MTL - My Chip that Disguises Itself as a Cell-Chapter 211 The super boss is here

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  Chapter 211 The super boss is here

   Who are college students, the most jumping.

  Although they were strictly ordered not to leave the classroom, most of them obeyed the rules, but some sneaked up to the top floor to watch.

  But it’s a pity, the man in the black suit with the headset has already guarded the doors to the top of each building, and those who dare to come forward when they see this, naturally grab it without discussing it.

  Then the chat group was full of news, and all kinds of sneak photos were also spread in the group.

While eating melons and eating happily, suddenly the mobile phone lost signal, and everyone was stunned. When they found that the mobile phones of the surrounding people had lost signal, and all the computers could not access the Internet, everyone was like a cat scratching their hearts, wondering who it was coming?

  The principal and a group of members of the school committee were already waiting at the gate. No one said a word, and saw cars driving into the campus. A man in a suit with a headset got off and occupied various key positions.

  Everyone envied the ostentation, and was not worried about martial law because Mao did not send troops.

  The spectacle in front of me is just because of the specifications necessary for the first brother of Zhongyun Country to travel, and it is also a humanoid warning line to prevent ordinary people from approaching. As for relying on their protection?

   Just kidding, if there is someone who can endanger the first brother of Zhongyun Country, who will protect who is not sure!

  Because the first brother of Zhongyun Country is not only the number one in status and power, but also the number one in strength!

  So the officials have never cared about the safety of the first brother of Zhongyun country, only caring about decency and rules, which is why the first brother of Zhongyun country can wander around. Because the security issue is not an issue for him at all.

  A dozen guard motorcycles with flashing red and blue warning lights and no siren, drove slowly into the campus, passed through the crowd naturally, stopped at various intersections, and stood on guard with the man in a headset suit.

   Several limousines that followed stopped in the crowd, and the windows were opened. The first brother of Zhongyun Country, who is very familiar to the whole country, frowned and said to the principal: "Why are you standing there? Lead the way!"

   "Ah! Yes, yes!" The principal immediately agreed, and then led a group of big shots from the school, striding forward and leading the way.

  The car window was closed, and the second person in the car who was familiar to everyone in the country, that is, the first brother of the State Council, Zhong Yunhua, said helplessly: "First brother, don't be so harsh."

"What's the harshness? I'm most annoyed by wasting time like this. Are you talking about ostentation? It's not in a foreign country, but in your own country, or in the capital. Who will you show the ostentation to? That's why I don't like to use this identity to inspect." Lin Zhengyi was upset. explain.

   "Oh, it's decent and well-behaved. You're the first brother, and you hang around in other clothes all day long. It's not good to spread the word." Zhong Yunhua said helplessly.

Lin Zhengyi pursed his lips in displeasure: "Cut, this brother, do I want to be? They are all locked in the highest position, and they are not free at all." Then he suddenly said with bright eyes: "Yunhua, how about the next election? When will you come?"

   "Don't! Don't hurt me, I don't know how much life I have now, so I don't want to take your seat!" Zhong Yunhua immediately waved his hands and shook his head to refuse.

   "Then what should I do?! I don't want to do nothing like this!" Lin Zhengyi wailed.

"What else can I do? Cultivate an heir, and you will be free if you survive two more terms. You must be free and do your own thing!" Zhong Yunhua stared at Lin Zhengyi and said.

   "No problem, no problem. When I pulled you out to be the first brother of the State Council, I promised you." Lin Zhengyi agreed with a full face, turned his head and curled his lips: "Damn, I'm still suffering. Do you want to be happy? Dreaming!"

   "Did you curl your lips just now?" Zhong Yunhua stared at Lin Zhengyi and asked.

   "Oh, the guys I pouted are so poor in physique, how come they are the administrators of the Imperial University, and they are out of breath after running a few steps! Weak chickens!" Lin Zhengyi said, pointing to the school administrators who were running wildly outside the window.

   "Indeed, the school management, which teaches and educates people, is so weak. It really shouldn't be. It seems that a decree must be issued when going back, requiring that the strength of the personnel in the education system must be improved." Zhong Yunhua said with a frown.

   "Uh, there's no need for one size fits all, right?" Lin Zhengyi was stunned: "This strength is not so easy to improve."

   "Don't listen to people crying about being poor. The education system is rich in resources. As long as we keep a watch on them with a whip, they will definitely complete the government order." Zhong Yunhua waved his hand and said.

   "Oh, that's why I told you to take my seat." Lin Zhengyi repeated the old saying.

   "Where is your seat? Who likes to sit, don't look for me, sit in your seat, you don't have to do anything, it's not as busy as I am now busy day and night." Zhong Yunhua said disdainfully.

   "Who said there is no need to do anything! Every day..." Lin Zhengyi froze when he said this.

   "Say it, keep talking, why don't you tell me what you do every day?" Zhong Yunhua said disdainfully.

   "Uh..." Lin Zhengyi bowed his head, he really didn't know what to say.

"Hmph, you still have self-knowledge. By the way, you are a dignified brother. Why did you come to attend the opening ceremony of the elite class? It forced me to accompany you. Do you know how much money these hours will accumulate on my desk?" Are you working?" Zhong Yunhua asked angrily.

   "I, I don't have anything to do, and I happen to know that the elite class starts today, so I came to see it." Lin Zhengyi said a little embarrassed.

Zhong Yunhua only felt that the blood vessels on his forehead were about to explode, but when he turned his mind, the list of 10 students in the elite class flashed in his mind, and he naturally focused on Lin Zhendong, because Lin Zhengyi sent a message for this kid of.

   Then he looked at Lin Zhengyi suspiciously: "Are you going to see Lin Zhendong?"

  Lin Zhengyi nodded subconsciously, then came to his senses and shook his head quickly, then nodded helplessly under Zhong Yunhua's gaze.

   "Tsk tsk, if I didn't know everything about you, I would have thought that kid was your grandson!" Zhong Yunhua said helplessly.

"Grandson? Oh, because his surname is Lin? Hey, it's just a coincidence. I happened to meet him when I was chatting with that old boy Liu last time. I thought it would be good to do a favor, so I let him enter the elite class." .” Lin Zhengyi waved his hand and said.

   "Okay, let me take a good look at this kid who can make you feel like raising your hand later." Zhong Yunhua laughed.

  The two of them were gossiping in this car, because there is a partition, the voice will not be transmitted, and it doesn't matter if it is transmitted, who would believe that the two of them, the first brother of Zhongyunguo, and the second person in the same car are just gossiping about these things!

  Especially the fact that the first brother of Zhongyunguo wanted to give up his position, but the second person disliked it. It made people think that someone was maliciously slandering the two super bosses.

   Who doesn't know that the second person is used to being strong, big and small matters can be decided in one word, and everyone thinks that the first brother of Zhongyun Guo's abdication is the moment for the second person to take over.

   Who doesn't know that the first brother of Zhongyun Country is firmly in control of the whole country? All factions submit to their subordinates and obey their ears. Will such a person abdicate? Are you kidding me?

  The headmaster and the others rushed towards the building where Lin Zhendong was located with all their might.

   It is impossible to say that they have no strength, and all of them are even extraordinary. After all, the position of Emperor University management has too many benefits. It is a trivial matter to have a skill crystal for so many years.

  The reason why they are out of breath now is partly pretending, they have to pretend that they are eager to follow the orders of the first brother of Zhongyun Kingdom!

  The other half was scared, as if he hadn't offended Brother Zhongyun! Why did the first brother of Zhong Yunguo give himself a blow as soon as he came?

   Is it me, or what behavior of Dida offended the first brother of Zhongyun Kingdom?

  So those who are confused, naturally feel that the more embarrassed they are, the better. There were even several powerful guys who were sweating abruptly, their hair and clothes deliberately messed up, making people look miserable and out of breath.

As a result, Lin Zhengyi got out of the car and didn't even look at them. Instead, Zhong Yunhua pointed at them and cursed: "Look at you, you are feeding dogs with your cultivation?! Everyone in your education system will have to strictly train!"

   "Ah? Yes!" The principal immediately led the crowd to nod and bow. They are fine people, they don't know, if they run all the way, they can still be calm and light, their hair is not messy and sweat is not a drop, maybe the two big managers will look at each other instead!

   It’s just that it’s too late to regret it. Who would have thought that Brother Zhongyun Guo actually wanted to see the strength of people like himself?

  Hey, so the first brother of Zhongyun country is the first brother of Zhongyun country, and it is impossible to guess what he is thinking.

   "Okay, don't stand here. There are so many students and teachers in the Imperial University, so you have nothing to do? Get down to business." Zhong Yunhua waved his hand and said.

   "Yes, yes!" The principal and others left immediately.

   Maybe you will say that the second brother of Zhongyun Kingdom treats him so contemptuously, even a little insultingly, the management of this emperor will not harbor resentment?

   Really not, although Lin Zhengyi and Zhong Yunhua seem to be middle-aged, but in terms of age, these emperors who seem to be in their fifties or sixties are all his descendants.

   The first brother and the second person in Zhongyun Kingdom and their parents are the same generation!

  So you are old, have a high status, and are powerful, so what if you are taught as a grandson? Aren't you willing to be beaten and scolded obediently? Even if there is resentment, it will not last for a few days.

   Or it can be said that among the school management, there may be some people who are eager to have resentment from their colleagues.

  So as long as they know how to do it, they will all show a submissive appearance.

  Lin Zhendong came to the classroom first, but was reminded by the life counselor Li Liyi: "Student Lin, the opening ceremony is held in the conference room."

"Oh, great." Lin Zhendong nodded, and came to the big conference room next to him. Professor Shi, the homeroom teacher, Chen Xiaoyi, the safety teacher, and a young and beautiful female teacher whom he didn't know were already in the conference room. .

  Professor Shi paced back and forth, and when he saw Lin Zhendong coming in, he just motioned him to find a place to sit down. Chen Xiaoyi stood at attention at the door like a stone, his eyes were solemn and suppressed his excitement.

  The young female teacher was busy with the projection. The projected scene was obviously good, but she still worried about carefully adjusting and checking it.

   Lin Zhendong was a little puzzled. Normally, there would be an opening ceremony for each class, and every time there would be big bosses to attend, but there is no need to be so nervous, right?

   But thinking about the habits within the system, Lin Zhendong took it for granted, ignored it, and sat down in the corner seat.

   Then, 9 students came in one after another.

Lin Zhendong took a glance, one or two of them were all dressed in neat suits, their shirts were so white that no stains could be seen, their hair was combed back tightly, and they were pomaded, as shiny as leather shoes Can reflect.

   What's more, all of them are full of spring breeze, as if they look ten years younger.

  And these 9 students seemed to be very knowledgeable. They came in and vacated the first row. They all sat in the second row and the third row. I don’t know how they ranked. There was an empty seat in the middle of the second row.

  Lin Zhendong raised his eyebrows when he saw it, mother, this is not for me, is it?

   Sure enough, Cao Xin had already waved to him and pointed to the empty seat beside him, and the other students also smiled and nodded to him.

  Lin Zhendong had no choice but to laugh dryly, so he got up and sat down in the middle of the second row from the last corner.

  No one said anything, just sat quietly.

   Then, there was a sound of footsteps, and several men in suits with headsets came in, scanned the classroom, and then stood in four corners.

  (end of this chapter)