MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 87 87th

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Song Yizhen returned to his place of residence and began to pack things. This is the house that the company rented for him. Since he had to cancel the contract, he certainly could not continue to live.

Hua Rong quickly got the news and quickly rushed over.

At this time, Song Yizhen’s face has been restored to calm. He originally thought that he would hate and even fear Huarong, but after talking with Shen Huai, he found that many things are far less terrible than I imagined, even if it is China. Rong, but this is not the case.

Hua Rong’s appearance is high, “You really want to cancel the contract”

Song Yizhen nodded.

Hua Rong took out the agreement and Song Yizhen carefully read it again. He used to take the contract of Shen Huai to find a lawyer. The other person is very good. Not only did he help him see the contract, but he also taught him how to look at the contract. Although the agreement was much simpler than the contract, the other party was Hua Rong, Song Yi. I have to be more cautious.

Hua Rong looked at him, and his heart became more suspicious.

"You have to think clearly, and I will cancel the contract with you. You will not have such a good opportunity in the future. The entertainment circle is like this. You think that if you change the company, you can get rid of this kind of thing. It is impossible. It’s so cruel, you don’t pay anything, how can you beat others, let alone stand out from the crowd”

Song Yizhen did not pay attention to her, but she became more and more annoyed. There was always a feeling that she was beyond her control. She had always had a sense of superiority when she faced Song Yizhen, and felt that she could firmly control him, but at the moment, she However, I feel that Song Yizhen seems to have changed someone, making her completely uncertain.

After reading the contract, Song Yizhen determined that there was no problem. He learned the appearance of Shen Huai, signed his name with his pen, and handed it to Hua Rong. He said calmly, "Huajie, I have signed the agreement, I am bothering you." Sign and seal it."

Hua Rong frowned, and determined that Song Yizhen was really different from before. She thought about it and said, "I forgot to take the company seal. I will go back to the stamp and I will come to the company to find me."

Song Yizhen said faintly, "Sister Hua, you have always done a very good job. Since you came to me specifically to cancel the contract, how can you not take the seal of Huajie, do you regret it?"

Hua Rong was stunned by his thoughts, and his face was unspeakable. She always looked at herself very high and had a secret sense of superiority to her artists, especially Song Yizhen, who was treated as a waste.

In her heart, Song Yizhen turned over and thought about it. She still couldn't think of any redness on the other side. She thought that he had just experienced such a big thing after all, and his personality changed very normal.

When she thought about it, she figured it out. She didn't hesitate any more. She took the contract and signed her name with a brush. She took the seal from the bag and carefully placed it next to it. One handed to Song Yizhen, revealing the kind smile of his signature.

"I am also very happy, I wish you a bright future."

Song Yizhen looked at the hand that stretched out in front of him, his lips curled slightly, and he gently touched Huarong’s hand and then immediately retracted.

"I will."

After Huarong left, Song Yizhen took the agreement to cancel the contract. The whole person fell on the sofa like a collapse, and his face showed a crying smile.

The matter of cancellation is not only to solve the embarrassment of others, but also to unlock the shackles of his heart. Huarong is no longer the mountain that is in his heart. The gloomy past seems to be gradually worse. Terrible.

He turned on the phone and dialed a number to go out.

"Shen, hello, I am Song Yizhen"

Hanging up the phone, Song Yizhen took a sigh of relief and shook his fist. For the first time in two years, he was full of hope for the future.

Shen Huai took Song Yizhen to go through the signing formalities and talked with him for a while.

Compared with the last time, it was only a general discussion. This time, Shen Huai asked more deeply. He knew that Song Yizhen had just signed a male criminal of the criminal investigation drama, and asked him to ask for a script. He asked him in detail about the script. view.

Song Yizhen was the first time to receive such treatment, quite a bit flattered, and now he put his own views and trays out.

Although Shen Huai did not play a play, he had a good vision and could hear the lessons that Song Yizhen did in it. However, it is not enough that he is thoroughly prepared for this role. Song Yizhen is not a graduate of the class, or exists. Some questions.

However, Shen Huai is still very satisfied. In his view, the technical problem is still a good solution, and the important thing is attitude.

What's more, Song Yizhen only did not have systematic training, and he took a purely wild path. With such performance, there is still a certain talent.

Shen Huai has a number of hearts, and the surface is also a lot slower. "I probably understand it. Listen to your story. I think this script is still good. You are also very interested in building the characters. Some points are quite new."

Shen Huai said, Song Yizhen also listened carefully, and nodded from time to time.

When Shen Huai finished, Song Yizhen’s face showed a convincing expression.

Shen Huai drank his mouth. "Others, wait for me to read the script and give you advice."

Song Yizhen nodded again and again.

Although Shen Huai is not an actor, his eyes are precise. He said that several places have made Song Yizhen feel a sense of ignorance. He has no doubt about the ability of Shen Huai.

Shen Huai put the script away, but suddenly asked, "Yes, where do you live now?"

Song Yizhen scratched his head. "I am staying at the hotel for the time being. I have been busy these days. Wait a little longer and find the house and move over."

Shen Huai’s indulgence for a moment “don’t look for a house.”

Song Yiwei ""

Shen Huai "I will take you to the company dormitory."

Forty minutes later, Song Yizhen looked at the villa group in front of him with a stunned voice and asked, "This is a company dormitory."

Shen Huai no change color "Yes, you choose one, then move in."

Song Yiwei ""

At this time, the door of one of the villas was opened, and Chu Meibo walked out with his bag. When they saw the two of them, they greeted each other.

Shen Huai felt that Song Yi, who was next to him, took a sigh of relief and muttered, "It turned out to be a dormitory."

Chu Meibo came over and curiously glanced at Song Yizhen, "Hey, that night."

Shen Huai nodded. "He is now my newly signed artist."

"Oh," Chu Meibo was a little surprised, then laughed. "Children are good, our agents have a high vision."

Song Yizhen was stared at Chu Meibo, and suddenly he was helpless. He was busy for 90 degrees. "I will work hard."

Chu Meibo smiled more and more happy, and Shenhuai Road "Little Newcomer is more lovely than Du Lao Gui"

Shen Huai ""

Song Yiwei ""

Chu Meibo waved his hand and was about to leave. He suddenly remembered something. He turned back and said, "If you are an actor, if you have a problem with acting, you can always ask me."

Song Yizhen’s face is a surprise, “Really?”

"of course it's true."

"Thank you, Meijie"

"be good"

Chu Meibo appeased Song Yizhen, and then went out with his bag. On that side, Cheng Mengjiao rode a small electric eel and sneaked over. "Emei sister, I will pick you up."

Chu Meibo did not abandon it. He took a small electric eaves and left.

Song Yizhen was still immersed in the joy of studying with Daxie. He couldn't help but ask Shen Huai, "What is the person who wants to pick her up? Is this her assistant?"

Although the assistant turned on the power, it was a bit strange.

"No." Shen Huai glanced at him and brutally broke the fantasies of the newcomer. "She is going to school, and it is her classmates who pick her up."

Song Yizhen smiled on his face and hesitated to ask "is a university or a graduate student"

Shen Huai is "high school."

Song Yiwei ""

Shen Huai "Oh, yes, I remember that your university is good, the college entrance examination scores should be quite good, and you have time to fill in math for her."

Song Yiwei ""

Recently, in the circle of Zhongjing City, suddenly a horrified gossip came out.

Guo Wenyuan, the second ancestor of Guo’s family, was recently transferred. After he was discharged from the hospital, he was first broken with the little stars he had previously supported. I heard that he recently started running the gym again.

Before the Morden Hotel, although the outside world was intimidated, it was clear to the people in the circle. Knowing that Guo Wenyuan was not able to do so, he also broke himself into a concussion and almost killed them.

Everyone thought that Guo Wenyuan’s recent abnormal behavior was stimulated. Even Guo Wenyuan’s assistant thought so, and there was not much doubt.

After Guo Wenyuan solved these Yan Yanyan, he felt that the air around him was much refreshed, and the whole person seemed to be more comfortable.

This kind of comfort, his mind is somewhat floating, ask the assistant "Which theater is being filmed recently?"

Assistant "呃"

The assistant is very troublesome. He has been busy dealing with Guo’s little lover recently. The whole person is very busy. These people are very difficult, and he dare not put down their hands, lest the little goblin wins again. Pamper, he can't eat and walk away.

As a result, it was finally solved, and the boss had new ideas.

In the past, Guo Wenyuan still only likes to play small stars. He is pampered and most afraid of hardship. Although he is a shareholder of Guanrui, he has never made any contribution to the group's business. He just eats dividends. He never went to the crew, nor did he intervene in the filming of the crew. At most, he had to insert a little lover in the past, and the directors could also digest it.

Now he himself wants to go. If he wants to command a pass, if something goes wrong and affects the progress of the crew, the big boss is no one to dare to blame. His little assistant can be back.

The assistant can only euphemistically persuade "Guo Zong, there is nothing to watch in the filming, watching the glamorous and bright on the TV, in fact, the scene looks very boring."

"Of course I know." Guo Wenyuan looked at him strangely. "I asked you which movie you took recently. You told me that there is nothing in this."

The assistant wants to cry without tears and is trying to brave the courage.

Guo Wenyuan waved his hand and dismissed it. "Let you deal with the little stars. You can do it for so long. Others, I am afraid that your ability to do things is also enough. Forget it, don't be embarrassed, go straight to the mountain. Yang Film City."

The assistant had a blood in his throat, but he could only swallow it silently.

I have to admit it, and then hold my broken heart to arrange a trip for the boss.

After the boss fell to his head, he was more annoying than before.