MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 14 Start of assessment

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Lin Huang’s registration did not encounter any obstacles. When registering, it was only a preliminary screening to avoid too many people participating in the test.

Since Lin Huang has already entered this conference room, in the Iraqi night language, there is not much more than him. Moreover, she believes that Lin Huang’s probability of passing the assessment is basically zero. When he participates in the assessment, he will be automatically eliminated, and he will not have to be here.

Lin Huang did not even have the opportunity to prove that she was an imperial in front of the Iraqi night language, and she inexplicably completed the registration.

"Buddy, you are lucky. Just when you raised your hand and said that you haven't registered yet, I thought you would be driven out by the ** witch." The fat man came over and cooked, and reached out to Lin Huang. "Let's meet, my name is Yin Hangyi, what about you?"

"Lin Huang." Lin Huang couldn't refuse this kind of guy who was familiar with it. Moreover, the other party did not have any malice. He had to politely reach out and hold it.

"If you don't even have the black iron steps, come to the reserve hunter's assessment, and be bold enough!" Yin Hang patted Lin Huang's shoulder.

"Try it, maybe it will pass." Lin Huang smiled, he did not intend to expose himself to the imperial in front of the other party.

Chatting with Yin Hangyi a few words, Lin Huang said goodbye to leave, if he does not leave, this self-cooked fat man still does not know when to pull him to talk about when.

After dinner, strolling around the night market, Lin Huang went back to the hotel and slept very early.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, he rushed to the conference room on the first day in advance. The examiner I night language seemed to hate people late, and he did not want to lose his eligibility for assessment.

With the first day of killing chickens and monkeys, no one was late for the next day, and the 127 people who attended the meeting the first day were all arrived at 7:50 in the morning.

At eight o'clock, the examiner Yi Ye language appeared on time. This time, she changed a black trousers, the upper body is still a white short-sleeved shirt, the style is not the same as the first day, but her hot body can not be covered no matter how she wears.

The male members present were all at the age of bloody, and most of them looked at her steps, but staring at the ground was not her face, but her chest.

Yi Ye language went to the podium, and his eyes swept through the scene again, and then opened.

"It’s all right, it’s good! Now let me talk about the content of this assessment."

"The theme of this assessment is two words - survival. As a professional hunter, we often face a variety of harsh environments, powerful monsters. So, how to survive is a topic that all professional hunters must learn. No The guy who learns this subject usually lives very badly."

“The location of this assessment is the Chijin Desert, a first-class wild area 330 kilometers away from the 7C87 base. As for the assessment content, it is very simple. You need to enter from the A-port of the Red Gold Desert and cross the entire length within 15 days. The 1,500-kilometer desert arrives at the 7D121 stronghold." The night language said that a three-dimensional map was projected with the tail ring, marking the position of the starting point and the ending point. "This assessment is not allowed to carry any water and food. All food and water must be obtained in the desert."

When she said this, everyone in the room suddenly mourned. Even Lin Huang was so bitter, he just installed a ton of drinking water yesterday and prepared a lot of dry food.

"After we have checked everyone's storage equipment, we will give you a dedicated help communication device. If you can't hold it, you can press the help button and give up the assessment. Of course, if within 15 days of the regulation. Failure to reach the destination 7D121 is also considered an assessment failure."

"Now, the content of the assessment I have to say has already been finished. If you have any questions, please take the time to raise it."

"Examiner, from the terrain you just showed on the three-dimensional map, our final destination, 7D121, is not directly bordered by the Red Gold Desert, but is blocked by a series of snow-capped mountains. So the area we are evaluating should be more than desert. Also, including climbing the snowy mountains?" asked a male eyeglasser.

"You observe very carefully, you really need to climb the snow-capped mountains, and you must climb by hand. All the tools in your storage space that can be used for climbing will be confiscated later."

The crowd once again mourned, and Yin Hang, a fat man next to Lin Huang, became more and more ugly. "Is this going to make this assessment completely annihilated?"

“What other questions?” I night language seems to be very satisfied with the assessment content I set.

"Examiner, I just checked the information of the snow mountain. The snow mountain behind the 7D121 base is called the goddess mountain. It is a second-level wild area with bronze-level monsters. This kind of wild area is not suitable. Is it used for the assessment of reserve hunters?" Lin Huang is the one who raised this question.

When I heard this, everyone was suddenly lost.

The night language was awkward, and the brows were slightly wrinkled. "The whole area of ​​Shennv Mountain is indeed a secondary field, but there is a mountain with no trace of bronze monsters. It can be seen as a first-level wild area. Everyone will climb that time. A mountain will do, I will let people mark the safety route."

She originally deliberately left a pit here, in order to increase the difficulty of assessment and reduce the pass rate. I didn't expect it to be pointed out by Lin Huang, and I could only mark the safe route. If she refuses to mark the safe route, she insists that everyone should be assessed in this way. When the assessment is over, the matter is taken to the top of the Hunters Association. The result of this assessment is to be invalidated. Because of the assessment of the reserve hunters, it is not allowed to take the secondary field as an examination room.

"What other problems do you have? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate. If we have no problems, then we are ready to go now." After the Iraqi language was finished, several people raised their hands to ask questions, but they asked questions that were irrelevant.

Lin Huang is holding the chin to think about the difficulty of this assessment.

“There is no big problem with food and water, so you must look for water when you are on the road. And there are many monsters in the wild, poisonous and good at sneak attack. You must be wary. The most need to be wary, or people. Some people will choose to enjoy the water and food of others. The 1,500-kilometer desert area must be completed within 13 days at the latest. It is not enough to climb the snow-capped mountains at one time. At least two days are reserved. ......"

"The time is 8:20 in the morning, I will take you to the assessment point." After the night language was finished, I reached out to the void, and a green wooden door suddenly appeared. She pushed the door open. "All are lined up, after the gate, wait in the same place, don't run around!"

"Space treasures!" The fat man Yin Hangyi saw the door in front of the door and made a low drink.

"What is the treasure?" Lin Huang could not help but ask.

"You are so ignorant, treasures, is a super treasure that has surpassed the golden steps of the order. As long as you kill monsters of extraordinary level, there is a certain chance to fall. Space treasures, even more than some rarity Weapons and treasures. It seems that this witch has quite a background!" Yin Hang, a deputy old god, explained in the ground.

After listening to Lin Huang, he is more curious about the world. There is extraordinarily above the gold level. He can't help but think of God. How strong should this world's strongest force be?

More and more people passed through the gate, and Lin Huang’s team was getting shorter and shorter, and soon he and the fat man. When he stepped through the gate, he only felt his eyes sway and opened his eyes in the next moment and found himself in a desert.

"It's amazing!" Lin Huang couldn't help but marvel.


[Thanks to the "small do not point a Han", "anti-unicorn", "Tianle years", "vi soy sauce" several students' rewards ~~]