MTL - Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!-Chapter 671 revenge

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  Chapter 671 Revenge

  When he was in Xiaoxiang Building, Li Beibei also saw reborns washing horses in the backyard a few times.

   Reborn is not left-handed.

   At that time, Li Beibei also saw him carrying a bucket.

  It was carried by the right hand several times.

   And today, even grooming the horses is done with the left hand.

This shows what.

  This shows that he did it on purpose.

  He deliberately used his left hand to cover up something.

   Maybe he also knew that he would doubt him.

  So I deliberately used my left hand to work when she appeared.

  The purpose is to convey a message that he is not injured.

  But the more this is the case, the more it is trying to cover up.

  Li Beibei had serious doubts in his heart.

  She wished she could go back immediately to confirm.

  Chu Xiubai also seemed to have noticed the clue: "Beibei, what's wrong with you, do you think there is something wrong with rebirth?"

  Li Beibei pondered for a while.

   Then shook his head.

  Li Beibei said: "Let's go to the Ming Mansion first."

  The carriage soon arrived at the gate of Ming Mansion.

   Li Beibei and Chu Xiubai got out of the car.

  The butler of the Ming Mansion came out soon.

  The butler said: "Ming Manor is not entertaining guests today, you should go back."

  Li Beibei said: "You go to Master Minglou, and tell the girl Cherry from the Xiaoxiang Pavilion to see you."

  The steward looked up and down, and then said: "I'm sorry, our master closed the door today to thank you, and no one will see you."

   After talking, the chief manager left.

   And at this time Mingshou came out.

  Seeing Li Beibei hurried over: "Miss Cherry, what's wrong with you?"

   Li Beibei only found out after attending the Ming Mansion's birthday banquet.

  Ming Shou is actually not the chief steward of the Ming Mansion, but an idler raised by the Ming Mansion, but he himself has always claimed to be the steward of the Ming Mansion.

   This is misunderstood by people outside.

   Li Beibei said, "I'm here to find Minglou."

Mingshou persuaded: "Miss Cherry, I think you should go back first. Our master is angry and said he wants to find you. Because of you, our third young master confronted the master in public and made him lose face. Now our miss Something happened again, I am afraid that the master will blame you for this incident, Miss Cherry should not make fun of herself."

  Li Beibei said: "You let me in, maybe I can find a way to save your lady."

  When Mingshou heard this, he stepped forward suspiciously: "Can you really find a way to save our lady?"

  Li Beibei said: "I can't guarantee it, but I have to go in and see the situation."

   Mingshou had an idea in his mind.

  He has always had no status in this family.

  Everyone regards him as a first-class idler.

   But it's just because his sister is the wife of Mingfu.

  In fact, secretly, everyone said that he was a parasite of the Ming Dynasty, and the words were as ugly as they were.

   Now the Ming government is suffering.

   Now his sister is almost blind from crying.

  Ming Hongsheng is gathering famous doctors from all over the world.

  Whoever can cure Miss will be rewarded ten thousand gold.

  Since last night, doctors have come in batches.

  But there is nothing to do.

  If at this time, the people he brought can cure Ming Yuyan.

  After that, his status in the Ming Mansion will definitely not be the same. It will be seen who dares to gossip behind his back then.

  Although he didn't know what Miss Cherry could do.

  But in the current situation, it is good to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

   Mingshou said: "Miss Cherry, come with me, the master is at the wife's side now, you have to hurry up, so as not to bump into other people."

  Ming Shou took Li Beibei to Ming Yuyan's room.

   There are also a large number of doctors gathered there.

  Everyone was frowning, and they discussed together but failed to come up with a countermeasure.

  Li Beibei went to check on Ming Yuyan's situation.

  Ming Yuyan's condition is not very good, and she is still in a coma.

  She was pale, her lips were purple, and various purple spots appeared on her face.

  It is said that when these plaques spread all over her body, she will wake up, in great pain, and finally her internal organs will fester and die.

  Li Beibei naturally has nothing to do about it.

  Li Beibei just stayed inside for a while.

   Then I went to the place where the black-clothed assassin was found yesterday.

  Li Beibei looked for clues everywhere, but found nothing.

   Later Li Beibei went to the place where Minglou shot the man in black yesterday.

   There is still a small puddle of blood on the ground.

   Obviously it was left by the man in black.

  Li Beibei squatted down.

   Checked carefully.

   Finally found a small strand of hair on the ground.

   It looks like a small handful cut off when Minglou shoots arrows.

   Li Beibei put her hair back.

   Then he left with Chu Xiubai.

  Li Beibei did not pick up Minglou today.

   Along the way, Chu Xiubai asked: "You went to see Miss Yuyan, did you find anything?"

  Li Beibei said: "I didn't find anything, that person hurriedly, I can't tell where he came in from, and how he poisoned him."

  Chu Xiubai also frowned: "This is difficult. Doesn't it mean that Miss has only three days to live?"

  Li Beibei was thoughtful, but did not speak.

Chu Xiubai comforted Li Beibei: "Actually, we just try our best. We are not detectives. Everyone has their own destiny. Don't take everything on yourself. If there is really nothing you can do, just let fate go." .”

   Soon they returned to the restaurant.

  Li Beibei went directly to the backyard.

  Because Li Beibei knew that during the day, Rebirth was always helping in the backyard.

  He couldn't be idle, when he first arrived at the restaurant, the boss was just recruiting people, so he just passed by.

  He said he wanted to earn money by himself.

   Reborn cleans the stable in the backyard.

  He is very diligent, his hands and feet are also agile, and the places he has cleaned are always clean.

  Li Beibei walked over and called out, "Rebirth?"

   Rebirth saw Li Beibei, and hurried over: "Sister, you're back so soon."

  Li Beibei smiled: "Rebirth, you come to my room, I brought you something good."

  Rebirth was very happy: "What a good thing, sister, you are so kind to me."

   Rebirth followed Li Beibei to her room.

   As soon as he arrived in Li Beibei's room, Rebirth saw some dried fruits on the table.

  Rebirth hurried over: "Sister, did you buy these?"

  Li Beibei nodded: "Do you like it?"

   Rebirth ate a piece of peanut crisp: "It's delicious, thank you sister."

  Li Beibei smiled, and then said: "I see that you have been wearing clothes for a long time. I passed by a fashion store today and bought two new clothes for you."

   Rebirth saw that there was still a wooden box on the table.

  Inside the wooden box are two plain clothes.

   It looks clean and refreshing, and it is very comfortable to look at.

   Rebirth said: "Sister, thank you, it is really a blessing to meet you after three lives."

  Li Beibei said with a smile: "Go inside and change into it, and I'll see if it fits you."

   Rebirth smiled and said, "My sister bought it, it must fit."

  The smile on Li Beibei's face did not change, but insisted: "Go and try!"

   Rebirth saw Li Beibei's tough tone, and the expression on his face changed subtly.

  But I still carried the clothes and went inside.

  Li Beibei sat on a chair outside, still hesitating.

   In the end, she still doubted the rebirth in her heart.

  In order to dispel this suspicion, she had to go in and confirm.

  Li Beibei got up and walked in.

  When Li Beibei went in over there.

   Rebirth just changed into the clothes Li Beibei bought.

  Seeing Li Beibei come in suddenly.

   quickly put on the clothes.

  Rebirth said: "Sister, why did you come in?"

  Li Beibei said: "Rebirth, did your shoulder hurt?"

  Li Beibei didn't want to probe anymore, so she just asked directly.

  The rebirth was stunned: "No, sister, I'm fine."

  Li Beibei said: "Then show me your left shoulder."

   Rebirth said: "Sister, although I am still a child, I am also twelve years old, and my parents have told me not to see evil."

  Li Beibei was amused: "Don't look at anything evil, I just look at your shoulder."

   After speaking, Li Beibei stepped forward and forcibly pulled off Rebirth's clothes.

   But the arm was grabbed by Rebirth.

  There was a slight strangeness in the reborn eyes.

  His eyes changed instantly.

   In an instant, he became extremely indifferent.

  Li Beibei just felt that he had become a stranger.

  Rebirth's voice was also very cold, with a hint of warning.

   "Sister, I advise you not to watch it, the less you know about some things, the better."

  The answer is ready to come out.

  But Li Beibei still didn't give up.

   Pull **** the clothes of rebirth.

   Regenerates a dodge, like lightning.

  Li Beibei was not polite, turned over from the table, grabbed the sleeve of Rebirth in his clothes, and pulled hard.

  The sleeves were torn off in an instant.

  On the shoulders of the rebirth, there were traces of bandaging.

  There are bright red bloodstains on it.

  Everything is clear.

  But Li Beibei still wanted to hear Rebirth himself say what was going on.

  Li Beibei asked Rebirth: "How did your shoulder get hurt?"

   Rebirth seems to be still dying: "I accidentally fell when I was feeding the horse yesterday."

   "Fall to the chest and back and bleed at the same time?"

   Rebirth fell silent.

Li Beibei said: "Let me tell you, you were injured by an arrow. You went to the Ming Mansion last night, poisoned Ming Yuyan and escaped, and were shot through the shoulder by an arrow from Ming Lou. You have always been You are pretending, you sneaked into the Xiaoxiang Tower just to get rid of the people of the Ming Mansion, and wait for an opportunity to take revenge, you are not reborn at all, but the cold heart of the little son of the Leng family who has been wandering outside."

  The reborn face has returned to calm.

  He tried to look away, and said coldly: "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Li Beibei took out a small box from her arms.

  Open the box, and inside is a handful of hair.

Li Beibei said: "You know I have a lot of novel things, I can tell you that I am not from your era, I come from the future, and the technology of the future already has the technology to detect DNA. Simply put, it is me As long as I get a piece of your hair, I can confirm whether it is you. This is the hair that was cut off by the assassin at the scene last night. As long as I compare it with the DNA in your hair, I can confirm whether it is you. No matter how much you argue, it won't help."

  What Li Beibei said is true, but there is no such detection technology here.

  She was just bluffing him.

  But the rebirth seems to be convinced.

   After all, the woman in front of her is different from anyone she has ever been in contact with.

   There are indeed many novel things about her.

  Even before, she gave him a pistol.

  He used it once and killed a brown bear in the circus.

  This kind of power can match thousands of bows and arrows.

  So Li Beibei believed what he said.

   Rebirth also knew that this time he could never hide it.

  And he knew that Li Beibei was suspicious.

  Because last night, when he was hiding in the bamboo forest, the two of them looked at each other.

   At that time, Rebirth knew that he had revealed himself.

  Rebirth said: "That's right, the person you saw in the Ming Mansion last night was me. I injected the poison and killed the person. Do you want to hand me over to them?"

  This question stopped Li Beibei.

  Because after the incident happened, Li Beibei always wanted to find the assassin and confirm the answer.

  But Li Beibei has never thought about what she will do after confirmation.

   After holding back for a long time, Li Beibei said: "When is the time for revenge, let alone Minglou and Mingyuyan are innocent."

Rebirth suddenly became excited: "Innocent, aren't the three hundred members of our Leng family innocent? Are my father and mother innocent? Ming Hongsheng deserves to die, but I won't let him die so easily. I want to let him watch the people around him die in pain one by one, and then die the last one, but even this cannot repay one tenth of what he owes us to the Leng family."

  Looking at the hatred flashing in Rebirth's eyes, Li Beibei felt complicated.

Li Beibei said: "I know that I have no position to persuade you, and I also know that no matter what I say, you can't let go of your hatred, but since I know about this matter, I must take care of it. Save, I want to save Ming Yuyan, and I can't let you sink deeper and deeper into the vortex of hatred. Even if you kill everyone, do you think you will be happy? Or, the Ming family will Is it meaningful to produce a person like you who only thinks about revenge?"

   Rebirth said: "But, I live for revenge."

  Li Beibei said: "Rebirth, let me ask you a question."

  Rebirth's eyes fell on Li Beibei's face.

  Li Beibei asked: "Rebirth, do you believe that I came from another world?"

  Rebirth was silent for a while.

   Then nodded.

  Li Beibei is so different from them.

  Her words and deeds, thinking and cognition are indeed completely different from the people here.

   So he believed.

  Perhaps people can really travel to the past.

   This is also what he has imagined countless times in his dreams.

   It would be nice if people could go back in time.

  In this way, he can save their Leng family from the tragedy.

  Li Beibei didn't expect to believe it immediately after being reborn.

Li Beibei said: "I am not only time-traveled, but also reborn. Like your name, I died, and then woke up in another world, in a different time, space and time. There is also Chu Xiubai who is the same as me." .”

  (end of this chapter)