MTL - My Brother is a Big Shot-Chapter 48 Seventy Brother 8

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Yan Qing works in the county town, and has access to more seeds. In addition to some common crops, there are also many fruit seeds.

Grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches…

Yan Qing planted all the fruits he could find in the space.

On the way back from the county seat, he found a hidden place and took out the prepared apples from the space, as well as a few stalks of corn and half a bag of sweet potatoes.

In addition to some things I bought in the store, I added a lot of things, which filled a snakeskin bag.

It was not far from the Lijiazhuang production team, so Yan Qing took it out and carried it back all the way. Otherwise, it's really boring to go back this way.

When they came to the village, a man and a woman walked towards them.

The girl is wearing a ponytail, has a handsome face, a tall stature, and has a heroic and sassy agility. Yan Qing knew her. She was an educated youth in the Lijiazhuang production team. She seemed to be called Gu Xingyu.

Next to her is a boy who looks a bit like her, but a bit more delicate than her. He looked fourteen or five years old, but he was very tall and white and fat, which was very eye-catching.

All of them here are skinny, black and yellow, and suddenly they come across a fair and round one, isn't it eye-catching?

In this era, being fat is a blessing, at least the family background is definitely good.

But Yan Qing clenched his fists after only one face-to-face: Why is this little **** here again! Really haunted!

Yan Qing and Gu Xingyu were not familiar with each other, they met, nodded slightly, said hello and passed by.

After Yan Qing left, Gu Xinghe asked Gu Xingyu, "Sister, do you know that person?"

"Well, he's from this village and I've seen him a few times. He's not bad, he's working hard."

Hearing the admiration in her tone, Gu Xinghe immediately felt like he was facing a big enemy, "Sister, you can't like this little white face! She looks like a bamboo pole, white and thin, and so good-looking, she is definitely not someone who can endure hardship. How can I take care of you if I can't bear hardship!"

With a "click", Yan Qing, who has a good hearing, crushed an apple. There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, very good, he hasn't disliked this little fat man yet, this little **** dares to dislike him in turn!

Ah! In this life, he will definitely let this boy feel the love from his brother!

Gu Xingyu's face was black, and he raised his hand and knocked him a shudder, "What nonsense! I haven't even spoken to him, who likes him? Gu Xinghe, if you dare to be silly, be careful I'll beat you!"

Gu Xingyu rubbed his head, and responded aggrievedly, but quickly leaned forward again, "Sister, did you eat well here? Did you sleep well? Did anyone bully you? I see that you are all thin and tanned, how distressed it would be if Mom saw her! If I had known, I would have been sent to the countryside. I am a boy and it doesn’t matter if I suffer a little…”

The veins on Gu Xingyu's forehead jumped, "Gu Xinghe, shut up!"

Gu Xinghe immediately shut up with interest, "Alright, alright, I won't say it anymore."

However, after three minutes, he couldn't help it again, "Sister, may I ask you something?"

Gu Xingyu was tired, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't I go the wrong way when I went to find you? Do you recognize the girl who showed me the way?"

"What did you ask her for?"

"No, nothing, just ask."

Gu Xingyu glanced at him, half-smiling at his pretending to be calm but the tips of his ears were red, "What? The little brat is starting to have a spring heart? That's really unfortunate, the little white face who just passed by is her brother. Brother is not good, and it is estimated that my sister is not much better."

Gu Xinghe immediately said with a serious face, "I reflect on myself, I made the mistake of judging people by their appearance! The first time we met, just because he was good-looking, he felt that he couldn't endure hardship, this kind of mistake is absolutely unacceptable! I must correct it! "

Gu Xingyu let out a sigh, too lazy to watch him play tricks.

"Let's go quickly. Dad's business is delayed, and he has to scold you again."

When Gu Xinghe heard this, he didn't dare to delay any longer. The two brothers hurried to the county seat to join their father.

The father of these two is the Mayor Gu who Yan Qing met today!

No one knew that Mayor Gu's daughter was going to the countryside to cut the queue here.

This time they met, they also avoided people.

Seeing his daughter, Gu Ping couldn't help but feel distressed, "I've lost weight, and I'm dark, but I look better. Your mother brought you clothes, food, and money tickets, which Xinghe will give you. Are you going?"

A family with two children must have someone who goes to the countryside to jump the queue. As a leading cadre, Gu Ping must lead by example. When he went to the countryside, Gu Xinghe was only thirteen years old, so he was too young, so he had to let his daughter go.

Since he went to the countryside, Gu Ping has not seen his daughter for two years. He is also a father, and he is also worried about her life. So this time, it was through the convenience of the inspection work that I finally had the opportunity to see her.

After Gu Xinghe heard about it, he insisted on making a fuss, but he couldn't beat him, so he had to bring him here.

When Gu Ping went to work, Gu Xinghe brought his own things and ran to the Lijiazhuang production team.

Gu Xingyu was reunited with her family after a long absence, and was very happy, "Send it away, Dad, you and Mom don't have to worry about me, I'm fine here."

"Well, then take care of yourself and tell your family if you have anything."

After a few chats, Gu Ping's secretary came to call him, and they had to rush back to the city today.

Gu Xingyu hurriedly said, "Dad, go back with Xinghe early. Don't delay work."

"Okay, you also go back early, it's getting late, it's not safe to walk at night."

"Sister, you have to take good care of yourself. When I'm sixteen, I'll come back for you." Gu Xinghe said goodbye to her with red eyes.

Gu Xingyu couldn't help but gave him another burst of shudder, "You stay at home, don't think that it will come out all the time."

Can you change the queue when you go to the countryside?

The family reluctantly said goodbye.

On the other side, when Yan Qing returned home, the family was both surprised and surprised, "Why are you back at this time? Isn't it Sunday yet?"

Since Yan Qing went to work in the county, she can only come back one day a week on weekends.

"I have nothing to do today, Master Wang has given me a holiday."

"You can still have a holiday if you don't have a festival? Your unit's welfare is really good. Have you eaten yet? Mom will cook for you."

"No, I have lunch."

As he spoke, he took out the snakeskin bag he had brought back, and Wang Lan began to scold him at first sight, "You brought back so many things, you can just keep what you have to eat there, you have everything at home, no need Take it home!"

"I've kept it. It's specially brought back for you to eat."

Yan Qing first pulled out the apple that he crushed and gave it to Yan Shu, "Take it and wash it before eating."

Even if it is broken, in such an era of lack of clothing and food, it is a good thing. Not to mention the Li family, even Yan Qing has no idea of ​​wasting food.

When the apple was taken out, the whole family was surprised.


Fruit is definitely a rarity in a small place like them, expensive and hard to buy. Li Weihua and his wife are okay, but Yan Shu has grown up so much that she has only eaten pears and wild fruits from their side. I have never eaten apples, oranges and bananas.

"Well, I happened to meet someone selling them on the black market, so I bought a few and brought them back for you to try."

Hearing the black market, Wang Lan's first reaction was to get up and see if there was anyone outside, then closed the door and scolded him in a low voice, "You kid, this thing is expensive and doesn't stop hunger, why are you buying it! Black market, what if it is caught as speculation!"

Yan Qing hurriedly begged for mercy, "Mom, I won't go in the future."

Wang Lan was angry and wanted to laugh, "Every time I take a risk, as soon as I scold you, I promise me that I won't go there in the future. You won't go, but next time I'll cause other troubles for me!"

Yan Qing smiled with a guilty conscience, and then asked Yan Shu to wash the apple. Yan Qing also wanted her to wash four and divide one for each person, but Wang Lan scolded him as a prodigal, "How can you live like this? Do you still want to be full after eating apples? Just cut a piece and taste it!"

Saying that, she took the apple herself, went to the kitchen to wash it, cut it into four pieces and took it out.

For Yan Qing and Yan Shu, each of them is bigger, and she and Li Weihua are small.

"Eat it. I ate it with your dad when you were young, and it wasn't very tasty. You should eat more."

"I've eaten it in the county, let's eat it all for you, I won't eat it."

Wang Lan glared at him, "Hurry up and eat!"

Unable to resist the kindness of their mother, Yan Qing and Yan Shu sat on the small bench and started to eat slowly.

"Apples are so sweet." Yan Shu narrowed her eyes happily, and ate her piece in small bites, not willing to finish it.

"I like to eat my brother and I will buy it for you later."

After Yan Qing said this, she immediately received a killing look from Ms. Wang Lan.

He stopped talking immediately, and ate his own portion in three or two bites, and then continued to pack up the things he brought back.

"I came across the corn that you said was delicious before, so I bought a little more, and also bought sweet potatoes from his family, all of which are quite sweet."

Wang Lan was so angry that she lost her temper, "There are corn and sweet potatoes at home, but you still go to buy other people's! Do you have so much money that you have nowhere to spend it! No matter how delicious it is, it's still a corn and sweet potato? Listen to the mother, in the future Don't buy any more!"

This Yan Qing didn't respond, but quickly took out another thing and perfunctory the topic.

"I've saved up the cloth tickets for the past few months, exchanged some with Master Wang and Brother Wang, and went to the department store to buy a few pieces of cloth. Mom, can you make clothes for each of your family members. Isn't it the New Year's Eve? Xiaoshu hasn't added any clothes for several years, and she's wearing my old clothes. Girls still need to dress up, it's not good to dress like a little boy."

This time, Wang Lan didn't scold him, but touched the fabric with joy, "I originally planned to exchange some cloth tickets, you can buy them back. I'll make one for your brother and sister, and my dad and I don't need it. "

Li Weihua nodded quickly, "Yes, we all have clothes to wear."

"Mom and dad, your clothes are all torn like this, and it's time to put on new ones. You three are fine, I don't need them. When I go to work, they are all new!"

Wang Lan disagreed, "You have to cut it too. When you are out and about, you will be seen as a joke."

Both sides wanted the other to wear new clothes, but they couldn't persuade the other, and then each took a step back, "Then let's cut them."

It was settled, and the whole family rejoiced.

"There is one more thing. Our unit is going to recruit two more people. Master Wang asked me if there is anyone I want to bring over, and can give me a place." Yan Qing said again.

He is planning to go to the automobile factory, and the manpower of the agricultural machinery station is definitely not enough. Therefore, Master Wang plans to recruit people in advance and train them first.

Without Yan Qing, who is worth one to two, it is not enough to recruit one person, so we simply recruited two people at one time.

Originally, this kind of work that can enter formal units to eat commercial grain is very popular. Not to mention others, the relatives of the two webmasters are not enough.

The reason why Yan Qing was given a place is because Yan Qing told Wang Hongjun that he could help him make up the class, and the two of them went to the automobile factory together.

The automobile factory is a big factory that is famous all over the country, and it is not even a little bit stronger than their small agricultural machinery station!

It's clear at a glance which is better and which is worse, and it is certainly not worth it to be able to enter!

As soon as Wang Qu was happy, he gave him this spot.

Not everyone can go to an automobile factory for an exam. Wang Hongjun's family can help him get an exam opportunity, so Yan Qing said he would take him. But Yan Qing's family can't do it. They don't have such a way, and they can't even find the opportunity to sign up. Otherwise, Yan Qing can directly bring his cousins.

He originally wanted to repay the care of Wang Qu's uncle and nephew, but he didn't expect them to give him such a surprise again.

It's not bad to be able to pull a cousin of your own.

As soon as Yan Qing's words came out, Li Weihua and Wang Lan were stunned, "Yan Qing, are you serious? Do you have a place to enter the agricultural machinery station?!"