MTL - My Brother is a Big Shot-Chapter 15 The richest brother 15

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"Yes, she is not Yan Qing's sister, Mingzhu is!" Su Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up.

How can Yan Shu be the sister of the richest man? All this should be a pearl! If Mingzhu recognizes this brother, no one will laugh at her as a fake daughter who occupies a magpie's nest, because her biological brother's family business is no worse than that of the Su family.

The more Su Yichen thought about it, the more excited he became.

Jiang Yu did the same. She resented Yan Shu and couldn't see her better at all. After knowing that Yan Qing was her elder brother, she could not wait to curse God for being blind, and to let someone like her have such luck. But it would be great if all this was a pearl!

At this moment, Yan Shu is no longer her biological daughter, but her enemy!

However, Su Liangcheng poured a pot of cold water on them, "Idiot! He can come to Su's house to pick up Yan Shu, do you think he doesn't know that Ming Zhu and Yan Shu were held wrongly? You heard him mention it. A Pearl? I'm afraid he, like you, doesn't pay attention to that blood relationship at all."

"Impossible, how can Yan Shu be compared with Mingzhu! Mingzhu is gentle and kind, as long as they meet her, no one will dislike her. It must be that Yan Qing has not met Mingzhu yet, and only learned something about her from Yan Shu's mouth. How could that woman say good things about Zhu? It must have been all kinds of slander and slander, which made Yan Qing misunderstand Mingzhu. As long as Mingzhu sees him, he will definitely recognize Mingzhu!"

Is it really? Even Su Liangcheng couldn't help thinking about this possibility.

"Yes, that must be the case. He even recognizes a vicious sister like Yan Shu, how could he not recognize Mingzhu?" Jiang Yu said.

In the end, Su Liangcheng was persuaded, "Well, just give it a try and find a chance for Mingzhu to meet him. Anyway, it won't be worse than it is now."

If you can befriend Yan Qing, the benefits it will bring are immeasurable. Compared with profit, what is the face? Besides, it wasn't him who bowed his head, so it wouldn't matter if he failed, but if he succeeded...

Yan Qing's brother and sister, all the way back to Yan's manor.

Ding Yuehong had already been picked up two days ago. Before, because both daughters became the Su family's, she returned home in a state of grief, and then remembered that she went to S city to find her son. As a result, the son forgot to look for it, and even the daughter became someone else's.

Naturally, her only son had to be found, so she cheered up again and was ready to go to S City to find someone again.

As a result, as soon as she walked downstairs, she encountered a car sent by her son to pick her up.

At first, she thought she had encountered a liar. But the person who came to pick her up called Yan Qing's video, and when she saw the familiar face on the other side of the video, she finally believed that it was Yan Qing who really came to pick her up! It was only because he was too busy to get away that he didn't pick her up in person.

Under the envious eyes of the neighbors, she got into the car that came to pick her up. She has never ridden in such a good car in her life, and listening to the discussions of the people around her costs tens of millions!

When she first heard it, she was proud of her son, but what followed was full of heartache.

Others are still relying on their parents for living expenses and tuition fees at his age, but he has created such a big family business by himself. He has no background, no connections, or even starting capital, how difficult it must have been for him in the first place!

How much he has achieved now is a testament to how hard he has worked in the past.

When Ding Yuehong thought of this, she felt distressed and guilty. If she hadn't left and hid far away, her son would not have had such a hard time.

Ding Yuehong brought the last dish to the table, just as the siblings arrived home.

"Go wash your hands and eat." She smiled gently, looking at them with joy.

After Yan Shu entered the restaurant, she took an exaggerated breath, "Wow, Mom, what delicious food have you made? It's delicious!"

"You are poor, you and your brother like to eat. Go wash your hands quickly, or it will be cold."

"As ordered!"

Yan Qing had already washed her hands, rolled up her sleeves, and helped to serve the meal.

A warm and joyful scene.

It's like nothing happened before, like they've always lived together and never been apart.

This is very good, a family of three together is more important than anything else.

"Brother, I don't think the Su family will give up so easily. Su Liangcheng is a man who only seeks profit. Now that he knows your identity, he might come to pester you. You don't have to worry about me, just drive them away." After dinner, Yan Shu came to Yan Qing's study and said so.

Yan Qing smiled, "Don't worry, brother knows what to do. I've already had someone handle your transfer procedures. You study hard and don't worry about the rest."

Yan Shu nodded, and then hesitated, hesitatingly said, "Brother... If you want to recognize Su Mingzhu, you don't have to worry about me, she is your sister after all... I'll be very happy if you recognize me..."

Her brother is good to her, and she knows that between her and Su Mingzhu, she is already content to stand firmly on her side. She didn't want to embarrass her brother because of herself.

Yan Qing got up from behind the desk, walked in front of her, and rubbed her head with a smile, "Don't think nonsense, brother is only your sister."

"But mom..."

Yan Shu was still a little hesitant. She hated Su Mingzhu very much, but after all, she was her mother's biological daughter, her brother's sister, and her blood relationship could not be erased. Even if my brother said that he doesn't recognize her, but there is something you want to recognize from your mother, right?

In the past, because the Su family could provide her with a better life, her mother had to agree to let her stay in the Su family. But now my brother is not bad, will my mother still deny her?

"My mother has me there, and I will make it clear to her." Yan Qing was afraid that she would be entangled, so he changed the subject, "There is a banquet tomorrow night, you can accompany me to attend it. I also just took this opportunity to introduce you to everyone. ."

"Ah?" Yan Shu really stopped worrying about Su Mingzhu's affairs, but she became uneasy, "Brother, I can't do it, I'm afraid I will embarrass you."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm with you, so don't be afraid."

"But... I don't understand wine tasting, art, dining etiquette, and the clothes and jewelry they were discussing... It will definitely embarrass you." Yan Shu said more and more frustrated, "Brother, am I bad? ?"

Yan Qing laughed, "What does it matter if you don't understand that? It's just icing on the cake if you can, and it doesn't matter if you don't. And most people are just arty, and few really understand art.

Do you know what your biggest feeling is when your brother is rich? "

"What is it?"

"You can really do whatever you want with money. When you stand at a certain height, even if you say Erguotou is delicious, some people will agree. If you eat steak with chopsticks, they will praise you for being informal. When you wear street stalls, they will praise you. Your true temperament... Your height determines how others treat you."

Your height determines how others treat you?

Yan Shu was suddenly shocked and thoughtful.

This banquet was hosted by the Gu family. Yan Qing and Gu Tingjun had a good personal relationship, and the other party helped him again yesterday. He had to come to participate because of reason.

He had always kept a low profile before, and this was his first appearance at a private banquet.

Gu Tingjun came to meet him in person.

"Haha, you really came! The first time Yan Caishen attended the banquet, he came to Gu's house. I am really honored!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Gu. You invited me in person, why can't I come?"

"That's not necessarily true. It's not like I haven't invited you before. When did you come?"

Yan Qing smiled helplessly, "Don't turn over the old accounts, right?"

"Okay, don't turn it over, don't turn it over, you can come today to give me face." Gu Tingjun turned his eyes to Yan Shu, "Miss Yan is really splendid today! When you come here, you will be your own home, don't be restrained, I will be in a while. Let the little girl accompany you, she is about the same age as you, you should be able to play everywhere."

Yan Shu hurriedly responded.

Attending the banquet today, she had a completely different feeling from yesterday. No one laughed at her and ridiculed her, saying that she couldn't get on the stage, and everyone looked at her with amazement, curiosity and envy.

It's not because her brother asked a stylist to match her with the most suitable clothes and makeup to make her look better than yesterday, but because her brother is Yan Qing and he values ​​her very much, so everyone will look up to her. She glanced.

It can also be said to be a fox and a tiger, not her own ability.

Yan Shu understands, but she will no longer feel uneasy about it. She will work hard, and sooner or later, others will respect her because she is Yan Shu, not because of her status as Yan Qing's sister.

Yan Qing was surrounded by a group of people talking about things, and accompanied her Gu Yuan to the bathroom. Yan Shu walked to the self-service area and got something to eat.

Her eating and resting schedule has always been regular, and it was already dinner time, and she was already hungry.

"Hi, see you again."

A familiar voice sounded from behind her.

Yan Shu looked back, "It's you."

It was the boy who helped her cover up at Su's house yesterday.

"It's the third time we've met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Song Xinglan." The young man said very familiarly.

As his name suggests, he has a pair of eyes that are as bright as stars, and when he smiles, there are stars twinkling in his eyes. The scent is clean and mild, not offensive.

"My name is Yan Shu."

"I know, is there anyone who doesn't know your name now?"


Song Xinglan also took a dinner plate and brought food to eat with her.

"I heard that you are going through the transfer procedures?"

"Well, you are well informed."

"The whole school is paying attention to your movements. I heard people say it. By the way, the Su family is also here for today's banquet. I don't know if there will be any trouble. Be careful."

People didn't talk about it, and as soon as Song Xinglan's voice fell, Yan Qing was approached by someone.

Su Yichen took Su Mingzhu to Yanqing and opened his mouth to say, "Mr. Yan, Mingzhu is your own younger sister, she was wrongly held in the hospital when she was born, and Aunt Ding also knows about this. Cheated."

When he spoke, he didn't avoid people at all, and he didn't mean to lower his voice, so the eyes of everyone around him were all looking here.

Yan Qing looked at the two people in front of her.

Su Yichen is tall, handsome, rich, domineering, infatuated...all the characteristics of a male protagonist in a romance novel.

Su Mingzhu is pure, beautiful, weak, like a little white flower, and her life experience is tortuous. She is the heroine in standard romance novels. She bit her lip and looked at Yan Qing pitifully, her eyes filled with anxiety that she wanted to get close but didn't dare, mixed with a bit of admiration and admiration.

I'm afraid that if I change to an ordinary person, I will immediately soften my heart when I see her like this.

But Yan Qing is not an ordinary person, he looked at the two casually, "I'm sorry, you are..."

Su Yichen was stunned, and then remembered that this was indeed the first time they met. He had seen Yan Qing's photo when he was investigating Yan's family, but the other party had never seen him.

So he explained seriously, "I'm Su Yichen, this is my sister Mingzhu, she is your biological sister. Although I don't know what Yan Shu said, she must have lied to you, Mingzhu is gentle and kind, she is a very good nice girl..."

Before Yan Qing could finish speaking, he interrupted impatiently, "What is she like and what does it have to do with me?"

"My sister has only one Yan Shu."

"I've only heard of those who recognize their relatives by looking for their biological parents, but I've never heard of those who don't recognize their parents and only recognize their elder brother!"

"When my mother went to recognize her, she didn't even see her, and she didn't even say hello, but now she's rushing to find me. Are you recognizing relatives or recognizing money?"

Read Kill the Sun