MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 27

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The concubine of Liaodong visited the queen mother, and that night, the palace held a reception banquet for the family of the king of Liaodong.

The king of Liaodong is a member of the imperial family and is of the blood of Gaozu. In order to show his respect, not only Yu Wenlan led a group of concubines to attend, but even the Queen Mother made a rare appearance.

However, this is Yuwen's family banquet.

In fact, since the new emperor came to the throne, the Liaodong prince's family will go to Beijing to congratulate him at the end of every year.

Therefore, there will be a reception banquet at the end of each year.

But Yan Shu only got promoted this year, so it was her first time to participate.

In fact, she didn't really want to come.

— You know, there are not only guests at the banquet today, but now she is also taking on the role of a target, so I don't know how many eyes will be staring at her.

Even if she wanted to concentrate on eating, she couldn't enjoy it!

If you can't eat happily, what's the point of this banquet?

However, today is different from the past, even if she wanted to lie and ask for leave, she couldn't.

So even though she was reluctant, she still came honestly.

But speaking of which, I just ate the melon from King Liaodong yesterday, so it's good to come and see the protagonist today.

At this time, the lights in the hall were shining brightly, and all the guests of honor were seated.

Yan Shu quietly looked around, and saw that apart from Concubine Ning who was still grounded today, and Concubine Li who was in the cold palace, everyone in the harem had come.

Including Concubine Zhou, who was demoted a while ago, and Wang Zhaoyi, who was in charge of the watch.

Of course, Concubine Zhou's expression was different from usual, and Wang Zhaoyi also shrank in a corner, as if she didn't really want the emperor to see her.

Today, Yan Shu's tablemate is Xu Jieyu.

This is also a master who is not very talkative, and he has never participated in any camp in the harem, so his sense of presence is a bit low.

The emperor and the queen mother sat at the top, followed by a group of concubines, and under the concubines was the Liaodong king's family.

Yan Shu quietly sized up Liaodong Wang Yuwenhao, only to see that he looked a few years older than the emperor, and as cousins, the two had somewhat similar faces.

However, the king of Liaodong has a stronger figure, probably because of the water and soil of Liaodong, and his face looks simple and honest, and he has some husband and wife looks with his princess.

As soon as the banquet started, Yu Wenlan raised his glass first and said, "Cousin has been busy all the way, it's been hard work."

Yu Wenhao hurriedly led his wife and children to stand up and said, "Your Majesty speaks seriously. It is an honor for my family to return to Beijing every year to meet His Majesty and the Empress Dowager."

Then he told the three sons, "At any time, even if the father is gone, you must always remember that you are the blood of the Yuwen family. During the festivals, you must greet your majesty and the queen mother and do not neglect."

As soon as the voice fell, the eldest son and the second son immediately responded in unison.

On the contrary, the youngest son, Ah Jing, was a bit slow and waited until the two older brothers had finished speaking before answering yes.

For a while, the voice of the little milk floated in the hall, looking very cute.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said to Yu Wenlan, "When Your Majesty arrived at Ai's house, he was not as big as Ah Jing."

The king of Liaodong said, "This child is young and ignorant, His Majesty the Empress Dowager laughed at him."

The queen mother said, "This is how children are. His Majesty often cried when he was young. Now he doesn't look like he did back then."

After the words fell, everyone in the hall laughed.

Yu Wenlan also smiled and said, "Fortunately, I was able to grow up safely with my mother who took care of me. My mother has worked hard."

The Empress Dowager said, "It's also a blessing for the Ai family to be able to spend time with His Majesty's mother and son."

While speaking, he sighed again, and said, "It's only when you have children that you can be angry. Your Majesty, look at their family. If there are more children in the palace, the atmosphere will definitely be better."

After the words fell, all the concubines paused quietly.

The King of Liaodong laughed loudly, and said, "If the Queen Mother doesn't dislike it, I will ask the three of them to come to the palace to pay your respects to you these days."

The queen mother nodded and said with a smile, "That's a good thing."

Only then did Yu Wenlan say, "It's my fault for making the queen mother worry. I will work hard in the future."

As he spoke, he even glanced at Yanshu.

Yan Shu, "???"

What is this man looking at her for?

This is not her problem either!


She suddenly understood a little bit, isn't the emperor throwing the blame?

——Looking back and waiting for a delay in giving birth to a child, just blame her and say she can't give birth?

Tsk, really sinister intentions!

Yu Wenlan, "???"

This girl!

Where does he mean this?

I really can't wait to show her some power on the spot!

However, he was in the main hall at this time, with so many pairs of eyes watching him, he could only bear it and endure it, without any abnormal expression on his face.

However, Yu Wenhao and his wife captured this scene.

The two of them looked at each other, and they both smacked in their hearts—

It was rumored that only Li Guiyi was favored in the palace, and it seemed true.


After drinking the opening wine, the palace people served the dishes one after another.

Yan Shu originally planned to just act like everyone else and not eat much.

However, those delicacies were right in front of her eyes, all kinds of sweet, sour, hot and sour scents kept seducing her, she struggled a little, and finally gave up and started to eat seriously.

Well, the purse loin is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside;

The yellow croaker tofu is tender and fragrant; the sweet and sour pork is delicious.

The most wonderful thing is the snowflake chicken nao, which looks like a white cloud when it is first served on the table, and it is almost impossible to see what ingredients are made of it. After a bite, it feels soft and tender. When you taste it again, you can taste the unique fragrance of chicken , she realized it turned out to be chicken.

Sure enough, you can't see the chicken when you eat chicken, wonderful, wonderful!

And after the Snowflake Chicken Nao finished eating, the Hanging Stove Roast Duck came up again.

The thin duck meat with skin, soaked in the aroma of fruit wood, is rolled into a thin and translucent pancake. You must not forget to put cucumber strips in sweet bean sauce with scallions. Wrap it carefully, put it in your mouth, and chew it carefully After swallowing slowly, the unique mellow aroma of duck meat spreads between the lips and teeth layer by layer, which is extremely satisfying.

She announced that roast duck is the best way to eat duck! !

Yan Shu was immersed in the deliciousness of the roast duck, until she ate three duck cakes in a row, and then slowly realized that there was a little guy not far away, looking at her curiously.

It is none other than Ajing, the youngest son of King Liaodong.

Tsk, look, this little guy is eager to watch her mouth move without blinking.

Yanshu, "..."

Why look at her? How delicious is the roast duck on the table, baby!

She couldn't bear it for a while, so she asked, "Does Ah Jing want to eat too?"

The little guy nodded shyly.

Not to mention, the small appearance is still very cute, Yan Shu burst out with love, so she rolled a duck pancake and handed it over.

The little guy also reached out to take it and put it in his mouth to eat.

Seeing this scene, Princess Liaodong hurriedly said angrily, "Isn't this child in front of you? Why did you go to Guiyi's place to eat?"

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "It's okay, I'm just doing it smoothly, Wangfei don't blame him."

Hey, it is said that kind people attract children, which means that she is very kind and must be like an angel.

The lord has been silently paying attention to her Yu Wenlan, "..."

—You think too much, that child is just hungry after watching you eat deliciously.

At this moment, someone said, "Doesn't Li Guiyi have some exclusive secret recipe? Why does such a young boy like you?"

It was none other than the concubine Zhou who was demoted not long ago.

Tsk, it's really embarrassing that she is no longer a noble concubine, and her tone is still so eccentric.

Yan Shu just pretended not to understand, "The imperial concubine was joking, the concubine is closer to Ah Jing, he just wants to play with the concubine."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Jieyu, who was at the same table, suddenly wrapped a duck pancake and handed it to Ah Jing, saying, "Young master, can you try my pancake too?"

Ah Jing took it immediately.

Everyone was a little surprised—

Xu Jieyu, what does this mean? Are you taking the initiative to rescue Li Guiyi?

Concubine Zhou laughed again, "Is Xu Jieyu learning from Li Guiyi? With all due respect, you are different from Li Guiyi, I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it."

Xu Jieyu said, "The concubine just thinks Ah Jing is cute."

The voice fell, but the king said to Concubine Zhou, "Is your drinking capacity not as good as before? Get drunk after just one drink?"

There was no smile in Yu Wenlan's eyes, she looked a little scary.

Concubine Zhou just paused, bowed her head and said, "Yes, my concubine made a slip of the tongue for a while."

The atmosphere became a little awkward, but the queen mother said calmly, "Who doesn't like such a cute child?"

As he said that, he made a duck cake himself, and called the little guy, "Come to the emperor's grandmother."

The little guy ran over obediently and ate his little face like a bun, making everyone laugh.

The atmosphere finally eased up a bit, and the banquet continued.

Yan Shu tsk-tsk in her heart as she savored the delicacy, Concubine Zhou has suffered such a big setback this time, she still doesn't have a brain at all.

What good is it to hurt others by speaking sour words on this occasion?

Besides, where is Xu Jieyu trying to imitate her?

It was clearly just saying hello to Yu Wenhao.

That's right, according to the melon she ate yesterday, this superficially simple and honest Liaodong Wang Yuwenhao actually had his eyeliner installed in the palace as early as the emperor ascended the throne.

And this eyeliner is exactly Xu Jieyu.

Not far away, the king, who was chatting and laughing with Yu Wenhao, paused in his heart.

That Xu Jieyu is Yu Wenhao's eyeliner?

In fact, he already knew that Yu Wenhao was not as obedient as he appeared on the surface.

It has also been expected that it has placed eyeliner in the palace.

Just haven't figured out who it is.

Until now, I heard what Yan Shu was thinking.

And at this moment, Yan Shu said again, 【Huh? She hasn't practiced martial arts before, so why are her hands still so delicate? What gauntlets are you using? 】

This, Yu Wenlan is not surprised.

Any spy must have superb martial arts skills.

It's just that the other party arranged for him to enter the harem, so I'm afraid it's not just as simple as a spy.

He calmly drank a glass of wine.

But Yu Wenhao suddenly said, "This time I came to Beijing, I brought some gifts for Your Majesty, the Queen Mother and all the ladies. Be careful, it's not a respect."

As he spoke, he asked his servants to bring the gifts into the palace.

What was given to Yu Wenlan was a mink velvet cloak, made entirely of black-gray mink velvet, which looked very expensive.

The one given to the Empress Dowager was Changbai Mountain, and one plant would cost tens of thousands of silver to buy.

Yan Shu and other concubines also got mink velvet scarves.

Of course, the color of Concubine Zhou's is better to show her dignity.

Everyone expressed their gratitude to the King of Liaodong.

Yu Wenlan also calmly invited Yu Wenhao to toast again, "I want to thank my cousin for remembering."

Yu Wenhao smiled honestly, "Your Majesty is being polite, but they are all Liaodong specialties, as long as you don't dislike them."

While speaking, he glanced at Xu Jieyu's position from the corner of the eye, but hummed in his heart, 【Useless things. 】


Before I knew it, the banquet was coming to an end.

The Empress Dowager left the banquet first, and the Liaodong King's family also left the palace.

Yu Wenlan returned to Qianming Palace, and immediately dispatched people.

From the voice of Yu Wenhao just now, he has judged that Yu Wenhao must have made more preparations when he came to Beijing this time.

And this wave of people just left, and then, Jin Yiwei came to answer his orders.

"Your Majesty, the ministers have already found out that Zhang Shengkang, the judge of the Supreme Hospital, had indeed studied medicine under a doctor named Xun Ji, who once opened a medical clinic in the North Lane of the capital. It is said that there are several excellent medical skills. There's an endless stream."

Yu Wenlan was sure.

Yes, Xun Ji.

That's the name.

"What about the others?" he asked.

Jin Yiwei lowered his head, "It's been many years since he passed away."

After all, I already knew it from Yan Shu. At this time, Yu Wenlan was not very disappointed, but said, "Xun Ji has other apprentices besides Zhang Shengkang?"

Jin Yiwei said, "Not really, but I heard that he had a son, but he disappeared after his death, and I have not found any news about him for the time being."

Yu Wenlan said, "Keep looking, send more people, and we must find it earlier."

Jin Yiwei should be.

—Usually, medical skills are passed down from family, and I think Xun Ji’s son should have learned his medical skills.

After going through tonight, he became more and more eager to heal himself.

The queen mother's behavior towards the child tonight was by no means normal.

Although the Empress Dowager felt nothing strange, but mother and child had been acquainted for so many years, he knew that the Empress Dowager did not particularly like the children's elders.

Even in the past when Cheng Engong brought his grandson into the palace to pay his respects to the Queen Mother, she was never so eager.

What's more, Yu Wenhao's child has no blood relationship with her at all.


After bathing and changing clothes in Qianming Palace, Yu Wenlan still came to Ganlu Palace.

It was late, just as Yan Shu had finished washing, the two went to the couch.

Yu Wenlan didn't feel sleepy for a moment, subconsciously put her hand on Yan Shu's lower abdomen, and asked, "If you have your own child in the future, do you want a son or a daughter?"

—Although she often made him lose his mind when she was angry, but based on her behavior to the child tonight, he felt that she would be a good mother in the future.

Yan Shu was taken aback, and said, "...Your Majesty, forgive me for not thinking about this issue. But sons and daughters are good, as long as they are given by God, they are the best."

Yu Wenlan hummed, "It makes sense."

But he still looked heavy-hearted.

Yan Shu observed the words and expressions, thinking secretly, 【Why did he suddenly ask this? 】

【Could it be...that the three boys from Liaodong Wang's family were stimulated? 】

[Tsk, what a poor emperor, but the queen mother still said that tonight, he must be under a lot of pressure. 】

[Just think about it, if his illness never recovers, wouldn't he have children? 】

[Tsk tsk, this is a big deal! 】

[Just like when the first emperor passed away, the clan is ready to move, and there may be another **** storm at that time! 】

[Oh no, the first emperor still had two children, but the emperor didn't have any, so it must be even more tragic. 】

Yu Wenlan nodded silently.

The girl finally figured it out a bit.

—Then Yu Wenhao can't wait now, let alone if he has no children?

Therefore, this matter is extremely important to him, and he is indeed facing a lot of pressure.

At this moment, she listened to her thoughts, 【But then again, is this disease hereditary? The first emperor was also a weak heir, tsk. 】

Yu Wenlan immediately rejected this possibility in his heart—

In fact, the first emperor only had few children who survived.

Before he was born, the first emperor already had two sons and two daughters, but unfortunately, three of them died one after another, and only the eldest princess Yu Wenyan survived to adulthood.

However, since he was born, no brothers and sisters were born in the palace.

He thought about it, the late Emperor was addicted to pills later on, and wondered if it had any effect on the matter of fertility.

But no matter what, he didn't take any elixirs, and he had always been normal before, but after ascending the throne, he gradually lost that function inexplicably.

At first he thought it was due to heavy state affairs and fatigue.

But then he suddenly got the mind reading ability, and he couldn't help guessing, could this be a joke from the heavens?

Or is it a test?

Ask him to exchange mind-reading skills at this price, so as to be a good king.

However, that also seems unlikely, as he is now showing signs of turning around.

Come here to sleep every night, he will change the next day.

This change must have something to do with her.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously stroked the top of her hair, his movements were very gentle.

But she heard her say again in her heart, 【It's not impossible. 】


Yu Wenlan paused, what can I do?

[I can steal the day for the day! 】

Yu Wenlan doesn't know why, so what is stealing the day and changing the day?

But she continued to say, 【Pretend that you are pregnant first, then adopt a child from outside the palace when it is born, and then say it is the emperor's flesh and blood! 】

After all, that's how it was done in previous TV dramas.

Yu Wenlan, "???"

How could she have such an idea? ? ?

[No, no, first of all, this requires the cooperation of the emperor, but he certainly cannot cooperate with me. Because once he knows that I know his secret, he will definitely kill me first! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Tsk, he has known about it for a long time, but he still didn't do anything to her.

And she was still thinking, [Besides, his child is going to inherit the throne, what about children outside the palace? It's not good to separate people's flesh and blood, it's so heartless! 】

Yu Wenlan listened silently, and couldn't help but want to laugh—

Did she write it in a script?

Why is there so much mess in the brain?

Just at this moment, I heard her say again, "By the way, Your Majesty, this concubine is going to write a script, and I would like to ask for your opinion."


Yu Wenlan felt that it was novel and asked him to give an opinion?

Although it was an accident, he decided to take a look at what medicine was sold in her gourd for the time being.

He then said, "Let's hear it."

Then she cleared her throat and said, "Once upon a time, there was a rich family. The head of the family was rich and had five sons. Before the first head died, he passed the position of head to one of the sons. Later, the son When he was old, he passed it on to his son."

Yu Wenlan was a little confused at the beginning.

Her script this time seems to have a different style from the previous ones?

But I heard her say again, "It's just unfortunate that the rest of the old Patriarch's children and grandchildren have passed away unexpectedly one after another. After a few years, only the young Patriarch and his cousin are left in the family."

Hearing this, Yu Wenlan finally realized—

Yes, she was talking about him.

The old Patriarch is Gao Zu, that is, his grandfather, and the second Patriarch is the late Emperor.

The young Patriarch is naturally him.

And Yu Wenhao is that cousin.

Sure enough, she heard her say in her heart, "[It's you, did you hear it?]

Yu Wenlan nodded with a suppressed smile, and said, "It's really unfortunate, what happened later?"

She said again, "It's only natural for the current patriarch to inherit the family business, and he has always taken good care of his only remaining cousin. It's a pity that there is not enough support for this cousin. A spy came to his side to inquire about his important news.]

At this point, she looked up at Yu Wenlan, "Your Majesty thinks, should the cousin choose a beauty, or a man to approach the Patriarch?"

Yu Wenlan pretended to think for a moment, and then said, "I think it should be a beauty. A man must not be able to get close to the Patriarch easily."

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, "The concubine also thinks the same way."

Yu Wenlan asked again intentionally, "Then, did the patriarch fall into the trap of his cousin?"

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "The Patriarch is not an ordinary person. He has always been very vigilant. In order to send the beautiful woman to the Patriarch smoothly, this cousin deliberately changed the identity of the beautiful woman so that he would not be able to see that it was him."

Yu Wenlan nodded seriously, "This person is really scheming. What happened next?"

Yan Shu thought to herself, is it still later?

Don't you realize this is yourself?

You are the patriarch of the wronged family, and Yu Wenhao is the cousin who is so wicked!

Although I don't know what Xu Jieyu is going to do now, but Yu Wenhao has no good intentions, you have to be careful!

Yu Wenlan listened silently, feeling both funny and warm in her heart.

So she tried her best tonight, in fact, she wanted to remind herself.

So, she still cares about him very much.

He looked at her with a smile, and she said, "The concubine just wanted to ask His Majesty, do you think this patriarch can find out the beauty trick or not? After all, it's hard to guess a man's mind."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, "It's hard to guess a man's mind? I think you probably made a mistake, but a woman's mind is hard to guess."

Just like her, she usually acts greedy for money, loves food and is timid, but in her heart she cares most about him, doesn't she?

Yan Shu didn't want to waste her words on this question, so she said indiscriminately, "Your Majesty is right, but you have to answer my concubine's question first."

Yu Wenlan then nodded, "I think he should be able to find out, after all, this patriarch is so wise and powerful, how could he be easily deceived by such a small trick?"

Yan Shu nodded meaningfully, "I think so too."

Shouting wildly in my heart, 【I've already said this, did you understand? ? ? 】

It's hard for her to make up such a story, and Yu Wenlan's heart warmed up a bit. After thinking about it, she said, "But the Patriarch is so wise and powerful, it's not an option to be alone. We should arrange an ice-snow and intelligent beauty for him. He solves problems, bears children, and spends the rest of his life together..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard her screaming in her heart, 【What the hell, is she still a beauty? 】

[My old lady took pains to make up this story to remind you, what kind of bicycle do you want? 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

What is a "character car"?

Why can't he understand again?

She also heard her humming in her heart, [Sure enough, men are all the same, whether they can do it or not, they only know how to like beauties, scumbags! ! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

What is meant by "whether it works or not"? ? ?

Moreover, he is now..."Scumbag"?

He still remembered that this "scumbag" refers to people like Chai Weizhong who deceive women.

But why call him that?

Can't you like beautiful women?

Isn't she a beauty?