MTL - My Funny Consort-Chapter 19 Stinky ass

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Chapter 19

Both Qian Jiu Jiu and Xiao Wang looked at Qian Shangshu's doubts, but neither of them was a kind person and wanted to dispel Qian Shangshu.

Mu Yexiao still kindly shouted 999: "Don't the princess return with me yet? Are you reluctant to leave?"

Jiu Ji spit out her tongue, and the ghost was reluctant to go here. When she entered, she was intriguing. She disliked it the most. She just likes simple and happy life.

He laughed twice at Mu Yexiao: "Where Lord Wang is, come here as soon as possible."

He turned around and looked at Qian Shangshu, "Master Father, take care of your body, and your daughter will go first."

Qian Shangshu received the eyes of the three princes. No, he couldn't just let the two of them leave like this and immediately shouted out: "Please wait for Prince Wang and Princess."

"There are no daughters who come home and don't even use lunch at home. That's not to say we don't have to see the princess. This is absolutely necessary."

Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao in doubt. Why did the Zhou Dynasty still have this custom? She was an outsider.

So I can only watch the King of Silence silently, but Mu Yexiao obviously misunderstands the meaning of Qian Jiu Jiu. It is also that Jiu Jiu Ji is just a niece, and I want Qianjia to recognize it.

He nodded: "Let ’s do it. It ’s not a good idea if you do n’t enter the country. Princess, let's go in."

On flat ground, Mu Yexiao can push the wheelchair to walk by himself. When he goes uphill, Mu Yexiao can also work hard to make the wheelchair fly.

But in front of so many people, he couldn't disclose it, so when he went into Qianjia, Nanfeng and Dongchen directly brought him in a wheelchair.

When King Xiao came, naturally Mrs. Qian and others still had to come out to meet. This is not the same as Qian Yuge and Mrs. Qian.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Old Man."

"His wife has seen His Royal Highness Xiao."

"His daughter-in-law has seen His Royal Highness Xiao."

Several of them had met His Royal Highness Xiao respectively. Hearing the sound of Qian Yuge's charming and charming voice, he snorted, but when he was accused of it, he was fierce.

Mu Yexiao glanced at Jiu Niu Jiu. I didn't see anything on that face, and the expression that I didn't hear directly pleased our Highness Xiao Xiao.

He heard it very clearly. The sound of the ninety-nine was made after the young woman spoke, and she could not help but glance at the young woman.

The heart is clear, that should be the Qian Yushang that Qian Jia Shang Shu has been protecting, the same as the eyeballs, can not help but raise his lips, watching Qian Yuge.

"My daughter? Qian Shangshu, this lady is also your daughter?"

Qian Yuge listened to Lord Xiao Xiao's question, and couldn't help but be pleased. It really looks beautiful, and it is attractive everywhere. Qian Yuge thinks so.

Could not help but look up and cast a wink at Mu Yexiao, but this was a secret act, at least in Qian Yuge's opinion, she was careful.

But I was still in the eyes of Jiu Jiu, could not help but smirk, rolled his eyes, tried everything not to marry, and saw the man trying to seduce.

Isn't this Qian Yuge an idiot? Mu Yexiao naturally received the winking eyes of Qian Yuge, but sneered. Such a woman even thought about that position.

Could not help but look at Qian Shangshu funny, waiting for Qian Shangshu's answer. And Qian Shangshu naturally knew that Qian Jiu-kuo had a conversation with Mrs. Qian and others just now.

Some embarrassed glances at 999, 999 gave a pout, and his face didn't matter.

Qian Shangshu knew, however, that he couldn't hold the daughter, so he said, "This is the niece of Mrs. Chen's family. Because of Yuge's marriage to the palace, the insiders specially invited her to accompany her for a period of time."

Mu Yexiao raised her eyebrows: "What's her name?"

When Qian Yuge heard Lord Xiao asking her name, she was so proud of it that she couldn't help looking at Qianjiu.

Qianjiujiu was funny and still proud of it. Could it be possible that he didn't know? Is this Wang Yee helping her to determine her new identity? In the future, Qianjia's daughter-in-law is afraid that it has nothing to do with her.

Qian Shangshu froze for a moment, then looked at Mu Yexiao: "She's Wang Wangge."

Mu Yexiao said aloud: "I wonder how Master Shang Shu prepared for lunch?"

Talking about Mu Yexiao, he looked at the third prince with a surprised look: "Yeah, the third brother is here too, the sixth brother saw the third brother, and the third brother should not blame him."

"Just what happened to Brother San?"

Mu Yesheng's expression changed a little: "I just happen to have something to do with Master Shang Shu and leave soon. I won't disturb your family's reunion."

Said that the three princes Mu Yesheng turned around and left without giving anyone a chance to stay. Watching the three princes leave, Qian Shangshu was also relieved.

"Master, lunch is ready, please."

In the Qianjia lobby, two screens are divided by a screen, and one side is used to entertain the Yeye Muye. One side is used to greet the princess.

It's just that there is a table on Qianjiu's side. There is no atmosphere on Muyexiao's side. Qianjiujuan listens to Qian Shangshu and sits down.

With a mouthful of mouth, listening to these people, there was no appetite, and with a sigh, he bowed his head, and was preparing to drink soup, but he smelled that the soup was mixed with something else.

One thousand ninety-nine frowned, is this anxious to start towards himself?

Suddenly she smiled and looked at Qian Yuge: "Cousin, this is the first time we have met! This bowl of soup is rewarded to you by this princess."

I smelled it, and the adulteration inside was not a poisonous poison, it was just something that would keep farting and embarrassing.

Also, Mu Yexiao was originally a disused person. His life and death were irrelevant at all. What kind of medicine would be used, something ugly, and he could no longer look up in front of the Qian family.

Even humiliating in front of Mu Yexiao is enough.

It's just that they ignored it, but the person in front of her is a person who is proficient in medicine and medicine. How could such a thing be calculated to her!

After the words of Jiu Jiu Jiu fell, looking at Qian Yuge's wide-eyed eyes was obviously an accident.

Looking at Qian Yuge's face, Qian Jiu Jiu was a little displeased: "Why, this princess has given you food, that is your honor. Do you want to refuse?"

Having said all this, can I still refuse? Mrs. Qian frowned, a little worried. If she refused, wouldn't she have given another chance to attack Yuge?

In fact, Mrs. Qian did not even know that the soup was prepared by Qian Yuge for the ugliness, otherwise she would not think so.

"Dirge, drink quickly."

Chi Yuge's resentment, thinking of taking over, find a chance to dump it. It was just that she heard the voice of Jiu Jiu just now.

"Hong Ling, bring this bowl of soup to Miss Wang, but don't spill it."

Hongling immediately stood up: "Slave knows."

Having said that, he brought this bowl of soup directly to Qian Yuge: "Miss Wang, please."

Qian Yuge looked at the soup bowl in front of her, and Hong Ling shoved at her again: "Miss Wang, please."

Madam Qian also took a quick look at Qian Yuge and drank quickly: "Dirge, this is the reward of the princess and queen, hurry up."

Hearing Madam Qian said so, but with the helplessness of Qian Yuge, she had to take it and drink it.

Then I looked at Jiu Jiu Niu: "Thanks to the princess and mother-in-law for their rewards. The courtiers are now a little uncomfortable, can they go ahead and rest?"

Jiu Jiu blinked for a moment and said, "Ah, you're uncomfortable, so don't hurry to find a doctor to see it."

"Oh, I see you look pale. It looks really bad."

Listening to Qianjiu ’s statement, Mrs. Qian also looked worriedly at Qian Yuge: "Dirge, what's the matter with you? I'm going to find a doctor for you."

The voice over here soon shocked Mu Yexiao and others on the screen, and Mu Yexiao's voice came quickly.

"What happened to the princess?"

Hearing the concern of Mu Yexiao, Jiu Jiu warmed his heart: "Master Wang, can you let Nanfeng go to have a doctor visit, I think this Miss Wang seems very uncomfortable."

When Mu Yexiao heard it, it wasn't that there was an accident, so he didn't worry about it, just asking the doctor for something, it was also possible: "South wind, go."

When people present saw this scene, they immediately lost their hearts, and this nine-ninety-nine seemed to have a little status in Mu Yexiao's heart.

Otherwise, where it is so possible, it is so direct for Nanfeng to ask for a doctor. Suddenly there was a long snoring noise in the lobby, and it stayed long.

Then came an unpleasant smell, frowning nine hundred and ninety-nine, she was wrong, she should let Qian Yuge go out first, this bad smell is not abusing her nose.

Mrs. Qian looked at Qian Yuge in shock, how could she be disoriented in front of so many people?

But Mrs. Qian wasn't stupid, and she quickly thought that the bowl of soup just now, when everyone was still surprised and annoyed, came the sound of gurgling again.

Qian Shangshu finally got angry: "What's going on? Who is it?"

Because of a screen, he didn't expect to kill him. This fart turned out to be his eldest daughter who had high hopes.

Jiu Jiu Ji coughed twice: "Miss Wang, I don't think you look like this. It's really not suitable for you to stay here. Hurry up and go out. Don't smoke Wang Ye."

"I don't know what you eat all day, but it tastes so great."

Speaking in disgust, she waved in front of her nose, and Qian Yuge's entire face was white.

As soon as the brain was impulsive, it was pushed directly to the screen. Once the screen was down, the situation inside was directly exposed, and Qian Yuge made a few bangs at this time.

Seeing this situation, Hongling scolded out loudly: "Miss Wang, what's the matter with you? I ran into the princess. We have a large number of princesses. How dare you run into the prince?"