MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 629 Ascension to immortality

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】


Merits from heaven.

A golden beam of light fell from nothingness, and landed on Su Mu's body in an instant.

Bathed in that vast golden light, Su Mu's momentum rose steadily, setting off the increasingly holy and majestic.


"Opening the sky merit?"

"Creation merit?"

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses from all sides and the heavens were all shocked.

All those who saw the scene in front of them and the powerhouses were all shocked.

What the hell!

Su Mu practiced one side of the fairy world, and successfully opened up a big fairy world, but he got the merit of a heavenly general?

Moreover, it is not a general merit, it is the merit of opening the sky and the merit of creating the world, and their meanings are different.

Envy, jealousy, fanaticism, greed and other emotions are revealed on the faces of all parties, and so on.


"Damn it, you actually obtained the merit of opening the sky?"

There was a roar, which broke out with strong jealousy.

It really wanted to rush up to **** this kind of merit, but unfortunately it didn't dare, let alone can't, because it's impossible to **** this kind of thing.

It would be great if it could be robbed, it would definitely attract countless powerful people to rob it directly.

After all, who is not envious of the merits of opening the sky and creating the world?

Even the Emperor of Heaven was no exception, looking at Su Mu who was bathed in the merits of opening the sky with a gloomy face, he felt like he was about to move and wanted An Nai to kill him.

It's a pity that a queen mother was blocked in front of him, and he was not given any chance to make a move.

So the Emperor of Heaven stared at Queen Mother Xi angrily, wishing to rub her on the ground.

"Haotian, the look in your eyes disgusts me."

Queen Mother Xi frowned, and said with murderous eyes.

"Hmph." The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly: "Yaochi, you are helping the evil spirits, you have violated the law of heaven, aren't you afraid that you will die in the end?"

"It violates the law of heaven?"

The Queen Mother of the West seemed to have heard the big joke, and said with a sneer, "Haotian, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard. If it's against the way of heaven, you should be the biggest one, right?"

"Don't forget, who initiated the battle to seize the sky in the past, if the way of heaven wants to destroy anyone, it must be the first to destroy you."

Queen Mother Xi mocked disdainfully.

It's ridiculous to go against the way of heaven. Your heavenly emperor wants to take over the way of heaven and occupy everything, and you still say that others violate the way of heaven?

"I am the sky!"

The Emperor of Heaven opened his mouth indifferently, and his momentum was rising steadily, which meant to start a war.

Because he sensed a strong threat from Su Mu, he definitely couldn't keep him.

Even if you pay a small price, you will be smashed into scum.

As soon as the emperor's thoughts came to his mind, heaven, west heaven, God and Buddha all erupted in a terrifying reality, and the three big bosses were about to make a move.

Su Mu's threat is too great, and now the creation of a Great Immortal Realm has not only benefited the luck of the three parties, but also greatly weakened the three's control over the way of heaven.

This is not a good thing, the power can only be concentrated in one's own hands, and the appearance of another person who shares the power is naturally not allowed. .qqxsΠéw

"The fairy world has left, and the fairy clan returns!"

Su Mu suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly.

The momentum in his body soared ten times again, and the mighty aura stirred up all directions of the world, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and everything wailed.

"The return of the fairy clan!"

With an order, bursts of immortal light suddenly lit up on the bodies of countless members of the immortal clan.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

Inexplicably, the bodies of countless members of the fairy clan glowed with fairy light, and each body was naturally pulled by an invisible force to fly away from the fairy world.


The immortal body has soared!

"Hahaha, I have ascended!"

"Fairy Clan, collectively ascend to the Immortal World!"

The members of the fairy clan shouted excitedly, one by one slowly flew away, with excited expressions and excited smiles on their faces.

So exciting.

The fairy clan ascended, and the scene was extremely shocking.

First of all, the millions of core members of the fairy clan, led by a group of high-ranking officials, exude a strong fairy energy and soar towards the fairy world.

Not only the millions of core members, but also the peripheral members of the fairy clan began to glow with fairy light one by one.


At this time, the Immortal Realm suddenly descended a series of bright fairy lights and landed on all the peripheral members, their strength soared, their bodies transformed, and all of them began to transform under the fairy lights.

For a time, everyone's strength climbed up, and they also began to soar slowly under the transformation of the fairy light that fell from the fairy world.


"The immortal clan collectively ascended to immortality?"

"I'm a mud horse, I want to join the fairy clan."

"Cultivate immortals, cultivate immortals, we want to cultivate immortals!"

The collective ascension of the immortal clan caused a great sensation and shock. The clans of all parties and countless human beings were deeply shocked and stimulated by the scene in front of them.

The other clan members were stimulated, and the immortal clan pretended to be aggressive.

You pretend to be aggressive, and you actually pretend to be aggressive together, soaring together.

This game is unplayable!

"Ascension! Ascension!"

The fairy clan was very excited, all of them flew up to the fairy world with the fairy light, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

In addition to the core members of the million immortal clan, the tens of millions of peripheral immortal clan members also ascended together.

Although the improvement is not so obvious, each of them seems to have been reborn, and they have truly become like immortals in the world, and their temperament has changed greatly.

Not to mention other people, even the Emperor of Heaven and God are confused.


Great Sun Buddha clasped his hands together, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Tens of millions of people have collectively ascended to become immortals, which makes the Buddha feel a little jealous.

It can be seen how amazing the collective ascension of the immortal clan is this time, and it is completely recognized by the Dao of Heaven and the world.

The fairy world attracts tens of thousands of people to ascend to immortals, and they are truly reborn and ascended to immortals, without any false appearance.

They are the first batch of immortals in the fairy world.

The fairy clan was recognized by Heavenly Dao.

This made the Emperor of Heaven startled and angry, so angry that his liver ached, and he had no choice but to stop it.

Because Tiandao recognizes the existence of the fairy world, and even more so, the existence of the fairy clan, which is equivalent to sharing almost half of the luck of the heaven.

This half of luck fell into the fairy world, and made more than ten million new immortals of the immortal clan.


All parties were stunned, staring blankly at the shocking ascension scene.

Some powerful creatures were terrified, feeling that the aura of those who bathed in the fairy light and ascended into fairy queens was not weak.

It represents the immortal race, not weaker than other higher life forms.


[Congratulations, you have successfully established the fairy clan, and you have obtained the most precious treasure of the fairy way: a fragment of the jade plate of good fortune! 】

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

A reminder sounded, and Su Mu's expression was shocked.

Immortal treasure, fortune jade dish?

Fuck, isn't this the treasure of Patriarch Hongjun?

But what happened to the good fortune jade plate fragments, Su Mu looked surprised and at a loss.

It’s fine if you reward a complete one directly, why give me a fragment?

Su Mu was a little sad, and checked a fragment that he got as a reward.

It looks like a fragment left by a broken jade butterfly, with countless dao marks wrapped around it, exuding a hazy dao rhyme.

The good fortune jade plate contains three thousand ways!

"Unfortunately, it's fragments."

Su Mu was surprised and happy, but also a little annoyed.

Why is it just a fragment instead of a complete good fortune jade plate? If you get a complete good fortune jade plate, you will really develop.

It's really unsatisfactory!

It is already a great opportunity to obtain the fragments of the Jade Plate of Creation. If you are not satisfied, sooner or later you will be directly destroyed by Dao.

Too greedy.


With a thought, the fragments of the good fortune jade plate immediately merged into the mind and began to sacrifice.

As soon as Su Mu sacrificed, he felt countless avenues and mysteries gushing out from the fragments of the jade plate, overwhelming his mind and true spirit.

Almost instantly, the Dao map emerged, and swallowed the fragments of the good luck jade plate in one gulp, and the endless chaos surged to refine the fragments, and obtained the Three Thousand Dao that existed on it.

There are mysterious runes coiled around Su Mu's body, and the three thousand runes are constantly flickering, exuding an astonishing aura.

"Is he enlightening?"

The Heavenly Emperor's face changed, and his aura suddenly broke out and he shot brazenly.

"Haotian, retreat!"

The Queen Mother of the West looked cold, and strongly blocked the Heavenly Emperor's surprise attack, she had already been prepared.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Emperor still couldn't help but want to interrupt Su Mu's enlightenment, because he sensed something was wrong and had an ominous premonition in his heart.


The Emperor of Heaven shouted loudly and asked the other two to take action.


The Great Sun Tathagata made a move, and with one palm, the vast western sky slowly emerged, and the Buddha Kingdom in the palm slowly unfolded, UU reading www. suppressed the heavens and was extremely overbearing.


A great battle broke out in heaven, and the true body of the human king blocked the entrance of heaven with one person and one sword, blocking God.

In the void, the three big shots were stopped.

The Queen Mother of the West, Miaoyin, and the two stopped the Emperor of Heaven and Tathagata, respectively. The God was blocked at the gate of heaven by the king's clone and could not come down for a while.

The Emperor of Heaven was in a hurry, and a person walked out of his body in a flash.

It is the Lord of Civilization!


The lord of civilization came powerfully through the void, the spear in his hand condensed the spark of civilization, and countless civilizations shone with immortal light on it, and the sharp edge pointed directly at Su Mu who was in enlightenment.

If there is no accident, Su Mu will definitely be pierced and nailed to the Spear of Civilization.

The terrifying power gathered by countless civilizations is unstoppable, and the momentum is overwhelming, as if hundreds of millions of civilizations are surrounded by terror and the momentum is unmatched.

"Su Mu, be careful!"

Queen Mother Xi's complexion changed slightly, and she angrily reprimanded the primordial spirit that contained a special force shaking Su Mu.

This is to wake him up. Although it is dangerous to interrupt Enlightenment, he can't care much now.

The lord of civilization is still enlightened after being killed in front of him?

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】


Suddenly, Su Mu, who was in enlightenment, opened his eyes, and two beams of terrifying light tore through the void, so bright that the eyes of the Lord of Civilization were stinging.


Su Mu spit out a sentence faintly, and the whole world suddenly stopped.

Everyone, including the Heavenly Emperor and other bosses, turned pale and stared at the void in horror.