MTL - Morning, the Heir-Chapter 1851 Your woman is the Virgin

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"What is the situation in her, can you tell me?" Qin Zhen thought that the illness of Qi Qi would be so serious: "After she divorced my cousin, I thought she was still in the United States, but she did not expect her to be in the city."

"What is her situation, don't you know? I mean, why did she become such a reason?" Tang Feng tried to ask.

"Maybe it has something to do with my cousin, they have a bad relationship..."

"I am not talking about this, others, you don't know?"


Qin Xiaoran shook his head: "What do you mean?"

Tang Feng Mo is silent, it seems that Qin Hao does not know the things that Qi Wei encountered.

Also, no one will mention anything with his husband’s family.

I don’t know if Qin’s cousin knows about those things.

Tang Feng quietly listened to him saying that Qi Qi’s situation in the United States always felt that something was ignored by him.

Looking at Qin Xiao’s face that was obviously entangled in distress, he suddenly reacted and it was wrong.

Knowing that Qi Qi was married, the first reaction of Xunzi Airlines was to call him, and Qin Hao, it seems that he has not notified his cousin so far.

He has asked so many questions here, and if notified, Qin Hao should mention it.

"In the case of Qi Qi, have you notified your cousin? Although they are divorced, but they are a good husband and wife, he should be the person who knows the best situation. Even if he can't come, I want to make a phone call with him. ”

The silent appearance of Qin Yu is affirmation of Tang Fengmo’s previous conjecture.

"You didn't inform him?"

Qin Hao’s appearance was somewhat tangled. After looking at Tang Feng’s strangeness, he said: “I can’t inform him for a while, in jail.”

Tang Fengmo looked at him in a blink of an instant and asked: "Can I ask what is going on?"

Qin Hao paused: "Manslaughter, he was drunk, and he had a conflict with the people in the bar. He married the other bottle, who knows that the other person is so dead."

"They are because of this divorce? Then her condition is because of what is aggravated? After your brother was shut down, what happened to her? Or how can it become what it is now?" All are anxious.

This is all about it.

Married people have been married, this is actually a disease that still depends on Tang Fengmo's body, this is what it means!

It’s just worse than helping others raise their son.

Qin Hao shook his head, and some apologized: "I am not very clear about the specifics. I will call me and ask if she knows."

After all, he is only a cousin, or is there just a few distances, and he just saw a few faces.

Tang Feng nodded, this is understandable.

As he spoke, Wang Ru knocked on the door and came in.

Tang Feng looked up at her: "How is it?" The question is Qi Qi.

Wang Ru shook his head: "I still refuse to come out in the ward, and I don't want people to go in. I sit on the ground all day and move, you... Do you want to see?"

When Zhaizi Airlines heard it, he was annoyed: "This is a guilty conscience. I know that I have to be debunked. I don't dare to see anyone! It's ridiculous. See you again. Is it too much to play? I think she is loaded." , your woman is the Virgin..."

Compared with Tang Fan's expressionless and unpredictable appearance, the scorpion's violent leaping appearance indicates the anger in his heart. He feels that Tang Fengmo has been cheated and played.

And his brother is being played more than he is being played by himself.

He was furious, but he could not find a vent. When he heard that Wang Ru had let Tang Feng Mo to see her, he immediately pointed his gun at her.

Wang Ru was defamed, not annoyed, his eyes turned to look at him, and her eyes closed, and the man who had just leaped and thundered suddenly became a dumb gun.

The roaring that had already reached his mouth was swallowed back by him.

I saw something in the mouth of the scorpion, the voice was getting smaller and smaller, didn't look at her, and slowly sat back in the chair, quiet.

Look at what, I don’t really temper you, why do you look at me with such horrible eyes?

The scorpion is guilty of guilty.

Wang Ru saw that he didn't shout at her. This is the way: "Some diseases can be faked, some diseases can't be faked. I am a professional psychologist. I still can't tell if my patient is really sick or acting. ”

Her calmness seems to be a rebuttal to the questioning of Zhai Zi.

However, the discerning eye can see that she said this to Tang Feng.

Because what Xunzihang thinks is not important at all, what matters is Tang Fengmo, who is a party.

Regardless of the truth of the facts, since she is the attending doctor, she is responsible for her patients.

Qi Qi is really sick.

This words Tang Feng heard it, he was still the expressionless face, it was unpredictable and he was thinking about what he was thinking.

This time should be angry, but he is too calm.

"Ding Chen, contact Ling Tian, ​​let him come." Tang Feng faintly told.


Although I know that Qi Qi is married, there are still many things that cannot be explained. He must make a clear statement this time.

Before Wang Ru had heard some of their conversations, from her observation of Qin Wei's micro-expression, she knew that he must have concealed something.

"Dr. Qin, I heard you say a word before. You think that Qi's condition is probably related to your cousin. What is your basis for this? I know that you said that the relationship between husband and wife is not very good. But the couples with bad relationships are so many, and they haven’t heard that quarrels will drive people into such a madness."

Wang Ru’s words fell, Tang Fengmo also reacted, faintly looking at Qin Yu, waiting for his explanation.

Qin smashed, his lips moved, but he didn't know how to open.

Wang Ru is a psychiatrist. Her patients are all kinds of different kinds. She actually had a conjecture before. Now she is more certain about the response of Qin Yu.

"I still remember before I asked Dr. Qin, your relationship with Qi Wei. You said that she is your patient. I am looking for some skin trauma. How did her injury come?"

Tang Fengmo understood the meaning of Wang Ru’s words and his eyes were sharp.

"Qi, is she being domestically violent?"

With the words of Wang Ru, Qin Hao closed his eyes and sighed hard.

This is the default of Wang Ru's conjecture.

Since he can't stop now, Qin Lan will know what he said, but he didn't want to hide it.

"Cousin, although he has a bad temper, he is still very true to people. We can all see that he really likes Qi. At first, the relationship between the two is very good. I have heard from me that my cousin hurts the wife. When I started to learn to cook, my family’s life never touched, and I didn’t know what happened to them. I accidentally met her in the hospital and found her injury...”