MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 151 Mo Nanfeng is here again

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Chapter 151 Mo Nanfeng Comes As A Demon

She all thought of the beautiful picture of the little bird-dependent woman and Li Shaoling nestling together.

The pain in her heart was getting more and more painful, and even her breathing was a bit difficult, especially when she saw Li Shaoling's dazzling smile, her eyes were sore and painful, and her body was like the cold soaking in the ice cave.

Hanging up the phone, Li Shaoling held her, and said softly, "Go pick me up at the airport?"

When he was holding her in the past, she had no discomfort except shyness.

But now, she really felt a kind of nausea.

Let her pick up his ex-girlfriend? dream!

This ambiguous relationship should also end.

Anyway, his ex-girlfriend is back, she has become an optional presence in Li Shaoling's heart, isn't she?

Ji Weixi slowly pushed him away, facing her gentle watery eyes, she smiled hard: "You go, I'm a little uncomfortable, I want to go home and rest."

Li Shaoling glanced up at her from the bottom in a panic, her voice worried: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"I still have a pain in my waist." Ji Weixi tried to squeeze out a smile and pushed him: "Go and pick someone up. I'll go home first."

"I'll get you off."

"No need." Ji Weixi refused, "I'll just drive back by myself."

Talking, she was afraid that he was saying something the same, and turned hurriedly to leave.

Tears rolled in her eyes, saying nothing would fall.

Asking her why she was upset, she didn't know it, and she was inexplicable.

However, just as she turned around, Li Shaoling looked at her back and smiled helplessly: "Little fool."

After leaving the company, Ji Weixi drove the car out of the parking lot, and then called the small milk bag.

"Mum ..." The voice of the little milk bag was lazy, with no waking.

Ji Weixi heard the sound of his milk and milk, and the haze in his heart was swept away. She laughed, "Why isn't the baby still awake?

"Hmm ... I was so awesome last night, a little sleepy ..."

Helpless: "Mummy is back."

"Mummy, you're back!" Xiaomi Bao immediately became energetic: "Mummy, where are you! The baby misses you so much!"

"I'll pick you up from Jiang Cong's house, you wait for me."

"Baby obeys!"

Sure enough, his son is reliable.

But the son ... she and Li Shaoling.

The thought of Ji Weixi's mouth fell slowly when he thought of Li Shaoling.

At this time, the phone called.

It was from Mo Nanfeng.

Ji Weixi's eyebrows frowned. She wanted to refuse, but for more than a few reasons, she chose to take over.

She said coldly, "What's up?"

"Weixi ..." There was a wind blowing over Mo Nanfeng, and his voice was abnormal: "I now confess in front of my dad's grave. Can you ... come? My dad actually didn't tell you something during his lifetime, he Please tell me to tell you, but I didn't tell you out of selfishness ... I want to tell you face to face. "

Ji Weixi instinctively refused: "Just say on the phone!"

She is now more and more exclusive to Mo Nanfeng.

"No ... I have to tell you face to face!" Mo Nanfeng's voice trembled with some pain: "I'll wait for you right in front of my dad's grave, and I'll tell you in his presence, otherwise ... I really It will die for no purpose ... "

After a pause, he was afraid that Ji Weixi would refuse, and prayed, "Weixi, I won't hurt you! This time ... this is the last time we meet, okay?"

After hearing that, Ji Weixi hesitated for a moment, turned the steering wheel, and the car drove in the opposite direction.

"Wait for me in the cemetery."



When Ji Weixi came, he was holding a bouquet of white lilies.

She stepped up the steps, and Mo Nanfeng not far away turned around.

I haven't seen him for a while, and he has lost a lot of weight. His face is pale and similar to Mo Bin's photo on the tombstone.

Today's wind is very strong, and Ji Weixi's hair blowing in the air is scattered in the air.

Standing, she looked at the black and white photo on the tombstone, bowed three times, and placed the flower on it.

She put her hair behind her ears and her voice was cold: "Say it."

Mo Nanfeng turned her head, the woman's cold and indifferent features, her eyes were dark and undulating, her tall and bumpy figure, her noble temperament was obvious.

She has long seaweed-like hair, always so black and supple.

His eyes were a little distant: "I remember, when we were young, we always went to school and school together ... At that time you didn't like talking, I always made you happy, but I would make you cry every time, oh, really Miss us at that time. "

"Just ..." He stretched out his hand and wrapped Ji Weixi's hair flying around his fingers, remembering and sighing, "We can never go back."

Ji Weixi pushed him away in disgust and stepped back, "If you come to me to say this, I will not be accompanied!"

She turned and left, and Mo Nanfeng's voice suddenly changed into a tone: "Actually, it's okay to come to you today. Of course, my dad didn't say anything to you before he died."

"It's just, I want to tell you that the medicine was administered by me four years ago."

Ji Weixi's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Mo Nanfeng came over, grinning and sly, empty and deadly cemetery, the wind was blowing his voice abnormally eerie: "I originally wanted to give you some medicine after you attended the karma. Hmm ... but who would have thought that Ji Jianing's little **** was so jealous that she wouldn't let me touch you, so I gave you whatever you want ... "

Ji Weixi was standing unbelievably, his eyes widened.

Mo Nanfeng was attached to her ear, her cold hands nodded, caressing Ji Weixi's skin inch by inch.

"Weixi, I love you, do you know how tempting you are? I can't wait to put you on and sleep you!" Mo Nanfeng sucked her hair greedily and laughed mockingly: "But who Let you have no status in Ji's family and no equity in the company ... Then I have to choose Ji Jianing. "

"I chose her because Mo's Group was on the verge of bankruptcy four years ago and only Ji's family could save it. But she dumped me and followed Li Shaoling in a blink of an eye, giving me green! I thought we There will be no intersection in my life, but when you come back four years later, you will become more feminine. You know that the moment I saw you, I wanted to put you under me! "

Mo Nanfeng said more and more excited, stunned Ji Weixi, and mentioned Li Shaoling's eyes full of jealousy and poisonous hatred.

"You let me go!"

Ji Weixi was struggling, and the coldness in her heart surged up, she wanted to vomit!

She did not expect that the medicine was actually Mo Nanfeng.

The childhood sweetheart, who grew up together, has such a dirty idea for her!

How disgusting!

Mo Nanfeng's arms clamped her tightly, "Weixi, you know I beg you, but how much pain do you feel when you reject me? I'm really sad, how could you do this to me? What about our long-standing relationship, how can you forget it? "