MTL - Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter-Chapter 16 should leave a dead body

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  Chapter 16 should leave a whole body

  The blue velociraptors who noticed that the hunter had slowed down thought that he had exhausted too much energy, so they boldly accelerated their pace and rushed forward in two groups.

   Estimating the speed of the blue velociraptor.

  Gordon lowered the head of the sword, and when the blue velociraptor approached a distance of about three meters in front of him, he made a sharp advance and raised the big sword at the same time.

  The huge hook-shaped sword head of the Explosive Knife accurately brought the blue velociraptor into its attack range.

   "Quack quack quack quack!"

  Blue Velociraptor couldn't dodge in time, and a huge wound was cut on his chest. Amidst the sharp and tragic howl, Gordon stepped forward again, crossed his feet, twisted his waist and swung his sword.

  The horizontal slash with a huge attack range simply cut off the blue velociraptor's head and half of its body.

  The headless corpse fell heavily in a pool of blood, but its limbs were still twitching slightly.

  At the same time, the last blue velociraptor, taking advantage of the time when its companion was killed, had already approached Gordon's side.

  The bird-like beak full of sharp teeth opened to nearly ninety degrees, and it was about to bite Gordon.

  Gordon didn't panic, he turned his steps and pulled the big sword in front of him, preparing to use the explosive blade's thick steel sword as a shield to block the blow.

   However, at this moment, a small figure sprang out from behind Gordon and jumped high.

  It's pork chop!


  The sharp bone cat pick slammed into the side of the blue speed dragon fiercely under its full swing, smashing the latter's head to the side, and the bite aimed at Gordon also failed.

   "Beautifully done pork chop!"

  Gordon praised loudly without hesitation, and at the same time grasped this flaw, using the shoulder and elbow as the angle of attack, he slammed forward.

   Iron Mountain!

  The Blue Velociraptor, which was hit one after another, staggered backwards. Before it could adjust its posture, the heavy steel sword swung down again, and calm was restored on the grass field of Xixiu Letsen Hill.

   In less than a minute, the three blue velociraptors were all killed.

   "Not bad pork chop, great timing!" Gordon patted the pork chop on the head, encouraging.

  Although the latter doesn’t help, nothing will happen to him, but next time? Maybe next time, the timely rescue of the pork chop will save his life.

  Pork Chop scratched his beard shyly.

  It suddenly felt that these blue velociraptors that used to appear in its nightmares seemed nothing to be afraid of.

   "I'll strip the material first, and guard around."

   "Okay meow!"

  Gordon smiled and hung the Explosive Knife behind his back.

   I have to say that it is very convenient to have a hunting cat partner. Even if combat effectiveness is not mentioned, it is very useful just because it can share the security tasks.

  Elu has a sense of smell and hearing that far surpasses that of humans. With them standing guard, collecting materials, and stripping monster corpses, you no longer have to worry about being attacked by predators lurking nearby.

   Gordon squatted down with a smile while holding the stripping knife, and his face turned blue in the next second.

   None of the three blue velociraptor corpses are relatively complete.

   The one that he cut in half first was the worst, not to mention peeling off the leather, there were not even a few complete minions left.

  The two ends at the back are relatively better, but they are really a little bit better. He has peeled off half a piece of blue velociraptor skin from the three blue velociraptors, and it is estimated that they can only be used as scraps.

   Blue Velociraptor's scales, claws, and teeth, he collected some, but it was far from the amount he needed to build the Blue Velociraptor suit.

   "It seems that the next hunting must be more careful." Putting away the three crowns as the mission certificate, Gordon muttered, "At least, leave them a whole body."

  Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  The ten blue velociraptors required by the mission have already completed their crusade, and they can return to the village at any time to submit the mission.

   But Gordon decided to wait.

  He also needs a larger and more complete blue velociraptor skin as the main material for his new armor.

   There are already quite a few blue velociraptor skins on hand, but they are not complete enough. These dragon skins are not unusable, but I always feel that they are not so meaningful.

  Gordon even fantasized about hunting a blue velociraptor directly, and then peeling off its skin to make armor.

   But that's not realistic.

  He once asked the owner of the workshop, and the owner of the workshop replied that although the skin of the Blue Velociraptor King was stronger, it was also stiffer, and it was only suitable for making greaves.

  The improvement of defensive performance made into armor is very limited, but it will affect flexibility, and the gain outweighs the gain.

   Besides, he didn't accept the task of hunting the blue speed dragon king. Even if he successfully hunted, he would not be paid, and the risk and benefit were not proportional at all.

   "Let's go, pork chop, let's look for it again and see if we can find a bigger blue velociraptor. If we can't find it today, we will return tomorrow!"

   The pork chop that was gnawing on the grilled meat in its paws quickly stuffed the remaining meat into his mouth, "Okay meow!"

  The hunter and the cat left the camp again.

   After two days of constant hunting and fighting, they have formed a considerable degree of tacit understanding.

  If the opponent is a single Blue Velociraptor, the pork chop will attack first to attract the opponent's attention and create a flaw. Gordon is killed with a single knife to ensure the integrity of the dragon's skin.

  If there are blue velociraptors in groups, they can’t take care of so much. Gordon opens and closes, fighting freely, and pig chop helps guard his back to avoid blue velociraptors sneak attack.

   "Meow?" Pig Chop, who was following Gordon, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

  It straightened up and closed its eyes, sniffing left and right with its furry nose.

   "What's the matter with the pork chop? Did you find anything?" Gordon also stopped.

   Pork Chop has a very keen sense of smell, and has detected targets more than once with its nose in the past two days.

   "It smells like blood, it's very fresh, it's not the smell of herbivorous dragon's blood, it should be the meow of a big wild boar!" After carefully distinguishing it for a while, Pig Chop opened his eyes and said.

   "Big boar?" Gordon's eyes lit up slightly.

  Although the size is far smaller than the herbivorous dragon, the big wild boar is much more difficult to deal with than the latter.

  Lone blue velociraptors generally would not provoke these idiots with sharp fangs, while groups of blue velociraptors were more inclined to hunt down docile big guys like herbivorous dragons.

   Is it possible that the relatively powerful Lone Ranger hunted the big wild boar alone?

   "In which direction and at what distance?"

   "Xixiu, eh, meowing, meowing in the northwest direction, the straight line will not exceed 500 meters meowing."

   "Does it smell of other large monsters?"

   "No meow, this is the hunting zone of the blue velociraptor group, it should be the meow of the blue velociraptor!"

   "Then go and see!"

  Gordon ran out first, and the pork chop quickly followed.

   Ten minutes later, they were close to the goal.

  As expected, it was a rather large blue velociraptor. The average ridge height of an ordinary blue velociraptor is about 150 centimeters, but this one's ridge height is over 170 centimeters!

   Despite the mere 20 centimeters difference, its physique is a full circle larger than that of an ordinary blue velociraptor!

   "Good guy, if you continue to grow, maybe you can compete for the blue speed dragon king?" Gordon said in surprise.

  The so-called blue velociraptor king is the king of the blue velociraptor group. The ridge height is generally 190 to 200 centimeters. This kind of unconventional physique is supported by the hunting of the whole group.

  In comparison, the Lone Ranger in front of him looks very unusual.

  (end of this chapter)