MTL - My Chip that Disguises Itself as a Cell-Chapter 243 scratching the surface of speculation

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  Chapter 243 scratching the scalp guess

   "Hmph! Still want to hide? Watch me catch you!" The man in black suddenly snorted coldly, then stretched out his white and tender palm, clawing towards the front like an eagle's claw.

  But just as the claws were about to reach the front, suddenly his figure flashed, and the claws appeared on the right side.

  Lin Zhendong broke out in a cold sweat, because the claw just passed by the shadow, and he was almost caught by the shadow by the claw of the man in black.

  Thought that the man in black had really found him, but he was imprisoned by the shadow, unable to move.

But soon his heartbeat calmed down, because the black-robed man stopped after he missed something, put his hands behind his back again, looked around, and muttered with some doubts: "Am I too suspicious? I clearly felt it before. Is there anyone here?"

   "Forget it, it should be too sensitive, and there is no time." The man in black robe said to himself, and disappeared in a flash.

  Lin Zhendong curled his lips. He knew that the man in black was super sensitive, and he was still pretending. Otherwise, would a guy who didn't even show his face in front of his subordinates be talking to himself?

   Now that he is talking to himself suddenly, isn't he still deceiving?

  Lin Zhendong waited with peace of mind. This time, he waited for a long time. Just when Lin Zhendong thought he guessed wrong, he found that the shadow was still imprisoning him, so he calmed down, the other party must not be far away.

   Sure enough, after a while, the black-robed man flashed over again, and directly used the original detection fluctuations, continuously oscillating up and down for a long time.

   After making sure that nothing was discovered, the man in black disappeared without a word.

   At this time, the shadow loosened Lin Zhendong's restraint.

  As soon as he was free, Lin Zhendong couldn't help shouting and cursing: "Damn, why is this man in black robe so sensitive? If there is something wrong, he repeatedly probes? Is it because of his temperament, or is the faction he belongs to accustomed to being so cautious?"

  Maybe there are both. After all, this kind of caution is so cautious that you have to test it three times in an empty place.

  Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about this black-robed man, because it was useless to think about it. He has S-level strength, can fly, or teleports. If I want to track him, I don’t even know where to go after him.

  Let’s explore what this mysterious force is doing in the inner world of Detan.

  Lin Zhendong kept the shadow invisible, and then let the shadow continue to take him up to the sky, as high as he could fly.

  Shadow obeyed the order very much this time, and flew straight into the sky with a whoosh.

  Lin Zhendong kept looking down at the ground, and slowly a football-shaped terrain appeared in his eyes.

   This is the terrain of Detan.

  Why can it be distinguished so clearly? Because the color of this terrain is different from that of the surrounding area, the other surrounding sites are a piece of silent black land, just like the photo.

   But this olive-shaped land is moving, especially the border is surging, which is obviously so conspicuous compared with other lands that do not move.

   "At my current height, I can actually see the topography of the entire Detan country clearly. This shows that the topography of the world is ten times smaller in the inner world?" Lin Zhendong guessed.

   Moreover, Detan is densely covered with lairs, but its surrounding countries are completely dark, indicating that there are not so many lairs in the inner world of the surrounding countries.

   This is a bit strange. Could it be that the national boundaries of the obvious world are also so clear in the inner world?

   Wouldn't the power of the inner world spread to neighboring countries?

  Especially Detan, its neighboring countries, except Zhongyun, are all small countries similar to it, but these small countries have stable governments, not as chaotic as Detan.

  But this kind of government doesn't think much about the strength of the inner world. For example, the power of the man in black can easily occupy the inner world of these small countries.

  But they just didn't move.

  Maybe there are not many nests in the other world with these countries, so I am too lazy to spend that effort?

   Does this mean that the more comfortable the manifest world is, the more nests will appear in the manifest world? Then there are fewer lairs in the other world?

   No, it can’t be understood in this way. You must know that there is such a chaos in the Seven Kingdoms on the Black Continent, and there is no country that is not in chaos, and it is even dozens of times more chaotic than Detan.

  If you are the president in the morning, he is the president at noon, and then another person becomes the president in the afternoon, and another person becomes president in the evening, and then another in the early morning.

  But this black continent, which is dozens of times more chaotic than Detan, has endless lairs, and almost all of them have become the first choice for extraordinary forces to raise their flags.

  Therefore, it is the black-robed people, a mysterious force, who has the ability to control the lair, and the inner world of Detan has become their resource collection place.

   But it’s strange, logically Detan Kingdom is right next to Zhongyun Kingdom, and the topography of the inner world should also be connected, so no one has discovered the strangeness of the inner world of Detan Kingdom?

  Just look at the vast lair in the world of Detan, and anyone with a brain can immediately notice that something is wrong!

  How could the Zhongyun Congress be so outraged by the invasion of the Skeleton Sea by the Detan Kingdom? Looks like you're not ready at all?

  Don’t say that you can’t enter the inner world of Detan from the inner world of Zhongyun Kingdom. If you really can’t enter, why do those extraordinary forces have a pass for the base of Zhongyun Kingdom? Why is Zhongyun still running a base?

  And where did the man in black go when he left?

  How did the battle between Voodoo and the Bauhinia Chapter start?

  Okay, even if it is impossible to enter the inner world of another country from other countries, isn’t it a trivial matter to send someone to Detan to find a random inner door to enter the inner world of Detan?

  Look at the apps that have sent themselves to record the random gates of the entire Detan country.

   I don't believe that I can't enter!

   Or encounter a monster civil war as soon as you enter, and then be taken away by countless monsters?

   Tsk tsk, the higher-ups are not without brains, especially those engaged in intelligence. Once a person disappears, they will definitely send stronger personnel to enter.

  So Lin Zhendong couldn't figure out how to keep the world situation in Detan country secret, even Zhongyun country didn't know.

   Certainly not clear, if it is clear, he would almost let the man in black make a lair at the bottom of the canyon?

   It wasn't by chance that I discovered the effect of the bowling ball, and directly moved the sea of ​​skeletons away, exposing the nest.

  I'm afraid that the Devourer in the lair dug the canyon hundreds of meters deep and no one knows yet.

  Lin Zhendong scratched his head thinking of this, and subconsciously looked towards Zhongyun Kingdom. He wanted to see the difference in the location of the canyon in the other world.

   But the flight is too high, and there is a piece of black ground below, and nothing can be seen.

   Had to let the shadow fall, fall, and fall again.

   And deliberately let the shadow fly towards Zhongyun Kingdom, and then he froze.

  (end of this chapter)