MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 448 two surprises

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  Chapter 448 Two Surprises

   Wrapping up local affairs, they head to California mid-month.

Both children had to go to school. Because Fred was too smart, the family was no longer suitable for him. He was arranged to attend a small class in the school and let the teacher give him proper enlightenment education. In terms of knowledge, parents can only teach him. But his high IQ cannot be wasted.

  After the two children settled down, the busy work continued.

Leaving Sardinia, she got rid of the aura of the royal family, but she couldn't relax in the United States. Etiquette and language need to be strengthened. Joanna is working with Brandon and two professionals he hired, two professionals who have served the royal family, to optimize A whole new set of monarch specs.

As a young man, Joanna is a bit similar to An Feng. She believes that proper behavior is necessary, but she doesn't like cumbersomeness. At present, they are constantly streamlining the British royal family's set, while at the same time showing good qualities... This aspect is Rather nerve-wracking.

For the language problem, the family invited an Italian tutor. In private occasions, Joanna and An Feng use Italian to talk, and they have to be careful not to let the two children learn it. At present, they are learning two languages ​​first, and they will wait until they master the language. After finishing, consider the third type, otherwise it will be chaotic.

   Being busy until mid-February, An Feng found time to receive a few friends.

  Matthew looked at his tired face, and smiled easily: "It seems that the duke is not easy to be, does it mean that Her Majesty the Queen has various arrangements around the clock?"

  An Feng sighed: "Just walking and sitting are very particular."

  Matthew said: "Listen to you, I know it's not easy, but I bring you some easy news, our investment has been successful."

   "Oh?" An Feng looked up at him.

   "You don't know anything about it, do you?" Matthew wondered.

   "Even on New Year's Eve, I was still helping her back the manuscript, what do you think?" An Feng smiled bitterly. He really didn't have time to care about other things during this time.

"There will always be an easy day." Matthew comforted him, "Just to tell you, our investment is very stable, and we have bought some European companies at the bottom, and the funds have infiltrated a large area, and at the same time, there are more funds pouring into us. Partners. At the moment we are European creditors.”

   "That's great!" An Feng nodded, "What about the situation in other regions?"

"Now the United States is having a headache. The giant's little cold is coming again. The dollar is depreciating. Because of the warning of the last subprime mortgage crisis, people are very careful to protect their wallets. Those who have money simply exchange foreign currency. In order to prevent depreciation, A lot of people are thinking about selling real estate.”

"We have also grasped the laws of other regions. North America, Europe and Asia, these three have relatively good economies, and they can all obtain a part of us from the assets that have been silently evaporated. But it needs to be full Digest, it takes a while to get to your hands."

"This is the best news I've ever heard." An Feng smiled. The consortium's plan at the beginning was to grasp the laws of the economy and use various methods to play tricks. Now that Matthew is relaxed and comfortable, and he still has time to smoke a cigar, the profit is sure. Very substantial. They ended up being big winners too.

"The president of the United States has changed, but the Democratic Party is still in power. It doesn't matter anymore. The Texas consortium has suffered heavy losses. A large amount of assets are held by foreign companies. It is no longer a super consortium. It fell to the end. The shares of GP, Bida and Superconductor are all There is not much left, isn't this the result they want?"

  An Feng nodded: "This trick is well played, and in the end everything has nothing to do with it."

Matthew continued: "We put part of our focus on offshore companies. Many people are optimistic about your business model at the height of the country. This kind of unconventional way is a clever way to covertly protect assets. At present, many people are waiting. Her Majesty's new passport."

   "Naturalization?" An Feng asked.

"Didn't Mancini say that? Dual citizenship will not be discussed for the time being, but keep the default. The country will implement tax incentives for a period of time. In our business model, it is good to take advantage of low tax rates. If your kingdom is strong enough, we will all To be under your protection."

An Feng is right when he thinks about it. The consortium plays such a big game and uses the decline to become invisible. It cannot continue to stay in the United States. Although it will always be the center of gravity, the consortium has multiple centers of gravity, pushing the core members to the top of the pyramid and expanding the middle layer. And the underlying scale, targeting the whole world.

  As for Sardinia, to some extent, it is a country controlled by the royal family—that is, the core of the consortium. As long as it has a little strength in the international arena, it will be safe to protect the absolute interests of their small group of people for decades. Every step here has elements of gambling luck.

  Matthew said: "So you are a key point here."

  An Feng jokingly said: "Welcome! If you contribute to the national economy, I propose to knight you."

   "Extremely happy!" Matthew smiled, "How much do you need to donate?"

   "The royal family respects the honor of a few people, attracting more people to compete and be proud..."

   "I see." Matthew nodded, "You profiteer!"


  The consortium's venture was successful.

  Although they are the masterminds behind this "giant cold", all ghosts and snakes must be fed. The hundreds of billions of funds invested by Anfeng will also get sufficient returns within a few years. Thinking about it now, I'm still a little excited.

   It's all about lack of money. The royal family is heavily in debt now.

He found time to look through economic newspapers. The "Wall Street Journal" said that the U.S. economy is not doing well recently. Due to the chaos caused by the disease and the panic caused by investors, the capital of some giant U.S. companies is outflowing, and tax inversion Any illegal behavior will be investigated and dealt with.

But it can't save the behind-the-scenes giants from transferring trillions of output value enterprises. Once the false prosperity on the surface is revealed, everyone is scared to pee, the stock market plummets, and the short-selling capitalists laugh until their stomachs cramp. Those tricks, the Fed is going to kill them.

  Americans now have to tighten their belts to live, just like the last crisis, this is only the patent of the poor and the middle class. How the rich lived in the past and how they live now has little impact on them. But among the top few people, it is another scene.

This financial war is mainly concentrated between high-level economies and the super rich. It is equivalent to a reshuffle launched by the Texas consortium. Many old consortiums have stumbled on it. Down, and ultimately shrink.

   This big reshuffle broke through the routine and reduced the wool of the big capitalists. It is really rare, but the sword has really won the victory. It must be admitted that the younger group is courageous and dares to work hard. If you change to a group of older guys, it is estimated that they do not have the courage to bet all their wealth.

  An Feng has no time to pity these capitalists. He is very busy, so it is good to know that he has won.


  An Feng put all his energy into moving.

The former is the relocation of the company, and now the scope is narrowed down. He wants to transfer his own assets to Sardinia, and he plans to build a racecourse there—Joanna has a special liking for equestrianism, and the local area also has a good atmosphere. Racetracks are necessary.

  He also intends to build a racetrack in Cagliari. Although in his future capacity, he will try to minimize the performance of this crazy high-speed game in front of the public, but occasionally try to adjust his life. Regarding the matter of the car museum, he was hesitant to send it over.

It’s not that they won’t come and go again after living in Sardinia for a long time. With their temperament and convenient air transportation, Sardinia is not a big place, so they definitely need a change of taste... After thinking twice, he left the car museum Under the name of one of their own companies, together with the racing track.

   It is not impossible to own foreign assets in the name of private individuals, but it is inappropriate. An Feng asked his assistant to set up several management companies, fully controlling them with his offshore account, and the other end is in Sardinia, which is owned by the royal family. It not only guarantees privacy, but also does not generate complicated tax issues.

  He has many private companies in the United States, which have gradually become controlled by overseas companies. At the same time, some assets have been transferred, such as real estate in San Francisco, and yachts have been pulled to Santa Barbara. And Santa Barbara, this valuable manor, continues to be kept under the name, and may be used in the future.

  Processing assets took a lot of time. Until early March, Starry Sky Exploration Company called him.

  Informed him that the Boeing 747 custom-made more than two years ago was basically completed, and the adjustment of the interior decoration and the exterior painting were still missing. After An Feng learned about the situation, he took his assistants to Nevada and saw this high-tech big guy at the company headquarters.

   The exterior has not been painted yet, and it looks like an ugly duckling with spots.

Anfeng’s painting plan has been produced before coming here. The upper part of the fuselage is white, and the lower part is light blue. In the selection of the letter painting, considering the issue of identity, both sides of the fuselage are written in black letters in English and Italian. Queen Anna" with the national flag painted on the tail.

  The plane caught up with the good times and turned into the queen's plane.

  Continue to explain the idea, and the technician hurried to the assistant.

   Then there is the internal link, stepping on the passenger ladder car and entering the interior of the aircraft. The project director of the company is introducing the hardware configuration of the aircraft. It uses advanced avionics systems, a large number of liquid crystal displays, active radar and passive warning radar, as well as missile jamming system and satellite communication equipment.

With the development of science and technology, various kinetic energy and laser weapons have appeared in various countries. The head of state special plane must be equipped with an EMP system that interferes with kinetic energy weapons or missiles, and it must also have an outer layer that can absorb laser energy. The simple thing is high temperature resistance, which is not easy. deformed.

  Graphene is obvious, this thing is the favorite of aerospace aircraft.

A large number of expensive graphene materials are used in the outer layer of the special plane. The cost of this layer alone exceeds 200 million US dollars. If it is sold, it is impossible without 300 million. The turbofan engine has a maximum range of 16,000 kilometers, and the flight between continents will never trouble VIPs again. In the four-shot state, its speed can reach 1080 kilometers.

  The maximum cruising speed is maintained at 1020 kilometers per hour, which could have been higher, but considering the noise and comfort issues, it did not achieve the 1100 kilometers expected by Anfeng. He didn't mind, he was already satisfied when he saw the interior decoration comparable to a luxurious palace.

The luxury and luxury of Boeing 747-VIP can definitely surpass that of many top mansions. Its usable area is about 4,700 square feet (436 square meters). Pleasant equipment such as spiral staircases, vaulted ceilings, wall-mounted TVs, and wooden floors can Say yes to everything.

  The plane is divided into two floors, the first floor is naturally the most spacious, living room, conference hall, dining room, leisure film and television area, bar, entertainment area... built according to the highest specifications. In order to achieve the effect of not interfering with each other, the film and television area and the bar are closed, and the internal corridor passes through the door.

  An Feng entered the independent area to have a look. The design styles are different. The lighting in the film and television area is relatively dark. It has a 52-inch graphene display screen and a top-level sound system around it. The bar is another atmosphere, semi-open, with grotesque colors.

  The overall style is novel and fashionable, the public areas are brightly lit, and warm colors are used extensively, white and beige coexist, making you feel like you are in a casual restaurant with bright sunshine and spacious space, which makes you feel very relaxed. According to reports, the first floor can accommodate up to ninety people.

  An Feng returned to the front of the plane. In front of him was a spiral staircase. Stepping on the valuable crystal staircase, he stepped up step by step, giving people a great sense of respect.

   Come to the second floor, here is the main area.

  It is mainly divided into three areas. The front is the living room and small meeting room, and the middle is the living room. You can put some books and TV, and you can also put some drinks and alcohol in the refrigerator. Through the living room, the innermost is the bedroom. The bedroom is about 20 square meters, the same as the deluxe room in the hotel, with a comfortable big bed, a table and three leisure chairs around it, and a TV set on the wall on the other side.

The activity space in the bedroom is not small. Further inside the bedroom, there is a bathroom that is not easy to find. It is a bathroom that combines toilet and bathing. It is designed with a sky blue background. There is a huge vanity mirror and two sinks. Usually the door is closed. , and the same color as the wall.

  From the beginning to the end, from the first floor to the second floor, An Feng only had the word "satisfaction".

  The large plane can be modified enough, he turned on his mobile phone to video with Joanna, and shared this luxurious plane with her as soon as possible. She followed An Feng's vision through the high-definition camera and was full of praise. With their many private jets, this guy can still surprise.

  The price of surprise is money—from the purchase of the aircraft to the refitting, and the completion of the project, it has already cost 610 million U.S. dollars, and the post-production cost is about 620 million. It is the absolute top luxury in the air. We must know that the current fifth-generation aircraft of the US military has fallen below 100 million US dollars, and the sixth-generation aircraft is only in the early 200 million.

  Get off the plane when you are satisfied, discuss the interior decoration with the designer, add appropriate embellishments, and then confirm the painting of the aircraft's shape. After the completion of the project, several test flights will be carried out, and professional pilots will control the passenger plane to perform several difficult maneuvers, and finally it will be delivered.

  (end of this chapter)