MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 16 livestock

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An odd little girl who calls herself Luo Yanyin.

Luo Jing could take the wooden sign she left behind and go to Baihu Hall to find someone to report and contact her.

Then, the eccentric little girl left and didn't stay much longer.

It came unexpectedly, and it went strangely.

Luo Jing looked at the wooden sign in his hand. There was a word [sound] engraved on it, which should be some kind of token of this little girl.

When the other party left, he said something casually.

"If someone in the inner door troubles you, you can report my name."

"But if you use my name to cause trouble, I'll kill you first."

Looking at the wooden sign in his hand, Luo Jing murmured.

"So am I holding a thigh?"

A token of a direct disciple, you can report her name in case of trouble.

This means that in Luo Jing's inner sect, no one should dare to provoke him for the time being.

But Luo Jing was not happy, he just felt weird.

How can there be any benefits that come out of thin air?

All free gifts have a price already marked on the back.

A person of the level of a direct disciple, even if he really likes Luo Jing's potential or talent, it is impossible for him to come to the door in person. Just instruct him, and his maids and followers will come to Luo Jing.

As a direct disciple, in a certain sense, it is very disappointing to personally go to the door to find a disciple who has just been promoted to the inner sect.

The little girl Luo Yanyin did not hesitate to surrender her identity, but also came to Luo Jing in person, which made Luo Jing uneasy.

No matter what the other party is drawing behind, it may not be a good thing for Luo Jing at this time.

I really have to go to the mountains to hide...

Luo Jing's original plan was to stay in the mountains for two or three months to avoid the limelight and come back.

Now he has changed his plans - if he can, he hopes to stay in the mountains for a year or two.

Luo Jing walked quickly to Liu Yunshan's residence, and once again called on the teacher who led him to the entrance.

When the two met, Liu Yunshan was sitting at the door of the house, using a brush dipped in colored paint to paint a human figure on a pale, stiff paper.

Seeing Luo Jing's curiosity, Liu Yunshan explained with a smile.

"This is the soul painting paper, the task I received from the White Tiger Hall."

"Outer sect disciples capture the living beasts and soak the paper with the blood of the living beasts, which can impart spiritual energy to the white paper."

"And after these white papers are sent to the inner door, they have to find a special person to paint the soul, and use the special pattern to virtualize the spirit of the soul."

"When you use the magic weapon, you can use these painted soul papers to replace the real soul."

Soul Refining Sect's techniques on the Soul Dao are unparalleled in the world, and the two Dao and Demon Dao are rarely comparable. Many secret arts and refining techniques in the sect require souls.

However, it is difficult to find a suitable soul—at least inner disciples, most of them cannot use real souls.

Therefore, soul-painting paper is in great demand in the inner door.

After Luo Jing learned about the existence of the soul-painting paper, he suddenly began to doubt whether the eight evil ghosts in his eight ghosts were really made from the souls of living people...

At Liu Yunshan's place, Luo Jing stayed for a long time, and inquired about many internal affairs in detail.

Among them, the most important one is the direct disciple Luo Yanyin.

According to Liu Yunshan's description, this Senior Sister Yanyin has a surly and withdrawn temperament, and is well-known in Xiaoyue Peak.

Unlike other direct disciples, this Senior Sister Yanyin never accepts followers, has always been alone, and has no taboos in her actions.

Even other direct disciples are quite afraid of this Senior Sister Yanyin.

After all, Luo Yanyin never followed the rules, and he was ruthless and ruthless. If he messed with her, he would cause trouble.

Hearing that Luo Jing was "fancy" by this senior sister Yanyin, Liu Yunshan was at a loss for words. I don't even know whether to congratulate Luo Jing or comfort Luo Jing.

"But you should be this Senior Sister Yanyin, the first follower he recruited."

Liu Yunshan smiled and said, "She never wanted followers in the past."

The direct disciples on Xiaoyue Peak will select some disciples with great potential and high cultivation from the inner sect to be their followers.

These direct disciples, whether they are fighting for power or being promoted in the future, will need their subordinates to serve. The sect also encouraged these direct disciples to fight, after all, this is also an experience.

Luo Jing got Luo Yanyin's token. In theory, he was a member of Luo Yanyin's faction.

Although according to what Liu Yunshan said, there were only Luo Yanyin and Luo Jing in their faction.'s really weird.

How could this little girl who never recruits followers suddenly come to you?

Could it be that there is something in you that arouses the interest of this surly little girl?

Luo Jing, who returned to his residence, buried the eight-pole array flags one by one in the ground as shown in the array diagram.

After finally triggering the Eight Ghosts, outside Luo Jing's house, the air was vaguely covered with a faint blood that was almost imperceptible.

Except for Luo Jing, anyone who stepped into this area would be attacked by eight evil ghosts.

Standing in the formation, Luo Jing sighed.

At this time, the sun was setting, and on Xiaoyue Peak, it was quieter than it was during the day.

Most of the disciples went back to their respective houses and stopped going out.

On the other hand, in the mountains below, the outer door of UU Reading was brightly lit and lively.

Outer disciples, most of the chores are to be done during the day, but at night, they can indulge in joy.

In the open area at the foot of the mountain, there is a square market along the river. It is the gold-selling cave for the disciples of the outer sect, and there are many happy places.

Many outer sect disciples received money from doing chores for the sect and invested them in the market.

And the square market opened by this sect, after earning money from the outer sect disciples, will distribute the money to the outer sect disciples in the form of wages in the future.

Entering the outer gate of Soul Refining Sect, for ordinary people, the benefits are huge.

Not to mention that there is abundant spiritual energy in the outer door, and cultivation is far faster than the outside world. Just the wages paid for chores outside the door can already be called generous.

Many outer disciples have spent twenty or thirty years in the mountains, and even if they spend a lot of money in the market every year, they can save a sum of money and return to their hometown to become rich.

The cultivation of the third and fourth levels of Qi Refining Realm is very common in the outer gate of Xiaoyue Peak. But in many rural areas outside, it is enough to run rampant in a county.

If it weren't for the high mortality rate in the outer door, this place would really be called a blessed land.

Now standing on Xiaoyue Peak, overlooking the bright lights below, Luo Jing slowly shook his head.

The liveliness of the outer door and the happiness of ordinary people are indeed enviable.

But this kind of happiness is nothing but the happiness of domestic animals.

The demons of the Soul Refining Sect kept those outside disciples in captivity by raising livestock. Seemingly happy, but life and death are in the hands of people.

Luo Jing didn't want to be a domestic animal.

One day, he will break free from this cage, go out to the outside world alone, and gain true freedom.

He traveled to this world, and he definitely didn't come to be a dog for the demons of the Soul Refining Sect.

Luo Jing will not treat anyone as a dog.