contradicted him and aired his hatred. But in front of his favorite girl, Lu Zi, he didn't want to appear unprofessional. He smiled and said, "Really?"

"Really! What Shen Mingze from the testing department said."

Zhan Baiyu said with a smile: "He and Lao Cao are golf friends. Maybe he's helping Lao Cao to brag! Isn't Lao Cao's resignation order approved by President Qi? I heard that today the project director Yu Ping is going to send the records of the project review meeting. ."

The meaning inside and outside the words is obvious.

Honest people are still going to be sacrificed by Yu Ping for the failure of the project! So, how credible is it to say he's throwing millions in bars? Will Yu Ping not ask for evidence?

The people in the group somewhat understand the grievances between Zhan Boyu and Cao Su, but they can only say that Mei Ge's management skills are excellent.

The topic then shifted. Someone smiled and said, "Hey, someone in our company drives a Ferrari to work. It was photographed at the main entrance."

"Damn it!"

Everyone ate breakfast at this meeting, and everyone crowded Lu Zi and left the second floor of the third cafeteria, discussing who this Ferrari belongs to.

As for why no one suspects that the car belongs to the boss? Don't be too naive, does the boss come to the company at the same time as the office worker?

A group of five people came out of the cafeteria and went straight for several dozen meters on the tree-lined road to the side of the product department building.

There is an open space here, which is the No. 3 parking lot in the company.

The five people who were talking and laughing and guessing the identity of the car owner happened to see the fiery red Ferrari parked in the parking space slowly like a beauty. Then, seeing the Ferrari turn off, Cao Su stepped out of the car with his long legs.

The scorching sun in the morning shone on his tall and straight figure, making him seem extremely dazzling and radiant.

Damn it!

Zhan Boyu, Lu Zi and the other five all looked at each other in dismay. Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

Unlike the soft and beautiful Lu Zi and others who were shocked, Zhan Boyu's face became a little ugly in an instant.

My Nima...

Cao Su didn't see his colleagues in his group on the side. He felt that some of the passing colleagues were taking pictures of him and the car.

He spent four days in a row buying a house with Chen Wu and Jiang Yingying all over the city with full payment. The first choice is the school district room. Then it is a regional plate with huge appreciation potential. 12 sets have been finalized, and the transfer procedures will have to wait until next week.

In a metropolis like Shenzhen City, housing prices in many core areas are long overdue. Buy again, the increase will not outperform the average.

He has been exercising a lot these days, plus he insists on going to the hotel gym for half an hour in the morning. In the evening, the technician Yuexi recommended by Xia Ya, the housekeeper of the presidential suite, was asked to massage and relax.

The system's main task 1 "walking 10 kilometers", he has never forgotten, and he will finish the task this weekend.

Xia Ya joked with him that day. How can there not be a few top brands and the best in the spa of a five-star hotel? What a joke!

Yuexi's appearance and skills are all first-class. The only downside of UU reading is that she likes to get off the bus halfway through, killing or burying her.

He received a phone call from an employee of Human Resources yesterday afternoon that the resignation approval process had been completed, and he was asked to come to the company in the past two days to complete the resignation procedures. Of course he won't procrastinate!

Isn't Shenhao's life delicious?

The office area on the fifth floor is orderly, quiet and noisy at work. Everyone is busy with their work, and some people are talking on the phone.

Cao Su walked to his workstation, turned on the computer skillfully, and called up the resignation application form. It was indeed that the vice president of the business department had approved it and immediately clicked print. He then takes this list to the president's office to seal it, and then he can find financial settlement.

The printer is at the entrance of the office area. While waiting to print, Cao Su was packing his personal belongings.

Several young people who came to work walked past his work station and said with a smile, "Brother Cao, good morning!"


Cao Su was a little surprised and responded appropriately. I have some numbers in mind. The younger brother Shen Mingze is still very powerful in helping him build momentum in the company.

Leaning comfortably in the soft chair, Cao Su sent Shen Mingze a WeChat message: "Shen Mingze, find a top-level night show tonight, reserve a box where you can talk easily, and call Tang Run up. I'll treat you."

Shen Mingze quickly replied: with a smile) Alright, Brother Cao!"

Cao Su put down his phone and watched the resignation slip being printed. There is a Russian proverb: The greater the resistance, the thicker the iron rod.

Yu Ping has not released the record of the project summary meeting yet, and he still has his thoughts on it, so his approach is: super double!

At this moment, Cao Su heard a soft whistle, and then saw Yu Ping, a young woman with tender skin and tender flesh, walking straight towards him with her high heels on.