MTL - My Animation Era-Chapter 16 Black powder is also powder

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  Chapter 16 Black fans are also fans

  School bag is just a microcosm.

  In fact, the sales of other peripheral derivatives are not bad. For example, the sales volume of plastic dolls produced by a certain toy factory exceeded 100,000 in August.

  Children's money, so easy to earn!

  As long as there is something related to Pleasant Goat, whether it is stationery or toys, there is no need to worry about selling.

   This is also one of the reasons why Gu Miao wants to buy Wanzhibao Toy Factory. There is no way, the profit is too outrageous.

  Aofei deserves to be the beacon of the industry!

  As the first company in China to learn Disney's successful experience and determine the development route of "toys + animation", it is simply the favorite company of countless time travelers.

  Gu Miao was no exception.

  When he didn't know what to do, he only needed to recall the road that Aofei had traveled in his mind, and his thinking would be clear in an instant.

  Acquiring a toy factory is only the first step.

   In the next step, Gu Miao also plans to set up a comic company to produce and distribute single-book comics to provide sufficient "bullets" for the animation company.

  Animation and comics are not separated!

  Let’s not talk about how it is in foreign countries, at least in China, animation and comics are generally bundled together and are called "animation industry".

  Manga animation is also the most common type of animation in the industry, followed by novel adaptation and game adaptation, and finally original animation.

  This is a whole industrial chain.

  Currently, Gu Miao does not have enough financial resources to realize the layout of the whole industry. But in the future, he will definitely work hard in this direction.

  Old business?

  What old business!

   Gu Miao, who has already tasted the sweetness in the animation industry, will not give up the existing achievements and turn around to make some TV series.

   Maybe you can try it in the future!


  Saturday, September 7.

  Jiangchuan Children’s Channel broadcasted the latest episode of the animation "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" at 18:00 as usual.

   "Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat..."

   "Don't look at me as a sheep. The intelligence of a sheep is unimaginable. No matter how high the sky is, the mood is as unrestrained. I chase the sun every day~!"

   Before the commercial ended, Liu Zida was already shaking his head from side to side, singing the theme song with his nephew in advance.



  Liu Zida's position has not changed, he still hates "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" as before, wishing that the director would ascend to heaven in a spiral.

   Even, he made the video criticizing Pleasant Goat into a "Daily Update" series. One issue will be updated every day, a short video about the plot characters of Pleasant Goat and the production team.

   Not to mention, it's very hot!

  He also caught the first wave of Pleasant Goat's popularity and enjoyed the traffic bonus. Through the series of videos of "Criticizing Pleasant Goat", he has become a "temporary" brother in the animation area of ​​station B, and his fans have surged by hundreds of thousands.

   Was jokingly called by fans—"Gu Sansui's number one assassination target!"


  Gu Sansui is the nickname given by Liu Zida to Gu Miao, chief animation director of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", because there is a word "Miao" in his name, which is often pronounced "Shui Shui Shui" by children.

  And "Sanshui" is homonymous for "three years old", mocking the animation he made, only three-year-olds like to watch it.

   I have to say, quite appropriate.

  Liu Zida, who invented this black name, suddenly became the leader of Gu Miao's black fans. It is also a reasonable thing to be included in someone's assassination list.

   Of course, this is just a joke.

  What happened to him pointing at the Internet? Could it be that the person surnamed Gu can find out his real identity through the network cable and bribe the killer to kill him?

  If you think about it, you know it's impossible.

  Liu Zida has no pressure, not only watching the latest episodes of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" on time every day, but also often calling his nephew who loves Pleasant Goat to watch with him.

Do not misunderstand!

   This is not some love from an uncle, but a spicy comment on his favorite animation in front of his own nephew.


  Every time he sees his nephew showing a painful expression of "stop talking", Liu Zida feels a sense of revenge.

  Even, after seeking the consent of his elder brother and sister-in-law, he used his camera to record the moment when his nephew "breaks the defense" every day, and cut it into his daily updated video.

   For this…

  The little nephew gritted his teeth with hatred.

   But he still has nothing to do, after all, Liu Zida's comments are well-founded, and he can't refute them at all since he was only in elementary school.

   Today is another day of breaking defenses!

  The title of this episode is "Treading on Stilts", as the name suggests, Big Big Wolf figured out how to use "stilts" to cross the iron gate to catch sheep.

   "Is that how you step on stilts? It looks unprofessional at first glance! In reality, if you step on it like this, you will definitely fall!" Liu Zida said mercilessly.

   Bar fine!

  Nephew Liu Xing pouted, not bothering to pay attention to this nervous uncle.

  As the plot progressed, when Big Big Wolf invented the "extensible stilts" and successfully entered Yangcun and caught Lazy Yangyang, Liu Zida couldn't help complaining again.

   "What is the mechanical principle of this telescopic stilt? If this can be achieved, can the left foot step on the right foot to go to heaven?"


  Unbearable, Liu Xing turned his head and said to the camera that Liu Zida held up with his hands: "You are so good at chatting, you must be very popular with girls, right?"

  Crit strike!

   Also triggers collectors!

  Liu Zida's face collapsed in an instant. He originally wanted to see his nephew break the defense, but in the end he was defeated instead.

   "I'm talking about animation, why are you talking about reality?"

   "I'm talking about reality, why are you talking about animation?" Liu Xing said in a strange way.

  Liu Zida: "..."

   Good guy!

  Hunting geese all day long, I didn't expect to be blinded by geese today. Is this something an elementary school student can say?

   "Ahem, who taught you this?"

   "A kind-hearted and enthusiastic netizen who can't stand me being bullied by you!" Liu Xing said triumphantly.

   "How about it, isn't it amazing?"


  Liu Zida was silent for a while, raised his head and asked, "You are an enthusiastic netizen, you should be my fan, what's his last name?"

   "The surname is Gu!"

   There is an insider, terminate the transaction!

  Liu Zida never expected that among his fans, not only was there such a big fish lurking, but he also secretly hooked up with his little nephew.


  Finding that Liu Zida's expression was wrong, Liu Xing said in a daze, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

   Big problem!

   As soon as he thought that beside him, there were actually eyes and ears sent by the evil BOSS, secretly collecting his black materials, Liu Zida was instantly filled with anger.

   "Don't call me uncle, call me plaintiff!"

   "Be honest, how much black information have you revealed to him? When are you going to launch a fatal blow to me?"

are you crazy!

  Looking at his uncle performing "Face Changing in Sichuan Opera", Liu Xing rolled his eyes calmly and thought to himself.

  Uncle Gu is such a good person, how could he do such a thing?

  Not only does he not hold grudges, but he also said things like "Black fans are also fans", "Military medals score half of Xiao Liu" and so on...

  (end of this chapter)