MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 143 Dr. Jiang hit someone!

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Chapter 143 Doctor Jiang hit someone!

Tian Miaomiao, "Yeah, I know! But ... I will post it to you after the medicine is prescribed or ...?"

Ji Weixi glanced and tightened his man: "Maybe we will go back today."

Tian Miaomiao: "Okay, I'll go to Doctor Jiang now!"

After hanging up, Tian Miaomiao immediately jumped out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror.

Wide striped pajamas, messy henhouse heads, and slightly rough skin under the face.

Tian Miaomiao looked at the person in the mirror in horror, and couldn't seem to believe it was herself.

But when she thought of Jiang Yigu's soft and cold face, she couldn't stop redness.

Tian Miaomiao immediately opened the closet, threw all her clothes to the bed in one breath, and then rummaged.

After searching for a long time, she found that none of the decent clothes were all girlish.

"Ah, ah! What to do!" Tian Miaomiao screamed on the spot, suddenly disappointing her usual dressing style.

She flew to Baidu for a moment: men like women who don't like girly wind.

The answer is water: like.

Tian Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, washing her face and hair, brushing her teeth, applying mask, and applying makeup at a high speed.

After putting on makeup, she put on a pink, knee-length dress with a knee-length dress.

She has n’t had a haircut for a long time, and her hair is a bit long.

After dressing up, Tian Miaomiao looked at the stranger in the mirror, suddenly a bit disgusted.

Why is she so dressed, is Jiang Yigu worthy of her?

Regardless, always give Li Li the most important medicine.


Inside the hospital.

Tian Miaomiao is a road idiot, and she doesn't know the northeast and southeast without knowing the road. She looked at the hospital layout on the first floor and took the elevator up the stairs.

Within the neurology department.

Tian Miaomiao looked at the corner of her clothes, looking blankly and aimlessly.

She couldn't think of it, where was Jiang Yigu's office.

She ran to the nurse station and asked, "Excuse me, where is Jiang Yigu's office?"

Nurse, "You mean Dr. Jiang, he is in the innermost room ... But Dr. Jiang is undergoing surgery in the operating room. It should be down this time, please wait."

Tian Miaomiao politely said, "Okay, thank you."

She turned around with a swollen mouth, and said abdomen: He was busy doing surgery again.

Tian Miaomiao strolled around and did not wait for Jiang Yigu to return. She went to the operating room under curiosity.

She's so old that she hasn't been to the operating room yet.

The operating room is located on the top floor and is relatively quiet because it cannot disturb the doctor for surgery.

The elevator door opened, and Tian Miaomiao heard the noise and cry mixed together, very harsh.

I saw the incandescent lamp shining high outside the operating room. A woman was sitting on the floor and cried, and there was a bed in front of her.

A gray-faced woman with closed eyes was lying on it. Her head was mixed with blood and yellow and dried iodophors, and the wound was like a huge sloppy climb on top of her head.

Under the head was covered with white sheets, the bones of one arm dangled downward, and the wound was sutured stitch by stitch.

I should have experienced a terrible thing in my life.

"You promised me that I would save my daughter!" I saw a middle-aged man holding a doctor wearing a surgical gown with scarlet eyes and roaring like crazy.

"You promised me! I'm such a daughter, why did you let her die? Ah ... you tell me!"

When Tian Miaomiao faced such a scene for the first time, she took a step back in fright. When Wen Sheng searched for it, she found that the person whose collar was being held was Jiang Yigu.

The green surgical gown perfectly outlined his figure, and the blue mask wrapped around his neck and dangled from his chest.

He took off his surgical cap, his black short hair was a bit messy, his eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses were cold and ruthless, and his complexion was bland. He seemed to be accustomed to this kind of thing.

The middle-aged man looked at him without a response and threw a punch with excitement.

Jiang Yigu didn't evade, he fell down firmly, and his mouth turned blue for a moment.

"My daughter was awake clearly when she was pushed into the operating room! She died when it was launched! Do you not want to save her!" The man said more and more excited, raised his hand and slap Jiang again.


The glasses on Jiang Yigu's nose were directly blown by fans, fell to the ground, and broke.

Tian Miaomiao's fists suddenly tightened, her eyes were fierce.

"I have seen many doctors like you! You can only save people if you give a red envelope, right? My daughter is only nineteen years old. How can you bear it! How can you bear her to die! I want to sue you! You are not worthy of a doctor!"

The man was roaring with excitement, and the resentment in his eyes couldn't wait to break him into pieces.

Jiang Yigu slowly raised his eyes, and froze because of myopia, thin lips opened, his voice was cold: "I have done my best, I'm sorry."

Tian Miao Miao is not good, Jiang Yigu usually looks very uncomfortable, why is it important to let anyone wave?

Also, is this man an evil pen? How can a doctor meet with death? He's too much!

When Tian Miaomiao saw the unevenness of his sword, he rushed forward, and at this time the man heard Jiang Yigu's cold and ruthless answer.

With a crisp sound, Tian Miaomiao buzzed in her pumped ears, and her cheeks hurt hotly.

Everyone froze, Tian Miaomiao was pumped directly.

Jiang Yigu's vision was blurred, and he could only see the five features faintly.

He squinted his eyes, and when he saw Tian Miaomiao, his eyes were very confused.

How did she show up here? And also slapped him?

There was a apology across the man's eyes, but he was soon swallowed up by anger. He snorted coldly, "It's not the time for you to come!"

His voice was righteous and unapologetic.

At this time, Tian Miaomiao's cheeks were red and swollen, and she covered her cheeks with one hand, her tears stubbornly in the orbit and refused to fall.

The look of her teeth biting her lips was completely different from the one who was as strong as a man in the past.

Jiang Yigu's eyes, which were originally waveless in ancient wells, instantly became angry.

He said coldly, "Apologize!"

The man pointed at himself inconceivably, "You make me apologize? You killed my daughter, why should I apologize!"

"First, when your daughter sent in, all the indicators of life have been reduced to the minimum, and we have tried our best to rescue. The doctor will never die. Second ... she is innocent, you hit her, Shouldn't you apologize? "

The man had no guilt: "It was she who came to the house to be beaten. I won't apologize!"


Almost instantly, Jiang Yigu's fist waved violently.

The man was caught unprepared and was hit hard.

He didn't expect Jiang Yigu to do something, it was incredible and shocked.