MTL - My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect-Chapter 295 The true body of the curse

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After thinking that the medium is likely to be the coffin, Qin Shou, and even the corpse stitcher, the lame old man, the owner of the paper shop, and the medicine seller, these ghost market regulars, are located in the ghost market street. At the end, there is the humble coffin shop that is always in and out.

"The one who made the coffin!?"

The drug seller was the first to cry out. On the other hand, Qin Shou, who opened the store closest to the coffin shop, fell into silence.

In all fairness, he doesn't actually know the owner of the coffin shop.

After all, strictly speaking, the coffin shop is the first resident shop in this ghost city.

Although Qin Shou once thought about getting close, but unless he came to do business, the boss would not respond at all. And everyone is in the spiritual circle, and it is better to have less than one thing, so he did not dare to go too deep into the coffin shop. Over time, that's what happened.


"With this level of killing rules, shouldn't the coffin shop owner be the last superhuman? After he died, the last supernatural was out of control?"


After all, Qin Shou has rich experience, so he quickly came to the conclusion that the supernatural space he used to arrange the tomb was probably a coffin in itself!

"What did you say?"

Hearing Qin Shou's words, the others were stunned. And the corpse sewer even whispered: "Although the coffin maker is weird, it's not that he can't communicate. He shouldn't do it to us. There is no reason only that he died, and the last generation of parasites that parasitized him was out of control."

Hearing this, Xun Xi quickly flashed past the supernatural rules of the last generation.

In the absence of parasitic media, the last generation of supernatural beings is equivalent to non-existence. And only with the help of media, can the supernatural beings of the last generation manifest in reality.

For example, "Death to the True Monarch".

(I still remember him.)

Xun Xi rubbed his eyebrows. Normally, the last generation of spirits have indescribable characteristics. Even if they know the rules of the other party, they will soon forget them.

But there are also special cases.

For example, Xun Xi.

(I still remember him, probably because of my state. After all, I once made a wish for him. Those three contradictory wishes were still there, and they became the spiritual connection between me and him. This connection is there, and I have never forgotten his relevant information.)

So here comes the question.

If the one who killed this time was really a supernatural being of the last generation, why did he kill? What is the motivation? The last generation of supernatural beings are wise.

The answer is not hard to guess.

"New medium" At the same time, Qin Shou also thought of the same answer: "I am afraid that the other party wants to find a new medium to parasitize."

be cheated!

Qin Shou realized his mistake almost immediately. Thinking about it, if you can open a gap under the streets of the ghost city, how could the spiritual place leading to it be some unknown ruins? I'm afraid this supernatural place itself is specially prepared for you to see!

A good trick to cross the sea.

Grandma's~! The good spirits didn't use the spirit rules to kill people, but actually switched to learning the art of war~! I really have been pecked in the eye all day long.


"Thinking about it carefully, it's not a bad thing to be parasitized."

Not only Qin Shou, but after clarifying their thoughts, everyone except Xun Xi fell silent involuntarily. Although in Xun Xi's view, the last superhumans just drink poison to quench their thirst. But for others, the last superhuman is an opportunity to go further and surpass the limit.

And it's not just Qin Shou and others who think so.

Opposite to Mercury Lake.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

After Wu De hastily buried the body of the old man of the Li family, Wu De looked at the coffin in the center of the island: "Because of the contract with Tu Su, we couldn't find the last generation of spirits, but now, it's not that we found the last generation, But the last generation found us."

"This is equivalent to bypassing the contract."

"And if we can get the favor of this last generation and be parasitized by it. We might be able to fight against, or even defeat Tu Su!"

At the end, Wu De's eyes lit up.

Tu Su, a mountain that has been pressing on them ever since the spiritual recovery. All the masters and apprentices don't want to move it away.

more importantly----

"It was parasitized by the last generation, but it can prolong life."

"According to the records of the clan's books, the last supernatural person can live for one hundred and fifty years. This is also the kindness of the last supernatural being to the parasite."

Wu De murmured in a low voice.

As for the method of being selected by the last generation of supernatural beings, and even parasitic.

Morality is also recorded.

it's actually really easy.

"No matter what method you use, as long as you have the ability to withstand the supernatural rules of the last generation, and then survive. It will be chosen as a parasitic medium."

almost simultaneously.

At the end of the street in the ghost city, in the [Wannianju] coffin shop.


As time goes by, the sound of doing woodworking for the third time also tends to come to an end. After another moment, the sandalwood coffin, which was mostly submerged in the darkness, slid out an inch again. On the exposed coffin this time, there is still a little person, but its appearance is slightly special.

It's missing an eye.


The next second, on the island in the heart of the lake, Xun Xi suddenly turned around, only to see the lame old man with one eye and severed hand suddenly covering his eyes and let out a scream.

"Respect ghosts and gods and stay away!"

This was once Ning Huai's supernatural power, and later Ning Huai's leg was removed by Xun Xi and given to the lame old man. At this moment, it is used by the lame old man of the original owner, and the horror level has directly turned a grade. In an instant, the old man seemed to have left thousands of miles away, and his figure became blurred.

And when the distance is infinitely far Xun Xi's eyes pass through the fire of memory, where the firelight shines, in a trance, he sees a straight, scarlet silk thread.

That's the cursed thread!

One end of the silk thread was attached to the lame old man's body, while the other end spread all the way to the top of his head, spreading into the endless darkness.

It's almost like - fishing.

It seems that there is a person who is holding a fishing line and wants to fish away the life of the lame old man!


In the next second, Xun Xi already had the dog's head guillotine in his hand. Then the sword light flashed, and he slashed directly on the red silk thread he saw. However, the seemingly soft silk thread felt as if it hit gold and iron. Instead of being cut, it was rolled back.

Then wrapped around the dog's head guillotine.

Immediately afterwards, Xun Xi saw that the guillotine in his hand began to be covered with rust at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then cracked every inch, spreading all the way to the hilt.

Xun Xi immediately let go.


The dog-headed guillotine fell to the ground, and the supernatural weapon he brought out from the library collapsed the moment it landed, turning into a pile of scrap metal.

And until now.

The red silk thread seemed to have caught something. It was taken back with satisfaction, and finally disappeared into the darkness. Only the lame old man who was still in shock and still slumped on the ground, and Xun Xi, who was standing beside him, was stared at by everyone including Qin Shou.

almost simultaneously.

In the future diary, I saw that the director who had stood up excitedly after seeing Xun Xi taking the initiative to provoke the red thread, sat back again.
