MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-Chapter 17 Forged Realm 2

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Miss Qi went away swollen away. At this moment, her samurai robe was soaked and the curves were exposed. Naturally, it was impossible to stay here, otherwise everyone would be cheap.

Min Jiangyi is also ready to leave. There is only a ray of black power. He will come on the battlefield, let alone the warrior at the level of Miss Li, even if the two opponents of Dingjing have only been abused. He was naive to think of coming in to mix a gold medal to practice, earn money and pay off debts. At this moment, it seems that this money is really not easy to make ...

"Wolf, where are you going?"

Jiang Yi just wanted to leave, but Yang Yi stopped him immediately. Jiang Yi quickly took off his mask and said, "Secretary, I ’m not going to do this training, and I do n’t want any more money. This mask is for you. . "

"and many more!"

Yang Yang was in a hurry. It was so difficult to recruit a good companion. How could he watch Jiang Yi leave? These days, he was urged to smoke by his heads and girls. Quickly came over and Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Canglang, do you think you have lost too much money? So ... you stay here, I will give you silver money for sparring? Twelve silver a day, how?"

Min Jiangyi put on a cape and smiled bitterly: "Secretary, I suddenly remembered that there was another urgent matter, and I'd better come back later."

After talking about Jiang Yi, he ignored the retention of Yang Yang's affairs and walked directly outside the Wu Dian. In the surprised look of the black armor guard at the door, he hurriedly walked towards the Jiang Family Courtyard in the east of the city.

"Yang steward, Yang steward!"

When Jiang Yi left for a column of incense, a fiery red figure in the corridor of the practice room rushed over. As soon as he walked into the hall, he swept around all the masks on the face of the practicer, and asked urgently: "Yang Manager, what about the gold medal that I practiced with just now? "


Tong Yang blinked doubtfully and asked, "What's wrong? Miss Yun, is there a problem with that training?"

"Leave? Whoops!"

Ms. Wu said with a pity, "If he comes again next time, he must let me know the first time. The sparring training is very good. I have practiced for eight years in the rainstorm boxing, and I have been stuck in the mastery stage for the past three years. After a lot of practice ... "


Su Yang's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of remorse. The main purpose of this practice room is to train reaction speed, combat instinct, and sharpen martial arts. These three items are difficult to improve and require a long period of battle and training. This is also the reason for the seal strength in the practice room.

The martial arts skills are divided into three stages according to the mastery level: mastery, mastery, and success. This lady's rainstorm fist has not been successful for three years. Now, when she battles with Jiang Yi, she is directly completed?

Is it a coincidence? Or is this kid pretending to be a pig? Is he actually a powerful warrior? Come here to pretend to be sparring? Inadvertently guided to help Miss Wu's martial arts become a success?

Yang Yang couldn't figure things out, but he knew that if Jiang Yi came to practice next time, he would have to find ways to keep him. If he can help the sons and daughters in the martial arts martial arts quickly, then his value will be inestimable ...

Uh ...

Hao Jiangyi returned to his small courtyard at noon. Thinking of going to Xishan early tomorrow morning, he hurriedly took a bite to eat, and then drilled into the room to cultivate, preparing to impact the duality of casting tripod.

"Spiritual Dan!"

取出 He took out a small white vial, and he was all excited. This spirit panacea is a high-grade elixir that can help people quickly cultivate their strength. And his black elemental power can increase the potency. After merging with the potion, this elixir is absolutely comparable to the elixir. Refining all the ten elixir is enough for him to cultivate to the duality of casting.

"Refine the black power!"

He put down the spirit **** pan and sat down. After more than three hours, he woke up on time, immediately swallowed a spirit god, and started to repair the river.

"Good elixir!"

Feeling a stream of heat rushing from the chest towards Dantian, Jiang Yi secretly sighed, it is good to have alchemy-assisted cultivation, and Jiang Ruhu is so poor that he can cultivate to the fourfold of the tripod. For dinner?

"Black power, fusion!"

He waited for the spiritual power of Dan to cover Dantian, and Jiang Yi immediately mobilized a trace of black elemental power to fuse the medical power, and then fully operated the river water decision.

"This speed ..."

I felt the blue Yuanli in Dantian appeared like a blowout, and Jiang Yi was extremely excited. This elixir combined with the black Yuanli at least made him practice at least ten times faster than before ...

After more than ten minutes, the black elementary power was exhausted, Jiang Yi could only stop running the river water, and mobilized a trace of the black elementary force to continue to increase the drug power. After so many rounds, he stopped practicing after the ten strands of black power had been consumed.

呼 "Huh ... how long has it been cultivated, it can be accumulated more than half a month before."

Qi Jiangyi looked inward, for fear that the medicinal power would be consumed too quickly, and dare not stay too much, and began to refine the black elementary power. He felt different in this refining. Under the increase of the spirit **** Dan, his speed of refining the black elementary power also increased three times, and it was only six hours after refining.


After practicing for so many years, Jiang Yi has never been so happy at this moment. He is fully absorbed in the silence and has not even eaten dinner. He has been sitting and practicing. The black elemental power has not been refined. The black spirit has no remedy. To swallow the spirit god.

Until the dawn of the next day, Jiang Yi stopped practicing!

Nine of the ten spirit gods were used, and he ... have finally cultivated the duality of casting tripod! Looking inside Dantian, the blue Yuanli, which has doubled in color and darkened by one point, Jiang Yi can't wait to scream in the sky and release his inner pleasure.

At the age of seven, he started practicing Jiangshui Ju. He practiced at the age of fifteen before casting Dingjing. At the moment, it only took less than ten days to break into Dingjing. At the moment, despite the aid of elixir, it was enough to make Jiang Yi excited Endless. The most important thing is that his seal can be constantly cracked and the speed of cultivation can be continuously increased, which makes him see hope, and hopeful life can make people full of fighting spirit.


After a short while, when he calmed down his turbulent mood and looked inside Dantian again, he suddenly found that there was nothing wrong! Is the blue Yuanli color slightly darker? And this black Yuanli color seems to be lighter?

As the martial arts level rises, Yuanli will further condense and increase its power! This is common knowledge that everyone in the mainland knows. His strength has reached the dual level of the founding realm. It is normal for the blue Yuanli to change. Why does the black Yuanli change slightly, or is it lighter?

"Does the ability of this black elemental force increase again as the realm rises?"

Min Jiangyi pondered for a while, mobilized a ray of black elemental power in Dantian, and moved it into the meridian of the corner of the eye, but found that it was not different from the original. Although the vision became equally scary, there was no further increase.

"Why does the black elemental force become lighter?"

Min Jiang Yi was puzzled, closed his eyes and looked at Dan Tian, ​​and observed the only remaining black element of force, but after a long observation, he found nothing.

After half a column of incense time, he reluctantly opened his eyes, but his face quickly surprised. Because he found that the world is still so clear, it's been half a column of incense time, and this black elementary power has not been exhausted yet?

"It seems that I have reached the duality of the founding realm, the blue Yuanli has been condensed, and the black Yuanli has also been condensed, so the consumption rate has become much slower."

Min Jiangyi closed her eyes and found that there was still a trace of black Yuanli near the eyes, which was not completely consumed. After a while, Jiang Yi's eyes flickered with black light, his vision gradually blurred, and his black power was completely consumed.

"try again!"

Min Jiangyi mobilized the remaining ray of black power into the eyes again. This time, the time for the vision to become stronger still increased for a long time, and it was almost able to persist for most of the column incense time.

"A ray of half a column of incense time, ten ray can almost last an hour!"

Hao Jiangyi reckoned that time was a joy again, although the masters could move to win or lose soon, but if they encountered group battles, it would be very useful to increase their vision for a longer time.

Seeing that it's already outside, UU reads www. Jiang Yi did not dare to do more research. But later, he had to go to Rong Guanshi's report and go to Xishan to count the herbs. He had to refine some black elements for backup to avoid being intercepted by Jiang Ruhu and others.

He has practiced two hours and refined six strands of black power. Time is three strokes away. He quickly got up, grabbed two nests in a hurry, and walked towards the house of the Jiang Family East Hospital.

I was scolded by Rong Superintendent in the steward room. Jiang Yi quickly walked out of the west gate and counted the herbs in Xishan. Fortunately, this time I was doing sundries in Xishan Yaotian. Rong Supervisor did not mention the token. Moreover, the family guards under the mountain all knew him when he went up the west mountain, but he didn't ask him to show the token.

I spent most of the time. Jiang Yi finished counting the herbs in Yaotian No.7. When he was preparing to go home for cultivation, he heard a rustling sound in the grove on the left.


His eyes were cold, and he swept into the grove on the left. Could it be Jiang Ruhu and others who came to stop him?

At first glance, Jiang Yi was dumbfounded. A small boy with a thick face in the woods slowly walked out. His face was full of fierce light and teasing. Who is not Jiang Ruhu? And behind him, people kept popping up. There were at least twenty people!

One hit twenty?

Hao Jiang Yi swallowed his mouth, his strength rose, yes, he has black power, but how can so many people fight? And in addition to Jiang Ruhu's four tripods, there are five or six tripods ...

Seeing Jiang Yi's complexion change, Jiang Ruhu laughed and laughed: "Ha ha, Jiang Yi, aren't you crazy? Today, without interrupting your legs, I will write Jiang Ruhu's name upside down!"