MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 15 Shatu

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The entrance to the desert has long been waiting for the staff of the Hunters Association to wait here.

After all the members who participated in the assessment arrived, the examiner Yi Ye language also followed.

"Now, please cooperate with our staff to carry out the inspection of the storage space." After the night of the Iraqi language, the 12 staff members who had been waiting for a while nodded.

Twelve people began to check each other's storage space.

"All armed forces, attack equipment, defense equipment, and other auxiliary equipment that exceed the black iron level are not allowed to carry. All medicines, except for healing agents, including septic agents, can not cause toxic reactions to the human body. Carrying. Equipment that has been sterilized must be cleaned before use, refused to cooperate with the cleaner, and the equipment was temporarily confiscated."

"Also, all food, water is not allowed to carry, and all auxiliary equipment that can be used for climbing is not allowed to carry..."

Yi Ye language squats in front of everyone, while loudly announcing the categories of items that are not allowed to carry.

Twelve staff members cleaned up one by one and quickly cleared up a lot of things.

Most of the food and water that were cleaned up were found. Some people secretly entrained the bronze-level equipment and found out that there were several smashed drugs for the weapons. They were all checked out and cleaned with cleaning detergent.

Even the food and water in Lin Huang’s storage space were checked out, and even the military kettle he bought was almost taken away, or he poured all the water in the face of everyone’s face, working This is what the staff will do.

Lin Huang’s armored bursting bomb was also checked out. The staff asked the bursting bomb to get it in front of the night language, and it was returned.

Yi Ye language is to see this bursting bomb is just a normal firearms, even if it is close range, it can only barely have the attack power close to the bronze level, and there are only ten, there is no difficulty in Lin Huang.

When the staff returned the bomb, Lin Huang finally breathed a sigh of relief. This is one of his means of self-protection. Of course, he does not want to be confiscated.

After some inspections were completed, the time has come to more than nine o'clock.

When all the staff members confirmed that there was no omission, and sent the emergency help device to everyone present, the night language was opened again. "The things that are found from you, we will temporarily save for you, wait for the assessment to be completed. After that, it will be returned intact."

"The current time is 9:23 am. I will let you earn seven minutes. If you can reach the destination before 9:30 in the morning after fifteen days, it will be counted as passing the assessment."

"Before the official start of the assessment, I will finally tell you a bad news. During the assessment, the functions of the network connection function, communication function, and map guidance and positioning of your emperor will be completely closed. Only the access function of the item can be used. ""

The words of Yi Ye language once again caused a mourning, even Lin Huang did not expect, and finally was put together by this woman.

As the chief examiner, the night language seems to enjoy everyone’s mourning. Her lips are slightly raised. “Now, I officially announced that the assessment will begin!”

When her voice fell, a few people had already rushed out, and many people who were still mourning saw it and quickly followed.

As the weakest person in the entire team, Lin Huang is the slowest. He did not run like other people, but he followed up at a normal walking speed. The fat man greeted him and ran around with the people in front.

Lin Huang did not follow how long, he could not see the figure in front, but he did not accelerate, or continued to move forward at the original speed.

Looking at the back of Lin Huang, the Iraqi night language as the examiner shook his head. "I thought that this kid has something special. It seems that it is really just an ordinary person. At his speed, one day can go 40. The kilometer is not bad. For the 15-day assessment period, he is afraid that even half of the journey will not be completed."

Lin Huang did not keep up, not that he did not want to follow, but that he could not follow. He is just an ordinary person, and his physical and physical strength is completely different from that of the Black Iron Steps. If you run like the guys with black iron steps, I won't be able to use it for a long time. He will be completely dragged down. The environment in this desert is so severe that he really has to withdraw from the assessment.

In the morning when the main examiner Yi Yeyi proposed the assessment area and the assessment content, Lin Huang began searching for information on the map of the Chijin Desert on the Internet, and soon drafted an operational plan in his mind.

In fifteen days, at least two days to climb the snow-capped mountains, up to 13 days can be used to cross the 1,500-kilometer desert. In other words, there are more than 115 kilometers a day. This is still not considered time to find food and water.

Lin Huang knows very well that the desert is not a flat land. Before on Earth, he also traveled to the desert. An ordinary person can travel at a speed of up to 4 kilometers per hour in the desert, and can travel very little for an hour or more. What's more, you have to rest at night, and you can walk for forty or fifty kilometers a day. In fifteen days, the death can only go half way.

The black iron-class strong, physical fitness is several times stronger than ordinary people, physical strength and endurance are also very human, and it is possible to run hundreds of kilometers in a day. It is impossible to change to Lin Huang.

Therefore, Lin Huang’s idea was to hit some monsters in the desert, especially the action, which can be used as a mount.

Taking advantage of his ability to accumulate card fragments and gain the monster card to summon monsters, he has already made plans and remembered the location of several monster positions.

Although it takes some time to accumulate card fragments, the natives of the desert can move much faster in the desert than humans in the same order. The time of loss can definitely be compensated for by the advantage of speed.

Lin Huang’s direction of travel quickly deviated from the direction of everyone in front. His destination was not the end, but a stronghold of a sand slaughter that he had seen on the map.

The sand slaughter belongs to a branch of a giant humanoid species. They are huge in size and feed on a variety of flesh and blood. Their appearance is similar to that of humans. They are also walking upright on two feet, but more like a deformed child. Some have two or three heads, and some have only one head, and may have one more mouth or a few eyes.

The black iron steps of the sand slaughter, the height is at least five meters, the highest can even grow to ten meters, the strength is several times more powerful than the human black iron level, the attack power is amazing. In fact, they are not the first choice for Lin Huang to use to hurry.

Lin Huang is staring at them, one is because they are a group creature, he needs to quickly carry out a large number of hunting to get enough pieces to piece together into a complete monster card. Another major reason is that because of their position, it is very close to the A entrance of the Red Gold Desert.

Lin Huang walked for a long time in accordance with the planned route. Even a sip of water did not drink. Finally, at the time when it was going to be dark, he rushed to the stronghold of Shatu. Lin Huang has long known that this place is also the location of a water source. Not far from the stronghold of Shatu is a freshwater lake.


[Thanks to the "Editor", "Mounting the Mountain", "Who are you kissing", "Tanyaangel", "Tangmen Chaos God" rewards by several students~~