MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 152 The woman who wants to save your money!

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Chapter 152 The Woman Who Wants To Save You Bring Money!

"Later ... I finally knew it." Mo Nanfeng's eyes gradually became fierce and jealous: "So you fell in love with Li Shaoling! How can you fall in love with him! I am your man!"

Ji Weixi was desperately struggling, but he was indifferent and would not let go of his death.

Ji Weixi lowered his head, biting his upper and lower teeth together on his arm, and Mo Nanfeng took a painful cold air and let her loose.

He looked down at the **** arm and grinned slowly: "Weixi, you really don't feel bad for me, do you know how much I can't bear to hurt you?"

Ji Weixi spit blood on the ground, wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, and smiled coldly: "Why don't you scum like you, why don't you die! You really make me look at it."

She never thought that one day, Mo Nanfeng, who was always warm and jade, would turn into this look.

Ji Weixi thought back to going to school with him when he was a kid, playing together every day, and anxious to kill him back in time.

Her youth feeds the dogs!

Mo Nanfeng helplessly spread his hand: "I have always been like this, but you have not seen my side."

He was deceiving: "Weixi, obediently, come here with me, stay away from Li Shaoling, and I will not hurt you."

Is this a threat?

Ji Weixi was embarrassed and extremely disdainful: "Why should I stay away from Li Shaoling? He is my man and it's your fart? Your disgusting man is not worthy of his shoes! I really feel sad for my uncle, why is he? Will there be a son like you? You are the greatest shame of the Mo family! "

"If you now slam your head and confess your death, it's too late!"

I thought these words would irritate Mo Nanfeng, but he did not expect that he smiled deeper.

Ji Weixi turned to leave, but did not know when the two men appeared.

Tall and mighty man.

Ji Weixi's right eyelid started to jump, and he felt an ominous premonition.

She took several steps back and forth, suddenly settled in place for a few seconds, and suddenly wanted to run in the other direction.

The man grabbed her hair easily, dragged it backwards, and then held her hands against her.

Ji Weixi was struggling like crazy. At this moment, her neck was sharp and aching, and her eyes widened and her body twitched. The man had released her.

The needle fell to the ground, and Ji Weixi turned around and ran away with pain. The three people present stood there watching her, as if waiting for something.

Ji Weixi stepped down the stairs one by one, and for the first time felt that the graveyard was so far away from her car.

Suddenly she knelt down on the steps with her soft knees.

Ji Weixi exerted all her strength to stand up, but her legs didn't listen at this time and she lost all consciousness.

She was completely panicked, fumbled out of her cell phone, and wanted to call Li Shaoling.

But she didn't even listen to her hand. She swiped her finger across the screen to exhaust her strength, and her forehead was already exuding fine sweat.

She bit her lip firmly to support the tombstone and wanted to stand up, but in front of her eyes, the whole man fell down and rolled down the steps.


In the end, Ji Weixi fell on the last step, she was lying weakly on the ground, she had no pain and no consciousness, and she couldn't stop her eyes from closing.

She lifted her eyes hard and wanted to open her mouth to call for help, but she felt a stone stuck in her throat and could not make any sound.

In sight, Mo Nanfeng slowly walked down and crouched down in front of her. He smiled like a pervert, greedily touching her face, and said softly, "Weixi, I said I would not It hurts you, obediently, you won't feel bad after a while ... "

Ji Weixi stared at him, disappeared unconsciously, and was forcibly deprived ...

Eventually, she closed her eyes slowly and fell into a coma ...

The small milk bag packed up the suitcase early and was well dressed, waiting for Ji Weixi at the door to pick herself up.

Jiang Cong was so excited that the little devil was finally leaving.

Seeing an hour passed, Ji Weixi did not even see a shadow, and the small breast bag could not wait.

He called Ji Weixi, but on the other side of the phone he said it was off.

He hit and beat without giving up, still off.

Jiang Cong's heart that was just happy immediately cooled down, he was a little scared: "Little master ... your mommy will not let you stay in my house for a few more days."

Forgive him, he is still a single dog, and Ying Nian, who doesn't want to be tortured by children, has died prematurely!

Xiao Ni Bao was a little flustered, and he called Li Shaoling.

Li Shaoling took it a bit disgustingly: "What's the matter?"

"Daddy! Mommy is with you!"

"she's back."

"Mummy called me to pick me up from my uncle's house, but I waited for a long time and she still didn't come. I called and shut down. Daddy ... Where did Mommy go?"

The little milkbag said more and more trembling, "I'm worried about something wrong with Mommy ..."

Li Shaoling, who was on the way to the airport, braked suddenly. "You don't have to worry about it, I will contact her."

After that, he hung up and called Ji Weixi.

"The number you have dial can not be reached……"

Li Shaoling never had such a panic.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone was on, and it was a strange number.

"You're Li Shaoling, aren't you?" The voice over there was empty and echoing.

Li Shaoling pressed his eyelids, his voice was a bit heavy: "It's me."

"Ji Weixi is on my hand, if you don't want her to die or be ..." The man paused deliberately for a few seconds, making people think, "Come to me with a hundred million, remember that you are alone and you are not allowed Anyone, otherwise her life will be gone! "

The sound dropped, and the person could not help but hang up. The sound of 'dududu' seemed to be disconnected, making people panic.

Located in an abandoned factory in Jiangcheng.

The sun transmitted through the three leaves of the old ventilating fan, and then reflected on the ground, floating dust and dancing in the air.

From time to time, mice squeaked and hid quietly under abandoned machines.

In the middle of the empty space, a woman was **** sitting on a chair, her hands and wrists were tied high by the twine hanging in the air, her head slumped and her black hair was scattered in front of her, leaning forward.

This is an abandoned brewery. Several huge wine tanks seem to surround her, and they will explode at any time.

Ji Weixi's eyelashes trembled, and her eyes slowly opened. Xu is always no one here and the dust is thick. She coughed violently.

Her mind shifted a little chaotically, and she found it was dark and wet here.

She took a cold breath, and her pain hit like a tide.


Ji Weixi leaned back slightly, and she heard a sound, feeling that there was something soft under her feet.

She looked down hard, and immediately screamed, her voice echoing in the open air.

I saw a long, fat gray mouse under her feet.