MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 449 to be made into a movie

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  Chapter 449 is going to be made into a movie

  The interior adjustment and exterior painting of the aircraft can be delivered in one and a half months.

  An Feng was in a good mood after he came back, and even the tedious relocation work was quite pleasing to the eye. Later, he spent a little more time storing the data that Eve had sorted out in half a year, and operated it with a remote robot.

   Three days later, the biological computer was completed, and the new generation of Hal IV was officially launched.

  Hal's image and character still continue from the previous one, a staid, ordinary middle-aged man with little expression. Perhaps in front of An Feng, it would be more appropriate to call him "young man". After all, His Excellency the Duke is forty-one years old and looks much more mature and stable than Hal.

   It's all blank except for the character and image.

   Then Eve reported the second thing: a breakthrough in the research of superconductors.

Superconductors have been commercialized seven years ago. Now the high-voltage cables in many places on the earth are high-temperature superconductors. Due to the characteristics of superconducting zero resistance and no heat generation, the wires can be very thin, but the appearance needs to be wrapped with refrigerant. Superconducting cables About the size of a baby's arm.

  Superconductor's main business is cables, which account for 40% of revenue.

In addition to high-voltage cables, superconducting power generation, superconducting magnetic levitation, and nuclear fusion have all been used commercially, but the development of superconductor companies is not fast. They have more advanced technologies, but they hide them and only use high-temperature superconductors to make money. The company is also not listed, with a revenue of about 100 billion.

  Now the superconductor breakthrough reported by Eve, does not belong to the superconductor company.

  Artificial intelligence has always had a goal of room-temperature superconductivity. Over the years, Anfeng has invested more than one billion yuan to collect any objects in the world that may or are close to room-temperature superconductivity. But it is really rare. The anti-stress robot has even gone deep into the seabed and excavated rare materials on the surface.

   Repeatedly until now, Eve said that the chemical formula of the room temperature superconductor came out.

  As long as he is willing to spend money, room-temperature superconductivity will definitely be realized... Now Anfeng has no burden, and just likes to make something he likes. In the past, in the United States, considering the impact, it was not allowed to play blatantly, but in Sardinia in the future, who cares?

   "Room temperature superconductivity... good stuff!" An Feng had a very bold and amazing idea in his mind. The premise is that there must be a large number of room temperature superconductors.

   is considering the time, external calls.

  Seeing that it was Roger's video communication, voice command "answer", the communication screen was immediately transferred to the projection screen, and a smiling face of Roger appeared: "Hi, Duke!"

   "What's the matter?" An Feng is used to the native Americans being unclear about his title and address.

   "There's something that's bothering you recently," said Roger.

   "Wait, when did you learn to hesitate?" An Feng said, Luo Jie's personality is somewhat similar to Wang Le's, and he always says what he thinks of.

   "Well, I'll tell you the truth," Roger said, "I'm going to make a movie soon."

   "It's okay to make a movie, but the funds are not enough?" An Feng asked.

Roger shook his head: "Naturally, you don't need to worry about ordinary movies, but this movie is related to you, specifically the two of you. Considering the political influence and the feelings of people all over the world, we dare not do it casually. If you fabricate the facts, you will be very passive."

   "You mean about viruses?" An Feng understood.

  Roger nodded: "Yes, this is a popular subject, and the U.S. government is very supportive of companies that want to shoot this content, clarify the facts."

  An Feng laughed. The United States is also a gun party. Their original intention is to resolve the crisis as soon as possible, but because of the sharp confrontation with Joanna, the people who have lost their loved ones will unconsciously blame the US government. Without their messing around, there would be no such consequences.

  Although the virus will mutate sooner or later, it’s already yellow mud falling into the crotch—it’s either **** or shit!

Roger smiled: "Regardless of the attitude of the US government, I think the subject matter is great. There are countless film companies who want to shoot, but the biggest difficulty is not the funds or the actors, but you! The outside world knows too little about you, I think There is a risk of being scolded if you make up fiction."

  Not to mention An Feng's low-key, although Joanna occasionally shows up, but only in public places, and not many people can really get in touch with the life of this couple. Those who can be contacted will not disclose it to the outside world. The rich pay special attention to privacy, and there is no way you want to know.

   "Your specific plan?" An Feng was also interested, but political influence had to be considered.

Roger said: "We plan to invite a gold-medal screenwriter to get in touch with your daily life, your personality habits, and some major decisions during the disaster. Let's treat it as a one-day interview, and let the screenwriter feel your truth by the side. Live, get inspired."

"Don't worry, we will resolutely put an end to those that involve privacy and may have adverse effects, and ensure that you show the most sound positive image. For details, you can also refer to the opinions of the two of you. We just want to restore your lives, and then carry out artistic treatment."

  An Feng said: "I have to discuss it with Joanna and see what she thinks."

   "I'll wait for your good news." Roger said.

An Feng told Joanna about the matter. She also considered making a movie. According to the shooting and release time of the movie, it must be after she is crowned. At that time, she will be the monarch of a country. If there is a problem with the character image , will have adverse effects.

   But also considering that even if they disagree, there will definitely be other companies filming in the future. After all, this matter is not their patent, and the film company is free to use other than the real name. It’s okay if the filming is good, but if the filming is bad, there will be some impact.

Joanna finally said: "Let them shoot. Don't you also have shares in the film company? Just be an example of this kind of subject, show our lives, let the audience form preconceived thinking, and then release some information about our interviews. It's almost true."

   "I've learned a lot these days!" An Feng said.

  Joanna said: "This is a necessary quality, even if you don't need it, you have to master it."

   "You will be a successful queen." An Feng said, "Then I will find a time to talk to Roger and arrange for us to have free days."


  Angel Films, invested by An Feng and Luo Jie, is close to the water.

Because of Roger's relationship, the Ans and his wife agreed to the interview. Terry, the gold medal screenwriter who has become famous in Hollywood in recent years, is in charge of this aspect, but the schedule was not arranged immediately—the film company uncharacteristically selected the characters first, because the producer hoped It is possible to arrange for the male and female protagonists and the screenwriter to get in touch with this legendary couple at the same time, so as to form a more intuitive feeling and grasp the character well.

  Angel Pictures then shook out the news.

  The entertainment industry is naturally paying close attention to it. Being able to personally contact the two core people in the virus crisis and understand their lives is simply a step ahead of others. No matter how fictitious others are, it is not as good as knowing it personally. Colleagues are almost full of jealousy.

  The top eight companies won the top spot... People can only feel that the backstage of Angel Pictures is not as strong as usual.

  Casting activities are in full swing, and both Roger and the director are personally involved. Roger must check it out, because only he is familiar with male and female roles.

  The male character is naturally Chinese. The difficulty of An Feng's role is in image and temperament. The complex identities of a baroness husband, a successful entrepreneur and a genius have to be played out. There are also body requirements. An Feng loves sports and has a very standard body shape, which is not bad compared to white people.

  It took a lot of effort to select the male role. They had to find a male actor who fit the image very well among Chinese Americans, and they had to have height, figure and temperament. In fact, a white actor is more qualified, but the whole world knows that An Feng is of yellow race. If you insist on a white actor, you will definitely be sprayed to death.

  The female character is also a headache. Roger specified that she should be around 1.75 meters tall. There are many models, but they should not be too thin. Joanna is not a dry figure, her body proportions are appropriate. What is more difficult than the body requirements is temperament - who can imitate the queen's momentum?

  Even though she wasn't a queen at that time, she was still a noblewoman, and her temperament was the key!

  This killed a lot of brain cells.

   After filtering the well-known actors, few are qualified, those with temperament have no figure, and those with suitable figure have no temperament... After choosing and choosing, none of them match. They continued to expand the scope. The male lead went to China to choose, and the female lead considered a British actor, who had to speak an aristocratic accent.

  The definition is a drama disaster movie, with an investment budget of about 300 million U.S. dollars—the burnt money of two rich men is indispensable. Considering the market, it is also worth it.

  First of all, Joanna's fans claim to have 500 million fans in the world. Needless to say, this kind of concept? Second, the Anns, what does it mean that four billion people in the world have heard of them, three billion people know what they do, and two billion people praise them? Terrible market!

Coupled with the fact that people are just recovering from the pain of the disaster, positive films are sure to be popular-the last is the news that the film crew and actors had the honor to talk to the Queen and her husband in person before filming, and had contact with their daily lives . Authenticity is guaranteed virtually.

  Together, the investment of 300 million U.S. dollars is worthwhile compared to movies that are expected to become popular through fan effects in the future.

   This is why other colleagues are jealous and jealous.

   Filming has not yet started, but there are movies that are concerned all over the world, and roles are being selected all over the world, and finally there are eyebrows.

  The male character is recommended by the partner, which is a film company in mainland China—the filming is entirely in charge of Angel Pictures, and they have a gold medal team. The mainland film companies are only responsible for the dubbing and trivial work after the introduction of the mainland, and enjoy a certain share of the Chinese box office.

  Chinese people must be more familiar with their own people. After thousands of choices, they found a 32-year-old actor, 1.82 meters, who loves fitness, and his body shape is similar to An Feng. But temperament needs to be specially trained. Although His Royal Highness is not from aristocratic background, but he has been with his wife for more than ten years, coupled with his excellent learning ability, and has been in the upper class for a long time, he still has an aura.

As for the female role, I finally chose a British actress who has appeared in many movies. She used to study in a private public school. Naturally, she spoke with an aristocratic accent and received an upper-class education. If you're blonde, it's pretty similar.

  After some searching, the male and female roles were finally finalized.

  (end of this chapter)