MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-Chapter 11 improve

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  Chapter 11 Improvements

  The mountain range around Chenwangzhuang is called Wuyun Mountain. It used to be covered by dark clouds for many years, and thunderstorms were frequent. It didn't get better after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

  The entire county town is surrounded by Wuyun Mountain, and the former county town was named after the black cloud.

   Later, in the 1950s, the dark cloud was changed to Lingyun.

  Chen Ling came to the foot of the mountain, and it was easy to find the large barren land.

  The ruins of the lime factory have long been invisible, after all, nearly ten years have passed.

   But abandoned bricks, stones are still everywhere.

   Looking around, there are not even a few dead grasses, a bare piece.

   There are also deep ditches.

   is washed out by the water flow on the mountain when the rainfall is sufficient in summer.

   In short, the eyes are full of abandonment and desolation.

   This has little to do with the current season.

   Whether a piece of land has vitality or not is like whether a person is full of energy or lethargic. It is still easier to distinguish.

  Especially this piece of land, there are 30 acres of land, such a big place, nothing grows well.

   is a person who knows there is a problem.

  Chen Ling took out the **** from the cave and dug it casually.

   Grabbed the soil in his hand, the topsoil was heavily dispersed, and there was no moisture in it.

   But the further down you go, the harder the soil becomes, like hitting a stone with a hoe.

After    planing a few times, Chen Ling's wrists numb from the shock.

   "Damn it, this is too hard!"

   Chen Ling was dumbfounded for a while. He had planned to find a rake and plough the field twice.

   Now it seems that there is no need to think about it.

   The plow doesn't move at all.

  The main reason is that there is a huge amount of lime buried in the ground. When the earthquake broke out that year, many places collapsed. Hundreds of lime ponds in the lime factory, including those that had been bagged, all collapsed into the ground.

  Under the action of such a huge amount of lime, the water and nutrients in the soil cannot be retained at all.

   Over the years, unattended for nearly ten years, the surface layer of the soil was loosened and the lower layer was seriously solidified.

   It’s better to build a house and build a factory.

  If it is used for farming, it is a veritable wasteland.

   "If there is no sun and moon cave..."

   "In such a place, it seems to be a good idea to set up a farm."

  Chen Ling carried his **** and looked around.

Then I walked around the ridge, cleaned up the abandoned bricks and rubble a little, found a flat place, dug small holes with a hoe, grabbed a handful of peanuts and sprinkled them in one by one. Buried well.

   Then he drew a bucket of stream water from the cave, scooped one with a ladle, and splashed it twice.

   Anyway, after two bowls, there is no effect, so don’t worry about wasting it.

   Soon saw a peanut seedling breaking out of the ground.

   After a few minutes, it has grown to maturity.

  Chen Ling pulled out one, peeled it off and tasted the taste.

   is slightly better than normal peanuts.

   But if you compare this with the peanuts grown inside the cave, the difference is not even a star.

the reason is simple:

   First, the Dongtian Stream is not used much.

  The second is that the soil in this place is too bad.

   "However, it was not in vain."

  Chen Ling squatted down and scratched the soil, showing a satisfied smile.

   "As I expected, the soil will be improved a lot when the crops are planted with the stream water."

   "My previous idea is still feasible."

   "Grow one piece today and one piece tomorrow. In just a little time, you can plant this piece of land over and over again to complete the initial improvement of the soil."

   "And thirty acres of peanuts can be harvested."

   "When the time comes, find someone in the county to sell it..."

   "It's just the past two years to promote greenhouse planting, that is, fresh peanuts that have just been planed in the greenhouse. Well, I can use this excuse to sell anything in the future."

   Actually, there are basically no peanuts grown in greenhouses.

   You can make money from off-season vegetables to off-season fruits, but very few people grow grain.

   But who makes people unfamiliar with greenhouses now?

  Thinking of this, Chen Ling immediately became motivated, stood up and continued to dig pits and plant peanuts.

   I have to say that a person who does not often do farm work suddenly goes to work in the fields, so he will not talk about the rusty, the key is to be tired.

To give a simple example, let's say digging the ground. Don't look at other people in the field, digging the soil with a **** and a hoe. It looks very relaxed, interesting, and fun. If you replace it with yourself, when I really don't know if I don't do it, and I'm startled when I do it.

   In addition to being physically tired, my heart is also tired.

   I don’t often do farm work in the fields, and I don’t know how to be smart. I often do the work in a mess, with slow speed and low efficiency.

   The more you work, the more bored you are, let alone finish the job well.

Of course.

   This is why Chen Ling is different now.

  I once went to university in another time and space, served in the military, and raised pigs and vegetables in the army, which is considered a bit of experience.

  Although the working style of the crops is not very good, but when he is familiar with it, it works quite like that.

   The more dry the better.

   No one goes up the mountain this season, and no one comes to this remote place.

  He buried himself in planting peanuts, digging pits, planting seeds, and watering, omitting the normal steps of plowing, turning the ground, covering soil, and furrows.

   It only took about three hours to plant an acre of peanuts.

   To be replaced by other people to grow peanuts, one mu of land must be busy for at least a day.


  Under the cool mountain wind in early spring, large pieces of peanuts swayed in the wind, making people feel happy.

   also filled Chen Ling's heart with hope.

   "I seem to have miscalculated. It doesn't take long to plant an acre of land, and I'm not too tired."

   "Could it be that the Dongtian Stream improved my physique?"

  Chen Ling clenched his fists, but felt like he had endless strength.

   Although he was sweating, his body was hot and full of energy.

   It is like a machine that has just been boiled, and is about to exert force.

   "This guy, he can use a rake in the future to be used as a cow."

  Chen Ling shook his fist and made fun of himself.

   Then, dancing with his hoe, he shaved off the mature peanuts.

   Growing peanuts is easy, but harvesting peanuts is a little more difficult.

   At noon, this acre of peanuts was harvested into the sky.

   "Ah, this kind of life is good, simple, fulfilling and happy."

  Chen Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead, stretched his waist and smiled.

   In the past, he may feel that rural life is boring and boring. It is better to lie at home, or find a way to make money quickly and enjoy it every day.

   Now in another time and space after decades of baptism of life.

   Only then did I realize how precious such a life is.

   At that time, he also thought about going back to his hometown to farm and raise birds, but unfortunately, the pastoral life at that time had already changed.

   When he goes back, he will be pointed at by the villagers in private, as if he thinks he can't get along outside, and he comes back to escape.

   is really boring.

   And right now, he is very lucky to have a magical paradise.

   Don't worry about eating and drinking.

   No need to run for a living.

   Without any worries, he can live the life he wants with peace of mind.

  How nice.

   For a man who has lived through a fast-paced society and is breathless under increasing pressure.

   The current life is the best, comfortable and comfortable, no matter how much money you give.

   "My peanut yield can reach about 600 catties per mu of land. If I have time in the afternoon to plant another mu of land, I will go to the county town to sell it tomorrow."

  Chen Ling summed up happily.

  I have not done farm work for many years, and now I have experienced it in the field. I am very satisfied and feel very enjoyable.

  Especially the magic of Dongtian allows him to taste the joy of harvest soon.

   You can also actually pull it to the city to sell it yourself.

   To cash out manually.

   That feeling is even more addictive than playing farming games in the future.

  Chen Ling was in a good mood, and hummed a little tune on the way home.

   "Peanuts are good, peanuts are wonderful, and peanuts croak when pressed for oil."

   I have to say that peanuts are really good things.

   improves the soil by itself.

   Although it is inconspicuous, it is a necessity for oil extraction.

  In the food crops of this era, the price is on the high side.

  It is not obvious that they have more mountains and less farmland.

  There are many places outside, especially in the plains. In this era, many rural peanuts and soybeans are the main income of the family.


   When Chen Ling got home, it was after 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

   Two puppies, one black and one yellow, were held in his arms by him, and they were looking around with their black eyes.

   These two little guys were comfortable in the cave. They slept in the hut for a long time, and Chen Ling tossed peanuts so much that they didn't wake them up.

   is very energetic now, and it is not honest to be held by Chen Ling in his arms.

   kept twisting his body, trying to climb up on Chen Ling's shoulder.

   "Is the rice ready, Susu?"

  Chen Ling shouted and walked into the courtyard gate.

   "Okay, the pot hasn't been served yet, I'll wait for you to come back."

   At this time, Wang Susu was sitting in the yard taking the soles of his shoes.

   Spring is coming soon, the cotton shoes are too thick to wear, so I have to make new shoes.

   Hearing Chen Ling's voice, he looked up and saw him walking in with two puppies in his arms.

   "Yeah, puppy?"

   Wang Susu, who had been disturbed by the ploughing, suddenly got up and trotted over.

   "A Ling, don't you like dogs? Why did you suddenly bring back two puppies?"

   Gently touched the two little guys in Chen Ling's arms, Wang Susu was a little curious.

   "I picked it up from the Temple of the Earth. These two puppies were not weaned, and the **** died."

   "If you leave it alone, you will starve to death sooner or later. I looked so pitiful, so I brought it back."

   "If you don't like it, raise some and we'll give it away."

  Chen Ling smiled and said.

   "Don't, don't give it away."

   "I like it very much..."

  Wang Susu was nervous as soon as she heard that they were given away, and hurriedly took the two puppies into her arms and stroked them gently.

   She likes dogs very much, but unfortunately Chen Ling didn't let them keep them before because she thought it was too dirty to pee everywhere, and it was easy to breed lice and fleas.

   Now Chen Ling has finally taken the initiative to bring back two of them. She is too happy to give them away.

   "By the way, the exchange of cultivated land is done. After that, I went to the wasteland to take a look. The situation was as bad as I thought."

  Chen Ling took the initiative to inform the situation in the morning, lest Wang Susu be worried and dare not ask.

   Keep this matter in your heart all the time, it’s not good to hold back the problem.

   "I dug up some soil and came back, just look at it..."

   (end of this chapter)