MTL - Monster Factory-v2 Chapter 1456 : Gather at once (two in one)

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The resident population of Star City exceeds 10 million. It is an important economic city in central China, and it is also a transportation and logistics hub city in the central region.

In the entire China, there are only 17 cities with populations exceeding 10 million, and most of them are concentrated in coastal areas.

The star city in the central part is one of the few non-coastal cities, which shows its importance.

Star City is also the capital city of Shonan Province, with a permanent population of 70 million in the entire Shonan Province.

Therefore, the branch established by Behemoth in Shonan Province is a large branch second only to several coastal provinces.

The branch here is responsible for the management of 14 municipal after-sales and maintenance sites in Shonan Province, 86 county-level maintenance sites, and hundreds of lightning car service stations of various sizes.

Behemoth Industry has nearly 4,000 formal employees in Shonan Province, of which more than 900 are Skynet Aviation employees.

There are 3,000 employees under the direct management of the Shonan branch, of which more than 500 employees work in the branch.

The whereabouts of the investigation team are highly confidential, and currently only Xie Liyang, the person in charge of Tianhang Aviation Airport, knows.

Twelve black lightning vehicles with Zhongyun license plates were racing on the highway. When the convoy entered the highway around the city, almost all passing vehicles paid attention to the convoy.

Because these lightning cars are all extended wheelbase versions, the wheelbase of the middle one seems to be longer, even the front windshield is black, and no details can be seen inside.

The unified field number plate and the neat team made these swift cars incompatible with the slightly messy traffic around them.

Half an hour later, the investigation team entered the main road of the Star City High-tech Industry Demonstration Park where the Behemoth Industrial Division is located.

The Star City branch of Giant Animal Industry covers an area of ​​more than two hundred acres. The construction facilities include a comprehensive office building, an automatic warehouse logistics transfer center, a comprehensive product recycling and processing workshop, a maintenance workshop, and a cloud computing service center.

There is peace in the branch, and there is no prelude to the impending wind and rain.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiang Yongjiang, general manager of the southern Hunan branch of Behemoth, was in the office discussing the promotion plan of foreign engineers with several department heads.

Strictly speaking, foreign engineers are the complete version of the behemoth industrial intelligent robot products.

The wizard maid can do the job, and the foreign engineer can do the same.

But the other way round, the elf maid can't do it.

The foreign engineer priced 600,000 yuan, five times the price of the wizard maid.

The most important reason for the five times the price is the manufacturing cost. Foreign engineers are robots specially introduced for industrial use.

It not only has a thicker and stronger sealed shell than the wizard maid, and stronger joint torque.

Its execution accuracy is also much higher than that of the wizard maid.

To give a simple example, for example, when people are drawing geometric figures, if they don't use drawing tools, ordinary people will draw crooked shapes whether they draw circles or triangles.

This crookedness is the geometric tolerance, and human body movements are controlled by muscles and joints.

Muscles and joints can be coupled without any precision gears, and naturally there is no such thing as precision.

It is the brain that controls the accuracy of the human hand, and it is the muscle memory developed through long-term practice.

Engineers who often draw pictures, or mathematics teachers, when drawing a ten-centimeter straight line, the straightness error may be reduced to less than one millimeter.

But if the wizard maid draws, the bionic muscles can be controlled by extremely accurate electrical signals to reduce the straightness error to 0.1 mm.

If a foreign engineer draws this line, the straightness error can be reduced to 0.03 mm.

That is, the accuracy is 30 microns.

To know the processing accuracy of ordinary machine tools, usually only 10 microns, that is, 1 wire.

For processing with high precision requirements, the use of a machining center can reduce the precision to 1 micron or even smaller.

But these are not universal, extremely precise, and too wasteful of processing time.

In most factories, the machining accuracy is 10 microns.

Therefore, the operation and assembly accuracy of foreign engineers is comparable to ordinary machine tools.

This is just its operating accuracy, foreign engineers in order to adapt to the complexity and diversity of the industrial environment.

In addition to the significant improvement in accuracy, housing, and torque, it also has a more complex expansion interface.

It can operate almost all industrial tools that workers can operate, and can assemble a wide range of supporting modular industrial instruments.

Even under the arms of foreign engineers, there are still two additional extended arm interfaces.

As long as you are willing to spend money to upgrade, you can completely upgrade a foreign engineer into a science fiction mechanical monster with four arms, covered with various lasers, sound waves, and other industrial instruments.

Now the foreign engineers have also entered the mass production stage, but they are not as popular as their own traffic, and can enter the fame of thousands of elf maids.

Foreign engineers who are specially designed for industry are not well-known because of price and usage reasons.

For industrial purposes, it is not good to advertise in society.

Therefore, the promotion of foreign engineers mainly relies on the downstream industrial ecological chain of Behemoth Industry, and branches and sites all over China to promote sales in various factories.

The foreign engineers and the wizard maids share the same production line. Sixty sets of full-motion assembly platforms on the production line are running at full capacity and can produce 100,000 wizard maids a day.

If foreign engineers are produced, it is also 100,000 units.

But now that the production orders of the wizard maids have been scheduled for three months, after Ye Qing produced 50,000 foreign engineers in the first batch, he only stocked the goods with the number of foreign engineers every day.

Up to now, foreign engineers have 60,000 units in stock.

Of these 60,000 units, the Longxitan factory has 5,000 units for personal use, and more than 10,000 units have been ordered by factories in various parts of China that believe in the reputation of the giant monster industrial products to test the water.

The remaining 40,000 units have been sent to the logistics warehouses of China's various provincial branches.

"I don't need to say anything else. The current inventory of foreign engineers in our Shonan branch is 1,000 units."

"Our task is to sell all these thousand units in stock within a week."

Sitting at the small conference table in the office, Xiang Yongjiang emphasized to several department heads present: “Don’t think this task is very important. You must know that in coastal provinces, many factory engineers and bosses take the initiative. Go to the branch to investigate the product performance of foreign engineers."

"Any factory that goes to investigate the performance of a foreign engineer's product will sign an order with the provincial branch on the spot."

"Some big factories can sign an order for 50 foreign engineers at a time."

"Although our industry in Shonan Province is not as advanced as that of the coastal area, with the reputation of the giant animal industry, there will be no problems with orders for a few thousand foreign engineers, right?"

After speaking, Xiang Yongjiang looked around the department heads.

"No... problem." Several supervisors nodded one after another.

The general manager Xiang Yongjiang has always said one thing in the branch. All the supervisors below can only do everything he can to accomplish.

The order of 1,000 foreign engineers is indeed not too much, and the sales are only 600 million.

But here is the southern Hunan Province in the central region. In addition to the provincial capital star cities, only the cities of Heng, Zhu, Yue, and Germany can barely mention the level of industrial technology in the industrial technology enterprises in the province.

In the vast southern province of Hunan, only six of China’s top 500 companies are on the list.

Of these six companies, four of them are holding investment groups with complex businesses, and only two are companies that focus on industry.

These six companies are still at the bottom of the middle and lower reaches of the top 500.

Now that the foreign engineer has just come out, the reputation of its products in the industrial technology industry has not spread.

I want to digest a thousand foreign engineers in the huge Shonan province...

Can be can.

But within one week, the probability is only 40%.

This 40% is still based on the reputation of Behemoth Industry's unparalleled product in the industrial technology industry.

If the time is limited to half a month, or one month.

When the reputation of foreign engineers in coastal enterprises slowly spreads, several executives, not to mention 1,000 units, even two or three or three thousand units, are confident to sell them.

But then again, it was too late by then.

There is a competitive relationship between divisions and divisions. The poor development of divisional business can only prove the inability of the general manager to lead the division.

Now the general managers of each branch must be eager to promote foreign engineers.

"Well, in order to avoid duplication of work, the supervisors will first discuss the areas they are responsible for."

"After the regions are divided, the supervisors will lead the department personnel to be responsible for the sales work in their respective regions, and they must not cross regions."

"After a week, the supervisors will be ranked according to their performance."

"Zhang Kai, you have worked in Star City for the longest time, and you are familiar with all companies in Star City. You should be in charge of Star City."

Zhang Kai nodded in response.

After identifying the person in charge of the area of ​​the star city, the general manager Xiang Yongjiang asked the remaining supervisors to discuss which area they were responsible for.

The remaining supervisors kept complaining.

The general manager's practice of marking out the best areas first made them feel very dissatisfied.

Xiang Yongjiang's reasons for using the land are also far-fetched, saying that Zhang Kai has worked in Star City the longest.

Know that among the supervisors present, there is also a native of Star City.

But there is no way to be dissatisfied. Who would let Zhang Kai, who is in charge of the product maintenance department, be Xiang Yongjiang's confidant.

When several supervisors were discussing their respective regional cities, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Xiang Yongjiang and several supervisors turned their heads in surprise. They wanted to see who was so reckless. Don't you know that the general manager and supervisors are all meeting here?

"By... the manager."

The person here was Xiang Yongjiang's assistant, but he couldn't catch his breath: "Outside...someone is looking for you outside."

This assistant has always been known for his steadiness, and he doesn't walk hurriedly or slowly on weekdays.

At this moment, I don't know what situation is encountered. At this moment, I even said anxiously with gasping.

"Who is looking for me?"

"How did you arrange it? You didn't even have an appointment, so you ran in in a hurry?" Xiang Yongjiang got up from the chair, his assistant's abnormal expression made him feel a little hairy.

"The people at the headquarters are looking for you."

The assistant didn't care about the image anymore, and said loudly: "You go there quickly, something is wrong."

"Also... and supervisors, please immediately notify all employees of the branch to gather in the lobby."


"What's the situation, Xiao Zhang, can you tell me clearly if it's okay? If we come from the headquarters, we will take care of it. Why do you look like the sky is falling?"

"Now the employees in the department are all working, and the people from the headquarters can't be so big, let all of us gather."

"A third of my department is outside, isn't it just a nonsense?"

At this moment, the telephone in the office rang suddenly.

Xiang Yongjiang looked at the supervisor closest to the desk and motioned for him to answer the phone.

The latter stepped forward a little hesitantly, before picking up the phone, he thought about it again, and simply pressed the speakerphone.

"Hello... this is the general manager's office, may I ask you..."

From the other end of the phone came a clear and serious female voice, "In five minutes, notify all employees of the branch to assemble in the lobby."

"Are you?" The supervisor looked at the phone number. The number was very familiar. It was from the front desk.

But he was not familiar with the voice. The **** the phone had a younger and better voice than the front desk, but it sounded serious and scented.

"I'm Yun Shi, Mr. Ye's assistant."


"Ah...ah, Mr. Ye's assistant?"

The supervisor's computer crashed for a moment. When he recalled the name of Yun Shi and matched the identity of Assistant General Ye, he almost shouted out.

Twelve lightning vehicles are parked in front of the branch office building.

Ye Qing took the lead to get out of the car.

When Ye Qing led the investigation team into the glass door, the two security personnel at the door had forgotten their duties.

They were wiping their eyes and opening their mouths as far as the boss.

They recognized the unsmiling young man in front of the crowd at first glance.

Frightened, horrified, shocked, and unbelievable.

The young man in front of him was too majestic. In their hearts, he had already repeatedly branded his image many times.

"Ye...Ye Ye...General."

"Stand at attention, stand still."

When Ye Qing passed by these two security personnel, he pointed to the direction of the stairs below, and ordered: "Look at this place. Only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed."

"Yes!" The two security personnel were so excited that they stomped their feet subconsciously.

On the first floor of the comprehensive office building is a magnificent lobby. At this time, there are a dozen employees scattered in the lobby.

Some employees are planning to go out with their bags and documents, and some employees are sitting on the reception desk in the corner, waiting for customers to come.

Ye Qing's arrival made the whole hall instantly become extremely quiet, without the slightest noise.

When the dozen or so employees saw the group of people in black overalls with serious faces, they seemed to be hit by freeze magic.

They watched Ye Qing who was walking in the front without a moment's notice, with shock that could not be concealed on their faces.

Yun Shi crossed Ye Qing and took two steps. She waved to everyone who had been frozen, and said, "Please put down your work and turn off the communication equipment."

It took more than ten seconds for the more than ten employees in the hall to react one after another.

With their mouths open, they gathered here while taking out the phantom phone in their pockets, preparing to shut down.

In fact, there is no need to turn it off. They found that their mobile phones had become unserviced.

A few minutes later, an employee hurried down from the second floor.

Two minutes later, several elevators in the lobby kept jingling bells.

Every elevator opened, and more than a dozen employees wearing work clothes and hanging the nameplate of the giant animal industry hurried out.

Three minutes later.

Employees located in the warehouse logistics, comprehensive recycling workshop, maintenance workshop, and cloud computing service center began to trot into the hall in groups.

five minutes later.

Xiang Yongjiang, the supervisors and general manager in the supervisory office area on the eighth floor, came to the lobby with unspeakable nervousness.

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