MTL - My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect-Chapter 296 Director: No---! ! !

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To be honest, at that moment the director thought that Xun Xi was dead.

Because even through the future diary, it can feel that the red thread that Xun Xi took the initiative to provoke is definitely the last generation of supernatural powers.

Isn't this just looking for death?

It's champagne ready!

In the end, he never expected that the red silk thread did not deal with Xun Xi, but instead fell on the dog-headed guillotine in Xun Xi's hands, resulting in a loss of success.

"Damn it!"

Thinking of this, the director gritted his teeth for a while. However, it soon persuaded itself to calm down: "It doesn't matter, the situation is still hopeless, it is better to say that Xun Xi's reckless move may stimulate the other party and make him turn the next curse target to it."

"It's nothing more than an early death or a late death."

While biting his fingers, the director looked at the future diary in his hand. Soon, Xun Xi will die by his own subtle calculations!

And at the same time.


I saw the lame old man first looked at Xun Xi with a dull expression, then looked at the dog-headed guillotine that had become scrap metal, and then took a deep breath before continuing: "Thank you, I will remember this kindness. Well. If I owe you a life, I will find a chance to pay it back to you."

"how did you do it?"

Compared to the grateful lame old man, Qin Shou, who came over immediately, said bluntly, "What did you see? Why didn't the old and maimed die?"

"Hey!" the lame old man exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

But no one paid him any attention.

At the same time, the previously stagnant atmosphere also came alive again. Obviously, the experience of the old and disabled also awakened everyone present.

"It's the line."

Xun Xi's brows were furrowed, and she didn't hide it, she directly stated her findings. However, after listening to Xun Xi's detailed description, everyone looked at each other in dismay. Because they were in the same position just now, they didn't see any red curse threads at all.

"Only you can see?"

"Is it because of the fire of memory?" The medicine seller said solemnly: "The fire of memory was once placed in that brazier, and the level of supernatural power is very high."

"Under the firelight."

"It's not impossible."

"Yeah." On the other hand, after listening to Xun Xi's description, Qin Shou also whispered, "Can you resist the curse if you use something for death?"

"Probably not."

Xun Xi shook his head when he heard the words: "What is transferred for death is damage, but as long as the red line is touched, the curse will come continuously, and there will be new ones after transfer. There is no way to get rid of it. Before that red line hits, diverting its target is likely to take effect."

This alone prevents the use of the transfer hand.

Xun Xi's transfer hand, although it has the effect of transferring the curse, but the premise is contact. It just so happens that this conflicts with the rules of the red silk thread.

And the conflict of rules, that compares to the horror level of the supernatural.

And of course, the horror of the hand of transfer is far less than the red silk thread. If the True Monarch of Death comes in person, maybe it can be compared.

"all in all."

Xun Xi continued to explain: "This red silk thread has to catch something. If it doesn't catch something, it will never give up."

As long as it appears, it will definitely fish the target's life.

If you can't catch your life, then you can catch the things that interfere with it.

This is an absolute air force supernatural.

So the question is, the supernatural being of the True Monarch who died in vain can still be reluctantly dealt with by the chain of contradictory wishes, so what should we do with this supernatural supernatural being of the last generation?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Deep in the streets of the ghost city, in the coffin shop of [Wannianju], the knocking sound of the workmanship this time is far greater than before. It was almost as if the coffin craftsman had encountered a particularly hard piece of wood, and only the sound of knocking and sawing wood became heavier and sharper each time.

And almost at the same time—


Suddenly, Xun Xi suddenly raised his head and looked at the rock wall above. And there, he saw a red silk thread slowly falling down.

It's my turn! ?


Inside the coffin shop, the moment Xun Xi saw the red line, the voice also accelerated. I saw the sandalwood coffin slowly slide to the outside world again. The appearance of half a villain appeared, and half of the villain's face, especially those eyes, showed the charm of Xun Xi.

As if alive.


At the same time, the red line that had just exposed a small head also popped out in an instant, and slammed it down towards Xun Xi with lightning speed.

This is not a rigid supernatural attack.

Obviously, this is the last generation of wise supernatural beings behind the scenes!

"Tsk look at the trick!"

Seeing this, Xun Xi did not dare to hesitate. With a wave of his hand, he lifted the balance of the broker of fate above his head and threw it out against the flying red silk thread.

This is a tactic that Xun Xi came up with temporarily.

Since the red silk line likes to fish, let it fish by yourself. It just depends on whether it has the appetite to eat this big fish after it catches a primitive.

Good idea.



The next second, under Xun Xi's gaze, I saw that the red silk thread seemed to suddenly have life, and I couldn't see the rigidity of the supernatural rules. Then he continued to fall towards Xun Xi's head.

"My day!"

Xun Xi cursed on the spot.

This thing doesn't talk about martial arts! Even the True Monarch of the Dead doesn't bring such a thing!

In the blink of an eye, Xun Xi seemed to have reacted: the situation he is in is actually completely different from the situation he faced when he faced the True Monarch who died in vain.

Without analogy.

His current situation, put it on the True Monarch of Death, is that he has made an ordinary wish.

In other words, he has entered the "kill range" of the red silk thread. And if you want to break the game, you must get out of this "kill range".

For example, at the beginning, Xun Xi used contradictory wishes to escape the "kill range" of the True Monarch who died in vain. Therefore, no matter how strong the supernatural power of the True Monarch Death is, it will not affect him. And now, if he wants to avoid the "kill range" of the red silk thread, the condition is probably——

"Have to get out of this place!"

----- Xun Xi came to a conclusion.

"Combining with Qin Shou's inference, if this magical place is really inside a coffin, as long as it is still in the coffin, it will always be in the 'kill range' of this last generation."

"So you have to get out."

"As long as I escape from this place and leave this last-generation supernatural kill range, it can't help me."

But here comes the problem.

How to escape?

"Hahaha! It's your time to die~!"

At this moment, I saw the director in the future diary jumped up directly, with an ecstatic expression: "It's time for me to fall down and give you the final blow!"

Thinking of this, the director made a decisive decision and bit his fingertips.

In fact, it didn't want to write anything, just wrote something at this time to interfere with Xun Xi's thinking and waste his time that he didn't have enough time.

So the director waved his pen:

[I was attacked. 】

[That is a terrifying curse, and my current means cannot stop it at all. In order to avoid it, I jumped directly into the Mercury Lake in a panic. 】

[The result was unexpected, but unexpectedly survived. 】

----- This is of course nonsense.

Jumping into a lake to survive?

how is this possible!

After writing this sentence, the director couldn't wait to see Xun Xi tangled up and down, and finally acted according to the future he wrote, but despairingly found that he could not avoid the moment of death. And at that time, it will return to the blood, writing the declaration of the victor in the diary. UU Reading

However, the director was surprised.

I saw that after reading the diary, Xun Xi thought for less than a second, then moved directly, and jumped into the Mercury Lake as it was written.

Hahaha! Shame!

You really dance!

The director laughed out loud. However, it soon discovered that the cursed red line that fell towards Xun Xi fell on the surface of the mercury lake.

Then-----received it.

"I rely on!"

Almost at the same time, Qin Shou suddenly let out a scream. Because only he, the designer of the cemetery, knew what had just happened.

He used to construct the entire lake island terrain.

And the spiritual props that divide morality and the ghost city group into two mirror spaces, real and false, "Nie Jingtai" was caught by red silk thread!

The reason is simple.

The target of the red silk thread is Xun Xi, but as long as it encounters other supernatural items in the middle, the target will be automatically transferred to other items.

After Xun Xi jumped into the Mercury Lake, his whole body was covered by it.

No matter which angle it is from, or how it is wound, if the red silk thread wants to touch Xun Xi, it must first touch the Mercury Lake. And as long as you touch the Mercury Lake, you will inevitably touch the "Nie Jingtai" that Qin Shou hid in it. And as long as you touch the "Nie Mirror Stage", the curse target will be transferred.

"I didn't expect it."

Seeing the red silk thread disappear, Xun Xi slowly surfaced on the surface of the mercury lake: "There is such a wonderful strategy! The future diary is really thanks to it!"

"Without it."

"I'm doomed!"


Do not----! !