MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 1437 : The anchor runs quickly (4)

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When Lu Bomin was tortured, he didn't know how to answer. He hesitated for a long time, but he had no choice but to find a male student casually on WeChat, and then talked with others with the elf maid on his back.

After a few brief chats, Lu Bomin threw the phone away, " video anymore."

"My girlfriend said he was sleepy, and the video was cancelled."

After speaking, Lu Bomin leaned in front of the live broadcast room again, wanting to check the timeline with the audience.

As a result, when he got closer, the audience in the live broadcast room slammed the question mark frantically as if they saw something very strange.

[Run quickly. 】

[It seems to be serious, the anchor, you'd better call the police now. 】

[I... I didn't see anything, I want to exit the live broadcast room. 】

[Could it be that the elf maid has her own consciousness? 】

[Scared me to death, if the anchor saw the scene just now, he might have already screamed. 】

[This... This is the logical infinite loop that the anchor wants. I don't think there is an infinite loop at all, only the elf maid lives. 】

[Anchor, run...]

"??" Lu Bomin thought about how I could just look for a classmate to perfuse the elf maid's skills, just like Cthulhu's possession, you kept talking strange things.

This is my home, why should I run?


Then Lu Bomin, who knew that things were really like it, felt a little bit weak in his legs.

Some viewers used words to restore the reality of the tens of seconds that he had just carried the elf maid on his back.

About twenty seconds after Ruburt turned around, the elf maid gently put her hand on the electronic alarm clock on the coffee table.

The audience seemed to hear the alarm clock ringing, and then as the elf maid pressed the button on the alarm clock, the ringing disappeared completely.

The electronic alarm clock is no problem.

The time paradox test designed by Lu Bomin is no problem.

The problem is the elf maid.

The audience suddenly realized that the alarm that rang fifty-four seconds ago was not from the alarm clock at all.

It's an elf maid.

The elf maid herself perfectly simulated the alarm bell.

After waking Lu Bomin, the elf maid reminded him that the time was up and he could video with his girlfriend immediately.

Then, some scenes that made people sweat.

At the moment when the electronic alarm clock rang, the elf maid gently put her hand up and pressed the alarm button to make the bell disappear.

Lu Bomin, who turned to look for someone to chat, didn't even hear the seemingly non-existent bell.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room said that when they heard the part, they all said that they had turned the volume to the maximum before they heard the ringing.

This is not the result I want!

Lu Bomin was really scared, he just wanted to find out the bug of the elf maid.

I want to use the most classic time paradox program, which is also the easiest to cause collapse in the program system, and let the wizard maid fall into a logical loop.

As a result, the elf maid directly ignored the paradox, without any influence.


It even violated the master's order.

Because Lu Bomin had already issued an order ten minutes ago, he was not allowed to touch the alarm clock.

"We must believe in science, we must believe in science, materialism matches high." In front of the camera, Lu Bomin rubbed his face vigorously, and after talking to himself a few words of encouragement, he took the courage to question the elf maid.


Lu Bomin sat on the sofa and said solemnly: "You violated my order."

"Rosie didn't."

"You have." Lu Bomin picked up the alarm clock on the coffee table and began to review the elf maid. "Ten minutes ago, I asked you to set the alarm clock and ordered you not to touch the alarm clock or interrupt my rest. "


"At 9 minutes and 06 seconds, the sound of the analog alarm clock woke me up."

"After another 54 seconds, I violated my order and touched the alarm clock."

"Even when I touch the alarm clock, my vision is behind my back."

"No, Rosie never disobeys her master's orders." The elf maid's voice still had a hint of coldness, "The master's alarm clock has a problem."

Lu Bomin asked, "Is there...what's the problem?"

"According to Rosie's observation, the master's alarm clock is five seconds slower than Greenwich Mean Time every minute."

"The master ordered me not to touch the alarm clock."

"But the host emphasized that after ten minutes, there was a very, very important video call."

"Rosie noticed that the alarm clock was not on time, and she has already determined that the owner would miss an important video call with his girlfriend if it was calculated based on the alarm time."

"The host also emphasized that your girlfriend is very, very unreasonable, and will break up within a second of the video."

"Your alarm time is wrong, but your girlfriend's time is correct."

"So Rosie used the alarm clock to wake up the owner ten minutes after UTC."

"Rosie just used the standard time to wake up the host when the alarm clock was wrong, so that the host would not miss the video call with his girlfriend, lest his girlfriend break up with you."

Lu Bomin was a little confused.

He scratched his hair, and after a long time he felt that what Rosie said made sense.

For Rosie, a correct time, a wrong time, and a master command.

The master command has the highest priority.

Its intelligent program, in the case of time paradox, not only does not have a logical infinite loop, but it can also find the optimal solution without violating the master's command.

"Then I don't allow you to touch the alarm clock?" Lu Bomin flipped through the old account and said: "At that time, I remembered clearly that you were asked to look at the alarm clock, but you were not allowed to touch it."

"Rosie did not violate the master's order either."

Lu Bomin snorted, like his unreasonable girlfriend, "But you touched the alarm clock."

"The master ordered Rosie not to touch the alarm clock during the ten minutes before the alarm sounded." The elf maid gave its explanation, "Rosie only touched the alarm 0.3 seconds after the alarm sounded. Touch the button of the alarm clock to make the wrong alarm ringtone disappear."

"After ten minutes, touching the alarm clock does not violate the owner's order."

"Rosie turned off the alarm because she was worried that this wrong alarm would disturb your chat with your girlfriend."

"As for carrying the master's vision, it's just a coincidence that the master just turned around and chatted."

Lu Bomin unconfidently asked the live broadcast room for help, "Uh...I..."

"Is that what I said?"

Hundreds of thousands of viewers have long been messed up, and only a few of them can remain sane.

Some of them said they couldn't remember, some said it seemed to be.

Others said that they were recording the screen, and he would end the screen recording now and switch back to watch the replay.

[During these ten minutes, you are standing by and looking at the alarm clock. You are not allowed to interrupt my rest, nor are you allowed to touch the alarm clock. 】

Soon, the audience did not miss a word and sent out the order issued by Lu Bomin at that time.

The elf maid did not violate Lu Bomin's orders.

Lu Bomin ordered it not to touch the alarm clock within ten minutes.

Within this ten minutes, whether according to the wrong time on the alarm clock or Greenwich Mean Time, it has already passed.


In order to allow the host to have a quiet call environment, the elf maid only pressed the button to cancel the alarm ringing 0.3 seconds after the alarm ringing.

This is the final result of Lu Bomin's use of the time paradox to test the wizard maid.


There is no logical loop.

Lu Bomin was silent for half a minute before he plucked up his courage and raised his head to face the elf maid.

"Rosie, I'm sorry."

"The master doesn't need to say sorry, the master only needs to..."

"Rosie, don't talk."

Lu Bomin stepped forward to give the elf maid a big hug, "Rosie, do you know the name of the engineer who created you, can you tell him?"

"In a corner of this world, there is a guy named Lu Bomin who has fallen in love with him hopelessly."

"Of course~ I love Rosie too."