MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 160 There is a kind of sleepiness that makes your dad feel that you are sleepy

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Chapter 160: There Is A Kind Of Sleepiness That Your Dad Thinks You Are Sleepy

"Shaolin is very lonely. No one would play with him since he was a child, so his personality would be a little paranoid. And his mother went early, which caused him to be young and have many words buried in his heart. But you do n’t have to worry about it. He loves you and he will love you forever. He is very affectionate and dedicated. "

Ji Weixi listened to the shock, Li Shaoling actually ... told her Li Wanyun early.

She finally understood why Li Wanyun asked herself to talk alone.

An aunt who loves her nephew does not want her nephew to be unhappy.

"So Xixi ..." Li Wanyun prayed with silk in his eyes: "If you love Shaoling, go with him. If you don't love him, don't hurt him. The child who seems to be strong is actually the most unbearable. Hit. "

Can't stand the blow ...


When he was in Haicheng, he had feverish nonsense, and whenever he remembered, he could poke the softest part of her heart.

Ji Weixi took a deep breath, but somehow, he had the courage to raise his head to Li Wanyun, and promised: "Relax, I won't leave him."

"Great!" Li Wanyun hugged her happily, and the child bounced for a long time.

"I told you Xixi, you must not break your word! The child Shaolin is very distressing!" Li Wanyun immersed herself in the memories at once, she sighed: "I still remember the days when his mother left He drank a little water without eating for three days, and for a year he didn't talk, everyone thought he had become dumb ... "

"Until later ..." Li Wanyun scratched a bit of pain under his eyes, and then smiled hard, saying, "Forget it. Let's go out. You can't break your word!"

Ji Weixi was tingling in his heart.

I have n’t eaten for three days, I have n’t spoken for a year ...

His mother's death must have been a big blow to him.

Ji Weixi thought of herself then. She still remembers that when her mother died, she refused to eat, and her husky throat cried. For a long time, she spoke like a crow, which was extremely ugly.

Because of this, she was laughed at by Ji Jianing and Zhou Huijie for a long time.

Ji Weixi followed Li Wanyun out of the kitchen.

The scene in front of her made her eyes red and warm and sweet.

The small milk bag is sitting on the carpet with his bare feet and trying to figure it out. Occasionally when he can't figure it out, he will look up at Li Shaoling: "Daddy, the baby won't spell it."

Li Shaoling frowned and said: "Stupid."

Although he was disgusted, Li Shaoling crouched down and taught him patiently, and the small milk bag looked at him eagerly.

The picture is very warm.

As Li Wanyun said, Li Shaoling is just superficial and looks fierce.

Actually ... well, he's still very gentle.

"Wow, babies have been hot for so long and haven't been able to fight successfully for a long time, and Daddy fights all right at once!" Xiao Niu Bao slaps his hands happy.

Suddenly, he saw Ji Weixi standing and watching them not far away.

"Wow mommy! You're out!"

Li Shaoling turned his head and looked.

Ji Weixi stood behind him and looked at it, not knowing how long he had stood.

The small face under the light is porcelain white, with bright eyes and bright teeth, and the skin is white. The bruise on the forehead seems petite and weak.

He ticked his lips and beckoned, "Come here."

Ji Weixi walked over, he took her arm and pulled it in his arms, she fell down on his lap.

He hugged her, resting his jaw against her shoulder socket, and no one said, "I miss you."

Ji Weixi blushed, and hurriedly looked at Li Wanyun's reaction. Li Wanyun was quietly making a cheering gesture for her.

She bit her lower lip and replied, "I haven't been away for a long time, what do you think of me ..."

Li Shaoling chuckled her on the cheek. "If you are not with me for a second, I miss you for a second."

He was so stunned, Ji Weixi only felt that a strange current hit the whole body, crispy and tender.

She murmured, "It's so sticky."

"Only sticking to you."

Li Wanyun really couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and touched the head of the small milk bun: "Little bun, auntie, I'm leaving."

"Ah?" Xiao Niu Da Dao's eyes were blank, "Where are you going to duck! Do you still want to see the baby?"

"I'll see you in a few days."

Ji Weixi quickly pulled Li Shaoling to his feet.

Li Shaoling did not stay, and said lightly, "Where? I'll send you?"

Li Wanyun's departure was a good thing for him.

After all, she is here. If he had a brutal hair against Ji Weixi at night ...

She always has a lot to spare.

"No need!" Li Wanyun waved his hand: "I'll live in the old house for a few days, and by the way look at your dad. I've just contacted your dad. He sent someone to pick me up, so you don't have to send it."

Ji Weixi said politely, "Aunt, how many nights will you stay here once in a while?"

Li Wanyun pretended to have a sad sigh: "Oh, my niece and daughter-in-law treat me well. Some people didn't even keep me."

Li Shaoling is neither salty nor light: "I won't live here if you stay."

Ji Weixi nudged him with his elbow, "... What did you say!"

Li Shaoling shut up.

After a while, Li Nanhai's car came to pick up Li Wanyun.

Before Li Wanyun left, he also smiled ambiguously at the two of them: "You love each other! Strive to have a second child sooner!"

Watching the car leave, Li Shaoling held her back and asked: "What did your aunt tell you?"

Ji Weixi shook his head: "It's nothing, it's something that doesn't matter."

She wouldn't tell him that she had promised Li Wanyun not to leave him and the like.

If he knew, wouldn't he give her emm ...

Li Shaoling did not follow up, biting her little ears, her voice soft and coaxing: "I am so sleepy, shall I go to sleep?"

His hot and humid breath came with a refreshing aggressive attack, making Ji Weixi lean into his arms softly and softly.

"Son ... son is still there!"

The little milk bag stared at her parents' eyes, and seemed to desperately see her sister.

Li Shaoling stepped forward and packed his small **** into the bedroom, helped him take off his clothes, covered them and turned off the lights. He said coldly, "Are you asleep?"

Small milk bag: "... asleep."

Li Shaoling closed the door decisively and said to Ji Weixi behind him, "My son is asleep, let's sleep too."

Ji Weixi: "..." Was the old lady blind and deaf?

This is enough to cover the ears.

Ji Weixi turned and walked towards the bathroom. Li Shaoling posted it and said shamelessly, "I help you wash it?"

"Dream! Smelly rogue!"

Ji Weixi blushed and hammered him, fled to the bathroom in a dingy manner.

Closing the bathroom door, Ji Weixi leaned against the door panel, as if he could still feel the gaze from Li Shaoling.

She held on to the beating heart, desperately trying to calm her breath ...

After coming out of the shower, Ji Weixi was wrapped in the hot embrace as soon as he entered the bedroom ...