MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 416 Extraordinary intelligence

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  Chapter 416 Extraordinary Intelligence

  After more than ten days of vacation, everyone returned one after another.

  Joanna took the time to go north to London, attended the foundation's meeting, and made some decisions, but she played a more important role in setting an example. Huge funds will have their own strict operating system. As a leader, she is more of an image. After completing the mission, he returned to the United States from London.

  In late August, there is not much left for the child's summer vacation, and now he is taking care of himself and receiving family education with peace of mind. Joanna's goal is to train Alice to be a lady. She is the daughter of the baroness. She must not lose her mother's demeanor in her future words and deeds, and she must master everything she needs to learn.

   This conflicted with Alice's playful personality, but there was nothing her father could do to help her, so she could only obey obediently.

  Wang Le, who just moved here, called and invited An Feng to participate in a charity auction.

"Do you have to participate?" An Feng asked. This person has gained some fame. Once he has more money in the bank, he will have various social invitations. If he agrees to all of them, there will be at least six or seven hundred days a year. in order to cope. Therefore, Anfeng's rejection rate reached 99%.

  As long as he thinks about it, social activities can be scheduled from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, but only a few of them actually participate. This is how big names and low-key are cultivated. Wang Le is also aware of this, but he said: "You'd better come here, this time there are domestic officials and businessmen, the weight is quite big."

  An Feng asked: "Who is so famous and needs to call my name?"

  Wang Le said: "I know you are famous, so I invite you to play, to decorate our appearance."

  An Feng said: "Do you see that I am a person who likes to pretend?"

  Wang Le said: "Speaking seriously, the mayor of San Francisco invited you to attend the meeting. You have done well abroad, and you should take care of your family."

An Feng heard what Wang Le meant. Although he is low-key, he still has a reputation, especially in recent years with the increase in investment projects and increased exposure. He is considered the richest man in China, and his parents and relatives are still in China. This emotional card is You have to fight, at least to make your relatives and friends in China happy.

   Having time, An Feng took Joanna to the meeting.

   It is worth mentioning that the mayor of San Francisco is Liu Yaowei, the second Chinese mayor. An Feng has given him a lot of support over the years, and he has a good relationship with him. Liu Yaowei also knows the terrifying power of the consortium, so it is more important to please him than to please other people, so he is specially invited.

  After An Feng arrived at the scene, he also understood the reason.

  Participating in the banquet were leaders from city S in China. City S is a provincial city, and the biggest secretary is also a member of the Politburo, which is not a low status. An Feng recalled that there was a Chinese government investment delegation visiting San Francisco recently, and it seemed that these were the people.

  There were many Chinese faces at the scene. There were many Chinese in San Francisco. After the advocacy of Liu Yaowei and other Chinese congressmen, many Chinese faces appeared in the political circle. It was just like a joke, San Francisco has been occupied by Chinese.

  Liu Yaowei solemnly introduced to the guests on both sides: "This is Mr. An Fengan and his wife Baroness Joanna!"

   "This is Secretary Wu Guoxiong Wu!"

An Feng shook hands with a senior official from China, saying that every time he returned to China, he would pass through City S, and he had heard of this name on TV occasionally, and this time he saw the real face, not bad, a middle-aged man in his fifties, Fang He has a big head and ears, a tall and straight figure, and his physique is also very conspicuous in the white crowd.

  He has a strong background, but An Feng's performance is still neither humble nor overbearing. He completely treats the other party as an equal guest, and there is no trace of restraint or flattery in his speech and behavior. He has seen a lot of famous people, played golf with the President of the United States, and rode horses with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The President of Italy even took the initiative to take a photo with him.

  An Feng didn’t even need to please the head of state level, let alone ordinary high-ranking officials. At most, it was for the sake of domestic visitors. He gave a lot of smiles and compliments, and were polite to each other. Wu Guoxiong also praised An Feng: "Young and handsome, he looks different at first glance!"

  An Feng also smiled politely: "Sir, you are the same, you have an extraordinary bearing."

  Wu Guoxiong doesn’t mind being called. According to the inside story he learned, it’s understandable to call him that. An Feng is a Chinese with a very background, and he can talk easily with the president. Obviously, few people can show off in front of him. From the first moment they met, the two sides determined the core of the courtesy.

"Mr. An, your investment in the country, especially for the environment, has made great contributions to the improvement of the environment in the northwest region, especially in the control of smog. The air synthesizer has achieved great results .I thank you on behalf of the others."

   "It's easy to do, after all, that's where I was born and raised." An Feng said, this sentence confirmed that he accepted the other party's move to get closer.

  Wu Guoxiong naturally heard the meaning and smiled: "On other cooperation issues, I also hope that we can create a better future."

   "It's natural." An Feng said.

   During the conversation, Wu Guoxiong praised Ans Industry's non-profit goals.

  The atmospheric processors launched by Angle Industries are completely unprofitable, because there is no specific consumer group—to prevent global warming, it is human beings who get the benefits, but who pays? The boundaries are not clear, and the five hooligans each contribute their own funds to support this plan that benefits mankind.

The role of the atmospheric processor is to be able to synthesize the atmosphere above the polar ice caps, effectively ending global warming. The plan currently raises three billion US dollars in funds. Ans Industries represents mankind to go to both ends of the earth to deal with difficult problems. If the funds are sufficient, it is estimated that Get it done in five years.

  In addition to repairing the atmosphere, it can also be used in planetary development, but this function has not been developed so far, so it is not necessary. But An Feng does have these contents in his mind, which can adjust the ratio of nitrogen and oxygen in the air, transform toxic components, and build an earth-like air environment.

At present, Ans Industry is paying close attention. There is no profit, and it has to pay out of pocket, but it can establish a very positive corporate image. The "ANS" logo will be printed on the ground and sky atmospheric processors. Related news and documentaries It also occurs frequently.

Liu Yaowei's recommendation this time is appropriate. He knows what An Feng lacks. He is not short of money or connections in the United States, but his foundation in China is relatively weak. This meeting obviously played a very good role in promoting, Just look at the smiles on the faces of the two of them.


  When I got home at night, my youngest son, Fred, was flipping through a book and was still awake.

   "The child is reading!" Joanna whispered, not disturbing Fred.

  An Feng handed the coat he took off to the maid and said, "He is much quieter than Alice when she was a child."

Alice is in an overactive state of running around and disobedient at this age. She wears four or five sets of dirty clothes a day. Just changing her clothes gives her a headache. Fred is the opposite. Like Alice, the clothes on her body were killed in a flash.

   "Dad!" Fred looked up and spotted them.

   "Hi!" An Feng sat down beside him, and read the contents of the book, "Children's addition and subtraction are really smart!"

   "Dad, I can do the math." Fred said with great credit, he found a two-digit addition problem, took a few strokes, and the answer came out.

   "Wow!" An Feng was surprised.

  Joanna on the side also sat down beside them, watching them.

Hearing his father's praise, Fred smiled shyly and continued to turn the pages. This is no longer mathematics, but a short story with many pictures, which can be understood basically without dialogue. He pointed to the The picture: "Mom, the bear is so stupid, it should jump to the side."

   "Fred is smart!" Joanna stroked his hair.

  The illustration is a story about a bear being chased by tires, only walking in a straight line, and then being crushed. Ordinary children will find it interesting and funny when they see it, but Fred can directly see the common sense mistakes in it... You must know that he is only one and a half years old, and some children have difficulty talking and walking.

  Joanna looked at An Feng: "Should we make an appointment to test IQ?"

  It is generally used after three or four years old, but there are also IQ tests for one-year-old and one-and-a-half-year-olds, but there is a lot of room for adjustment and the accuracy rate is not high. But Fred is so smart, the parents can't wait, they have the mentality of scratching the lottery and expecting to win the first prize.

   Finally made an appointment with the intelligence testing department of the hospital, and set off with Fred.

  In the car, Fred asked, "Where are we going, Mom and Dad?"

   "Let's go to the hospital." Joanna beside him said.

  Fred opened his mouth.

  Joanna said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not giving you an injection. I'm doing interesting questions. If you do it right, Mom and Dad will be very happy."

   "I think so," he said.

   "Do you want Mom and Dad to be happy?" Joanna asked. He doesn't have a lot of vocabulary, and he can express very limitedly, so he needs an adult to bring some.

  He paused and said, "Yes."

   "Good boy, we hope you are happy too." Joanna kissed his forehead, Fred smiled, and occasionally he would act very childish.

   Arrive at the hospital and meet with the doctor who made an appointment. He took the child into a room full of cartoon pictures. After relaxing, the test questions begin. The one-and-a-half-year-old questions are very simple, that is, children stack small squares, fill in the gaps in graphics, draw straight lines on paper, button buttons, go up and down stairs, and talk to doctors, etc.

The questions are very simple in the eyes of adults, but it is a big challenge for children. In order to maintain accuracy, there are three tests in total, with a break in between. Fred is fascinated by the toys in the room and plays with them like no one else. After a while, An Feng reminded him, and he came back to his senses.

After the test, they returned to the doctor's office. The doctor looked at the results with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, everyone, the child's intellectual age has exceeded two years old. According to the Stanford-Binet intelligence calculation equation, the child's IQ has reached 160, which is considered a genius." level."

   "Congratulations, Fred!" An Feng and Joanna congratulated him, although Fred couldn't understand what the doctor said.

The doctor smiled and continued: "There are still some errors in the test for children in this age group. It is recommended to test it every other year in the future. After the age of five, the accurate value can be obtained. Parents of the child should not put pressure on the child, let things take their course That’s what helped him the most.”

   "We know." An Feng was in a very good mood.

   "Little genius!" Joanna touched Fred's fleshy face in his arms. He was holding a jigsaw puzzle in his hand, his brows were frowning, and he was thinking.

   "Mom, I like it." Fred looked up.

   "I like it when we go back and prepare it for you." Joanna said.

   On the way back driving, An Feng was humming a brisk tune, apparently what happened to the little genius made him very happy. But Joanna also said that she doesn't want him to be so top-notch in the future, because geniuses have many flaws, and the biggest wish of being a parent is to hope that he can be healthy and happy.

An Feng also agrees, if someone like Hoffman is not good, I heard that he has an IQ of 190, but his communication skills are still at the level of a junior high school student. Guang, he may still be hovering at the second level.

  (end of this chapter)