MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 51 Cheng Jiaxiong

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After the zombie dog fell, other zombies were not afraid. Under the absolute lethality of the pea bullets, these zombies surrounded by small shops quickly They have all been cleaned up.

In order to verify his own guess, Su Ruizhe took a knife to cut the head of the second zombie, and found a strange color nucleus. The nucleus itself was reddish, but the surrounding area was stained with one. The layer is blushing, as if it were coated with rouge. It should be that the nucleus of another evolutionary zombie dog was swallowed by it, and its crystal nucleus changed. If Su Ruizhe did not shoot it immediately, it is likely to evolve again, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Trapped in the top of the small shop is the tenth squad. After they are out of danger, their team will come down to join the 12 teams. However, their number has been reduced from the original 40 to 25. Fifteen soldiers died.

Such casualties are not serious.

When the tenth squad came to rescue, there was no expectation that there would be such a large number of corpses gathered here. At first they wanted to use military cards to lead the zombies. I didn't expect the zombies to have evolutionary zombies and evolutionary zombies. They were very fast. They caught up with the tenth squad's military card and immediately attacked them.

The strength of the zombie dog is very large, and the body is constantly hitting the body. The car is out of balance and hits the guardrail next to it. Gradually, more and more zombies are attracted by the movement here, in the collision and slap of these zombies. The vehicle is almost overturned.

The tenth squad immediately issued a request for help, but there was not much time left for them. The zombie attack was getting more and more fierce. The evolution of the zombie and the evolutionary zombies was terrible. The sharp claws could leave scratches on the bulletproof glass. The rear door is also gradually changing under the impact of the zombies. If they continue to hide in the compartment, they can only become the shackles.

They can't sit still and must find ways to break out and wait for rescue. Using the suppression of grenades and strong firepower, the tenth squad succeeded in killing a **** road. The evolution of the zombies was very fast. It was obviously unrealistic to fight the speed and endurance with the zombies. The captain of the tenth team, Guan Hong, took the players. They climbed up to the roof of a small shop. However, during the process of breaking through and climbing, they lost more than a dozen players.

Only they have no time to grieve, there are a large number of survivors in the police station waiting for their rescue.

The police station is diagonally opposite the street where the small shop is located. It is less than 700 meters away. The dense zombies will be surrounded by a small police station. Police officers wearing police uniforms and several strong young people are standing. On the top of the platform on the second floor of the police station, the bayonet spliced ​​with the broomstick and the knife attacked the head of the zombie, but they were also successfully killed.

They should have heard a gunshot outside and saw the soldiers coming to the rescue and wanted to make a contribution.

But this is too dangerous! There are evolutionary zombies in it!

As if to confirm their concerns, the weapon in the hands of a young man was suddenly held by a claw, and then when he did not respond, he pulled hard, the young man was not prepared, and almost pulled Stagger. Seeing that the young man was about to fall off the platform and slayed the dead sea, suddenly a hand was stretched out next to him, and he was forced to pull him back, but the weapon was taken away, but the weapon was taken away.

When Zhanyun saw the familiar figure of the hand, the pupil was suddenly shrunk, is he? ! How is he here? !

"Xiaozhe, cherry... No, the bomb gave me a few!" Zhanyun immediately said to Su Ruizhe.

Su Ruizhe did not hesitate and immediately created several cherry bombs with his abilities.

"We are on!" Zhan Yun said, and he rushed out with his team.

Li Ming can't stop it, and he can only catch up.

However, seeing Zhanyun and others are like God's help, while rushing to shoot with a micro-rush, there are pea bullets, they do not have to aim at the head, but also can cause fatal damage to the zombies. Not to mention the exhibition cloud and the cherry bomb, seeing the number of zombies that have come together, throwing one at once.

"Azhan!" The high ceiling of the exhibition cloud one meter nine looks particularly conspicuous. The young man standing on the platform on the second floor immediately waved his hand to him after seeing the appearance of the exhibition cloud.

The remaining zombies seemed to be stimulated by his shouts, and they all stretched out their arms to catch him. Su Ruizhe found that several zombies had actually smashed twice, but their bounce was not as good as the zombies. Oh, there is no way to jump on the platform to catch people.

"Take someone back and wait!" Zhanyun shouted at him.

He really took Cheng Kai's lack of heart and hair, and there is no way to be surrounded by so many zombies. What is happy? !

The power of the cherry bomb explosion is actually comparable to that of the army. However, the damage that can be caused by the zombies is multiplied. When it is almost blown up, it will fall into a large piece, and the bodies will all be blown up. The evolutionary zombies couldn’t help but scream like them, and the number of zombies has gradually become less and less.

Zhanyun and the military people have successfully approached the gate of the police station, and they have not been waiting for them to knock on the door. The door has already been opened.

"A show! Come in!" Cheng Kai, who lacked his heart, waved his hand to him, and the posture was like a lucky cat.

Zhanyun turned a big eye in the bottom of his heart, and wanted to go up to the back of Cheng Qi's head, but there are still a lot of scattered zombies outside, or they are advanced.

The people entered the police station and closed the door again. Outside the door, the zombie’s impact and slaps were heard again, but no one was going to take care of it. Now there are only a few dozen zombies outside. This door looks very solid. In the absence of evolutionary zombies, it should be able to support the previous paragraph. Time.

"Everyone is coming out, the army is coming to save us!" Cheng Kai said loudly.

As his voice fell, countless people came out of the rooms and corners, and roughly estimated that there were nearly two hundred people. The survivors were all yellow and thin, with horror in their eyes, and the mental appearance looked very bad. Looking at the sheets on the floor and the messy garbage, they should have been trapped here for some time.

But they seem to be very convinced of Cheng Qi, even several policemen are standing behind him, seemingly silently supporting him.

However, it is also true that Cheng Qi is a family member, and he has been playing in the army for a while, and he has no idea.

"We are the national rescue team. Now we have established a survivor base in the Southern Military Region. Please prepare and follow us." Guan Hong said before.

And Li Ming has begun to use radio to ask for help from other teams. The tenth squad’s military card has been bombed by the bombs when they broke out. The twelfth squad’s military card has also gone back. When people bring them back, they must have at least two or three military cards.

Li Ming’s call quickly responded. The eighth team is about to arrive. The eleventh team is already on the road. The thirteenth team has encountered some troubles. When the settlement is over, they will immediately come. In short, they will take them away. There should be no problem.

"Everyone is going to clean up and see if there is anything to bring with you. After a while, there will be a car to pick us up!" Guan Hong said loudly to everyone.

Zhanyun’s eyes glanced in the crowd, and did not see Cheng Jiao, suddenly frowned, “Jiaojiao?!”

Cheng Qi bit his teeth and whispered, "You come with me."

Looking at the expression on Cheng Qi's face, Zhan Yun's heart sank slightly, and walked upstairs behind him. When he left, he did not forget to pull Su Ruizhe.

Although Cheng Qi did not understand why Zhanyun had to drag on a teenager, he felt that Zhanyun must have his reasons for doing things, so he did not say anything more, and took them to a tightly closed object on the second floor. The room went over.

The utility room didn't know why it was locked from the outside. The doorway here was originally guarded by two policemen, but now it's time to pack things up. Cheng Qi stepped forward to open the door of the utility room, and saw that there were five or six blood-stained people lying inside, and Cheng Jiao was also in it.

"What happened?" Zhanyun knew at a glance that Cheng Jiao was having a fever, his face was burning red, and his head was sweating.

"There is not much food here. We can only take people out to find food. We took out a dozen people yesterday and only came back so much, and they were all injured. The zombies surrounded by them are estimated to be **** by them. The taste is attracted, others are very scared, and they are worried that they will become zombies, but I can’t leave them alone. I can only arrange them here, let people look at them as much as possible.” Cheng Qi speaks At the time, my face couldn’t help but reveal a trace of grief. "I knew it would be like this. I should let me go yesterday..."

"Xiao Zhe... You are going to call the old Song and Zheng Jiahe." These people's wounds can't be left unchecked, they need Song Chengshu to deal with it, and there are vegetable juices that let Zheng Jiahe squeeze.

Su Ruizhe nodded and went downstairs to call Song Chengshu and Zheng Jiahe. He had already listened to Zhanyun to mention the two brothers and sisters of the process family. They knew that they were small and their feelings were very good. He was able to appreciate the current mood of Zhanyun.

Song Chengshu and Zheng Jiahe soon came. Song Chengshu first checked the injuries of several people. Unfortunately, they suffered from the virus for too long. Most of them have been eroded by viruses, and their faces are gray and dirty. It became cloudy and sloppy, and it has already returned to the sky.

Only two people, including Cheng Jiao, seem to be in the process of fighting the virus. He hurriedly used the medical kit provided by Su Ruizhe to treat the wounds and then fed them to Zhengjia and the freshly squeezed vegetable juice. .

They have done their best, and as for the next result, they will only be resigned.

The author has something to say: stupid and stunned, and I don’t see that people are brothers and sisters~

Due to the strike of the Monster Theater, today’s small theater opened the skylight...

Thanks to the big baby's mines and nutrient solution, love you! What?