MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 68 manor guest

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  Chapter 68 The manor as a guest

  An Feng called John and his lawyer in California and asked them to come. People can be lazy, but signing a contract should not be hasty. In addition, he also contacted Song Wenrui in California, and the name of the company has been selected. It is called "GP", which is the abbreviation of graphene, which is simple and clear.

  The next step is to wait for the lawyer, but before that, An Feng was invited by Mrs. Sinclair to visit her farm in Medina County.

  They set off on a private business jet, which was luxurious and comfortable. Unfortunately, the flight time was too short, and Anfeng started to land before he could experience it well. Austin is less than two hundred kilometers away from Medina County, which is closer to San Antonio and is a wealthy place.

  After the plane landed smoothly, the cabin door was opened, and after getting off the plane, three Land Rover SUVs parked aside, big men in black were waiting for the arrival of the guests. Without even leaving the airport, Mrs. Sinclair and her assistant got into the front car, An Feng and Katilina took the rear Range Rover, and the convoy drove to the farm.

As soon as you leave the city, the surrounding area immediately turns into a large rural area, with buildings and pedestrians all disappearing. Except for the straight road, there are green fields on both sides. You can’t see a single family in the past. Occasionally, there are a few bold wild deer crossing the road. Cross the road and don't care about the traffic.

  An Feng is used to the bold wild animals in the United States. To be honest, this place is not bad, with green mountains and green waters, well-developed transportation, and close to big cities. Former US President George W. Bush is also from Texas. He lives on a very ordinary farm in the middle of the country, surrounded by a desolate town.

  So these farms may look ordinary, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the owner has a lot of background. Of course, Mrs. Sinclair's farm is not as desolate as the former president's. The air here is fresh, the fields are vast, and rows of trees are planted around the river, creating a beautiful pastoral scenery.

The vehicle drove into the concrete road paved by the farm, and it took five minutes to see the house. An Feng looked out the window, and he was sure Mrs. Sinclair was being modest in calling this a farm... After passing through dense woods and stone bridges, the front of his eyes Suddenly, there is a flat and open green space, a large artificially dug lake, a few swans wandering leisurely on the calm lake, and a wide corridor leading to a magnificent Baroque building.

  Look at the scenery, it would be more appropriate to call it a manor. They sold the farm just for fun. Do billionaires need to farm?

Two cars bypassed the fountain and stopped in front of the door. Uniformly dressed servants stood in a row. One of them was a housekeeper in his sixties who was dressed in a suit and stood facing the door. The car stopped, and he stepped forward to pull it away. Car door, Mrs. Sinclair, please get out of the car. An Feng's side is also treated the same way.

The butler in the tuxedo was expressionless, and his movements were standard and elegant. With an authentic Oxford accent, he commanded skillfully and methodically. Not to mention Mrs. Sinclair's noble background, even an ordinary rich man would be influenced by it. Create an illusion of "three generations of nobles".

  An Feng got off the car, walked into the house, praised her farm, and was taken back to the guest room by the servants. A man and a woman seemed to help them change their clothes.

  An Feng refused: "Thank you, but you should wait outside."

  The two servants withdrew, and Katilina asked with a smile: "Mr. An, don't you enjoy the treatment of a nobleman?"

   "It always feels weird to let a man touch my body." An Feng said.

   "What about me?" Katilina rushed over.

   "Hahaha, don't mess around, the old lady is still waiting for us!" An Feng hugged her around a few times, and of course kissed and touched her a few times.

   After combing, they went downstairs. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Sinclair invited them to the backyard for afternoon tea. An Feng is very adaptable to this habit. After all, the lifestyle of the old aristocrat has many similarities with Joanna, including some old-fashioned attitudes towards life.

Drinking tea and eating biscuits with Mrs. Sinclair, Katilina originally thought it was fun, but after sitting for half an hour, she just smiled and listened to An Feng and the old lady chatting about some irrelevant things Things, such as raising a dog, raising a horse, etc., the eyelids frequently fight.

   But Mrs. Sinclair is very understanding, she kindly said to Catalina: "Miss Gomez, are you tired? Do you want to take a rest?"

  The housekeeper heard her, looked at her, and was ready to help at any time.

  Catilina smiled shyly, and she said: "One thing, I think I should feel more refreshed when I walk."

  Mrs. Sinclair smiled: "Please feel free to treat this as your own home."

   Butler: "Miss Gomez, do you need a maid to accompany you?"

   "Thank you, I'm used to being alone." Katilina said goodbye politely, and after a while, she was found driving a lawn mower in the distance, running around energetically.

  An Feng shook his head and smiled.

  Ms. Sinclair had a kind smile on her face: "Miss Gomez is lively and straightforward. Like my little granddaughter, she can sit with me for half an hour at most."

  An Feng asked: "How old is your granddaughter?"

  She said: "She is seventeen years old this year. I haven't seen her for a long time. She lives in New York with her parents. Her personality is not as stable as yours. It doesn't bother her to chat with me for so long."

  An Feng said with a smile: "Actually, I'm usually quite impatient, but I like this style. I drink tea in a daze and don't think about anything."

   Mrs. Sinclair agrees: "It's a good life."

Chatting with the old lady is actually quite boring, but maybe it’s been a long time since I found someone who can listen and share common interests. She is very talkative. From her mouth, I heard that she lives alone in this farm, and her children occasionally come over for a visit. A trip, but will leave in a hurry soon, the days are mostly calm and monotonous.

  Compared to his homeland, An Feng still finds that the old men and women there live a happy life, such as performing Yangko in a team, dancing the evil square dance, and so on. It is much more fun than Mrs. Sinclair living alone in such a big empty house. It seems that money does not necessarily buy happiness, nor can it drive away loneliness.

  But you can’t buy anything without money, An Feng is sure. The lawyer arrived the next day, and all he needed was the signing procedure, so he stayed in the manor for two more days. Mrs. Sinclair does not ride horses, but she has several fine horses, one of which was once a champion horse, a British purebred, tall and mighty.

  An Feng rode with itchy hands. The hot-blooded horse has a bad temper and resists strangers, but his riding skills played a role. It took a while to tame this temperamental purebred. Wearing a full set of English equestrian equipment, he rode it galloping on the horse field in a heroic manner , received a lot of praise.

  Afterwards, I learned that this thoroughbred horse was raised by her husband before his death. It is worth millions. The hot-blooded horse has a bad temper, and there are very few people who can tame it. Usually, it is her child who rides it for a few laps. Afterwards, An Feng felt that it was presumptuous to mount such an important horse casually, but she didn't mind.

  I don't know if other guests can adapt to this kind of life in the countryside. An Feng feels that he is still very comfortable. Apart from those complicated etiquettes, maybe Joanna can handle the scene better. However, the butler was considerate and helped the guests to improve these deficiencies.

  An Feng's feeling is that this old butler can almost take care of your thoughts, allowing the host and guests to just enjoy themselves without any worries.

  In addition, after a few days of getting along, An Feng felt that Mrs. Sinclair was very cheerful and had an optimistic attitude towards life, because An Feng found out that she was taking anticancer drugs.

   What exactly is related to privacy, An Feng didn't ask.

  An Feng silently blesses the old lady who is very close to him, cancer... I hope she can survive until the day when the research center produces results. An Feng glanced at her old face, there must be exhaustion and pain hidden behind it... He shook hands with her: "Thank you for your care these past few days, I feel very comfortable!"

   Mrs. Sinclair said: "I will continue to be a guest when you have time. I welcome it."

  An Feng said: "The next time you have a chance, bring my friend Joanna over here, she will definitely hit it off with you."

   "I welcome her very much." Mrs. Sinclair smiled.

  Joanna mentioned it by accident the day before yesterday. I didn’t expect Mrs. Sinclair to be very familiar with the surname "Stanwell". After careful questioning, Joanna may be a distant relative of her! The old lady has been in the United States for decades, and she often went back when she was young. When she is old, she cannot travel long distances, but she is very nostalgic.

  An Feng and Katilina said goodbye, and flew to Austin by special plane. After getting off the plane, I met my assistant and lawyer, and then everyone signed a contract with the new company. Mrs. Sinclair did not come, but she sent a representative. After the contract is signed, all that remains is to wait for the registration of the GP company and its subsequent operations.

  However, it has little to do with An Feng. The only thing he needs to do now is to prepare technology and recruit talents. The goal is to strive for results next year and mass production within three years. This is related to the market share of 100 billion, and it is only the microcomputer chip. Bigger cakes await.

  (end of this chapter)