MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 142 Large silver abused bronze scene

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Chapter 142 Large-scale silver abuse bronze scene

Ji Weixi pointed coldly at Lin Kai, furious: "Li Shaoling, you killed him!"

Lin Kai was walking leisurely, and suddenly a man appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

He looked up, Li Shaoling was cold and condescending to beat him.

Lin Kai backed in shock: "You, what are you doing?"

Li Shaoling rubbed his wrist slowly, with a smile: "hit you."

The voice fell, and Lin Kai's nose was beaten instantly.

Nose blood came out, dripped to the ground, and then, Li Shaoling, like a chick, caught his collar, and his fist hit his motherly face with raindrops.

Lin Kai has no fight back.

Li Shaoling shot very hard, and every time his fist fell, he avoided the key perfectly.

Lin Kai's face quickly hung, her nose was swollen, her teeth dropped, and blood ran down the corner of her mouth.

The large king crazily abused the bronze scene.

Ji Weixi came to hold Li Shaoling: "OK, stop playing."

Li Shaoling retracted his fist, "Don't you let me kill him?"

"... Not really killed!"

Lin Kai was lying on the ground struggling and struggling to get up, and Li Shaoling lay down again.

"You, you bully too much!" Lin Kai cried out in pain: "I'm going to tell Afang, you bully me!"

"You're going to sue now!" Ji Weixi was disgusted: "I told your surname Lin, don't think you can do whatever you want, oh no, you are not a man."

"Simplicity can fall in love with a man like you. It was her unlucky life that destroyed the nine races in your life. You better pray that you can still rely on this face to eat soft rice for several years!"

Ji Weixi glanced at a tooth on the ground: "Take your teeth off, don't let me see you again, otherwise I will see you hit you once!"

Lin Kai wiped her tears, stood up strenuously, and limped away.

Before he ran, he weakly threw a sentence: "You wait for me!"


Really think you are Teddy, can you * heaven * earth * air?

Waking up briefly, when she learned that her ectopic pregnancy was bleeding and she had cut one side of the fallopian tube, she collapsed and cried.

After crying a lot, she knew that Ji Weixi and Li Shaoling saved her, otherwise it is likely that her life is gone now.

She was very grateful, so she promised to return to Jiangcheng and find Huo Feng to testify after recovering.

Back at the hotel, Ji Weixi was having a video call with Xiao Niubao.

In the picture, the small milk bag is tender and handsome, Meiyu is very similar to Li Shaoling.

Ji Weixi missed him, staring at his little face, his eyes softly: "Baby, what are you doing?"

"Mum, I'm playing duck with my uncle!"

The small milk bag shifted the lens, and Ji Weixi saw that he was sitting on Jiang Cong's back, crossing his two short legs, and then Jiang Cong was doing push-ups.

The small milk bag holds the mobile phone in one hand and eats the fries in one hand.

Residues of fries fell on Jiang Cong from time to time.

Jiang Chong's bruises burst on his neck, his face flushed. He braced up hard, trembling his arms, clenched his back molars, and finally slammed on the ground, never getting up again.

The small milk bag bounced off his back: "Ah, my uncle's physical strength is so bad. Get dressed and accompany the baby to the playground!"

Jiang Conglei didn't want to move a finger, he begged for mercy: "Can I not go!"

The little milk bag was crying and weeping, and she burst out crying, "Don't do it! Whoo!"

Ji Weixi felt how desperate Jiang Cong was across the phone.

She was righteous, and said solemnly: "Ji Jiayu, he is your uncle, please be honest with me! Did you hear me?"


Like his dad, he loves bullying.

Little milk bag sucked her nose immediately, no tears on her face: "Oh, I know ..."

After a short pause, the small milk bag shrewd eyeballs rolled around and suddenly covered his stomach in pain: "Oh baby, my stomach hurts, Mommy won't tell you first, the baby will go to the toilet!"

"Ah?" Ji Weixi looked at the picture of being hung up, and his heart was empty.

Maybe the son grew up beside him, so she couldn't think of it if she didn't meet one day.

Here, after the small milk bag hangs up, he looks at Jiang Cong, who is ready to slip away. He pouts, pretending to be angry and gloomy: "Uncle Cong."

When Jiang Cong heard that he was angry, he immediately turned around and laughed, "What's the matter?"

The little milk bag glared at him, not talking.

One second ...

Two seconds ...

He rushed over and clapped his hands happily: "Baby rides a horse! Ride a horse!"

Jiang Congyi saw a ghost expression: "... Can I refuse?"

"No!" Xiaomi Bao flattened her mouth and said pitifully: "If you don't agree, I'll tell Daddy that you bullied me, beat me, and trafficked me, and ..."

"Stop!" Jiang Congren interrupted unbearably, crouched down, and he was in love: "Come up."

The little milk bag happily put on his back, straight upside down: "Drive! Drive!"


Jiang Cong wanted to cry without tears.

He's so hard, why should he live in this world.

In the evening, Li Shaoling made a reservation at a well-known local restaurant.

The car was passing by, and Li Shaoling suddenly had a headache, and he saw a frame of black and white pictures.

This forced his vision to be a bit empty. He tried to see it as clearly as possible, but the picture suddenly turned into a dazzling firelight. He suddenly braked sharply, his head rested on the steering wheel, and his forehead was blue.

Ji Weixi was dizzy for a while, and she approached, some fearing that he would faint again, "Are you all right?"

Li Shaoling didn't speak, he just breathed in pain.

Ji Weixi continued to ask, "Would you like me to call Jiang Yigu? He is your attending physician ..."

Li Shaoling raised his head, the dark pupil was terrible.

He looked at her slowly and hugged her, his head buried in her chest ...

Ji Weixi was stiff, and she clearly felt his heavy and heavy breath.

She reached his mobile phone with difficulty, unlocked it, and then opened the address book column, sliding to find Jiang Yigu.

Suddenly, she found a contact named ‘wife’.

Curiosity drove her in, and her face suddenly turned red.

Isn't this her phone number?

Abominable man, even before marrying him, call her wife shamelessly.

Ji Weixi called Jiang Yigu.

It's been there for a long time, but no one answered.

She played with patience twice, and still no one answered, Ji Weixi stopped playing.

She knew that the doctors were very busy, and maybe the operation was going on right now, so she didn't bother.

Ji Weixi held his cell phone and called Tian Miaomiao.

"Xixi! I miss you so much!" Tian Miaomiao answered in seconds.

"Miao Miao, what are you doing now?"

"I'm working on a drama. By the way, have you found the simplicity? How did things go? Are you and Li always okay?"

"... Um, I found it." Ji Weixi's vague answer cut to the main topic: "Miao Miao, go to Jiang Yigu now, get to know him? It is Li Shaoling's attending physician. He is uncomfortable now. Go to Jiang Yi Gu prescribed some medicine. "