MTL - My Extraordinary Achievement-Chapter 482 Strolling out of the awards lineup

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---- Chapter 847 strolled out of the awards lineup----The chapter number is wrong.

"Don't, I am too young, not as good as you are, and I am really awkward to go through!"

After Meng Fan spit out, seeing himself tossing and rushing out to stroll.

There are a lot of stars in the back of the 11th party. The last time Meng Fan met a lot. This time, after the dressing room, there are more stars to "expect", and I don’t know if Meng Fan came out. Afterwards, I went to say hello. What is the purpose of the sputum, whether it is hot or not, or whether it is purely like, worship, in short, Meng Fan is still a lot of fans in the entertainment circle.

Chatting, taking photos, and exchanging contact information, along with Meng Fan, is an invitation to cooperate with some of the singers or actors, all related to animation.

Nowadays, the animation market is slowly playing, and some famous actors and singers are involved in the production, such as singing the head of the album, and dubbing a character, which is becoming more and more unusual.

Meng Fan’s invitation is not abrupt, especially for those singers. In the music circle, Meng Fan opened the scene of Mango’s TV and Blue Whale TV recording to find musicians to invite songs and invite to sing anime songs. For such an invitation, these singers are still very happy, as long as the itinerary is ready to agree.

Meng Fan is very popular, and Meng Fan’s cartoons are also very popular. Even Shan Hai’s animation studio created by Meng Fan and his lead anime Shan Hai Awards are not too popular – they have been on several occasions – they can sing Songs or dubbing the characters, these are jobs that can increase popularity, and there are also rewards, as long as the itinerary allows, why not.

In addition, Meng Fan also presented the award ceremony of the Anime Shanhai Award, inviting them to come and play when they are free. Activities like this awards ceremony, except for some special reasons, are basically only for the car and horses without paying for it - if there is a performance task, then it is a different matter, or a reward, or in the initial cooperation song or Adding conditions when dubbing - but for this kind of activity, most stars are willing to participate, the reason is simple, that is, there is activity to have exposure.

In the background of the star-studded double eleventh party, Meng Fan basically gave the red carpet of the award ceremony and the star needed for the performance to half, and the efficiency is extremely high. The flower sedan chair lifts people, and this sentence is reflected in the present Meng Fan body, everyone gives face.

Of course, after all, it is the flower sedan chair people to raise people, some of the stars sent an invitation to Meng Fan, Meng Fan basically agreed. These invitations are mainly based on private gatherings, and there are fewer commercials. After all, Meng Fan’s appearance fees have now been “fired” to a terrible height, even if these big names are not. If necessary, it will not be invited. However, there are also, after all, the opportunity is rare, I also heard that Meng Fan received very few commercial performances. If you want to invite the evaluation, you will be rejected by training or competition. Now, um, the flower sedan chair lifts people. I have promised you, you are too embarrassed to refuse.

Of course, Meng Fan did not refuse. Fortunately, the invitation is basically a concert guest. Meng Fan does not need money or money. I will give you a concert guest. When you give me an animated song or award ceremony. Sing on it. Anyway, basically, the invitation to him to go to the concert itself is a big name, which is also the target person within the scope of the award ceremony invitation.

In addition, there is still a [singing killer] task in the system has not been completed yet, the current progress is nearly 700, it is estimated that after the completion of the participation, it will be able to brush up to 1000 and then win the reward, the reward of progress three is the sense of presence, the sense of the lens And sings each +1 and 1000 points, the title reward is more, the sense of presence +10, the sense of lens +5, singing +5.

This title is still very useful for Meng Fan who wants to release the album.

After Meng Fan strolled back in a circle, there were also stars who were chatting in the sky, and it was inevitable to mention Meng Fan. When I chatted, I also knew that Meng Fan had invited the songs everywhere. Besides besides being interesting, I would also like to say that Meng Fan is full of energy and wants to make anime.

Not to mention, I really admire.

The people present are famous singers or actors, each of whom has a certain position in the industry, but they can no one dare to say that they want to make an industry, at most, to talk about self-improvement and hope for prosperity in the industry. And individual efforts are really made for this.

It is too difficult for a person to push an industry forward!

What kind of person is it!

For example, the double eleven activities they participated in, the big BOSS Jack Ma is a person who pushes an industry forward, which not only requires courage, but also requires ability and "air transport."

Is Meng Fan such a person?

Think about the answer carefully.

He is a courageous person and a capable person. He is also a person with "gas" in the growing environment of the Chinese animation market.

Most of these people want the animation market to be truly prosperous. The prosperity of the animation market means that there are more and more high-quality and big-production cartoons and animated films. For them, of course, it means more work. Although cartoons and animated films have their own seiyuu and singers, they will still like to invite them to participate in the production of these famous singers and actors, provided that the funds are sufficient.

The double eleventh party in 0202 started on time at 8:30 on the 10th. At about 10:30, the fifteenth stage appeared on the stage. He also sang an episode in "Underground Spirit". This is of course not what Meng Fan requested, but what the teacher asked for himself. As a friend, he is propagating for "Underground Spirit" and Shanhai Animation Studio. As a friend, Teacher 15 is nothing to say. If you don't force the black to go all the way, then it's perfect.

After the end of the song, Meng Fan went to the stage and sang together with the teacher. The chorus was the title song of "Underground Spirit". The original singer was the teacher's fifteen, and the songwriter was also his.

Needless to say, the two are singing. One is walking One is the emotional power of the system's "pipeline" and the emotional power of the voice, and the personal relationship is good, although it has not been rehearsed, but The tacit understanding is familiar with the sound characteristics of each other, and the effect of the chorus is absolute.

Not to mention the audience and the audience in front of the TV are all shocked by the high explosion, such as crazy or a very appropriate adjective, and then there are two words.

The two sang a party, the host spent less time on the stage to call two people, invited two people to draw a lottery, the two responsible for the lottery content is also awesome, that is, happy to empty the shopping cart.

The way to participate in the lucky draw is to shake the mobile phone. One of the five people Meng Meng has drawn is actually Wu Tong.

Wu Tong also followed the scene to play, followed everyone to shake the phone to join in the fun, did not expect to be drawn!

I don't know if Wu Tong is lucky, or Meng Fan's luck attribute has played a role.

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