MTL - My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect-Chapter 294 death to come

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Such a sudden change made everyone fall into silence. You must know that the corpse hunter was taken into his own country by Xun Xi.

"Lady, did he offend you?"

The lame old man said dryly. In the end, it was Xun Xi's eye roll: "I didn't kill him, he just asked me to save him."

The lame old man: ""

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became more solemn.

After all, the corpse hunter stayed in Xun Xi's kingdom. If it wasn't for Xun Xi's killing, it would be some supernatural being in this tomb. Across Xun Xi's kingdom, the corpse hunter was abruptly killed. Compared with the former, he was lame. At this moment, the old man even more hoped that Xun Xi had killed the corpse hunter suddenly.

"How was this killed?"

Xun Xi glanced at Qin Shou, and the fire of memory flashed in his eyes. Although Qin Shou remained calm on the surface, Xun Xi still captured his emotions.

Confused, puzzled, shocked.

Didn't the grave digger know that?

Xun Xi's brows furrowed even deeper, but in fact——

(Why is this!?)

----- Qin Shou really doesn't know.

This huge tomb was built by him, whether it was the island in the middle of the lake or the institutions that followed, he also carefully designed it all. Although the supernatural space where this large tomb is located was indeed dug up by him, but he has already explored it, and this place has long since been scrapped.

Is there something I didn't notice?

Thinking of this, Qin Shou broke down in a cold sweat. He also saw the death of the corpse who had just driven away, and he might not be able to bear it himself.

No sign.

penetrate the country.

Instantly killed.

These three points alone are enough to be daunting in the spiritual circle. After all, this is supernatural, not fantasy, and the more unpredictable it is, the more difficult it will be.

But compared to the dignified atmosphere of the scene.

The director in the future diary was so happy that he almost jumped up: "Aha! I knew there was a huge danger hidden in this place! Now it's finally fulfilled! Well done! Keep killing! Don't stop! Wait! No, I have to mislead Xun Xi again."

How is it misleading?

The director pondered for a while, and soon thought of a very clever misleading, so he bit his fingertips again and began to write in the diary.

[The corpse driver is dead. 】


Feeling the vibration in his chest, Xun Xi looked at the future diary again, only to see that it was written: [The cause of death is obviously some kind of supernatural attack. 】

[But I can't find the source. 】

[This is unreasonable. Since it's in the cemetery, how could I not find it? Unless the source of the supernatural attack on the corpse hunters is outside? 】

----This is of course nonsense.

But the director doesn't care. He just wanted to deliberately confuse Xun Xi's thinking and let him think outside, thus ignoring the real source inside the cemetery.

As for whether the source is really outside

"That doesn't matter."

The director thought for a while, and then waved his small hand: "Even if he is really outside, now that he is already in the cemetery, he will still have nothing to do with him."

"Everywhere is dead!"


The director thought more and more proud, and finally couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, looking at the updated content in the future diary, Xun Xi frowned and secretly said: "This should also be written by the director, he wants to confuse my audiovisual? But it makes sense, indeed, The possibility that the supernatural source is outside should be higher."

Because it makes too much sense.

It's not like it was written by the director.

Xun Xi scratched his head, and decided to strengthen his own thoughts: "If it really comes from the outside world, then if you want to kill people, you must need a medium."

What is the medium?

Instead of working behind closed doors, Xun Xi decisively shared her views, and then began to seek advice from others, especially Qin Shou.

"The medium is nothing but the environment we are in right now."

"The worst thing is the air."

"The second is the land under our feet."

"It's the Mercury Lake again."

Everyone, you said my word, and quickly listed a large number of possible media. And Qin Shou was in the middle, and he locked the target right away.

After all, this is what he arranged.

So he is very clear that air, land, mercury lake, these can not be the medium. And the only thing the whole place can serve as a medium is—


Qin Shou turned his head and looked at the stone gate that was pushed open when everyone entered the place.



"Do you think this is the medium?" Xun Xi, who has always been concerned about Qin Shou, said immediately, "What's the reason? I need a reasonable reason."

"Because of my psychic items."

Qin Shou rolled his eyes, of course he couldn't tell his plan, so he took out the Heavenly Official Seal in his arms: "This general's profession is to dig graves, you can question my moral standards, but don't Questioning my professional level, I think it's the coffin."

"We pushed open the stone door and entered."

"It was the coffin lid that was pushed open."

"And then I came to this place, and it looked like I came out of the coffin. But from another angle, it might be like I walked into the coffin?"

The more Qin Shou said, the clearer his thinking became.

That's right! This is it!

"The medium is the coffin! The magical place we are now in may be a coffin in reality! The attack comes from outside the coffin!"

"Is it."

Xun Xi looked at Qin Shou who had come to a conclusion, and immediately confirmed one thing: the future diary did not lie to him, this tomb was really made by Qin Shou.

Otherwise, Qin Shou would not be able to directly rule out other possibilities so firmly, and then use a sentence of "professional level" and a supernatural item to target the coffin without sufficient evidence. You must know that even he is still vacillating among other options.

(But that doesn't make sense.)

Thinking of this, Xun Xi became more and more shaken. After all, the content of the future diary update is so accurate, it is obvious that he is doing his best to help himself.

Am I really mistaken?

At the same time, at the end of the street in the ghost city, there is a coffin shop in Wannianju.


The sound of woodworking still did not stop, and the small half of the sandalwood coffin, which was still exposed to the outside, and the large half of it still penetrated into the darkness, shook again. Immediately afterwards, it slid out a short distance towards the outside. And this time on the exposed part of the coffin, there is another villain.

The little man's face is also lifelike.

It was an old man's face.

next second-----


In the large tomb, on the other side of the Mercury Lake, the place where the morality group is located. Wu De turned his head abruptly, but saw an old man who was traveling with him, his expression changed miserably. That is the old man of the Li family among the four great sects of morality, and he is also regarded as a highly respected senior in the master-disciple sect.

Yet now.

The old senior looked at the longevity lock on his neck in horror. The original crystal clear longevity lock was decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The breath is covered with rust.

Immediately afterwards, a "click" sound was heard, and the longevity lock burst.

And then decay was transferred from the longevity lock to his body, and the old body was completely dry in an instant, turning into a mummified corpse.

The wind blows.


Like a dumped building block, the old man of the Li family who was standing there just now was turned into dust without even using his supernatural powers. Such a change made Wu De suddenly fall into silence. The remaining two elderly people quickly moved away from the elderly Li family.

For fear of being tainted with a curse.

"It's troublesome."

Just reminded Wu De of the abnormality of Shuiyin Lake, another old man from a noble family, Sun Yuanqing of the Sun family, immediately looked at Wu De with a solemn expression.

They are all old rivers and lakes.

This doesn't scare them.

"Old Qian, can you sense the attack?"

"The media kills." The last old man of the clan, Qian Shen of the Qian family sighed: "Even the longevity lock can't stop it, this supernatural being is fierce."

Longevity locks are not extraordinary.

Strictly speaking, this is a esoteric spiritual item passed down by morality, similar to Xun Xi's transfer hand, which can deflect a psychic attack and has a miraculous effect of surrogate death.


"Exceeded the limit."

"I can't stop it with the longevity lock. It can only show that this supernatural rule of using the medium to kill people is far more terrifying than all of us can imagine."

The voice fell, and the three old men thought of a noun at the same time.

---- The last generation!

And at the same time.


In the dark coffin shop, the sound of beating and beating sounded again. The sound echoed in the coffin shop, causing other coffins to tremble.