MTL - My Brother-in-law is the Prince-Chapter 15 Shake the ruling and opposition parties

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  Chapter 15 Shaking the ruling and opposition parties

Zhang Boyan couldn't hold back any longer, he shook the five-guan banknote in his hand: "When Emperor Taizu Gao made this rule, the five-guan banknote could be exchanged for five thousand copper coins, but now? Now the five-guan banknote, I can't even exchange five hundred coins. In the past few days, His Majesty has decreed to put an end to silver coins. As a know, now in the East City and West City of Nanjing City...the value of the precious banknotes has plummeted, and the monks and common people have panicked. One after another, they exchanged the treasure banknotes for real gold and silver. Now...the five-pass treasure banknotes are on the market, but they can't even exchange two hundred copper coins. Two hundred copper coins, my family is here, you let us drink Northwest coins. wind?"

  Behind him, the officials who came with Zhang Boyan were also in an uproar.

   Those who come to receive their salaries in person are mostly poor officials, and they live on their salaries. Before Zhu Di issued an order to ban money, Changyingcang still issued real money.

However, the value of the usual treasure banknotes has shrunk by more than ten times immediately after being put outside, especially in the past few days, the price of treasure banknotes has plummeted. Just say that this Boyan, a dignified seventh-rank official, has converted his monthly salary into a mere two hundred Copper coins, isn't this a joke?

   "It's unreasonable to ask the master to speak out."

   "Isn't this going to starve us to death?"

   "We want to issue silver money, not precious money."

The clerk was also a little panicked, and said with a wry smile: "This... this has nothing to do with us. You are all ministers, so don't you know His Majesty's will? Money is banned, so of course you can only issue treasure notes. The household department comes in and out. Accounts, edited by Zhang, is a monthly salary of 60 guan, it's useless to say anything."

Zhang Boyan's face was gloomy, and he stared at the clerk through gritted teeth: "What... what is this? We have studied hard for ten years in the cold window, and the carp jumped the dragon's gate. Do we live on this salary worth two hundred copper coins every month? Living in Nanjing is not easy at all. My family can only eat yellow rice on weekdays. Just like this... I still owe a lot of money and food on credit outside. Now... you are even worse, and you even use precious money to perfuse me, you Are you going to call me dead?"

  The scribe panicked: "Calm down, calm down."

  Zhang Boyan threw down the treasure in his hand, and said in grief and indignation: "The dignified minister is not as good as the ordinary people in the market. The ordinary people can still have enough food and clothing. How can you humiliate me like this? The scholar can be killed but not humiliated. I have had enough!"

   Without further ado, he overturned the long table in front of the scribe, and with a bang, Zhang Boyan shouted: "Do you still want to swallow your anger?"

This group of poor officials became agitated all of a sudden, and when Changyingcang issued treasure notes, they realized that this matter could not be tolerated, that this would cause people to starve to death, so they shouted one by one: "Tell the chief here to come out. "

   Another human said: "How can a mere head of the district be the master? Ask the servant of the household department to come out and speak."

   Someone even shouted: "The traitor is in the court, your majesty misunderstood the treacherous words, gentlemen, Qingjun..."

   This person obviously wanted to yell Qing Jun's side, but soon he realized that these words seemed to violate some taboo, and swallowed them back abruptly.

  Suddenly, the Changying Warehouse was in full swing, and the clerks and paid officials in the warehouse fought, creating a mess.

  A moment later, Jin Yiwei galloped into the palace, arrived at the Meridian Gate, and delivered a report to the palace.

  In the palace city at this time, Zhu Di had already gone to the Huagai Hall to meet Yao Guangxiao and several cabinet ministers.

  Zhu Di was in a pretty good mood. He opened his mouth and said, "I heard that there is an elixir in the market, which has a miraculous effect on malignant sores. In the past few days... After taking the medicine, Zhang Fu has gradually recovered. Zhuqing, this is a remarkable thing."

"Soldiers, the important affairs of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of life and death. I have been in the battlefield for a long time, and I know best that on the battlefield, once there is an trauma, if it is not cured, it will inevitably breed malignant sores. Jing Nan did not know how many soldiers , died because of this, hey... I think about it now, but I regret it so far. If they had this elixir back then, how could they have lost their lives."

  Yao Guangxiao seemed to be deeply moved, and said, "Oh? But I don't know who is an expert who has such a technique of bringing the dead back to life."

  Zhu Di smiled: "This person is a doll."


   "I can't think of it, and I can't think of it." Zhu Di seemed very satisfied with everyone's surprised expressions: "But the truth is right in front of us. I still remember that Xie Qing's family was also a child prodigy when they were young."

   Xie Jin hurriedly said: "The people of the country speak falsely, which makes the minister get this false name, and he is ashamed."

Zhu Di said: "They are all the same dolls. Some are like Xie Jin, others are like Guo Degan, and some...but they are like Zhu Yong and Zhang Fu. By the way, Zhang Anshi, a dude, is also included. The difference is really bigger than that between humans and dogs.”

  After Zhu Di sighed, he suddenly remembered something: "However, Guo Degan is good at curing diseases and saving lives, but he is careless and dares to criticize the country's great affairs. After all, he is still too young to know the heights of heaven and earth."

  What a smart man Xie Jin is, he immediately understood who the young man His Majesty was talking about last time, so he said: "What Your Majesty said is very true."

   While talking, an **** hurried in from outside, stumbled and said: "Your Majesty..."

  Zhu Di originally had a smile on his face, and seemed to be in a good mood, but at this time his face changed slightly, and he said calmly, "What's the matter?"

   "Your Majesty, Changyingcang... something happened."

  As soon as this remark came out, the hall fell silent.

   Changying Warehouse is one of the most important warehouses of the national treasury. I don't know how much food has been saved, which has a great relationship.

  Zhu Di jumped up suddenly: "What happened?"

The **** said: "Today, hundreds of officials are receiving their salaries, but some officials are very dissatisfied. They even... actually formed a group and made a big disturbance in Changying warehouse, injuring many people. Jin Yiwei has dispatched people to suppress it. It’s just that it’s a big deal…”

  Zhu Di was furious: "You are so courageous, do the court ministers still want to rebel?"

  The **** faltered and got up.

  Zhu Di stared at him and said, "Speak!"

  The **** said: "The cause of the incident is that Changyingcang used precious banknotes as official salaries. The officials said that they could not support the family by relying on precious banknotes..."

  Zhu Di sternly said: "Hundreds of dollars a year, still can't support them, are they greedy to this extent?"

"They said... they said... precious banknotes are not worth a penny. If you go to the market to buy your monthly salary, you can't even support your family. There is also a seventh-rank official who claims that his monthly salary can be bought. The daily necessities, rice, oil and salt received are only worth a few hundred Wen."

  As soon as this remark came out, the whole hall was shocked.

Especially Zhu Di, Zhu Di was speechless for a while, and he quickly realized what was going on: "How is this possible? Even if the value of the treasure banknotes has dropped a bit, ten pennies of treasure banknotes can always buy daily necessities, rice, oil and salt." Bar."

The **** said: "I don't know... I don't know... but... the troublemaker seems to say... that the price of precious banknotes has plummeted in the past few days, and now there are 20 banknotes, and it may not be able to be exchanged for a consistent amount. He also said …Since His Majesty’s decree was issued, the price of precious banknotes has dropped every day, shaking the world, and the people are panicking…”

  Zhu Di trembled: "Why did no one report to me before?"

  Xie Jin and the others also turned miserable. Obviously they didn't realize that the imperial court had promulgated a decree, but instead of stabilizing the treasure banknotes, they would plummet sharply.

The **** said: "As for what happened in the past few days, after learning about this, Jin Yiwei has also sent Tiqi to investigate... Since yesterday, the treasure note has changed from the original ten guan to seven hundred coins, and today... then It is even more frightening, there are only five hundred wen left, and the common people know that money cannot be used for transactions, but everyone is hoarding money, and there is no way to stop it."

  Zhu Di took a deep breath: "What's the reason?"

   "The servant does not know."

  Zhu Di immediately looked at Xie Jinren and others: "What about you? You are all well-educated people, and you are the pillars of the court. Come and tell me, why is this so?"

  Xie Jin's face was very ugly. In fact, he didn't know what to ask. He originally thought that the regulations for prohibiting money could be described as impeccable, but how could he know caused the opposite consequences.

  So he hurriedly bowed down, tremblingly said: "Your Majesty, is there someone who is obstructing this?"

  Zhu Di sneered and said, "Help me? Haha... Are all the monks and common people all over the world trying to make trouble?"


In fact, the consequences caused now are far beyond the cognition of Xie Jin. After all, he has read the sage books for more than ten years. He has won the favor of the palace and has been on the rise. How does he know about the daily necessities?

The new book is open, thank you for your support, in addition, thanks to Chen Wright, July Weishi, Tianfu Xiaozhan, Jiuyao Soy Sauce, Tong Tang, Jing Wuhen, the leader of Sweeping Tianya, and thank you for the reward and support everyone.



  (end of this chapter)