MTL - My Brother is a Big Shot-Chapter 47 Seventy Brother 7

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The agricultural machinery station is not only for maintenance of tractors, but also threshing machines, threshers, seeders, etc. All agricultural machinery belongs to the maintenance of agricultural machinery stations.

So Wang Hongjun said it was true that they were too busy. The original plan was to recruit two people, but Wang Qu found that after recruiting a Yan Qing, he worked fast and well, and especially liked to rush to work, especially all kinds of difficult problems, he liked research the most, and Must be able to figure out the way out.

He can handle two by himself.

So no one else was hired.

"Ours was originally a small unit, plus the stationmaster and Lao Li, the gatekeeper, there were only seven people in total. Therefore, the place approved is also small, and if there are too many recruits, we will not be able to live there."

Yan Qing is far away from home and lives in the staff dormitory of the unit. There are three staff dormitories in the agricultural machinery station. However, the stationmaster, Wang Qu, and two other comrades, both from the county seat, go back every day, so they don't live here. So the three multi-person dormitories became single rooms, and no one would be willing to recruit another person to live in any one.

So that's fine too.

Of course, it is also more in line with Yan Qing's mind. It is convenient to do things in a room by himself.

The busy farming season is over, and winter will soon begin.

"Winter work will be much less." Wang Hongjun said to Yan Qing, "There are also some people who can't make time for maintenance during busy farming seasons, so they will take advantage of this time to do maintenance. But it's generally not a big problem that can be delayed until now."

Yan Qing nodded to show her understanding. Their work was closely related to agriculture. They were busy when the crops were busy. When there is no life in the field in winter, they will relax.

Yan Qing and Wang Hongjun were sitting in the office drinking tea, and he picked up a newspaper to read.

It is now the end of October of 1971, and newspapers have been reporting on China's restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations these days.

This is news that makes the whole country rejoice, but Yan Qing knows that restoring a legal seat does not mean that they will really occupy a place in the world. Weak countries have no diplomacy, and they still have a long way to go.

At this time, Lao Li, the gatekeeper, ran in from the outside, with his legs and feet not as neat as someone of his age, and his expression was very excited, "The county leader has sent someone here!"

As soon as the stationmaster heard it, he went out to greet him. Wang Hongjun also took Yan Qing and went out to join in the fun.

The person who came was a young man, of medium build, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with a gentle temperament. He introduced himself as Fu and was the secretary of the county party secretary.

After some conversation, the secretary Fu explained his purpose.

It turned out that the city leaders came to check the work today. The car they drove didn't know what was wrong, and it broke down on the way. Fortunately, the place where the car broke down is already very close to their county, but only two miles away.

In a small county in the 1970s, cars were very rare. Except for leaders, who could afford them? So they don't even have an auto repair office or auto mechanic in the county. Even if the county leader's car broke down, he had to go to the city to have it repaired.

But it takes time to go back and forth. The city leaders have to go back after checking the work today, so they came to their agricultural machinery station to ask if they can repair the car.

The stationmaster turned his attention to Wang Qu, "Master Wang, haven't you repaired cars before? You are so good at repairing tractors that you can do everything, so the leader's car can be repaired, right?"

Wang Qu looked embarrassed, "I only know some superficial techniques. There is still a big difference between a tractor and a car..." That is the leader's car. If it is not repaired, it will be destroyed even more. He can bear it. up? "

Secretary Fu said, "Don't be embarrassed, just give it a try. We are also treating dead horses as doctors for living horses. Even if you can't fix it, it will be fine."

Only then did Wang Qu feel relieved, "That's fine, I'll try it."

At this time, Yan Qing suddenly said, "Can I go and have a look? To tell you the truth, I just want to be an auto mechanic, so I learned to repair tractors first, and I have also done a lot of research on cars, maybe I can help. ."

Secretary Fu wondered, "This is..."

Wang Qu quickly introduced, "This is our technician here. His skills are not inferior to mine, and this kid is really smart, maybe he can really help."

"Then let's go together."

So Yan Qing followed Secretary Fu to repair the car.

He also brought Wang Hongjun with him.

"He didn't say let me go. Wouldn't it be good for me to add it in like this?"

"It's alright, you're in charge of picking up tools and fighting, no one will notice."


He still hesitated, but Wang Hongjun kicked him in disgust, and glared at him fiercely.

This silly boy, how can he be so blind, this is an opportunity to show his face in front of the leader! Yan Qing has pulled him up, and he can still shrink back!

Wang Hongjun was scolded by Wang Qu a lot, and he understood what he meant in seconds, so he calmed down and followed behind them honestly.

The car has been towed to the county and stopped at the gate of the county government.

Wang Qu stepped forward to check and found no problems.

It is definitely not that simple to find the problem. The driver who drives the car understands some maintenance techniques, but he didn't find it out. Naturally, he couldn't find it if he changed to Wangqu, who was of similar level.

Wang Qu turned his attention to Yan Qing.

Yan Qing stepped forward, only to see him knocking, knocking, and then dismantling, dismantling the car in pieces. He did things calmly, without the slightest panic, with a confident look, and it really seemed like that.

After checking, he said calmly, "It was caused by the failure of the engine oil circuit sensor and the short circuit of the high-voltage wire."

Secretary Fu didn't understand, he only cared about one question, "Can it be repaired?"

"Yes!" Yan Qing said decisively.

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretary Fu smiled, "It can be done if it can be repaired. You can say whatever you need. We can find anything in our county for you."

Yan Qing nodded, and then started his solo performance.

After more than half an hour, he said it was ok, the driver went to try it, and it really caught fire.

"Huh? Is it repaired?"

It happened that the city leaders and the county leaders came back from the inspection and passed by the gate. They saw this scene, so they stopped and asked.

Secretary Fu quickly reported, "Yes, it has been repaired."

"Didn't you say there are no auto repair workers in the county? Who repaired this?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a refined temperament, and a group of people vaguely headed by him, who should be the top leader in the city.

Wang Qu and the others secretly guessed.

Then they heard Secretary Fu say, "Mayor Gu, this is the technician comrade of the agricultural machinery station. His name is Li Yanqing."

hiss! It's the mayor!

Mayor Gu looked at Yan Qing with a smile, "Have you learned to repair cars?"

Yan Qing told the truth, "No, I have only repaired tractors, but I am determined to become a car mechanic, so I have studied the structure of the car myself. The so-called same thing, repairing a car is not much different from repairing a tractor."

Mayor Gu laughed and said to the county magistrate, "I didn't expect that there are such talents in your county, and they are still so young. Want to be a car mechanic? Our city has its own car factory, but it is a leading company in the country. You have this technology, do you want to try it?"


"Haha, then when they recruit people, I will write you a letter of recommendation. Of course, this is just a chance for you. Whether you can be admitted depends on you."

"I will definitely be admitted!" Yan Qing said confidently.

Mayor Gu smiled again, "Okay, young people must have the spirit of young people."

After a few more words of encouragement, Mayor Gu and his entourage joined the county government.

When they left, Secretary Fu patted Yan Qing on the shoulder and said, "You boy, you have met a noble person! You have to work hard, or your ambition just now will become empty words."

"Thank you Secretary Fu, I will try my best."

On the way back, Wang Qucai finally came to his senses and said with emotion, "I knew you would definitely not be willing to be a tractor repairman."

Although Yan Qing was very calm and never showed his ambitions, gold couldn't bury his brilliance. A small agricultural machinery station would definitely not be able to retain such a genius.

"I didn't expect to encounter an opportunity so soon. The mayor will write you a letter of recommendation. As long as you don't lose the chain yourself, you will be sure of it."

Yan Qing nodded, "Thank you Master Wang for all your cultivation during this time. Without you and Brother Wang, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Wang Qu waved his hand, "You got what you are today on your own merits, I just happened to meet you. Okay, I don't need to say anything, I'm going to the state-run restaurant today, no one will rob you this time. , I must let you treat me!"

Yan Qing smiled, "No problem."

Wang Hongjun finally regained his senses at this time, hehe smiled and said, "My brother is a cow, and he has caught the mayor's eyes! The future is bright after that! It must be celebrated, and you will be slaughtered!"

Wang Qu slapped him on the head, hating that iron is not steel, "Eat, you'll know how to eat! I thought you wanted to work as hard as Yan Qing, and try to get admitted to the listed car factory! It turned out to be slaughtered. He was stunned! How can there be such a big difference between people!"

Wang Hongjun covered his head and ducked, and said aggrievedly, "I haven't even figured out the tractor yet, and I'm still going to repair the car? Isn't this embarrassing!"

Wang Qu rolled his eyes angrily, and didn't bother to care about him.

Yan Qing smiled and watched their uncle and nephew make trouble.

After dinner, Wang Qu also gave Yan Qing a special holiday and asked him to go home and tell his family the good news.

Yan Qing felt that the eight characters hadn't been written yet, and she was not in a hurry to tell her family. But since there was a fake, he went back by the way.