MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 25

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In a blink of an eye, night fell, and Yan Shu still felt sorry for Yinzi who flew away during the day.

Fortunately, there were finally meat dishes for dinner. She ate half a chicken, a fish, and a pot of beef brisket in one go, barely getting some comfort.

After dinner, I went to take a shower, and then went back to the room, but saw the emperor came at some time, reading her new book with great interest in front of the desk.

She had no choice but to salute in her pajamas, "The concubine sees Your Majesty."

But in my heart there were two hehes, this person who pretended to be deaf and dumb actually has the face to come over.

Yu Wenlan's eyebrows twitched.

What does it mean to "have the face to come over"?

Why don't you just tease her as a joke, why is she so angry?

However, after looking at her lowered eyes and pouting lips, he felt a little guilty for no reason, so he coughed and said, "I have something to hear from you."

Yan Shu was a little curious, she couldn't help but raised her eyelids to look at him, and said, "Please order, Your Majesty."

Yu Wenlan said, "Someone has taken a fancy to your script and plans to get it published in the market, what do you think?"

Yan Shu froze for a moment, printing?

This, this, this, does it mean that someone wants to write a script for her?

She regained her spirits immediately, her almond eyes widened, "Really?"

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, "Will I lie to you about this?"

Yan Shu said, "I don't dare, but, how can others take a look at what Chen Qie wrote? No one has read what Chen Qie wrote except you."

Yu Wenlan said, "When I asked someone to send you a paper manuscript today, Zou Mozhong, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, took a look at it, and he thought it was good."

Bachelor of Imperial Academy?

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, she was someone with great knowledge! To be able to take a fancy to her words shows that her level is also very high!

Yu Wenlan. "..."

It's quite associative.

He added, "If you want, you can ask him to read it first. He knows many booksellers, and it's easy to print."

Yan Shu nodded hastily, "Yes, yes! This concubine wrote it for others to read, of course I am willing."

Ahhhh, it's not in vain that she has spent so long on the computer alone, and she is finally about to be seen!

Yu Wenlan nodded, "That's good, I will bring the manuscript to Zou Mozhong tomorrow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron!"

Yan Shu asked again, "Does the concubine still need a pseudonym? You can't use your real name, right?"

Tsk, almost all of what she writes is gossip about the ministers in the court. It would be bad if the person involved sees her and comes to settle accounts with her.

Yu Wenlan nodded, "Alright. What pen name do you want?"

Yan Shu pondered for a while, and said, "Let's call him Young Master Xiaoyao."

Yu Wenlan, "...that name sounds like a man."

Yan Shu is old-fashioned, "I just want to name a man. Nowadays, it is generally believed that "a woman is virtuous if she has no talent". If they know that this statement was originally written by a woman, they will definitely have preconceived ideas and think that this statement is not true. It's not well written."

It seemed to make sense, Yu Wenlan nodded and said, "Then it's up to you."

As he spoke, he looked her over again, and said, "Get on the bed quickly, or you will catch a cold."


However, seeing that Yan Shu changed from her previous listlessness, she not only took the initiative to help him undress, but also crawled to the side of the bed to help him pull the quilt, which can be called gentle and thoughtful.

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows. If she said something, the sun would come out from the west?

Of course, seeing her like this made him feel happy, so he took her into his arms and asked, "So happy?"

Yan Shu suppressed the goosebumps, tried her best to smile and said, "I am very happy. By the way, Your Majesty, which ones are you going to print first?"

Yu Wenlan thought for a while, and said, "The story of the scholar and the oiran is good, and it warns the world to keep their promises; the beautiful also okay, let's start with these two."

Yan Shu hurriedly responded, and tried her best to recommend, ""The Hot-Blooded General and the Pretty Widow" is also very good, why don't we print it together."

The hot-blooded general, pretty widow...

Is it the one who lost his kidney?

Yu Wenlan looked at her with raised eyebrows, "What's the point of that story?"

Yan Shu said in a high-sounding voice, "That story persuades the world not to give up on themselves because of a passing encounter, and to have the courage to pursue true love!"

Yu Wenlan was amused, and raised her eyebrows and asked, "How do you see this?"

But she heard her trying to give herself a golden way, "The little widow didn't feel inferior because she was married. After meeting the general, she had the courage to seduce, seduce, oh no, she had the courage to pursue. Finally, she married the general and had three children." Children, life is finally complete, isn't it very meaningful for husband and wife to love each other?"

Yu Wenlan snorted again, "It sounds like that."

Yan Shu looked at him eagerly, "So, does Your Majesty think it's okay?"

"No." He refused.

Yan Shu was taken aback, "Why not?"

Yu Wenlan coughed, "The writing is too explicit, and I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on the world."

Yan Shu, "???"

What's wrong with this? Those who read the scriptures are all adults, okay? And what she wrote is not explicit at all, it is much purer than that of "Jin X Mei", okay?

Yu Wenlan, "???"

She actually knows "Jin X Mei"?

But think about it, if she doesn't know, how can she write "Pretty Widow"?

Thinking of the sentence he read that night, he couldn't help wanting to rub her, pinch her...

However, at this moment, she heard her muttering in her heart again, 【Cut, what a layman! This is how to make money! Is it stupid to miss the opportunity to make a fortune! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Before she could say anything, she listened to her and said in her heart, 【But let's keep our eyes on the eyes first, let's talk after these two books are published. Tsk, someone finally read what my old lady wrote hahahahaha! ! 】

[And the most wonderful thing is the emperor's lead, so that if someone makes trouble in the future, it will be pushed to the emperor's head! ! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Dare he be the one to take the blame?

He finally couldn't help pinching her waist and said, "Don't you think you should thank me?"


Yan Shu was taken aback, thinking how to thank him for this, could it be possible to give him some manuscript fees?

Yu Wenlan, "..."

【That's impossible, he's not short of money! Or do you want me to make a promise? Tsk, it’s useless to promise…]

Yu Wenlan, "???"

The king's dignity was trampled on again, and he held her tightly in his arms with a sullen face.

Yan Shu was taken aback, but seeing that his expression was not right, she had to say hurriedly, "Your Majesty is so generous, and my concubines are very grateful, but your majesty is rich in the world, and my concubines don't know how to repay you?"

Yu Wenlan snorted, looked down at her and said, "I want you to treat me sincerely."


Yan Shu couldn't help becoming vigilant, what does this mean?

Could it be that she has been too careless recently to be noticed by him?

Tsk, this is not good!

One must know that once her identity as an archery target is carried on her back, there is absolutely no possibility of taking it off.

If Jin Thigh kicked her dissatisfied, her fate would be miserable.

Therefore, she had to hug the emperor's golden thigh tightly!

Yes, take it easy!

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Immediately afterwards, she tried to laugh and said, "The concubine will never dare to have two hearts with His Majesty, and must be loyal...ah no, it is loyalty and unswerving sincerity. The concubine only has His Majesty in her heart!"

When speaking, a pair of almond eyes flashed hard, trying to impress him.

Yu Wenlan didn't believe it.

She has money and food in her heart, but without him, huh.

But at the moment, he really can't do anything to her.

Tsk, sometimes being able to read minds is not necessarily a good thing.

With cold eyes, he hugged her again and again, and said, "Go to sleep."

Then he closed his eyes.

Yan Shu replied yes and breathed a sigh of relief.


What happened to him putting his hand on someone's heart?

I didn't take it away for a long time.

Are you going to leave it overnight like this?

Why have you developed this habit after not sleeping together for a few days?

She really wanted to take his hand away, but she still wanted to hug her thigh, so she tried her best to hold back and closed her eyes.

Hey, it's not easy to make a living!

Someone listening silently, "???"


After a night passed, Yu Wenlan woke up naturally when it was dawn.

He hurriedly checked, and sure enough, he saw the change there again.

I'm sure, it seems that this matter must be her.

Just as she was thinking so, Yan Shu also opened her eyes.

Asked him, "Hey, is Your Majesty going to get up?"

There is also a strong nasal sound in the voice.

Yu Wenlan hummed, "There will be a court meeting this morning."

I want to get out of bed.

Unexpectedly, the girl moved faster than him, turned over and got out of bed in a jerk, ran to the clothes hanger to bring him the court clothes, and said, "The concubine waits for His Majesty to dress."

Yu Wenlan was a little surprised, looked her up and asked, "Sleep no more?"

But seeing her trying to laugh, "The concubine got up too late in the past, so I will definitely accompany His Majesty to get up early in the future."

After finishing speaking, he ordered outside the door, "Lonicera lotus heart, bring water in quickly."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, thinking that she really had a sense of crisis, and she was so considerate.

He didn't say anything, and let her dress and wash, feeling a little amused in his heart.

After finishing all this, she smiled and asked again, "Does Your Majesty want to have breakfast here?"

He said, "No need, there is a court meeting this morning, and I will use it in Qianming Palace later."

Yan Shu responded, sent him outside the door again, took out the two paper manuscripts that had been ordered yesterday, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, please bring them to Master Zou."

Yu Wenlan groaned, reached out to take it, and said suddenly, "You..."

Yan Shu immediately bowed her head obediently, as if listening attentively.

However, Yu Wenlan didn't continue talking, just said, "Go back, it's cold outside." Then he boarded the imperial chariot.


After the early court, the king handed over the manuscript to Zou Mozhong.

Xueshi Zou accepted it excitedly, and immediately began to read it in the imperial study.

But seeing him watching with gusto, he still sighed while watching, "The story of this 'Merry Man' is really twists and turns. I didn't expect this brothel woman to be so affectionate and righteous. Although she didn't know her at first, she later To be able to make a comeback again is really tenacious and self-improving, which is admirable!"

When he saw the "beautiful wife", he shook his head again and again, "This Xia style is simply morally corrupt! Now that you are married, you should be single-minded. How can you be so promiscuous? His husband is also pitiful. I am afraid that his son may not It's yours!"

Yu Wenlan asked, "What do Zou Qing think of the writing?"

Xueshi Zou nodded hurriedly, "It's very well written. It's rare for ordinary Chinese books to focus on women like this. This article is really a clean stream. I think this young man must be a master."

[Ahem, the writing of this word is really not very good... Could it be that this is the uniqueness that attracts His Majesty? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

But this is also true, Yan Shu's handwriting is indeed not very good, she can barely recognize it, she must have not practiced her handwriting well before.

He asked again, "Then do you think, if it is printed and published, will anyone like to read it?"

Xueshi Zou was stunned for a moment, "Your Majesty is saying that these two stories haven't been published yet? I thought they were masterpieces that have already been published. The strange way is so novel!"

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He said, "It's true that it hasn't, so how about it, you can find a bookseller to print it."

Xueshi Zou's eyes lit up, and he immediately responded, "I obey your orders. It is really my honor to recommend such a masterpiece to the world in my lifetime."

Yu Wenlan, "...then let's go."

Cough, if I ask him to stay any longer, I don't know what to boast about.

He was embarrassed to hear it.

Zou Mozhong took the order to leave, but before he stepped out of the door, he heard the king add, "By the way, this Young Master Xiaoyao cares about income very much. If there is any profit, remember to bring it in time, and I will hand it over to her."

Zou Mozhong was stunned for a while, but he should be busy.

I sighed in my heart, [It turns out that I am still a talented person from a poor family, which is rare! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Where is it cold?


It was almost evening, and there were still ministers coming and going in and out of the imperial study with the lights on.

Xiao Shunzi also quietly entered the hall, whispering in Fu Hai's ear.

Yu Wenlan caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and asked, "What's the matter?"

Fu Hai immediately reported, "Your Majesty, Li Guiyi sent someone to ask, would you like to have dinner tonight?"


As soon as these words came out, the ministers in the palace paused together and began to exchange glances—

This is the first time in the world! There is actually a lady who came to ask His Majesty if he would like to have dinner?

It seems that Li Guiyi is really favored!

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He just felt that the girl probably wanted to try the imperial meal again.

If she refuses, she will be very disappointed, right?

He couldn't bear it for a while, so he said, "I'll be there in a while, let Supervisor Shangshan prepare."

Xiao Shunzi should be, busy going out to spread the word.

Next, Yu Wenlan quickly dealt with the matter in hand and handed it over to several ministers. "It's late, let's all go back to eat."

Everyone should be, and while they were leaving, they all sighed in their hearts, 【After all, someone is waiting for dinner, and His Majesty can't sit still. 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Can't he sit still?

Along the way, when we arrived at the Ganlu Hall, we saw that the dinner had already been set on the table.

Yan Shu led a group of palace people to salute, "The concubine welcomes Your Majesty."

The posture is correct, the smile on the face is like a flower, and the voice is as sweet as honey.

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, so attentive, it seems that today's food is very suitable for her appetite?

He said no, and came to the table, but he saw that there were only common dishes such as burnt fish fillets, braised beef feet in red, sea cucumbers with green onions, and cherry meat.

—The day before yesterday, he issued an edict to strictly investigate corruption in the imperial court, and also cleared up the atmosphere in the palace, so the imperial meal is much more simple than before.

Yu Wenlan couldn't help wondering, these dishes made her so happy?

But seeing Yan Shu following up, she smiled with him, "I have asked Fu Gonggong before, these are His Majesty's favorite food, right?"

Yu Wenlan was a little surprised that it was his favorite food?

But she heard her complacent, [How is it? Isn't it very virtuous? This proves that I care about you, right? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

I finally understood that it turned out that I was trying to "please him" because of what he said last night.

He hummed helplessly and amusedly, and said, "Let's eat."

He picked up the chopsticks.

But she didn't sit down, but stood aside with chopsticks and said, "The concubine is serving your majesty."

"What do you want to eat, Your Majesty... Let's try this fish fillet first, the color is so golden, you can tell it's cooked just right, it must be very crispy."

As he spoke, he picked up a chopstick and put the burnt fish fillet in his bowl.

Yu Wenlan picked it up kindly and put it into his mouth before biting down, and there was a crisp sound between his lips and teeth.

Immediately afterwards, she heard her tsk tsk in her heart, 【It must be delicious, will it not be crispy when I eat it later QAQ. 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

After he finished eating the fish fillets, Yan Shu stretched out her chopsticks to the sea cucumber dish with green onions, "Try this sea cucumber dish quickly, Your Majesty, it smells rich in green onions, it should be good."

Yu Wenlan took another mouthful of the sea cucumber, and before she could swallow it, she heard her whispering in her heart, 【How about it, it must be soft and delicious! Don't eat it all, save some for me. 】

Sounds like you're drooling already.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He nodded, "Not bad."

Seeing her put a piece of ox's hoof into his plate again, she said with a gentle smile, "This ox's hoof will melt in your mouth when it's cooked properly, Your Majesty, taste it quickly."

Yu Wenlan said hello, and while tasting the ox hoof, she heard her shouting in her heart, "Look at this mouthful of collagen, it must be very delicious! Remember the soup and rice, this is the essence!"

It seems that there has been a crying sound.

[There is also this beef soup, see how well it is boiled, it must be drunk while it is hot...]

Before he could pick up the spoon, he heard her say, 【I don't even bother to eat, I'll give you cloth first, you are the first one to enjoy this treatment! Good enough for you! Huh, leave some for me, don't finish eating it all! ! 】


How can I eat this?

So he simply said, "Sit down and eat too, no need for vegetables."

But seeing that she was still pretending to be modest, "No need, the concubine will serve His Majesty to eat."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, "Wait a little longer, I'm afraid this fish fillet will not be crispy."

Seeing her hastily saluted, she said, "My concubine, thank you Your Majesty."

He immediately sat next to him and picked up chopsticks to eat.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Yan Shu hurriedly took a bite of the burnt fish fillet, fortunately, the skin was still crispy, but the inside was soft and smooth, wrapped in the delicious soup, it was really delicious.

Roasted sea cucumber with green onion is also a good product. The sea cucumber is soft and smooth, permeated with a strong fragrance of green onion, which is amazing.

She finally ate a cow's hoof! It really melts in the mouth, and the lips and teeth are sticky and glutinous when bitten, and it is very tasty. It is really a good meal.

Then come a bowl of warm beef soup, which is salty, fresh and fragrant, and makes the internal organs feel comfortable.

While eating, she sighed in her heart, mother is still comfortable sitting and eating, serving people is really not a good job.

Yu Wenlan listened silently, thinking that he also felt that it would be more comfortable to eat like this.

Finally, after the meal was over, Yan Shu remembered something important again, and hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, what happened to the script? When will people see it?"

Yu Wenlan said, "Tomorrow will be the soonest."

In fact, as far as he knows, it has already spread among the ministers today.

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, and she immediately cheered up, "Sure enough, His Majesty is the best! I heard that the book was not easy to publish before, and those booksellers all depend on the author's reputation. If you don't have a reputation, no one will care about you."

Yu Wenlan hummed, which seemed to take off her compliment.

She also heard her silently saying in her heart, [Holding your thighs is really useful, you have to continue. 】

He couldn't help being curious, how would she work harder?

Not long after, the dinner was finally finished, and the palace people removed the dishes. Yan Shu coughed, and said to Yu Wenlan, "It's still early, why don't you play some games with your majesty to digest food? How about throwing a pot?" Sample?"

Yu Wenlan looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Want to win again? I won't lose again easily this time."

Yanshu, "..."

Also tsk, he was too slippery in throwing pots.

She was lucky enough to win last time, and it must be even more difficult to win again this time.

Tsk, it's no fun losing all the time. Then she rolled her eyes and said again, "By the way, why don't the concubines accompany Your Majesty to watch the lanterns today?"

Look at the lights?

Yu Wenlan actually has little interest.

He grew up in the palace since he was a child, and he has watched those palace lanterns for many years.

But she heard her praying in her heart, 【Go, go! In the past, I didn't dare to go out easily if I wanted to see it, but this time I can just open the way with you, let's go! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Why is it so pitiful that you dare not even look at a light?

His heart softened, so he nodded and said, "Alright, let's see if there are any new tricks this year."

Then got up.

Yan Shu was overjoyed, and hurriedly helped him put on the brocade robe, and put on the cloak herself, and went out together.


It was warm in the hall, and because she didn't go out much today, it was only when Yan Shu came out that she realized that it was actually very cold, and the wind was still strong!

The cold wind blowing on the face was like a knife cutting flesh, and even taking a deep breath would choke the lungs.

Seeing that Yan Shu was huddled in the cloak, her little face turned red from the cold, Yu Wenlan wanted to ask her if she wanted to go back.

But she heard her muttering in her heart, "Tsk tsk, it's so cold, it's just like the day Zhang Shengkang's master was **** to death by him! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Zhang Shengkang?

Is it the judge of the imperial hospital?

Why do you say that his master was mad at him?

What's the situation?

She sighed again, 【Poor genius doctor who has saved countless lives but can't read people's hearts. He accepted such a heartless apprentice and handed over his lifelong skills to him, but he was kicked out of the capital in the end! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

There is such a thing? He knew it for the first time.

Before returning to her senses, she heard her mutter again, 【Tsk tsk, if the old man is still around, maybe he can cure the emperor's illness! I heard that he has a very good trocar technique, which specializes in treating infertility. 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Really, really?

Thinking back carefully, he seemed to have heard that there was once a genius doctor in the capital, but he disappeared afterwards.

He also sent people to look for it earlier, but found nothing.

Could it be Zhang Shengkang's master?

"Hey, look, Your Majesty, isn't that the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Lantern?"

Yan Shu suddenly pointed to the lamp under the eaves for him to see.

Yu Wenlan returned to his senses calmly, glanced at the lamp, and said, "It's all old tricks, it was there in the past."

Yan Shu said, "It's the first time I've seen this concubine!"

As he said that, he ran to look carefully under the lamp for a long time.

She waited until she had seen enough before moving forward. Not long after, she exclaimed again, "This flower basket lamp is really well made, and the peonies inside look like real ones!"

Yu Wenlan looked at it and said casually, "Indeed."

But it's still an old trick, especially at this time when he has something on his mind and doesn't have the heart to appreciate it at all.

After walking a few steps, she saw her excitedly going under a lamp again, "Look, Your Majesty, isn't this a revolving lantern? It's really spinning, it's amazing!"

Yu Wenlan found it funny, "Have you never seen a revolving lantern?"

Yan Shu nodded, "In a small place like Ande, no one knows how to make this kind of lamp. I still remember when I was a child, the daughter of the county magistrate got one from another place, and my concubine wanted to get closer to see her, but she wouldn't let her."

These words sounded a little pitiful, Yu Wenlan told Fu Hai, "Take down this lamp and give it to Li Guiyi."

Fu Hai responded in a hurry, and immediately called for someone to move the ladder to remove the lamp.

Yan Shu was dumbfounded.

Holding the revolving lantern that had just been taken off the eaves in his hand, he asked incredulously, "Is this lantern given to the concubine?"

Didn't it mean that the lamp can't be picked off at will from when it is hung today until the end of the Lantern Festival?

But Yu Wenlan smiled, "Quan should reward you for serving me with all your heart today."

Ah, is that so?

Yan Shu thanked His Majesty bluntly, and a complicated feeling surged in her heart.

as if...

She is pampered.

You can have what you want.

Yu Wenlan coughed secretly, if all her wishes were like this lantern, it would be nothing to give her.

But I heard her sighing in her heart, 【So hard work really pays off, it's not in vain that I got up early today to wait for the clothes, and I also endured hunger to serve the cloth vegetables, it really is very effective!

Yu Wenlan, "..."

She seems to have misunderstood.


Early the next morning, Yu Wenlan returned to Qianming Palace, and immediately sent someone to investigate Zhang Shengkang, the judge of the imperial hospital.

——If it is true that Zhang Shengkang is a disciple of the genius doctor, as Yan Shu said, then maybe starting with Zhang Shengkang, we can find clues about the genius doctor back then.

He couldn't ask Zhang Shengkang for diagnosis and treatment, but that miracle doctor might have other heirs.

After a busy day, when it was evening, Jin Yiwei reported that Yan Shu's words had already been hand-copied yesterday, and many people from the court and ministers had read them. fierce.

Yu Wenlan asked, "Is there anything unusual in Linwuhou's Mansion recently?"

Jin Yiwei said, "Marquis Linwu suddenly began to investigate the servants in the mansion, especially the servants and maids who had served the ex-wife. In addition, they also sent people out of the mansion to Jiangnan. I don't know why."

Yu Wenlan nodded.

It seems that within a few days, this poor man should know that the son is not his.

Tsk, as a king, he can't interfere too much, so he can only help here.

He asked Jin Yiwei again, "Where is Wei Ruzhang? Is there any change?"

Jin Yiwei said, "It's strange to say that Mr. Wei suddenly started to trace the source of the script, and he seems a little nervous."

Just be nervous.

Yu Wenlan sneered, and said, "Keep paying attention."

Jin Yiwei should be.


At the same time, Yan Shu, who was eating snacks in the Ganlu Hall, suddenly received a new melon, [Marquis Linwu has already realized that his son is not his, and started to trace the whereabouts of the rich businessman back then. 】

Yan Shu, [! ! How did he know? 】

System, [I read your script. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? 】

To be honest, she did think about this consequence, but is it so immediate?

But no matter what, being able to help one person is one person, and now knowing it is better than keeping someone else's son in the dark.

Then, next, she is waiting to receive the manuscript fee, hehe, this is the first income in her life, and she gets excited just thinking about it.

Within two days, the manuscript fee really came.

Twenty taels of silver for the two stories is just the down payment. It is said that if the story book sells well in the future, she can continue to get a share.

Of course, for Concubine Zhou, Concubine Ning and the others, these twenty taels were not enough to fit their teeth, but Yan Shu was very satisfied.

— This is the first money she earned with her hands. Two stories cost twenty taels, and writing ten stories cost one hundred taels?

Hehe, as far as those melons in her mind are concerned, it's okay to write a thousand or two thousand. Even if one day I don't become a concubine, I can support my family with just a pen, what a sense of security.

And most importantly, she has readers!

Finally someone eats with her! melon! up!

God knows how uncomfortable it was for her to hold back in her heart before, but now she has readers to eat melons with her, even if she can't communicate face to face, she is very excited!

Yan Shu happily counted the money while planning to write another five or six books.

Unexpectedly, the money has not been counted yet, but the system said, "Xingua, the bookseller who gave you the book is missing."

Yan Shu, [? ? ? The bookseller is missing? what's going on? 】

System, [His daughter-in-law just reported to Jingzhao Mansion this morning, saying that her husband was robbed on the way home last night, and his whereabouts are unknown. 】

Yan Shu, [what? Get robbed on the way home? Is the law and order in the capital so bad? Is that bookseller rich? Is the tree inviting the wind? 】

System, 【It's not for money, it has something to do with you. 】

Yan Shu, 【Is it related to me? 】

She thought for a while, 【Could it be that other booksellers deliberately retaliated against him because they saw that my book sold so well? 】

System, 【 think too much, this bookseller has some background among all the booksellers in the capital, ordinary people dare not touch him. 】

Yan Shu was full of question marks, 【What's going on, why does it have anything to do with me? 】

Just thinking about it, she suddenly paused, 【Could it be Marquis Linwu or Wei Ruzhang? 】

emmm But think about it again, Marquis Linwu's character is not that good.

But that old man surnamed Wei...

System, [That's right, old man Wei was furious when he saw his scripts being circulated all over the street. He wanted to find out the person who wrote the scripts, but he couldn't find them for a while, so he took the bookseller away. He is planning to torture him for a while. 】

Yan Shu immediately became angry, 【This old man is still lawless? Did the Jingzhao Mansion find him? 】

System, 【Do you think Jingzhao Mansion has this system? I just took over the case in the morning, and now I am planning to send someone to look for it. I don't know if I can find it yet. 】

How can this work!

Yan Shu was in a hurry.

Who can stand ordinary people being tortured for a few days?

Besides, this bookseller is her partner, and she will produce other books in the future!

What if the surname Wei killed him?

So she thought about it, and quickly asked Liandong, "Are there any nourishing herbs in the temple?"

Liandong said, "Yes, Eunuch Fu sent some when you got angry last time, and it's still there."

"Then take it out."

Yan Shu said, "Go to Shangshan Supervisor and ask for a chicken or bone, and I'll cook the soup."


Lonicera was stunned, the master who has never cooked before wants to make soup?

But Yan Shu urged her, "Hurry up! I have something urgent to use."

Liandong didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly went to the Shangshan Supervisor to ask for something.


Half an hour later, Yu Wenlan, who was reading the book in the imperial study, heard Fu Hai report, "Your Majesty, Li Guiyi has brought you soup."


Yu Wenlan was really surprised.

It's only this morning, what kind of soup is she here to deliver?

There was nothing important to do for a while, so he said, "Come in."

Fu Hai should be, and hurried to invite someone outside the door.

Sure enough, Yan Shu came in holding a stew pot.

"See Your Majesty."

She put on a small face and tried to smile, "The concubine is afraid that you will be tired from reading the booklet, so I specially made refreshing soup for you to drink."

Before Yu Wenlan found out what medicine was sold in her gourd, she nodded first and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Yan Shu hurriedly said modestly, "The concubine is not hard at all." She placed the stew pot in front of him.

However, the moment the lid was lifted, both of them were stunned.

The soup inside was so dark and oily that the meat could not be seen clearly.

Yanshu, "..."

Oops, I didn't have time to take a closer look when I was leaving, why is it this color?

Yu Wenlan frowned, "What is this?"

He didn't care about appetite, but it was too strange.

It was hard not to raise suspicions about poison.

Yan Shu bit her head and said, "Stew pork ribs with rehmannia angelica. I heard that it can nourish the kidneys and refresh your mind. It is best to drink in winter."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Well, of course he knew that she came to him with something, so he pushed the soup cup aside and asked directly, "But what do you need from me?"

"No no?"

But she smiled and said, "Actually, the concubine received the remuneration for the storybook this morning, so she wanted to thank His Majesty."

Yu Wenlan thought in his heart to thank him for twenty taels of silver?

That's not like her style.

But she heard her muttering in her heart, 【Think about it, how should I say that the bookseller was kidnapped? 】

Yu Wenlan understood that it was because of the bookseller.

But...he just received the news, how did she know it so soon?

At this moment, Yan Shu coughed again, "That's right... The concubine wrote a new story yesterday. I wonder if His Majesty can help me and ask the bookseller, is he still willing to publish it?"

Yu Wenlan said calmly, "Unfortunately, I just received the news that the man has disappeared."

—Let's see what else she knows.

But seeing her surprised face, "It's gone? How could it disappear? Nothing will happen, right?"

Yu Wenlan hummed, "His family members have reported to Jingzhao Mansion, and I heard that Jingzhao Mansion has also sent people to look for it."

The voice just fell, but she heard her shouting in her heart, 【What's the use of that? Jingzhao Mansion doesn't know anything! You can't just look for it, you were caught by that **** bachelor! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

He even knew that the murderer was Wei Ruzhang?

She nodded again and said, "That's okay, I hope Jingzhao Mansion will find someone quickly, and nothing will happen."

Yu Wenlan didn't show any strangeness, she just asked her, "You are so concerned about someone you have never met before?"

Yan Shu said, "After all, he is the concubine's bookseller. He can publish the concubine's words, which shows that he has a good eye and should be a talent."

[Of course I'm in a hurry! She is still waiting to continue publishing picture books to make money! ! 】

He continued, "By the way, Your Majesty, did you find it strange? Why did this person suddenly disappear when he became a concubine? Could it be related to the concubine?"

Yu Wenlan let out a groan, and said, "How do you say it?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at her closely, waiting for her words and heartfelt voice.

Maybe now I can finally know how she knew these things.

Yan Shu pretended to think about it, "Perhaps the response to Chen Qie's story was so good that some people read the story and took their seats. In fact, they wanted to avenge Chen Qie, the author, so they arrested the bookseller and inquired about Chen Qie's identity."

Yu Wenlan asked, "Then who do you think it will be?"

Yan Shu thought to herself, who else is there, isn't it just your bachelor Wei Ruzhang?

But he said respectfully, "I dare not speak nonsense, otherwise, what if I hurt someone by mistake? I believe that there are a lot of talents in the court, and they will definitely be able to solve the case."

【Damn, I've tried my best, but I can't tell you directly that Wei Ruzhang's men took him to Guitian Farm at the foot of Daqing Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing. 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"