MTL - My Funny Consort-Chapter 17 Would you like to follow me?

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Chapter 17 Would you like to follow me?

Looking at Mrs. Qian's gangster, Jiu Jiu can't help but raise some bad thoughts, shouldn't it be the original aunt?

Otherwise, why not let yourself see it? This is not good, she took the original body, and naturally has an extra responsibility for the original aunt.

What's more, she came here today to discuss one of the most important things to discuss with her aunt, not to let people see? How can that be.

And when Mrs. Qian listened to the voice of Jiu Jiu, she expressed some dissatisfaction, and said cheerfully, "Daughter, you are now a princess."

"Those who don't matter, don't see anyone well, as long as you know that your mother is fine, isn't it OK?"

Listening to this, Qian Jiu Ji snorted coldly, and wanted to say something, she had already heard Mrs. Qian continue to say, "What's more, Aunt Wan was unwell and unsuitable to visit."

"Ninety-nine, if you want your aunt to be good, you are still obedient."

"Looking at you from the beginning, I thought you didn't care about your aunt! Now that you care, we can talk about it."

Looking at Mrs. Qian's face changed so much, she couldn't help but feel funny. It seemed that these people had given her the identity of a niece at first. These people had already discussed it.

This is to show weakness, the purpose is to make her feel that they can handle them, and then tell the purpose of this return.

Now that they have said it themselves, they thought that they had got her 999 shortcomings and could threaten her so brightly.

Thinking of it here, Jiuji couldn't help but whisper twice: "Everyone said that **** is still old and hot, and Mrs. Qian is still very good."

"So you are now ready to see through your face and want to threaten me with my aunt?"

Mrs. Qian smiled and looked at Qiangjiu 99: "This is not correct. We are all family. What threats are we talking about! Moreover, we really want to know something."

"Tell me about everything you did in the palace, otherwise, I'm afraid your aunt is bad."

Qiangjiu glanced at her mouth: "Mrs. Qian, this is when I am stupid! I told you all, what else do I exchange? In fact, it is not difficult for you to know, I still say that, I want to see my aunt. "

"Otherwise, we would still be barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes. In fact, these days, my grandfather is still very good to me. If I take the grandfather to the door and take my auntie out, what would you say would be the result? ? "

Mrs. Qian sneered: "Who do you think you are? Can you still call the Lord?"

"I don't believe it. Do you know who they are with me today, Dongchen, but the close guard next to King Xiao."

Mrs. Qian was hesitant to hear this. If this is the case, then is it really a favored one in the palace?

In this way, does Xiao Xiao see it? Seeing Mrs. Qian's eyes and disdain for eyes, she could not help but cough.

What's wrong with her? Although it's not a country, it's also Xiaojiabiyu. Besides, these days, my skin is also fine, white and red, it's lovely.

How come the old lady's eyes were disdainful, it really annoyed her.

"Actually, to talk about this, I have to thank my wife and sister! I have this character, but it is just right. If I change my sister's character, it may be bad for Wang."

"But my horoscope, Wang Ye has invited one approved by the master, Wang Fu! Of course, it is also a gram, but I am restrained by all those who are fortune."

"In other words, the blessed can't hold my life."

Looking at the three women in Qianjia's life with anger, she did not feel relieved in an instant, she knew it.

The thousands of women used her to marry. What do they have in mind, isn't it to say that she is grammatic, but now it's better, but it is Wangfu.

The king of Xiao, who was about to die, is all good. Mrs. Qian's complexion changed a bit, not phosgene, but thought of another thing.

"Ninety-nine, then you are not the daughter-in-law of the Qianjia family, hasn't King Xiao already known?"

Jiujiu blinked for a moment, "I don't know, isn't this the first beauty in Kyoto to wear a veil every time he goes out? Oh, I know, you say these eight characters."

"This is also a coincidence, that is, on the day we got married, there wasn't a master who came and said that what counted as Xiaoxiao's character was inappropriate."

"So I said my own character, and also said that it was my original character. Wang Ye didn't doubt it, so I believed it."

Qianjiu's statement is simple, but Mrs. Qian and others can't believe it, and they don't know if what Jiujiu's statement is true or false.

"Well, Mrs. Qian, I don't want to talk to you so much. I want to see my aunt. And I have already told you about Xiao Wangfu's house just now."

"If you don't let me see, I'll ask Dongchen to come in, and just break in now."

Madam Qian looked at Qian Jiu Jiu, and it was really different from before. She dared to break into Shang Shufu at every turn. This is very promising.

But there was no problem asking her to take a look at the sick seedling: "Okay, then you go and see."

She said a glance at the big girl next to her: "Take the princess with you."

Qian Jiu Jiu didn't care, but he hummed and followed her, and when they came out, they saw Qian Shangshu and the three princes standing there.

Based on the memory of the original owner, the three princes were recognized at a glance, but they did not go forward, but turned away as if they had not seen it.

Qian Jiu Jiu was wondering, how did this Qian Shangshu sit on Shang Shang?

Is it too long to abandon yourself for such a blatant intervention in the throne battle? No, she must speed up, lest her aunt be killed by these people.

My heart has turned around, and people have arrived. This is a run-down courtyard: "Prince concubine, here, slaves are waiting for you."

One thousand ninety-nine oh, didn't care much, but walked in directly, looking at the person in front of him, lying on the bed, looking very weak.

What's most confusing is that it's still a burlap linen, I can't see it at all. This is an aunt of Shangshufu, who thinks it's a farmer woman from here!

The corner of Qianjiu's mouth twitched twice, but the heart felt a kind of kindness, some grievances, some uncomfortable, it is estimated that this is the original feelings.

Affected, Qian Jiu'an's eyes were slightly moist. He walked over and looked at the person on the bed: "Mother."

Aunt Wan on the bed opened her eyes a little bit hard, and looked at the person in front of her, her eyes flashing with joy: "Nine nine, is it you? It's nine nine nine back."

In these years, Aunt Wan also followed Qianjiu nine to live on Zhuangzi. The mother and daughter depended on each other.

But did not think of a disaster, took the mother and daughter back, but it immediately became a mother and daughter separation, and once again see the 999, how could Auntie Wan be not excited.

As a result of this excitement, Aunt Wan immediately coughed up blood, but now she was startled.

"Ma'am, ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

In a panic, the voice of the shouting mother blurted out without any sense of disobedience. She anxiously forgot to hide, but pulled up Aunt Wan's hand directly and began to take her pulse.

The look on his face became more and more ugly, and it was only a few days after Auntie Wan returned to her home that these people could not bear her anymore, and she even wanted to kill her with poison.

The look of Jiu Jiu Ji was even worse: "Mother, let me take you away. This is a wolf den."

Auntie Wan looked at Qianjiu Nine: "My mother's Jiuer has the ability, mother is incompetent, let you marry that ..."

"Ma'am, Grandpa is very good. I came to see my mother today. I have something to ask my mother."

"Mother, would you like to follow me?"

Auntie Wan froze, then shook her head: "The mother's nine children have filial piety, but the mother can't continue to drag you down, since you say Wang Ye is good."

"Then you can stay right next to Wang Ye, don't worry about your mother, okay? Mother's body, mother knows, I'm just afraid to make up for a few days."

Listening to this auntie dying, she still thinks of herself. Although auntie wan is just a mother-in-law, at this moment, Jiujiu was still moved.

She hugged Aunt Wan tightly: "Mother, listen to me, we have lived together for so many years. You can't leave me, your body, don't worry, everything has me."

"I want you to live well, to live a long, long time, and to watch my child be born in the future. You still have to help me with the child!"

"I just ask you, if I have a way to let Qian Shangshu free you, to be with you and away from you?"

Auntie Wan suddenly laughed: "You fool, my mother is just her puppet, as long as he puts a piece of puppet book on it. My mother has nothing in her life."

"It's just you. At Zhuangzi these years, if you hadn't supported your mother, your mother wouldn't have been able to live long. If she could take the book, she would be willing to follow you."

One thousand ninety-nine touched her head. Also, her mother is not a real big wife with three cards and six cards. Naturally, she does not need to leave. As for publishing books, it's not much simpler.

And when I heard this mother was willing to follow her, her heart was beautiful. Looking at Aunt Wan: "Mother, open your mouth."

Auntie Wan had no doubt about him, and naturally opened her mouth, and was stuffed with a Jiedu pill.

"Mother, this is Jiedu Pill, which is given to me by your lord. You are weak because of poison. You must promise me that you will wait for me to pick you up here and take care of yourself."

Auntie Wan heard Jiedu Pill: "You silly child, such a thing is left to your life, how can you give it to me."

Watching Aunt Wan's anxiety was really for her consideration, and she looked at Aunt Wan with a smile.

"Mother, you can rest assured that your daughter has one. Remember to wait for me? I will definitely come back to pick you up."