MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 803 Storm Lion

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[Monster Name] The Ultimate Black Dragon

[Monster Quality] Myth Quality / Myth Quality

[Monster Level] Level 85

[Monster Attributes] Darkness

[Monster Features]

Dark Demon Body (The ultimate black dragon body is an unreal black mist state. Under the black mist state, the ultimate black dragon has immunity to all physical attacks. After using the dark demon body, the ultimate black dragon will change from the black mist state to the black demon state. In this state, the ultimate black dragon will lose the passiveness of physical attack immunity.

Effect ① Passive effect: After activating the dark demon body, the ultimate black dragon loses the effect of immune physical attacks, but at the same time, the ultimate black dragon will gain the passive immunity to most elemental damage, and the ultimate black dragon's power will increase in this state. )

Breath of Death (The breath of the ultimate black dragon will have two extreme additional effects-ultra-low temperature, ultra-high temperature.

Phase 1: The target will suffer from extremely high temperature erosion within a short period of time after receiving breath from death.

Phase 2: Ultra-high temperature will be converted to ultra-low temperature in a very short time.

Phase 3: The above two conversion effects will last thirteen times. )

Ultimate Darkness (The ultimate black dragon has embarked on the road of darkness. The ultimate black dragon can devour various dark attributes to strengthen itself.)

[Monitor Introduction] Originally a white dragon, it mutated and evolved into the ultimate black dragon after devouring the egg of the pannier of the black mist god, and thus entered the dark path of competition.

The girl's face turned pale after the butcher fell late at night.

The death of Royal Beast suffered a serious backlash.

The victory of the first opening let the people of the City of Hope wipe out the previous haze, without the proud and complacent mood of winning at first.

Immediately after the next two holy battles, one win and one defeat, and finally won two to one in the holy phase.

At present, the three levels of imperial, imperial and holy have won two games.

In the quasi-God battle, the Terran defeated 0: 3.

Unlike the previous three levels, all three battles were simply defeated by the opponent.

The unsolvable time is the Mingyutianzun beast, the powerful and inscrutable overlord Tyrannosaurus, and the mysterious dreams of the dreamless ghosts.

"This is our true strength." Rong Sheng said slowly, "I will let you more clearly recognize the gap between us in the next level of battle. Your ancestors were expelled from us by nine days and ten years. , And still the same result. "

Gaopeng drew his ears, put his right hand in front of his eyebrow and looked at the sky. "It's dazzling."

"What." Rong Sheng frowned.

"I said ... who is pretending to be so dazzling." Gao Peng's mouth cocked.

"..." Rong Sheng looked dark.

"You haven't hit it yet, how come you have so many words," Gao Peng said lightly, "Come on, who will you go first?"

"At the same time with so many god-level royal beasts, you are indeed talented and have good luck. If you are our spiritual tribe, you will surely shine and become famous all over the world, but unfortunately." Said.

It is a pity that a genius will fall today.

"You send the Royal Beast first," said the Lord of the Storm Kingdom.

Gao Peng glanced at the blue giant lion lying beside the host of the Storm Kingdom, thoughtfully.

"Then the fat sea you go." Gaopeng sent fat sea.

Fat sea has many gods, so his abilities are relatively comprehensive, so Gaopeng need not worry about restraining the big sea.

"Wait, I think this seems a bit unfair." Gao Peng said, touching his chin and staring at the three people. "I have so many royal beasts, why should I even fight you one-on-one with a fair duel."

"Well, do you have any other god-level emissaries?" Rong Shengyi smiled kindly.

At the same time, I thought that this kid has three god-level royal beasts. I only have one. If you choose one, you might not be able to beat it.

Gao Peng groaned for a moment, raising his head and showing the harmless smiles of humans and animals, "Well, let's just do this, just decide the outcome in one game, and the three of you will go together."

"The boy is so crazy!" "You look down on us so much." "I advise you to take it back."

The heads of the three kingdoms sank.

The three of them are also good-looking characters, and they are well-known to the entire spiritual clan. When have I been so despised!

Even a good-natured person gets angry at hearing such a word.

"I'm serious." Gao Peng said, "I'm afraid I accidentally killed your Royal Beast."


The blue giant lion lying next to the host of the Storm State opened his eyes, and a hurricane rose from the air. The fury hurricane blew the hair and the royal blue pupils flashed with a strange look.

"Silent Lion, do you feel it?"

"I feel the same eyes as the holy lion of the ocean." The silent lion stood up, his cold eyes staring at the holy lion of the storm without fear. "Master, although I don't know why they always like to see me like this, but I want to swallow them up now!"

The mouth of the lone lion cracked, and Moran's teeth were captivating.

"You step back." Gaopeng said to the others.

Ji Hanwu gave the grandson a worried look, and then led the crowd back.

Even if you can't play a role on the battlefield, at least don't become a constraint for Gao Peng.

The Lord of the Storm nation did not hesitate to choose to fit the Storm Lion, and the Storm Lion roared in a low voice. "Ocean holy lion, do you know its whereabouts?" The holy lion of the storm approached with sturdy steps.

"Come, be a part of my body!"

"Anthony, you fit with the Silent Lion." Gao Peng said to Anthony.

The ant dragon nodded, and immediately merged with the Silent Lion, the breath of the Silent Lion became stronger after being combined.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

One blue and one white, two lions killed a ball. Storms and ice scattered around, mountain peaks were blown away by hurricanes, and ice frozen the ground.

On the other side, the people of the City of Hope only saw the scene before the outbreak of the battle. After the battle was about to erupt, the multi-eyed shadow beast turned and fled.

Watching the vortex disappearing in the sky, many people in the city of hope discussed the victory or defeat of the battle ~ ~ They can't help anything, they can only worry about victory.

Otherwise, I really do n’t know what ending is waiting for them after losing.

At the same time, the federal government of the city of hope sent troops to guard the city to prevent people from taking advantage of the opportunity.

Yu Zhenming watched Ji Cambrian leave, because not only Ji Cambrian they need time to leave, but also the quasi-gods of their country need to leave time for them.

"So the final result depends on us."

"This world is so weak and strong, who makes you alien?"

Yu Zhenming and Rong Sheng said.

In their opinion, it is only by combining the two Royal Beasts that Gao Peng, who is on par with the Lord of the Storm, can fight against them! ? Hit your head?

In their confident eyes, Gaopeng opened his arms and twisted the space.

One, two, three, four, five horrors came from the sky!