MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 630 Immeasurable calamity?

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

woo woo woo—

The world has changed, everything is bleak, ghosts are crying and gods are howling!

All of a sudden, the whole world was surging, endless disasters emerged, and they were overwhelmingly submerged.

The terrifying scene stunned everyone.

All the bosses, including the Emperor of Heaven, stared wide-eyed and were shocked.

"Heavenly calamity?"

"God's punishment?"

The Heavenly Emperor's expression was startled, revealing a hint of horror.

Obviously, I saw something, it was a natural calamity, and the endless aura of disaster swept down, frightening the gods of the heavens.

This is God's punishment!

The endless aura of disaster accumulated by the heavens, the immeasurable aura of calamity, the aura of calamity for all living beings, the aura of disaster for all things, and the bad luck of all heavens poured out without exception.

That terrible breath caused the heavens and the earth to cry, the gods howled, and everything was trembling.

it's dark!

As if falling into eternal night all of a sudden, endless disasters struck, and the goal was clearly to break through the barrier and step into a higher level of Su Mu.

He obtained the merit of creating the world, the merit of opening the sky, and even obtained the fragments of the jade plate of good fortune, so that he can directly realize the Tao and make a breakthrough.

This was unstoppable, and he broke through the realm and stepped into the real ancestral realm on the spot.

But it was precisely because of this that the disaster of heaven and earth, which had been silent for a long time, came suddenly.

The terrifying calamity seemed to gather all the horrific disasters accumulated by all living beings in the heavens and myriad worlds for hundreds of millions of years, and all of them fell on Su Mu.

"Amitabha—" Dainichi Tathagata's face twitched, his eyes shone with shock.

It felt a burst of horror and heart palpitations. It can be seen how terrifying and exaggerated this disaster of heaven is, and the face of Da Ri Tathagata changed.


Seeing this, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly laughed out loud.

Tears came down from his laughter, and he felt relieved for a while.

Su Mu was planted, and the calamity of the infinite calamities and misfortunes of all living beings fell directly on his body, and he was doomed.

The Emperor of Heaven is naturally very happy.

He laughed loudly and said: "Yaochi, did you see that, this is the person you chose, I am about to cry from laughing."

"Heavenly calamity, the calamity of all living beings accumulated over billions of years, do you think he will die or not?"

Regarding the excitement and comfort of the Emperor of Heaven, the Queen Mother of the West had a gloomy face.

Her eyes were shocked and angry, but there was nothing she could do.

Because there is no way to help Su Mu resist this terrible disaster.

But as if thinking of something, the Queen Mother of the West suddenly regained her composure, looking thoughtfully at the vast aura of disaster and disaster.

Almost forgot, the old lady has the immeasurable calamity she got from Su Mu.

With the immeasurable calamity, she is not afraid of any disaster at all, she is not afraid, let alone Su Mu, a pervert?

Thinking that Su Mu can condense the breath of immeasurable kalpas into a breath of immeasurable kalpas, it can be seen how perverted he is.

Therefore, there is nothing to fear from the disaster of heaven, and it is even very likely that Su Mu will be fulfilled.

Thinking of this, instead of panicking, the Queen Mother of the West showed a mocking expression to the Emperor of Heaven.

"Haotian, wait and see, you are too happy."

The Queen Mother of the West smiled disdainfully, ignored the Heavenly Emperor, and just locked on the other side firmly so that he would not interfere with Su Mu.

She believed that this perverted little man would definitely be able to survive this catastrophe.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

Miaoyin on the other side had the same thought, and she wasn't too panicked, because she had also obtained the infinite calamity energy from Su Mu, so she could naturally master the terrifying power of infinite calamity energy.

And because of this, she derived a special power, the infinite karma!


The next second, Miaoyin sat down and Heilian trembled slightly, suddenly a monstrous karmic fire gushed out of her body.

The fire of karma was burning, burning the void red.

There are black, red, and the infinite karmic fire composed of two flames of different colors, which have absorbed a large amount of natural disasters as nourishment to grow.

The sudden change startled Da Ri Tathagata, and looked at Miao Yin in surprise.

"Boundless karma fire?"

Tathagata suddenly raised his voice a little bit, with a shocked look on his face.

Apparently, Miaoyin didn't expect Miaoyin to master such a terrifying flame, and she was even afraid of it.

What made the Buddha even more afraid was the aura of Dao exuded from Miaoyin.

cause and effect!

"Good, you have mastered the Dao of Karma?"

Da Ri Tathagata's face was serious, with his palms folded, brewing a terrifying breath, his expression was extraordinarily serious and dignified.

"Old monk, you should return to the ruins!"

Miaoyin stared at Tathagata expressionlessly, with a biting murderous intent in her tone.

Get rid of the Buddha, she is the only Lord of the Buddhas, and even the ancestor of all demons.

The Buddha and the devil are one, invincible in the world!

Hearing Miaoyin's words, Dari Tathagata's face twitched, his eyes were shining golden, like two hot suns shining on all living beings in all worlds.

A ray of fear arose in his heart, after all, he was raising tigers for trouble.


Over there, the endless calamities of heaven and earth descended, overwhelming Su Mu's figure.

He was completely overwhelmed by the endless calamities of heaven and earth, as if he was about to be completely wiped out.

This situation and this scene made all parties tremble with fear, and their hearts were full of fear.

Never seen such a scene.

The aura of disaster and catastrophe accumulated by the Heavenly Dao for countless years and all living beings in the heavens and worlds is sweeping in, who can stop it?

Not to mention other fears and fears, even the Emperor of Heaven, God dare not contaminate the slightest bit, or he might kill himself.

Even Dari Tathagata has a cautious face, which shows how terrifying this aura of disaster and calamity is.

No way out at all.

"Heaven wants to kill him, he won't survive."

The Emperor of Heaven showed a sneer on his face, feeling happy in his heart.

Su Mu is about to die, the heavens do not allow him to exist, let alone break through, and try to obliterate him through endless calamities.

"Heh—" Queen Mother Xi gave an expression, her eyes disdainful to comprehend.

She silently followed Su Mu's situation.

Although he was overwhelmed by the endless calamities of heaven and earth, his aura did not disappear at all.

Instead, it gradually strengthened under the endless calamity, as if it was gaining unimaginable benefits.

And so it is.

At this moment, Su Mu was standing there with a relaxed face, motionless, bathed in the infinite heavenly calamity that fell from the sky and let it wash away.

Not only was he not injured, nor was he wiped out by the heavenly calamity, but he used the infinite heavenly calamity to strengthen his immeasurable calamity.

The way of heaven has accumulated too majestic aura of infinite calamity.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

No wonder there will be immeasurable calamities again and again. In fact, it is the accumulation of too many negativity in the way of heaven, which has caused disasters for all beings in the world.

It is also a kind of self-decompression of the way of heaven.

The immeasurable calamity is actually a kind of disaster in heaven and earth caused by the way of heaven releasing and accumulating too much negative pressure.

And Su Mu used to induce the immeasurable calamity qi to cultivate, now the infinite heaven calamity descended from the heaven just helps him.

Originally, it was already necessary to condense a breath of immeasurable kalpas, but now it is finally gradually taking shape thanks to the selfless gift of heaven.



The immeasurable calamity is boiling and rolling, devouring the endless heavenly calamity, expanding and expanding, and then compressing and condensing.

Gradually, the immeasurable calamity on Su Mu's body began to transform, and it was successfully transformed towards the power of immeasurable calamity.

The immeasurable calamity, the great calamity of heaven and earth where all living beings talk about it.

On Su Mu's body, it gradually formed and converged, condensed except for the first immeasurable kalpa, the terrifying power surrounded the whole body.

With the birth of the first immeasurable calamity, Su Mu's aura suddenly disappeared.

It seems that he does not exist in this world, does not exist in any epic, but truly exists in front of his eyes.

No one could see the weird scene, because it was completely enveloped by the endless heavenly calamity.

No one dares to get close to the terrible heavenly calamity, let alone investigate, for fear that they will be directly pulled into it by the heavenly thoughts and they will really be finished.

"This is... the breath of immeasurable kalpas."

Queen Mother Xi's expression shook, and she suddenly felt a familiar and terrifying aura.

That is the breath of immeasurable kalpas.

The boundless calamity in her body seemed to be trembling uncontrollably.

Boom, boom!

Endless negative calamities of the heavenly law fell, endlessly, so that all parties were stunned and dumbfounded.

Is this not over yet?

Why hasn't the catastrophe of Heaven and Dao ended yet? Could it be that the people inside haven't died yet?

Impossible, such a terrifying catastrophe of heaven, even the emperor of heaven has no confidence to stop it, and it is estimated that he was directly ignited by the heaven.

But why didn't it end, but intensified.

And Tiandao seemed to have noticed something, instead of not stopping, it amplified the coming of Tiandao's catastrophe, as if he had found a vent and let it out all at once.

Terrible disasters, the catastrophe of all beings, and the negative power of the catastrophe of all things were all spewed out without exception, all rushing towards Su Mu.

One does not refuse anyone, one does not hold back.

In this way, Su Mu continued to brew under the selfless gift of heaven, and the aura of immeasurable kalpas on his body took shape one after another.

It is densely packed, exuding a terrifying aura that makes all the gods in the sky tremble with fear.

Immeasurable calamity!

A person's body is actually carrying immeasurable kalpas, one, two, three, and a total of nine immeasurable kalpas are born.

It represents that there have been nine immeasurable calamities in the world, and I don't know how many races and powerful creatures have been destroyed in the immeasurable calamities.

Now, someone actually condensed the power of immeasurable kalpas into one body, how perverted is Su Mu who carries the power of immeasurable kalpas.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

How can a living being bear the immeasurable calamity that Heaven has to vent out regularly?


A burst of mysterious aura gushed out from Su Mu's body, a dao map flickered between his brows, and a fragment of a jade butterfly floated up and down in the dao map, releasing the profound meaning of the Three Thousand Ways. UU Reading

Because of this, Su Mu was able to carry the terrifying aura and power of immeasurable kalpas intact and unscathed.


The catastrophe gradually subsided, and the way of heaven was relaxed!

He released all the infinite calamity accumulated in the world for countless years and fell on Su Mu.

Completely empty yourself, all the pressure is released, the way of heaven is relaxed, and the whole world is filled with clarity. Countless creatures and strong people suddenly feel that the way of heaven has become more ethereal and flawless, and even clearer. .qqxsnew

It feels easier to understand the Dao, as if the Dao of Heaven has completely changed.

This kind of change made the emperor of heaven and other big brothers dumbfounded, as if they didn't know the way of heaven.


A strange air flow spewed out from the void, and the catastrophe was completely vented, as if the heavens had blown away countless toxins and farted, and nothing gushed out anymore.

Immediately afterwards, a joyous emotion emerged in the hearts of all living beings in the heavens. Flowers fell from the sky and golden lotuses sprung from the ground. Everything suddenly became alive and exuded a joyful emotion.

God is happy!

This scene confused everyone.

Tiandao farted and then became happy?

Looking at Su Mu again, everyone felt terrified, and their faces immediately filled with fear.

"Infinite calamity?"

"how is this possible?"

They saw that Su Mu was surrounded by terrifying auras of immeasurable kalpas, as if he was a walking calamity of heavens, the source of disasters for all things.

The immeasurable catastrophe added to the body, so frightened that the emperor of heaven and other big bosses all retreated one after another, their faces full of horror.