MTL - My Brother is a Big Shot-Chapter 16 The richest brother 16

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The noisy banquet hall fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the three people in the middle.

Yan Qing's tone was very flat, but what she said was like a knife, and every sentence stuck in Su Mingzhu's heart.

She was pale and shaky, with tears in her eyes, "No, I didn't, I was just too shocked..."

So shocked until now to react? Then shouldn't you go to your parents to recognize you? What's the matter with coming to find my brother?

Yan Qing looked at her with a half-smile, and didn't speak any more, but the meaning revealed in that expression was already very obvious.

Su Mingzhu instantly felt ashamed. Yan Qing's words mercilessly took off her fig leaf, exposing all her unbearable thoughts to everyone's sight.

"Enough! Don't think of others so badly! You are rich, but the Su family is not bad. Whether you recognize Mingzhu or not, she is the eldest lady of the Su family, and she doesn't need to come to touch you at all. Light!"

Su Yichen became angry and his face flushed red. He didn't expect that he would bring Mingzhu to recognize his relatives, but he would be rejected in person, and he would be so embarrassed that they could not come down from the stage!

"Then what are you doing now?"

After being rejected, he said that he didn't need to touch his light at all. Is this forcing his respect?

However, these two are a perfect match.

A father and mother who said that he did not dislike the poor and love the rich, but refused to recognize ordinary parents, turned to the richest brother to recognize him.

One said that he didn't need to be exposed, but suddenly ran in front of him, opened his mouth and said that Yan Shu lied to him, and Su Mingzhu was his sister.

This kind of difference between words and deeds, saying one thing and doing another is really a natural pair! No wonder the two of them got together.

The onlookers ate another melon with relish. What happened to the Su family last night has spread throughout the wealthy circle. Whether it was the eye-popping romance between Su Yichen and Su Mingzhu, or the strange words and deeds of the Su family, and the fact that they drove out their newly recognized biological daughter, the richest brother of the family came to pick him up on the spot and slapped the Su family in the face. Crackling... Every piece of it is enough to make the Su family a laughing stock.

I thought that what happened last night, the Su family should stop for a while, but it didn't. Su Yichen and Su Mingzhu actually approached Yan Qing again and said they wanted to recognize their relatives. If he failed to recognize his relatives, he turned his face on the spot.

Tsk tsk, the faces of the Su family are really big.

However, this also confirmed one thing, that is, it is impossible for the Su family to befriend Yan Qing.

This made those who were worried about the alliance between the two powerful groups secretly relieved.

Su Yichen saw the ridicule, contempt and gloating in the eyes of the people around him, and only felt angry. Su Mingzhu looked like he was about to faint at any time. He gritted his teeth and pulled Su Mingzhu straight away!

Before leaving, he threw a sentence, "My Su family is at odds with you, you wait for me!"

This... I'm afraid it's not a fool, is it?

Although the Su family is indeed not bad, and the rich and powerful heritage is not to be underestimated, but Yan Qing can become the richest man in just a few years, how can it be so simple? I have already offended the Song family, but now they say that they are at odds with Yan Qing. Is it because the Su family died too slowly or what?

Tsk tsk, why didn't I find out before that the eldest young master of the Su family was so brainless?

The banquet continued, and the guests seemed to be unaffected and continued to chat and laugh.

"Your brother is very good to you." Song Xinglan said to Yan Shu.

"Yeah!" Yan Shu nodded heavily, trying her best to suppress the heat in her eyes, her heart was sore and swollen, and she felt very relieved.

Her brother is really good...the best brother in the world!

In the corner of the banquet hall, Mrs. Wang told her daughter, "See? Mr. Yan values ​​Yan Shu very much. He didn't plan to recognize Su Mingzhu at all. You used to be classmates, so you can use this to build a good relationship with her."

Wang Xueer felt bitter in her heart and dared not say that she had completely offended people to death. She replied vaguely, "I see, Mom."

"I know you're not going yet? What a great opportunity now. You're still her classmate, how hard can it be to say hello in the past?"

Wang Xue'er couldn't, so she had to bite the bullet and step forward, as if lead was poured into her legs, she moved slowly step by step.

Madam Wang thought she was dawdling, so she took her personally and walked over.

There are no female elders in the Yan family, and Yan Shu is the only female guest. It is not unusual for her to say hello in the past.

Knowing that she couldn't escape, Wang Xueer simply kept silent and pretended to be dead to the end, secretly hoping that Yan Shu would not tear her face on such an occasion.

However, things backfired. After Mrs. Wang greeted Yan Shu, Yan Shu did not mention what happened before. Wang Xueer was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but she saw the young man beside Yan Shu, who looked at her with an unexpected expression, "Student Wang, you Are you here to apologize to Yan Shu?"

Madam Wang was taken aback, "What apology?"

Song Xinglan snorted, "Student Wang has been bullying Yan Shu in school before, didn't she tell you?" He said innocently.

Madam Wang's expression changed, and when she saw her daughter's guilty face, she knew that this was true. Her face was very ugly, and after apologizing to Yan Shu, she took Wang Xueer and hurriedly left.

After they left, Song Xinglan said to Yan Shu, "The Wang family is not very peaceful, and several sons are fighting for power. If Wang Xueer's father knew that his daughter had offended you to death, and then offended Mr. Yan, she would definitely not be able to please him. "

He took revenge on Yan Shu's behalf without bloodshed, Song Xinglan was a little complacent, and looked at Yan Shu with an air of asking for credit. If there was a tail behind him, it would have turned into a propeller at this moment.

However, Yan Shu's focus was different from his. "How many children does the Wang family have? Where is Wang Xue'er's father?"

Now that she has entered this circle, she can't be blind, and she has to study hard to adapt to these things. Her brother was so kind to her, and she also hoped that she could help her brother instead of holding him back.

"...Oh, there are three sons and one daughter, Wang Xueer's father is the second, and the old man Wang still holds the real power, but he has already retired. The Wang family is now managed by the Wang family, but the others are not idle and keep moving. ."

Although Song Xinglan was a little embarrassed, she still seriously explained the Wang family's affairs to her. There are also some other rich and powerful families who have not fallen behind, including who is married to whom, who is a deadly enemy with whom, and so on.

This night, Yan Shu gained a lot and gained a general understanding of this circle.

On the way back, Yan Shu recalled the news she got tonight, and sorted out the relationships of the major families in her mind. But suddenly I heard my brother ask, "Who is the boy who chatted with you all night?"

Yan Qing seemed to be just asking casually, but her ears perked up, listening carefully to her answer.

Yan Shu didn't notice it, and answered directly, "His name is Song Xinglan, I don't know which family he belongs to, and I'm coming back to ask you."

It's not good to ask Song Xinglan in person, so tonight she asked all the aristocratic families, but she didn't inquire about him.

Song Xinglan thought she already knew, so she didn't say anything.

However, when Yan Qing heard Song Xinglan's name, she immediately shook her head and her face became serious, "He can't do it, anyone can do it, but Song Xinglan can't!"

"Ah? What doesn't work? Why?" Yan Shu didn't know why her brother reacted so much.

"Song Xinglan is the only son of the Song family, the Song family who is engaged to Su Mingzhu. He is Su Mingzhu's fiance, why do you think he can't?"

In the novel, Song Xinglan, as the second male, is also Su Mingzhu's fiancé.

Even after Su Mingzhu and Su Yichen were together, in order not to make Su Mingzhu embarrassed, he took the initiative to agree to change the marriage partner to Yan Shu, and his dedication was simply moving.

Although Yan Qing has intervened in this life, and some things have not yet happened, Yan Qing has already decided that Song Xinglan is not good, so no matter what, he will not let his sister get involved with such a person.

"He is Su Mingzhu's loyal licking dog. He must have deliberately approached you for Su Mingzhu's sake! Don't be fooled!"

"...Ah?" Yan Shu widened her eyes in confusion. Although she felt that Song Xinglan and her brother were not talking about the same person, she still obeyed and agreed, "Okay brother, I will keep a distance from him, absolutely not. Take his time."

My brother wouldn't hurt her, and besides, the fact that Song Xinglan was Su Mingzhu's ex-fiancé was enough to resist, and it was definitely right to stay away from him.

On the other side, Su Yichen took Su Mingzhu back, and Su Mingzhu cried non-stop along the way.

When she cried, she was not crying like that, but bit her lip and wept silently. The crying pear blossoms bring rain, but it does not detract from the beauty in the slightest.

While crying, he apologized, "I'm sorry brother, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have recognized him, it made you suffer so much... It doesn't matter what I do, but... But he shouldn't treat him like this..."

Su Yichen was deeply distressed, his eyes filled with pity for Su Mingzhu, and then he became even more resentful to the Yanqing brothers and sisters.

"Mingzhu, don't cry, as soon as you cry, your brother will feel distressed. Don't worry, sooner or later, I will make the Yan family brothers and sisters pay the price and ask them to kneel in front of you and beg your forgiveness!"

His face was icy cold, but the corners of his mouth were slowly raised, revealing an extremely cold smile, "Didn't he only recognize Yan Shu? He likes to recognize relatives so much, just right, someone must really want to recognize him..."

The Yan family fell into a dead silence.

Yan Qing, who was kicked out of the house by them, became the richest man in S city.

When they first heard the news, the Yan family only thought it was absurd.

Yan Qing? The richest man? how is this possible!

But the person who told them the news presented irrefutable evidence, and they couldn't help not believe it.

Therefore, at this moment, the Yan family fell into silence collectively.

"He really became the richest man?"

Yan Changlin asked this sentence with difficulty.

"Official news reports can never be faked," He Li said.

"Then what should we do now?"

How to do? Knowing that this stepson is so promising, she couldn't drive people out without saying anything! Why did she have such shallow eyelids in the first place, so she took Yan Changlin's salary and this old and small broken house in her eyes? Afraid that Yan Qing would take away any of the property, so he spared no effort to drive people away?

With Yanqing's current achievements, a little bit of casually leaking from her fingers is much more than that bit of fortune she's been digging for!

Thinking of this, He Li's heart aches with regret.

"What should I do? You are his biological father after all. How can father and son have an overnight feud? The broken bones are still attached to the tendons. If you go to him and be soft, can he still deny you?" Liang, as if he has seen the good life in the future after father and son recognize each other.

Yan Changlin hesitated, "What if he doesn't recognize him?" He even signed a severance letter.

"If you don't recognize you and make trouble with him, rich people like them value their face more than anything else. At that time, they would rather use money to get rid of you than let you make trouble. He casually leaks something between his fingers. , it's all the money we can't make in our lifetime! What are you hesitating about?"

The Yan family brothers and sisters are also persuading, "Yes, Dad, he is our brother, he is so rich, what's the matter with us?" The two of them failed the college entrance examination and only went to a college. Now that they have graduated, they have always been high and low. If you can't find a job, you will be idle at home every day.

After hearing the news from Yan Qing, the two of them were the happiest.

With such a rich brother, what are they doing? My brother just gives them some pocket money, enough for them to eat, drink, and buy designer bags and clothes!

So the mother and son encouraged Yan Changlin, "Go find him now, and let's go!"

Yan Changlin was already moved, but couldn't stand their persuasion, and immediately agreed, "Okay, let's go now."

Then, the family fantasized about a better future and set off.

Almost as soon as they set off, Yan Qing had already received the news.

The male and female protagonists have always been accident-prone, and Yan Qing was afraid that they would make another trouble and would catch herself by surprise, so she kept sending people to watch them.

Therefore, as soon as Su Yichen made a move, he was aware of it.

Deliberately revealing his news to the Yan family and asking them to come to the door?

Want them to trouble you?

With the greed of that family, knowing Yan Qing's current achievements will definitely rush to **** blood. Even if he can't make a big move, it's enough to disgust him.

However, this Yan Qing was already prepared, and the family was destined to return empty-handed.

But come and come, always give play to the value.

Doesn't this have a biological daughter?

It is easier for them to find a reason to **** blood than a son who has cut off their relationship, a biological daughter who was wrongly embraced by a wealthy family but refused to return it?

Yan Qing called Li Rui and explained it, and then he didn't care about it.

However, the Su Yichen brothers and sisters cannot be allowed to jump like this again. Although it doesn't affect him from time to time, it's disgusting.


The Su family should go bankrupt.