MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 26

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Yu Wenlan really didn't expect that Yan Shu even knew the location of Wei Ruzhang's Tibetans.

After all, Jin Yiwei hasn't come to report to him yet...

Just when he was shocked, he heard Fu Hai say at the door, "Your Majesty, the Minister of Honglu Temple is asking to see you."

Immediately afterwards, Yan Shu said, "The concubine will not bother His Majesty, and I will leave first."

As he said that, he looked at the stew pot on the table again, showing an embarrassing smile, and said, "The concubine should make another pot for you to drink at night."

Tsk, looking at the dark color, it's better not to poison the emperor.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Although he was still puzzled, he couldn't think of how to ask her for a while.

He could only nod his head and watched her go out the door again with the pot of soup.

After a while, I saw the Minister of Honglu Temple coming in to report, "Your Majesty, the King of Liaodong has arrived in Gyeonggi and is expected to enter the city tomorrow. The welcome banquet will be held tomorrow evening. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

Yu Wenlan had other things on her mind at this moment, so she just responded casually, "Yes."

The Minister of Honglu Temple then resigned.

The room was quiet, Yu Wenlan thought for a while, then called Jin Yiwei to the front, and asked, "Have you found out where Wei Ruzhang is keeping him?"

Just listen to Jin Yiwei, "I just got the news, it should be Guitian Farm in Xiawei Mansion, Daqing Mountain, on the outskirts of Beijing."

Yu Wenlan paused.

She hit it off again.

If those things in the past were all old things, she might have heard them from other places, but this one happened in the future.

Could it be... Does she have any abilities that are different from ordinary people?

Just as he was thinking, he heard Jin Yiwei ask from the side, "Your Majesty, do you want to go there now to save people?"

Yu Wenlan came back to her senses and said, "Get ready first, and wait for Wei Ruzhang to show up before doing anything."

After all, to catch thieves and seize stolen goods, there must be conclusive evidence in order to convince the public.

Jin Yiwei should be.


In the afternoon, a carriage drove into Guitian Farm at the foot of Daqing Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing.

Wei Ruzhang, a scholar of the Wenhua Pavilion, wore a cloak to cover half of his face, and was led by his servants into a dark woodshed in the village.

At this time, there was a person in the room with his hands tied behind his back, blindfolded and kneeling on the ground. It was none other than the missing bookseller.

Hearing the movement, he immediately panicked, "I have no grievances or enmity with you, I don't know why you want to arrest me? If you want money, you can ask my family to send it, or if you want a bookstore, I can also worship it. I just beg Your Excellency not to hurt my life, I have old parents and young children in my family, please forgive me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a person said fiercely, "Where is there so much nonsense! How can our Patriarch be short of your money?"

The bookseller was taken aback, and said in a crying voice, "Then what do you want?"

But a voice sounded, "The old man just wants to know, who is that Xiaoyao who wrote the script?"

The bookseller cried, "I don't know either."

"I don't know?"

The other party sneered, "Then the book was not published by your bookstore?"

The bookseller said helplessly, "It is indeed from my bookstore, but I have never met that young master Xiaoyao. These two scripts were brought by an adult from the Hanlin Academy. According to him, they were also written for others. So, as for that Young Master Xiaoyao, none of us have ever seen him..."

Imperial Academy?

Wei Ruzhang narrowed his eyes.

Although he also came out of the Hanlin Academy back then, not to mention that no one knew about his past back then. Now that the Hanlin Academy is full of young people, it is impossible to know what happened more than fifty or sixty years ago.

He lowered his voice and said, "It seems that he still refuses to tell the truth. Then he will be punished."

The servant should be, immediately brought a set of torture equipment and put it in the hands of the bookseller.

In an instant, screams came from the woodshed.

Wei Ruzhang had a sneer on his furrowed face.

——First of all, there is a storybook, so how do you know if someone will come out to testify that he used to go to the brothel in the past?

How many years he has been a bachelor, he must not let a person who writes a storybook ruin his reputation!

No matter who the opponent is, he will never let it go.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly kicked open.

Someone said coldly, "What is Master Wei doing? Kidnapping civilians and lynching to extract confessions?"

Wei Ruzhang was taken aback for a moment, but saw a dozen sturdy men suddenly appearing at the door, all of them were wearing flying fish suits, with spring knives embroidered on their waists.

This, this, isn't this Jin Yiwei?

He suddenly panicked, they are the king's people...


In the early morning of the second day, the news that Wei Ruzhang, a scholar of the Wenhua Pavilion, kidnapped civilians and executed them to extract confessions spread throughout the court.

The court and the public were shocked.

Who would have thought that the usually gentle and refined scholar would do such a thing?

Only Yan Shu calmly continued to write her own notebook.

—Okay, the bookseller has returned home safely, and she can continue to sell the book.

It's just that I haven't been able to write a few words, but I saw Yu Wenlan coming.

Yan Shu hurriedly saluted, but felt a little strange—at this time, this workaholic should be running the country in the Imperial Study Room, so why come to her when he has time?

Yu Wenlan listened to her ears, and took the initiative to answer her questions, "I came here to tell you that the bookseller was found and has returned home safely."

Yan Shu hurriedly put on a look of surprise, "Really? That's great! Your Majesty is really wise and powerful, and found him in one day."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

It's well dressed.

He looked at her and said intentionally, "He was arrested by the Grand Scholars of Wenhua Pavilion."

Yan Shu also pretended to be surprised, "Oh my god! Why did the Grand Scholar do this?"

Yu Wenlan, "..."

My heart doesn't beat and my face doesn't turn red?

He continued to look at her and said, "Didn't you say yesterday that someone took the seat?"

Seeing her thinking for a while, she suddenly opened her mouth and said, "Could it be that when the Grand Scholar was young, did he do the vile things that I wrote in the book?"

"You really can't judge by appearance! Isn't this too coincidental?"

But he said in his heart, 【Tsk tsk, now you know what your bachelor is? This **** old man is full of bad water, he deserves to be ruined at the end of the day, and he is cast aside by the world! 】

After listening silently, Yu Wenlan nodded and said, "It's indeed a coincidence. I almost thought that you knew about him."

Yan Shu was taken aback, and quickly laughed, "Your Majesty was joking. The concubine grew up in Ande, and then entered the palace. She didn't know this great scholar at all. How could she know about him? But it's true. Coincidentally."

Tsk tut in my heart, [It seems that my old lady has to take it easy in the future, otherwise the emperor will be frightened! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Can't get it out at all?

He sighed half-truthfully, "I also find it strange. I thought you had some magical ability."

Yan Shu hurriedly laughed, "Your Majesty thinks highly of your concubines."

Ahem, she has no skills, she just ate a stomach full of melons.

However, the melons were not in vain, and this time they hit the right way, so that the bad guys finally got their revenge.

It seems that this book has a social function.

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Why is it "eating melon" again?

What is this "melon"?

Could it be...she knows spells? What kind of magic weapon is this "melon"?

But he came so many times, but he didn't find anything special in this temple.

At this time, Yan Shu, who had no idea what he was thinking, was thinking in her heart—

【What should I write in the next chapter? How about writing about Cheng Engong's burnt-out intestines looking for little five, six, seven, and eight? 】

Yu Wenlan's eyebrows twitched.

In any case, he is the younger brother of the Empress Dowager, if something happens, it will definitely affect the face of the Empress Dowager.

I heard her say again, 【Impossible, Cheng Engong is the emperor's uncle in name, and besides, there is a queen mother in the palace. If the queen mother knows that I have exposed her brother's scandal, why don't you kill me? Forget it. 】

Yu Wenlan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she still knows what's going on.

I heard her say again, 【Would you like to write about the ashes picking up by the Minister of Rites? 】

Yu Wenlan nodded secretly, this is possible.

After all, he also wanted to know what was going on, cough cough.

However, at this moment, Fu Hai came to report outside the palace, "Your Majesty, the King of Liaodong has entered the palace."

He paused, and had no choice but to say to Yan Shu first, "I'll go back to Qianming Palace first, you can write first."

After speaking, he got up.

Yan Shu should be, busy also got up to see off.

Seeing his figure walk away, he couldn't help being curious, who is the king of Liaodong?

It sounds like a big face, the emperor left as soon as he came.

The system immediately answered her questions, 【Liaodong Wang Yuwenhao is the emperor's cousin. At that time, the emperor's grandfather Zhenglong Emperor gave birth to five sons, and later passed the throne to the emperor's father Qinglong Emperor, and the other four princes became vassal kings. 】

[Later these vassal kings died, and their sons succeeded to the throne. The emperor's father, Emperor Qinglong, took the opportunity to surrender the vassals and turned them into county kings. Although they are dissatisfied, they can only bear it. 】

[Until Emperor Qinglong passed away, some of them took the opportunity to make trouble and wanted to fight for the throne. Of course, in the end, they were all defeated by the emperor, who imprisoned them and bestowed death upon them. 】

[This Liaodong king Yu Wenhao was the only one who was honest and safe at the time, so the emperor regarded him highly. 】

Yan Shu understood, nodded and said, 【I see. 】

The system, [Hey, there happens to be a melon of the King of Liaodong. 】

Yan Shu hurriedly said, 【Hurry up, hurry up. 】


On the day the king of Liaodong entered Beijing, he first paid homage to the emperor, and in the early morning of the second day, his wife, Princess Liaodong, brought her son into the palace to greet the queen mother.

As a courtesy, Yan Shu and other concubines were accompanied in Ci'an Palace.

But seeing this Liaodong Princess Xiao's appearance is about twenty-five or six years old, her face is rich and handsome, her three sons, the eldest is about eight or nine years old, and the second is about six or seven years old, they look strong and well-mannered.

Only the four-year-old third child, who looked a little skinny and was very familiar, was timid when he saluted the queen mother. After staying in the palace for a while, he began to cry and clamored to go home.

The princess of Liaodong apologized to the queen mother with embarrassment, "This child probably just came to the capital and is not familiar with him, please forgive me by the queen mother."

After finishing speaking, he reprimanded Chaodao with a sullen face, "Ah Jing, have you forgotten what my concubine told you?"

——In fact, everyone in the palace has heard that the third child was not born to the Liaodong princess, but to the concubine of the Liaodong king.

So it is not surprising that this child is somewhat different from his elder brother and second brother.

It is understandable that Liaodong Princess doesn't like him.

However, this trick did have some effect. Seeing her like this, the little guy immediately stopped crying and didn't dare to make a sound.

But there were still tears in a pair of eyes, looking pitiful.

None of the concubines had any experience in raising children, so they didn't know what to do, but the queen mother smiled and waved to the little guy, her voice was very gentle, "Come to the emperor's grandmother."


Everyone quietly glanced at each other, each muttering in their hearts—is the queen mother crazy about her grandson? This is not His Majesty's child, how can she be called the emperor's grandmother?

Princess Liaodong also hurriedly said with panic, "Ah Jing dare not."

The Empress Dowager laughed, "His grandfather and the late emperor are brothers. If the late emperor was around, wouldn't he want to call him the emperor's grandfather? If so, what's wrong with calling Aijia the emperor's grandmother?"

Princess Liaodong breathed a sigh of relief, and then she dared to smile, "The Queen Mother is right."

As he spoke, he pushed Ah Jing towards the Queen Mother, "The imperial grandmother called you, why don't you go quickly?"

The little guy timidly came to the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager took a look at his little hand, wiped the tear stains on the little guy's face with a handkerchief, and asked Zhu Shu to take out winter melon candies, candied dates and other small snacks, Said, "Are you hungry? The imperial grandmother has something to eat here, you can eat some first."

Seeing that there was something delicious, the little guy burst into laughter.

The Queen Mother said to Princess Liaodong again, "It's cold, it's hard for you to travel such a long distance. It's normal for the little ones to not get used to it. This time, you can stay here for a while, and go back when you warm up."

The Princess of Liaodong is busy.

The queen mother asked Zhushu to take out a cloth tiger and a small leather ball for the little guy to play with.

The little guy is finally alive.

Everyone saw it, and there was another meal.

The queen mother still has toys for the baby?

It seems that she really likes the little baby very much.

If they can give birth to dragon heirs, not only will they be able to please the queen mother, but the children will also have a bright future


Several people headed by Concubine Zhou glared at Yan Shu again.

Right now, this woman is the only favorite, so how can they have a chance?

Yan Shu was drinking tea and eating snacks leisurely at this time.

Noticing the gazes of the crowd, I couldn't help but tut in my heart.

What are you looking at?

Even without me, you wouldn't be able to give birth.

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