MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 13 I haven't signed up yet...

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Lin Huang naturally does not know what kind of changes have occurred in Andingha after he left Anding.

When he and Lin Xin returned to their doorstep, they were a little dumbfounded.

"Brother, is this our house?" Lin Xin pulled the sleeve of Lin Huang and asked some uncertainties.

Lin Huang is also a bit stunned, because the house in front of the house is completely different. The original small two-storey duplex building has now become a three-storey luxury villa, and the third floor has a semi-outdoor garden. Planting flowers and plants are full.

Looking at the number 23 of the house number, Lin Huang determined that the new house should be his own house, but after the renovation, the appearance changed greatly, and he and Lin Xin almost could not recognize it.

Go to the front door and press the password. The two push the door into the room.

The entire house, except for the original structure, is basically different from the previous one. The original terrazzo floor has now turned into a wooden floor that looks expensive, and the chandelier on the ceiling has become a luxury version. The kitchen cabinets were replaced with a brand new one, and even the kitchen utensils were changed. The living room was not only covered with carpets made of monsters, but even the sofas, chairs and dining tables became brand new, and even the toilets in the bathroom were changed.

The two men stunned to the second floor, the original two-person bedroom became a single person, the area was more than doubled, and the balcony was expanded by two or three times.

The third floor was not available before, and now has a large bedroom and bathroom.

As for the third floor, the two are just a semi-open garden that the two people saw outside the house. Not only are all kinds of flowers planted in the garden, but even the outdoor furniture is set up with a set of umbrellas and vines. Tables and chairs, as well as hammocks...

Lin Huang is very clear that the scale of this modification is probably higher than the price of buying two or three houses. When he thought about it, he thought that the whole thing was a little weird. He couldn't help but dial the number of the middle-aged man who was in front of him. He wanted to ask what was going on.

The call was quickly connected, and the laughter of the middle-aged man passed over. "Mr. Lin, is the house refitted with satisfaction?"

"Our base is not the first time that a monster has broken in to destroy a house. I have seen the modification of other houses before it was destroyed. No one is treated like this. Not only a full set of furniture, but even the floor has been added. I have never heard of such a thing. Who are you, what is the purpose?" Lin Huang always felt that things were not that simple.

"You are a friend of Li Shao, doing things for you, of course we have to do our best." The middle-aged man did not conceal, and said the name Li Shao.

“Li Shao?” Lin Huang stunned. “What are you talking about?”

"Yes, it is Li Shao. He helped you to apply for the damage, and our top boss immediately took it to the attention, and specifically told us to do this thing." The middle-aged suit explained.

"What is the identity of Li Wei?" Lin Huang could not help but ask.

"Don't you know? His father is one of the three vice presidents of the Seventh District Hunters Association. His mother is a member of the seventh district of the coalition government." The interpretation of the middle-aged suit made Lin Huang suddenly realize.

The middle-aged boss of the original suit thought that he and Li Wei were friends and wanted to use his own things to brush up the feelings of Li’s family. What they don't know is that they and Li Wei are only one side. They can't talk about any friendship.

However, for this, Lin Huang certainly will not say it, or else he will be compensated for the cost of the reconstruction, he can not afford to pay.

Hanging up the call, Lin Huangquan just did not ask about this matter, and began to sort out the things that the reserve hunter needs to use.

Lin Xin School had a holiday. After the two had eaten lunch together, Lin Huang went to the Credit Administration Bureau and replaced the piece of life from Li Wei with a 100,000 credit.

Transferring 20,000 credit points to Lin Xin and swearing, "The reserve hunter's assessment is estimated to be ten to fifteen days. During this time, you should take care of yourself, don't be afraid to spend money. When I become a hunter, I will make money later. The chances will only be more and more."

"Well, brother, you will definitely pass the assessment!" Lin Xin is full of confidence in Lin Huang.

When the two arrived at the station, Lin Huang took the head of Yan Linxin, and then he turned and handed over the money, and chose a wind to cross it. Lin Xin has been watching the wind blowing up Lin Huang, disappearing from his own field of vision, and then turned and left.

Lin Huang sat on the wind, and his heart secretly admired the wonders of this world of monsters.

This creature is popular, with the limbs of the feline, the claws can be stretched at will, and the jumping and running ability are quite amazing. But in addition to the limbs, the rest of the body is completely a raptor's structure, with an eagle-like head, and a pair of wings are more than eight meters wide.

This kind of raptor not only has various advantages in body structure, they even master the wind power of the natural system, and become a species with a very high speed in the monster world.

Hundreds of years ago, the wind was a low-order monster, the most headache for humans.

They have a large number of actions each time, speed and explosiveness, and the attack power is not weak, causing considerable damage to human strongholds. Fortunately, however, humans gradually adapted to the windy way of combat, which reversed the situation. In recent centuries, the wind has been captured and domesticated by human beings, becoming the most common flying riding tool in the world.

Lin Huang rides this wind, although the body is not the biggest one, but the best color of the coat, the feathers on the belly are faintly golden, the gods are unusual, obviously feeding very well.

The normal flight speed of the wind is about 700 kilometers per hour. Under the full force, the speed can be doubled, but usually only when the escape, the wind will explode to full speed.

Under such flight speed, it is very difficult for people to sit on the wind, so the saddle pad on the wind is a special kind of defensive arm that can lock on the wind and form a transparent. Protective cover protects the rider.

It took less than two hours from the 7D101 stronghold to the 7C87 stronghold. When Lin Huang came out from the wind station, he opened the map of the tail ring and walked toward the branch of the Hunters Association.

Without too many meetings, he found the Hunter Association branch, and the people at the gates came and went, very lively. The C-level stronghold is a medium-sized stronghold with a population of several million, and there are probably tens of thousands of hunters. In addition, the hunters who come to the small bases to hand in the missions, as well as the ordinary people who come to release the mission, the flow of people will naturally not be small.

Lin Huang strode into the door and just entered the door, a young woman greeted her.

The woman looks like she is in her early twenties and is wearing a work attire from the Hunters Association. "Sir, do you have any needs?"

"I came to participate in the reserve hunter assessment." Lin Huang said the purpose of his trip.

"Okay, please come with me." The woman showed a professional smile at Lin Huang, and then took Lin Huang to the door of a conference room and shouted at him. "Go in."

"Thank you." Lin Huang nodded and pushed the door into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Huang stopped, because there were hundreds of people sitting in the conference room in twos and threes.

"There are so many people signing up today? Is there a thousand people who will participate in the assessment tomorrow?" Lin Huang was puzzled and found a position to sit down.

Not long after he sat down, several people came in and there was a fat man sitting on the left side of his left space.

The fat man seems to be a familiar, whispered with a smiley face, "The buddy is not bad, the black iron is not there, even through the primary election, you go behind the door?"

"Through the primary election? You mean, have you already registered and registered?" Lin Huang looked at the fat man with his eyes wide open.

"Of course, how else do you know that it is gathered here before 4 o'clock this afternoon, listen to the examiner's content and rules?" After the fat man finished speaking, it seems that the problem of Lin Huang just seems a little weird. He suddenly looked at Lin Huang with some suspiciousness. "Do you kidnapped if you haven't signed up yet?"

"Oh..." I didn't wait for Lin Huang to answer this question. The sound of a high-heeled shoe hitting the ground was far and near. A woman pushed the door of the conference room and walked toward the podium.

The original noisy conference room was suddenly silent, and everyone’s eyes were attracted to her.

It was a woman with a sturdy slut, wearing a straight-haired ponytail, wearing a short skirt, revealing two slender long legs, and a pair of black hate heights approaching twenty centimeters. She was originally very tall, at least one meter seven or five, wearing these shoes, the height directly rose to nearly two meters, enough to overlook everyone in the conference room.

The most striking thing is not her height, but the chest wrapped tightly with a white short lining. Although it is not revealed, the high bulge on the chest is slightly shaking during the step, so that all the meeting rooms The men are all thirsty and can't help but roll up.

This woman can't be described as the devil's figure.

"Women's night language is really worthy of the name..." When the fat man next to him said this, the saliva flowed out along the corner of his mouth. Lin Huang saw it and couldn't help but sneak a position to the right.

The woman walked to the podium and stood, her eyes swept over the crowd, and she stayed on Lin Huang for a while, because only Lin Huang was alone in the audience. But she did not say anything, but began to introduce herself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yi Ye, the chief instructor responsible for your assessment. In this assessment, the number of applicants through the initial screening is 133. Now I have arrived at the time I set the time - 4 pm, the number of people present. It is 127. There are still 6 people who have not arrived, then I am now announcing that these 6 people are considered to give up this assessment."

"I will talk about the rules of tomorrow's assessment. I will only say it once, so please let everyone in the room raise your ears and listen. Also, when I speak, please keep quiet. If you have any questions, you can wait. I will finish it all."

"Every 8:00 tomorrow morning, everyone, still gather in this conference room. Late arrivals, it is considered to automatically give up this assessment. In your storage space, you must not carry equipment that exceeds the black iron order, and must not carry contraband such as poison. Before the official start of the assessment, we will have a special staff to check your space equipment. All contraband items that do not meet the assessment requirements will be temporarily confiscated, and we will keep them. If there are valuables, don't worry about keeping them in our custody. After you can go back, you can find a place to deposit."

"As for the specific content of the assessment, I will not disclose it. After everyone gathers tomorrow morning, I will inform you again." The speech of Yi Ye language was very brief. After the talk, her eyes swept through the crowd and then asked, "Return Anyone who has any questions can come up now."

A group of people looked at each other, no one dared to speak, and in the back row of the conference room, one hand slowly raised up... The person who raised his hand was Lin Huang.

"What problem do you have, say!" Yi Yeyu asked Lin Huang to lift his chin and asked.

"That... I haven't signed up yet, can I sign up now?" Lin Huang asked weakly.

More than one hundred people in the room heard his question, and the expression on his face was a little weird.


[3500 words big chapter sent, I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day ~ ~ Thanks for "fallen ... blazing angels", "vi playing soy sauce", "the queen attack", "waste", "An Renqing" several students Reward ~~ Thank you for the role of "Yi Li Yu Zi". 】