MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1879 Jin Ling

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Seeing the disintegration of the strange domain, Bai and the others immediately knew that it was Lin Huang who had already solved Kusuen.

This also means that this trip to the strange domain will also end here.

The rest of the outsiders were mostly surprised.

After most people know that the controller of this strange domain is a nine-star dominance realm powerhouse, they do not think that anyone can conquer this strange domain.

After all, even the Tianji Old Man and the others showed only the combat power of the five-star dominance realm.

But with this scene in front of me, it is obvious that someone has killed the controller of this strange domain.

In addition to the beasts under Lin Huang's command, Xueluo and a few others knew that this was what Lin Huang did, and the rest had no clue at all.

Even if there was no clue, everyone did not hesitate and quickly exited this strange realm.

Before the complete disintegration of the strange realm, all the outsiders who were still alive withdrew without exception.

Lin Huang also mixed in with the crowd and withdrew.

It wasn't long after he withdrew, and Xueluo also withdrew.

The two looked at each other across the air, and Lin Huang heard Xueluo's voice transmission, "Didn't you tell me to watch the battle?"

"When my hands itch for a while, I forgot about it." Lin Huang sounded helplessly and went back, "When I think about it, the matter has been resolved."

"Kusun's strength... how much stronger than me?" Xueluo hesitated for a while, but asked directly.

"The number of chaotic universes he masters should be between three trillion and four trillion." Lin Huang did not compare, but directly stated Kusuen's strength.

"It's so strong!" Xueluo couldn't help but exclaimed, and then looked at Lin Huang with a strange look, "I feel like you won easily."

"It's okay, it's not that easy." Lin Huang was telling the truth, he really tried his best to restrain his own power to prevent the opponent from being directly killed by him.

After all, Huang Quan had already promised to bring the alive back home.

During the conversation between the two, several people from Tianji also returned one after another.

The first time the old man Tianji returned, he set his sights on Lin Huang.

Of course he knew that the only person who could solve Kusun was the young man in front of him.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know if Kusuen's body can be sold to us?"

Lin Huang's ear also suddenly heard the voice of the old man Tianji.

"I can't do this." Lin Huang refused directly, "Because he didn't die at all."

"Not dead?!" The old man Tianji was stunned.

"I was caught alive." Lin Huang explained again, "Before I came, I promised someone that I would bring the live one back."

"This... won't it bring hidden dangers?" The old man Tianji asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, he has been sealed by me." Lin Huang explained patiently, "Besides, even if it is not sealed, that person has enough strength to suppress him."

"Can suppress Kusuen, and let you go back alive..." The old man Tianji pondered for a moment, "You mean Huang Quan?"

"It seems that you guys know a lot about Tianji." Lin Huang nodded with a smile.

"If you leave it to Senior Huang Quan, then we can rest assured." The old man Tianji did not continue the topic, but instead asked, "I wonder when Mr. Lin will have time to meet our chief landlord?"

"When I finish dealing with Kusuen's affairs, I can do it at any time." Lin Huang also wanted to meet the chief owner of Tianji.

"Then wait for Mr. Lin to contact me when you are free." The voice fell, and the old man Tianji popped out.

A golden beam swept out of the sky at a terrifying speed, and arrived in front of Lin Huang in an instant.

Lin Huang picked it up and found that the other party had ejected a golden token.

The word "Tianji" is engraved on it.

"Heavenly Secret Order?!"

The blood on the side recognized it at a glance.

"A communication token?" Lin Huang swept his spiritual thoughts and knew the general purpose of this token.

In addition to the communication function, he also saw space-like Dao patterns.

"It's not just a communication token." Scarlet explained immediately, "Tianji Token is essentially a status symbol issued by Tianji to members. It not only has communication functions, but also has functions such as connecting to Tianji's internal network and instant transactions."

"However, if you only buy news from Tianji, you won't be able to get Tianji Order. Generally, you can only get it after spending a certain amount, and the threshold for this consumption is extremely high."

"Since the establishment of Tianji, it seems that only more than 100 Tianji Tokens have been issued so far. Most of the more than 100 Tianji Tokens are Bronze Tokens. There are also a dozen or so Silver Tokens issued. Basically, they are leaders of top forces. As for the golden order, it only exists in legends, and it seems that it has never been issued. Yours is very likely to be the first one."

"Is there any difference between different tokens?" Lin Huang asked a little puzzled.

"The most important point is that the access permissions for information are different." Bloody continued, "Silver Token can access most of the secrets in the infinite universe. As long as you can afford the price, almost all information can be obtained. "

"As for Jin Ling, it is said that he has a chance to meet the master of Tianji!"

"Besides, holders of Tianji Tokens can get discounts when they trade in Tianji. You must know that although Tianji is famous for information transactions, in fact, they also provide material transactions, and the transaction scale can even be in the endless universe. Ranked in the top three among all forces."

"Bronze Token holders will only increase their profits by 20% when purchasing materials in Tianji. Silver Token holders will only increase their profits by 10%. I don't know how much the Gold Token is, but they will definitely get it. cheaper price."

"This token is not only a communication function and access to the intranet of Tianji. It also has the function of item transaction transmission, which allows the transaction to be completed in an instant. There is also a space transmission function, which can transfer token holders, Teleport to the nearest secret store..."

"I think our Sword Alliance should also make a similar thing." After hearing this, Lin Huang didn't care that he had obtained this token, but was considering letting Yang Ling make something with similar functions.

And Lin Huang got the secret order, not only the **** they saw, but also many people who had not left.

They were also surprised that the old man Tianji issued a golden Tianji order.

You know, this is something that has never happened in history.

Before the old man of Tianji issued this token, it was just a legend that there was a golden order.

Everyone is also more and more surprised. What is the origin of this alliance leader of the Sword Alliance? !

After sending the token, the old man Tianji didn't say much, and left with the two landlords.

And Lin Huang, naturally, doesn't care about the eyes of the people around him.

After saying goodbye to Xueluo, he also teleported away with Bai and the other imperial beasts.

Only the people in the same place were left, and they were still discussing the matter of the Tianji Jinling.

(End of this chapter)