MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 637 kill the sky, kill the sky

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Heavenly Emperor, Shangshang, Huangtian, Qingtian, the four great powers joined forces to strike.


The sky was shattered, and infinite chaotic energy rolled out.

Su Mu was the first to bear the brunt of the blow, his robes were scraped and rattled, air flow spread all over his body, and the divine power in his body erupted mightily.


With a sword cry, the world suddenly stopped.

I saw a person walking out of Su Mu's body, holding a sword and slashing, the entire void suddenly stopped, and then a huge hole was opened.

The clone of the human king appeared, cutting the sky with one sword.

This sword is a terrifying sword that Su Mu has accumulated for a long time, the human king cuts the sky, and the sword is cut in the hands of the gods.

With a crisp sound of "Kacha", the big hand that covered the sky was directly chopped into two halves.

The terrifying hand of the gods was cut off by the human king's avatar.

"Fate, Zhan Tian!"

The human king's avatar took advantage of the situation, and the sword in his hand condensed a terrible aura, and brought a brilliant river of light when he swung it.

The power of destiny is mysterious and mysterious, and its light is like a sword. With the power of the human king cutting the sky, it is multiplied, and it flashes across the body of the **** in an instant.


God's body froze, and he bowed his head in shock. There were bloodstains on the neck, heart, and various parts of the body, and then the blood spurted out, and the body was torn apart.

Cut the sky with one sword!

"how come?"

The Emperor of Heaven turned pale with fright, and felt inconceivable seeing the avatar of God being beheaded first.

The avatar was chopped off, of course the main body was affected a little bit, and a trace of the emperor's blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Su Mu in shock and anger, only to see a wave of terrifying Buddha and demon energy gushing out from the other party's body.

"Amitabha, I will send you on your way."

A person walked out of Su Mu's body, a Buddha and a demon, bathed in black and golden Buddha's light, raised his hand and condensed a terrifying magic-Buddha ring knife to split the air.


The buddha-demon avatar was as powerful as a bamboo, and it killed Huang Tian with a blow, and took advantage of the opportunity to slash Huang Tian's head.

Fortunately, Huang Tian was prepared to avoid the knife in time, otherwise his head would have been lost.

Although he escaped the fatal blow, he was still slashed in the shoulder, and was almost cut in half, with a look of shock and anger on his face.

The sky was cut into several pieces, and the emperor was blocked, which shocked the powerful from all sides.


"Kill him immediately!"

Shocked and angry, the Emperor of Heaven reprimanded loudly.

He pressed down with the majestic power of the Heavenly Dao World.

Qing Tian at the side struck a terrifying blow, and a gray green lotus went straight to kill Su Mu.

"Infinite light, infinite calamity!"

Suddenly, another figure walked out of Su Mu's body and slapped Qinglian who was attacking him.

I saw the immeasurable kalpa light, and the immeasurable kalpa surge instantly annihilated that green lotus, and the waves dissipated without stirring up a trace.

"Infinite calamity?"

Qing Tian turned pale with fright and retreated hastily.

It's a pity that Su Mu's immeasurable avatar has already approached, and the immeasurable light surging from his body bombarded Qingtian's body mightily.

"Ah..." Qing Tian screamed, his body collapsed inch by inch.

The immeasurable robbery entered the body, Qingtian's face was distorted, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

This is an immeasurable calamity, and being penetrated into the body is simply terrifying.

In just a split second, the blue sky turned into green smoke and dissipated, completely extinguished.

"Pfft—" the Heavenly Emperor suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Su Mu in shock and anger, and wiped out his two Heavenly Dao avatars one after another, which was terrifying.

"Emperor, send you on your way."

Su Mu's face was cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, another person walked out of his body, bathed in skylight, surrounded by flowers, and a wave of heavenly majesty.

The Heavenly Emperor's avatar appeared, holding a map of the Great Dao, and reached the sky in one step towards the Heavenly Dao World of the Heavenly Emperor. qqxsnew


The eruption of the power belonging to the emperor of heaven contained a terrifying power of heaven, and the power of the great world erupted brazenly.

With the power blessing of one-third of the authority of heaven, the sky fell apart in an instant.

Ka Ka Ka!

The Heavenly Dao World collapsed and was blown away by the Heavenly Emperor's avatar.

The powerful Heavenly Emperor clone directly killed the Heavenly Emperor, seeing the killed Su Mu clone, the Heavenly Emperor was so angry that his lungs exploded.

This is his strength, it is his strength.

Not to mention the failure of seizing Su Mu in the past, it also made Su Mu cheaper for nothing, allowing the other party to obtain the power that belonged to the Emperor of Heaven, and now it is used to deal with him.


The Emperor of Heaven patted it with a palm.

It's a pity that Su Mu's Heavenly Emperor avatar is more powerful, and he hard steeled the Heavenly Emperor's palm.


Click, click!

The space exploded, countless fragments scattered, and the chaotic airflow wrapped in a space storm swept all directions.

The two heavenly emperors retreated one after another, and they were evenly divided.

This scene stunned countless people, and all parties and strong people were shocked.

The Emperor of Heaven was actually repulsed and fell into a disadvantage.

Originally, the Heavenly Emperor showed his trump card, and the three avatars of the Heavenly Dao shook the world, thinking that Su Mu was doomed.

In the end, the opponent killed the two Heavenly Dao clones and repelled the Heavenly Emperor.

Repelling the Emperor of Heaven with the power of the Emperor of Heaven seems to make many strong people feel dreamy.


The Emperor of Heaven blushed with anger, and the Emperor of Heaven, who was supposed to be emotionless, became extremely furious.

Bursts of powerful aura erupted from his body, and God, who had been chopped into pieces before, suddenly reunited and stood beside the Heavenly Emperor once again.

Huangtian returned to the Emperor of Heaven, and immediately after that, the annihilated Qingtian walked out from behind the Emperor of Heaven again, staring at the immeasurable clone with a gloomy expression.

At this time, Su Mu stood there without moving a muscle, and several powerful clones gathered beside him.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Immortal Emperor confronted each other far away.

Both sides have cultivated their own avatars of the Dao, which has greatly shocked the powerhouses of all parties, and many of them feel terrified in their hearts.

The Heavenly Emperor has many methods and they have prepared and guessed, but Su Mu's method shocked everyone.

"I didn't expect that you have a lot of means."

Queen Mother Xi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Su Mu with a complicated look in her eyes.

In fact, she had expected it a long time ago, but she didn't expect it to be unexpected.

After all, he had close contact with Su Mu, and obtained the Dao Seed from him, so he is very aware of this guy's abnormality.

"Heavenly Emperor, let's reveal any other means."

Su Mu looked calm, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Su Mu has always been vigilant against old silver coins like Emperor Tiandi, and never dared to be careless.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the case, it is hidden really deep, and the three avatars of the Heavenly Dao have all come out.

It seems that the Emperor of Heaven not only opened up one great world of the Dao of Heaven, but one God, one Emperor Heaven, and one Qingtian meant that he opened up at least three great worlds of the Dao of Heaven.

No wonder the Emperor of Heaven pretends to be the sky, and I am the sky, which is really worthy of the name.

But Su Mu is not bad. Fortunately, he broke through once before, and he also condensed a few avatars of the Dao, so he was not suppressed by the Heavenly Emperor.

Beside him, there are avatars of human kings, avatars of emperors of heaven, avatars of Buddha and demons, and avatars of infinity, confronting the avatars of heavenly emperors.

At this time, Da Ri Tathagata withdrew, abandoned his opponent Miao Yin, and stared at Su Mu's buddha and demon avatar, with a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

"Another Buddha demon, how is it possible?"

Da Ri Tathagata was stunned.

One wonderful sound is enough to give him a headache, and now there is another Buddha and demon that seems to be more dangerous than the wonderful sound.

It seems that it has something to do with Su Mu. It is obviously the Buddha and demon avatar cultivated by the other party, which makes Da Ri Tathagata a little shocked and horrified.

"Avatar of Buddha and Demon?"

Miaoyin's eyes lit up, and she stared at Su Mu's Buddha-demon avatar with burning heat in her eyes.

"How many cards and secrets does he hide?"

She and Queen Mother Xi looked at each other, and both of them felt a little shocked, let alone the others.


At this moment, the void exploded.

Flesh spattered out, and soon a figure wasted and fell down.

Everyone looked around in unison, and their hearts were suddenly shaken.

He is the master of civilization.

"You—" His face was pale, and he opened his mouth to vomit blood.


The chaos exploded, and someone came step by step from inside, stepped on the chest of the Lord of Civilization, and trampled him under his feet.

That is Su Mu's clone of the Era, who cultivates the Dao of Doomsday.

Like the avatar of Buddha and Demon, it was condensed from the opportunity of enlightenment obtained by the two double cultivations of Queen Mother of the West and Miaoyin.

"Any civilization, any world, will disappear in the face of the apocalypse."

The Lord of Era looked down at the Lord of Civilization indifferently.

"You talk about civilization, I talk about reason, have you realized it?"

The words of the Lord of the Era made the world silent.

Everyone including the Emperor of Heaven, Tathagata, God was stunned.

This is stepping on the face of the Emperor of Heaven and slapping him in the face.

Seeing that the emperor's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, it can be seen that the emperor was blown up with anger and was about to explode.

But when he saw Su Mu and those avatar clones of the Great Dao on the opposite side, his heart trembled wildly, a trace of bitterness welled up in his heart, and he felt powerless for a while.

Where did this pervert come from?

The Emperor of Heaven was frantic in his heart, and his anger was suppressed and suppressed, and he couldn't vent it so that he felt stuck in his throat.

The Lord of the Era cultivated the Dao of the Doomsday Era. With the power of the Doomsday, he defeated the Lord of Civilization with no power to parry.

Because in the Dharma-ending era, all laws are exhausted, making it impossible for the Lord of Civilization to display his full strength, and he is suppressed to create the current situation.

"Su Mu, let him go, I used to-"

The Emperor of Heaven was about to speak, but froze before finishing his sentence.


Over there, the Lord of Civilization suddenly exploded, turning into **** of flesh and flying away.

The Lord of the Era raised his head in surprise and asked, "I didn't hear what you said just now, can you repeat it again?"


The Emperor of Heaven was so angry that his face turned black, and a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat and he swallowed it forcefully.

I can't swallow this breath.

"Tathagata, what are you waiting for, do you still want to hide your means?"

The Heavenly Emperor roared angrily and stared at Da Ri Tathagata.

This old monk is too stubborn, he didn't show any means of his own, and now the situation has become too difficult to suppress the other party.

If you keep hiding it, you may lose today.


Tathagata clasped his hands together and stared at Su Mu with fiery eyes.

"Benefactor, good means, good cultivation, why not enter my Western Paradise, I grant you the honor of the ancient Buddha of the Western Paradise, how about taking charge of the Western Paradise together with me?"

Da Ri Tathagata suddenly said these words.

This is a direct solicitation!

"Ah... Tathagata, you—" the Heavenly Emperor stared angrily at the sudden arrival of the sun, but unfortunately the other party didn't even look at him and was ignored.


After hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Da Ri Tathagata is now looking at Su Mu with bright eyes, as if seeing a treasure, and wishing to swallow that look.

"Oh? The old monk is trying to recruit me?"

Su Mu looked at the sudden arrival of the Great Sun with weird eyes, and he was really willing to let him join Xitian to sit on an equal footing with the Great Sun Tathagata and hold Xitian together.

The temptation is not insignificant, but what's the point?

Lao Tzu opened up the fairy world, and as the fairy emperor of one side of the fairy world, he is no worse than you, why did he go to the west with you?

Besides, you are not a beauty.

The one next to me is a proper beauty, isn't the killing bodhisattva fragrant?

Miaoyin became nervous, and stared at Su Mu without blinking, afraid that it would be fun if he directly agreed to Tathagata. UU Reading

"Sorry, I'm not interested in Xitian!"

Su Mu shook his head and directly rejected the other party.

"It's a good thing, it's a pity!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Da Ri Tathagata's eyes, and he clasped his hands together and said a Buddha's name.

Rumble! !

At this moment, there was a burst of thunder in the void and chaos.

Everyone looked up, and their expressions changed drastically.

One side of the demon world slowly unfolded in the chaos, exuding immeasurable demonic energy, and a terrifying demon power struck mightily.

The devil world is born!


The Heavenly Emperor's face changed drastically, seeing the emergence of the Demon Realm and knowing that it could not be stopped, he glared at Tathagata angrily, turned around and took several big clones to tear up the chaos and disappeared.

He simply left.

After all, there is no point in staying.

Su Mu has grown up now, he is not weaker than him at all, he even hides one hand after another just like him, the Heavenly Emperor has suffered a loss just now.

It's meaningless to stay any longer, not to mention that he might be besieged again. After all, Da Ri Tathagata openly wanted to recruit Su Mu to the West Paradise, and this old monk might turn his back on him.

"Amitabha, benefactor, the poor monk bid farewell, there will be a period later."

Seeing that the Emperor of Heaven had run away, the great sun suddenly retreated and prepared to leave.

"Monk, you're all here, stay and have a vegetarian meal before leaving."

Su Mu walked up with a smile, and several clones quietly surrounded Da Ri suddenly.

Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin blocked the way together.

Da Ri Tathagata's complexion changed, he knew that trouble was serious! Mountains and Seas for All: Start from a thatched cottage https://