MTL - My Chip that Disguises Itself as a Cell-Chapter 212 Emergencies

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  Chapter 212 Emergency

  Everyone's heart tensed up, and their bodies also tensed up. Professor Shi and the unknown female teacher had already stopped their movements and stood at the side of the podium. Chen Xiaoyi stood upright with his head held high.

  Lin Zhendong was very calm at first, but seeing everyone like this, he subconsciously followed and tensed up.

  A burst of unhurried footsteps came from outside, and then a figure walked in, waving to everyone enthusiastically: "Hello, everyone."

   Suddenly, everyone stood up and shouted in unison: "Hello, brother one!"

(It is said that Brother Yi and Daxie, such titles are ugly and playful. But there is no way, if you don’t use this title, you can’t pronounce it. Many department names in the book that feel weird and ugly are also written like this on purpose. So forgive me , according to my heart.)

  Lin Zhendong reacted a bit slower, his gaze was still fixed on the No. 1 Brother Zhongyun who could only be seen on TV news.

   When he reacted, he immediately stood at attention and saluted like Lu Jianxiong, who was a policeman, and Huang Wenhui, who was from the General Administration of Customs.

  The others are paying attention.

   "Hey, don't be so cautious. You are students. Today is your opening day. I'm here to observe the ceremony." Lin Zhengyi said with a smile.

   Then at this time, Zhong Yunhua, the second brother of Zhongyun Kingdom, came in, and everyone naturally shouted again: "Hello, second brother!"

  Zhong Yunhua did not steal the limelight from Lin Zhengyi, but just nodded and remained silent.

   Then Lin Zhengyi also said a few words on the scene, and then signaled Professor Shi next to him to prepare for the opening ceremony, and he also took Zhong Yunhua to the back seat.

  Although Lin Zhendong's body was tense, Professor Shi's words came in one ear and out the other, and he didn't listen at all.

  Because he was intoxicated by his own shock, he had the audacity to scan the two super bosses just now, and it turned out that the first brother was【Target goodwill (whatever you want), strength SSS level. 】

  The second brother is: [Target goodwill (attention), strength SS level. 】

  He didn't care about strength, at most he was surprised to meet another SSS-level strength.

  Brother Yi’s mentality of doing whatever he wants, Lin Zhendong thinks it’s normal, but Brother Yunguo, who can limit him?

   What surprised him was the second brother's attention. Does the second brother know himself? Or is it that the second brother is also from his own faction?

   But it’s impossible, the first brother and the second brother have no factions, because all factions must be used by them and rely on them to do things under their command.

   Could it be that the second brother noticed me because I was promoted too fast?

  This is even more impossible, really kidding, I am not even a high-ranking official, and I have not done something that shocks the whole country and the world, the second brother is busy with affairs, how can he notice that he is such a small ant.

  Unable to understand this, Lin Zhendong didn't think about it. Anyway, as long as the first brother and the second brother are friendly to themselves. This is not ignoring, if Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen found out, they would definitely laugh so hard that they couldn't see their teeth.

  At the same time, Lin Zhendong also had some feelings. This elite class is different. The opening ceremony was actually attended by the first and second brothers of Zhongyun Country! No wonder the elite class is so good.

  However, he was also very bitter. He snatched this spot by himself, and offended many people!

  I don’t even know what Professor Shi said, and then I heard Professor Shi ask Lin Zhengyi if he will tell you again? Lin Zhendong applauded along with everyone.

Lin Zhengyi waved his hands indifferently: "I won't talk nonsense, the head teacher said it very well before, I just came to see what the elites of Zhongyun Kingdom have been like this year, now I have seen it, and I know you, looking forward to it Let's shine brightly in the future."

   After speaking, he was about to leave with Zhong Yunhua, and everyone lined up to applaud and see him off.

   At this moment, Zhong Yunhua took out his mobile phone to answer.

  Everyone blocked their breath for an instant, not daring to move or make a sound.

  Besides Lin Zhendong and those tutors and guards, including Professor Shi, who the **** doesn’t have assistants and secretaries?

  Generally, there is no urgent matter. The secretary handles the phone calls and some affairs first, and then reports when he is free.

  Only when something is particularly urgent, the secretary will rush to remind you desperately.

   And now it's not the secretary reminding me, but Zhong Yunguo's second brother answering the phone himself!

   This is a personal call, a super personal call.

  Everyone present. Lin Zhendong also has it, just his phone.

   This call is for the immediate supervisor, and it is on 24 hours a day.

   But the weird thing is here, the first brother is in front of the second brother, who the **** can make this call?

   Obviously, this should be a special phone, a special phone related to state affairs.

   Sure enough, after listening to a few words, the second elder brother's face changed, his eyebrows were raised, and an aura of calm and prestige rose vigorously.

  Everyone clicked, the second brother was angry.

   On the contrary, it was the first brother who came forward and asked curiously: "What happened?"

  Zhong Yunhua looked at the stern face of the first brother who implied a sense of trouble, and reluctantly leaned forward and whispered a few words.

   "Damn! They are so audacious! How dare they do such a thing?!" The first brother immediately flew into a rage.

Others were naturally trembling with fear from Brother Yi's aura, but Zhong Yunhua, who was familiar with him, didn't know what this guy was thinking, so he quickly stepped forward, directly blocked Brother Yi who was about to rush out, and gave winked.

   Then Brother Yi smiled awkwardly.

   This back and forth exchange of expressions was understood by Lin Zhendong, not to mention the other veterans present.

   Everyone was expressionless, but gasped in their hearts. They heard that the second brother was unruly, but they didn't expect it to be true. They dared to be the master of the first brother! And the first brother actually backed down? !

  Thoughts are brimming in the minds of the caring people, thinking whether to make a hard bet and hug the second brother's thigh directly? As far as the prestige of the second brother is concerned, the highest position is probably the next thing, right?

  Lin Zhendong felt that the relationship between the first brother and the second brother was really good, just like a buddy. Hey, I envy such a relationship, but it's a pity that I don't have a buddy!

  Looking at the 9 old fried dough sticks present, Lin Zhendong sighed helplessly. It seemed that he couldn't find his buddies among his classmates.

  Zhong Yunhua signaled Lin Zhengyi to leave here before talking, but Lin Zhengyi rolled his eyes and went directly to the podium, glanced at everyone, and said with a tiger face: "Do you know what call Dean Zhong received just now?"

  Everyone shook their heads in unison: "I don't know."

   Lin Zhendong is still curling his lips, isn't this nonsense? No one but the two of you will know what that phone is.

   "I tell you, the neighboring countries in the west of our country have driven out the nest monsters to invade our country!" Lin Zhengyi said loudly.

   "What?! Who gave them the courage!" Everyone, including Lin Zhendong, roared angrily.

   "Hmph, who else is there, either lost his mind and gone crazy, or the Vulture Kingdom." Lin Zhengyi said disdainfully.

  Everyone clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

   It’s no wonder everyone reacted so strongly. To be honest, before the First World War, the previous court of Zhongyun Kingdom was bullied by all the powerful countries in the world.

   Keep bullying, keep bullying, cede land and pay compensation, and all kinds of messy things happen.

  During World War I, Zhongyun Kingdom also wanted to gain hope of standing up by joining one side.

   As a result, someone sucked your blood to nourish themselves, and then kicked you down and made you continue to kneel.

   After World War II, the former imperial court was directly overthrown, and the current regime stood up.

   It can even be said that in the latter part of World War II, it was the newly born Zhongyun Kingdom and several powerful countries dominated by the Vulture Kingdom.

   If this battle continues, although Zhongyun Kingdom will be half-collapsed, it will still win.

  But who would have thought that the nests would appear on a large scale, and all countries, including Zhongyun Kingdom, would have to focus on clearing the domestic nests.

  The Second World War ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

  The follow-up is simple. Zhongyun Country is isolated by the whole world, that is, the first brother of the first two, put down hatred and disputes, and concentrate on economics, so that Zhongyun Country slowly began to have friends.

   But that's it. Although Vulture Nation has carried out normal diplomatic affairs, it secretly still regards Zhongyun Nation as its biggest opponent, and stumbles from time to time.

   Moreover, the vulture country is insidious, rich and powerful, they are unwilling to end by themselves, and specifically support the countries around Zhongyun country to hate Zhongyun country.

  With the current national strength of Zhongyun Kingdom, if it was changed to the World War II period, the surrounding countries would have been cleaned up. If it was changed to the World War I period, the surrounding countries would have been occupied by the surrounding countries!

  The reason why they didn’t move was because they were focusing on the domestic economy and because the international situation was different.

  Zhongyun Kingdom has finally shown its responsibility as a big country in the world, and is making friends everywhere. If you say that you suddenly become irritable, it will scare your friends away, and the countries that benefited from World War II, led by the Condor Country, naturally have even more excuses to make trouble.

  But the previous things were all about economics, technology, and investment in other countries. There has never been such a way to encourage neighboring countries to invade!

  People who only need to experience a whole set of education system are naturally patriotic, and naturally they don’t want to hear someone invade their country. That's why everyone is so angry.

"Since you are the elites carefully selected by the whole country this year, I now order you to go to the western military region to participate in the operation of the war. This is your inter-class practice! I hope you will get good grades! " Lin Zhengyi said.

   "Obey!" Everyone shouted at once.

   Don't be surprised that Brother Yi issued such an order legally or not, legally, there is no possibility of it being legal again.

  Brother Yi's identity is enough to represent the order he issued, which is the highest order, and no one can resist it.

  Brother Yi shook hands with everyone, and left with Zhong Yunhua.

  When they got into the car, Zhong Yunhua, who had been holding back all this time, exploded: "What are you doing? Why did you send them to the front line all of a sudden? Isn't this a hindrance? And it's a waste of their abilities!"

Lin Zhengyi smiled and said: "Hey, don't you raise them like chickens? When we were in the elite class, weren't we randomly dispatched to do government affairs, manage the local area, be in charge of finance, arrest criminals, participate in wars, etc. ?”

"I looked at the results of the elite class over the years, and it turned out that hey, not a single outstanding talent came out, and all of them were educated to be the most powerful trash who fought for power and profit! Therefore, the elite class in the future needs to be changed, and it must be changed to what we were at that time Otherwise, why is it called an elite class!" Lin Zhengyi said in an unquestionable tone.

"At that time, we were short of all kinds of talents, so every talent had to be a generalist, and he could be picked up and brought up in any department. Now it's still such a requirement, which is a bit too much. Isn't it said that we all pursue division of labor and cooperation now? ?" Zhong Yunhua persuaded.

   "I don't care, anyway, the elite class must act according to the old rules of our time! Otherwise, this elite class will not be run!" Lin Zhengyi said firmly.

   "Okay, we will follow the old rules in the future, maybe there will be a group of real elites." Zhong Yunhua still gave in habitually.

   "Hmph, no wonder I couldn't find an heir. It turned out that the elite class didn't work!" Lin Zhengyi hummed.

   "Why did you rely on this?" Zhong Yunhua was puzzled.

   "Why can't it be blamed, the two of us are from the elite class! Then, do you see if there is anyone like us in the elite class behind?" Lin Zhengyi said proudly.

   "Okay, but if you want the elite class to become supertrees, then there is really a waiting list." Zhong Yunhua laughed.

   "Huh? Well, why don't you select a batch of seeds from all over the country to cultivate?" Lin Zhengyi fawned.

   "We'll talk about it at that time, now we have to see how to deal with our evil neighbor." Zhong Yunhua sullenly.

   "I'll leave it to you to handle it. Just let me know." Lin Zhengyi said indifferently.

  Zhong Yunhua didn't say a word, and began to make busy calls.

  (end of this chapter)