MTL - My Funny Consort-Chapter 18 King of Xiao is here

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Chapter 18: King Xiao Comes

Auntie Wan nodded solemnly: "Jiuer, you can rest assured. The mother always thought that you would marry into the palace of Xiao Xiao. If you go there or not, the mother has no action."

"Now my mother has your hope, and I still know about poison pills. My mother won't be in trouble again, my mother is waiting for you to pick me up."

Although Jiu Jiu really wanted to threaten the guy in Qianjia Shangshu now, let him write down the book, and take his mother to fly away.

But it's not realistic to think about it, just tolerate it, after all, she's very weak now.

Glancing at Aunt Wan again, she took out a porcelain bottle: "Mother, this is also Jiedu Pill, wait for me."

After going out from Auntie Wan, Jiu Jiu Jiu was going to go back to the palace. After all, the main purpose of coming today has been achieved, so there is no need to throw it away.

Hong Ling also knew that her princess had disappeared at this time, thinking that her princess was being bullied in this house, and she was immediately worried.

"Old lady, if my princess is three long and two short, can you afford it?"

As soon as Qianjiu Jiu reached the gate of Heshoutang, he heard the arrogant voice of Hongling from inside. He blinked for a moment, should he come in later?

And the old lady lived to this age, and she was not scolded by the girl pointing her nose like that, and her heart was angry.

But this girl-in-law came from the palace again. She really couldn't take what people would do. She just scolded Jiu Jiu in her heart and looked at Mrs. Qian.

"Isn't people going to ask the princess to come out, otherwise, they might think that our family has swallowed the princess!"

After hearing this, Qianjiu came in with a smile: "Why is Mrs. Qian trying to swallow the princess without seeing if you swallow it? The appetite is too big, and you are not afraid to break your teeth. "

This sentence made the old lady half dead, and Qian Shangshu also came in at this time: "What did your inverse girl say? Don't kneel down and apologize to your grandmother."

Kneeling down and apologizing? Qianjiu rolled her eyes and knelt down the tiger woman. She wanted to be beautiful, and looked at Qian Shangshu: "Master Shang Shu, are you sure you want to kneel?"

Listening to a princess of Qianjiuyi, the Qian family was very heartbroken. The third prince looked at Jiu Jiu with some curiosity.

It felt again that this nine hundred and ninety-nine was different from before, and could not help but speak.

"Six brothers and sisters, although you have been married to the royal family, anyway, the old lady is also your grandmother. You are not filial like this, I'm afraid it is bad."

One thousand ninety-nine glanced at the three princes, and his lips fluttered: "This is it?"

Hongling immediately understood, and stood out and introduced her: "Back to Princess Concubine, this is the three princes today."

Jiubaijiu blinked for a moment: "Then I ask you, is it Grandpa Wang or Grandpa Wang, do I want to listen to him?"

The words 999 were just like the same applause, hitting the faces of the three princes. He was the third prince, the second prince and the second prince, who had long since died.

Now he is the eldest son of the emperor, and below him, there are four princes, Mu Yezhe, who loves the mountains and rivers, likes to be everywhere, and is unwilling to stay in Kyoto.

It can be ignored, there are five princes, Mu Yexing, and a brain problem, an idiot, let alone.

As for the sixth emperor Mu Yexiao, his greatest enemy and emperor's sister-in-law, he was deeply loved by the emperor, and he became king at a young age.

It is also the only person in the prince who has been named king. Although he is young, his status is higher than several princes.

So Qianjiu's remark was naturally a face, and Hongling also listened funny: "Prince, you can't say this. Although the three princes are long, you are the princess."

I don't need to say anything after that, and I understand it. Oh, I said, "It's the third prince, can I call you third brother?"

Although the three princes were displeased, they nodded: "Yes."

"Three brothers, I don't agree with you. The old lady is my grandmother and elder. I know, but I don't know, when is the princess' speech unfilial?"

"I'm concerned about the old lady. The world knows that the old lady loves thousands of daughters-in-law, which is me. I don't care about her. I'm afraid she will collapse her. Remind me, is this not filial? "

The three princes looked at Qianjiu Niu with some surprises: "I don't know. The six siblings have sharp teeth and sharp mouths."

Looking at the three princes indifferently for a long time, he suddenly raised his mouth and smiled at the three princes: "Three praises."

Mu Yesheng froze for a moment, but then he did not expect that Jiu Jiu Ji would suddenly smile at him, and Qian Yu Ge on the side was almost a fuming head.

This 999 shameless face, rushed straight out when thinking about it, looking at the 999: "Qian 99, you shameless, you are married, and you want to seduce the third prince."

Jiujiu raised her eyebrows: "Cousin, what are you talking about? Why doesn't Yuge understand? Are you calling Yuge shameless?"

In a word, Qian Yuge's song is half dead, but it's not right now, but there are three princes and Hongling present, and 999 is Qian Yuge.

And Qian Yuge is just a niece of Mrs. Qian.

Listening to the words of Qian Jiu Jiu, Qian Yu Ge almost got angry and crooked. When did she scold herself?

Qianjiu Jiu said she was so tired. She really wanted to laugh, but she had to restrain herself. After all, she couldn't help but coughed twice and looked at Mrs. Qian.

"Mother, I think this cousin seems to have a brain problem. Would you like to consider changing someone to accompany you?"

Talking and looking at Qian Yuge with threat, if you dare to cause trouble, don't mention your niece's identity, I will take it. It's you who won't let you stay in Shang Shufu.

The look of Mrs. Qian is ugly, which is why this is so, but they are helpless now.

It would be okay if Jiu Jiu died, but Jiu Jiuu didn't die, and they returned with a fair and honest attitude, wouldn't they be suppressed everywhere.

Mrs. Qian glanced helplessly at Qian Yuge: "Apologize to your cousin."

Qian Yuge froze, eyes widened: "Why should I apologize to her, I don't want, mother, the people here are not outsiders, who knows she is a cheap girl."

Mrs. Qian's heart is bleeding. The three princes are not outsiders, but the red diamond is. This is not the time for the incident.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Qian looked out at Hong Ling, only to find that Hong Ling just lowered her head, as if I didn't hear anything.

Looking at Qianfu who was like this, Qianjiujiu feels a little boring, and it is better to go back to Mu Yexiao to play.

A glance at Mrs. Qian: "Ma'am, old lady, it's not too late, and this princess is going home."

Turning around, said Jiu Jiu Jiu, ready to leave, Qian Shangshu stunned: "Princess, wait, do you not have to finish your meal before returning?"

Qian Shangshu looked at Jiu Jiu's teeth, and had other thoughts in his heart, naturally he wanted to touch them.

What's more, the three princes will not leave like this, after all, he still has something to deal with.

Jiu Jiu blinked for a moment: "I'm not bothered about Qian Shangshu, I'll go back to the palace to eat with the grandfather. After all, the grandfather will not be happy without me to accompany the grandfather."

Qian Shangshu also saw it, Qian Jiu Jiu wanted to leave Qian Jia, but how could he let Qian Jiu Jiu leave so easily!

As soon as I wanted to say something, I heard someone report: "Master, King Xiao is here."

Qian Shangshu thought he heard it wrong, who came? King of Xiao? Isn't that the person who is about to die? Why are you still here?

The three princes also thought that they had hallucinations, and could not help but stare at Qian Shangshu.

Jiu Jiu was excited: "Hongling, you said that Lord Wang came to pick me up, I said, Lord Wang is a good man, and he must be inseparable from me."

Saying Qianjiu, he walked out with excitement and greeted the King of Xiao.

As soon as Qian Shangshu read it, he quickly followed and saw that the doorway was indeed Xiao Wang. Although Xiao Xiao wore a mask, his special temperament could still be recognized at a glance.

Qian Shangshu knelt on the ground all at once: "Wei Chen has seen Wang Ye, I do not know if Wang Ye suddenly arrived?"

Mu Yexiao snorted coldly: "My king is here to pick up my king's princess and go back for lunch."

As soon as this remark was made, the people at the scene twitched their lips twice, and Qian Shangshu even felt that he had been underestimated. His dignified Shang Shang adults.

Isn't her daughter ready for a lunch? Lord Lord also came to pick him up in person.

It must have been sent back just now. It seems that even if the King of Sky is injured, it is also a king of Kyoto.

At least the news is very timely. I am happy, watching King Xiao, and suddenly came to King Xiao.

Looking at the King Xiao with a look of affection: "Master Wang, you are so good to Yuge, Yuge is going to be touched to death."

The corner of King Xiao's mouth twitched. What kind of ghost is Yuge?

Keke two times: "Prince, pay attention to your image."

He lost all his face in the King's Palace, and then immediately changed his face again, becoming a dignified appearance.

"Thank you so much for your help, and then you will go back to your house with him."

Mu Yexiao can also be seen now, this nine hundred and ninety-nine, is a changeable character, it is estimated that I just want to pit people.

I glanced at 999: "Okay, then come back."

She said she was about to leave. Qian Shangshu watched the couple as they were about to leave.

You must know that the purpose of the three princes today is to inquire about the news, but now nothing has been found, and the purpose has not been achieved, how can two people leave.

Isn't that saying that the King of Sky is so ill that he can only blame lying in bed? How can I go out now?

And what's the one sitting under his butt? A chair that can walk? When did Da Zhou have such a thing?