MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 22 Rotten 1 thought

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It rained for seven days and seven nights.

Today is the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which is the rainy season.

The Manggu Mountains, which had been sunny for many consecutive days, began to rain again.

The icy rain washed away the trees and gravel in the mountains, driving away the previous heat and bringing a touch of chill to this mountain forest.

Looking from the wooden house, the waterfall hanging high on the cliff in the distance is no longer a clear white spring, but a turbid dark yellow mixed with sediment.

Under the gloomy sky, the pattering rain, wrapped in the moist chill, filled the world.

The Firefox in the mountains all hid.

The fire fox, which is born with supernatural powers of fire, hates rain.

They only come out every day when meals are served.

And Firefox's food is not meat. Although they also catch hares and insects in the forest for appetizers, these young monsters mainly eat [Flint].

In the center of the breeding grounds, in the dense forest, there is a small volcano that is completely dark.

In the small crater, there are fires rising and magma surging.

Luo Jing's daily work is to take the fire-refining tool provided by the sect in the Lingbao bag, refining the ground fire rising from the crater into pure flint, and then feeding the flint to the Firefox.

This is a simple but time-consuming job. Luo Jing had to practice all morning beside the fire to get the flint needed for fifty-three Firefox.

Living alone in the mountains, with no friends and no communication, the work to be done is boring and boring, and it takes three months to start... To be honest, it is normal for no one in the sect to accept this kind of commission.

For most people, this is tantamount to going to jail, and the feeling of loneliness is hard.

But to Luo Jing, this was nothing.

He was used to walking alone.

When he disagreed with his parents, he lived alone for three years. He stayed in the house every day to draw, occasionally played games, chatted on the Internet, and it was common for him not to go downstairs for ten days and a half months.

Many people of the same generation may be locked up in the house for seven or eight days, and they can't stand it anymore.

But for Luo Jing, staying at home without going out is his daily routine, and it doesn't matter what he can't bear.

Not to mention that this breeding farm is full of ten miles in length and breadth. It is also fun to walk around when you are bored.

Luo Jing's life in the mountains was quiet and plain, as if he had returned to his previous life.

While other inner disciples lived alone in the mountains where they feared like a tiger, Luo Jing was content.

Here, away from all disturbances and strife, there will be no inexplicable danger approaching. No matter how sinister the Demon Sect is, it will not spread here.

Not to mention, Luo Jing didn't really live alone, he was accompanied by someone.

Every night, Luo Jing could hear many interesting stories when he met Qingxuan in a dream.

Although Shen Qingxuan's breakthrough failed, but after synchronizing with Luo Jing, she also successfully entered the realm of transcendence.

Moreover, Luo Jing hid in the mountains, and there was no danger to his life for the time being, so the pressure on the two of them was much less.

Shen Qingxuan, who lives in Lingyun Xianzong, finally has time to look up the ancient books of the sect.

The two of them didn't know much about the world they lived in, but Qing Xuan could consult the sect classics and see many secret records.

The two newcomers have an urgent need for common sense, history and other knowledge in the cultivation world.

Only when they have a sufficient understanding of the world they live in and broaden their horizons can they feel secure enough.

——The two people from the era of information explosion, it is an instinct to grab information and knowledge.

In the first two days, without various news updated every day, they were already very uncomfortable, as if they were trapped in some kind of closed cocoon, subconsciously uneasy.

Like most people in this world, they can't live a life without any scruples.

In this world, not to mention mortals, even many disciples of the cultivation sect, they only pay attention to the parents around them all their lives, and few people will take the initiative to pay attention to things in the distance.

But Luo Jing is different from Shen Qingxuan.

They are eager to understand the situation of the world and want to know more information.

If everything is covered by fog and they don't know the pattern of today's world, they will feel extremely insecure.

And during these seven-day dreams, most of them were Shen Qingxuan speaking and Luo Jing listening. Occasionally, the two would discuss one or two of them.

The world of cultivators is not as sinister as Luo Jing and the others imagined.

In the final analysis, practitioners in this world have a long lifespan, and there is no such terrifying thing as the calamity of heaven and earth, and they generally live happily.

Moreover, the Six Paths of the Demon Gate have been declining for many years, and the Immortal Path has been extremely prosperous.

Demonic giants like the Soul Refining Sect had to hide in the remote Western Regions and dared not blatantly set foot in the Central Plains.

When the strength gap between the right and the devil is obvious, it will be difficult to start a big fight.

The most recent major turmoil from Luo Jing and the others was a hundred years ago, and the scope was not widespread.

According to the records of the classics consulted by Shen Qingxuan, it was Gu Chenfeng, an unworldly genius of Lingyun Xianzong, who became famous at a young age and was expected to become the master of Xianzong.

But he fell in love with Ying Qiuchan, the saint of the Soul Refining School.

Their love for each other caused turmoil between Soul Refining Sect and Lingyun Immortal Sect.

In the end, this pair of lovers with different identities went to Huangquan together.

When Shen Qingxuan talked about this story, she did not comment too much.

Luo Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't start out in the Soul Refining Sect."

The core conflict of this tragic story lies in the identities of the two parties, one is the saintess of the Demon Sect, and the other is the future master of the Immortal Sect. They are all top figures cultivated by the two sects, and they are related to the face of the two sects.

Therefore, even if the two truly love each other, they cannot come together.

But Luo Jing was just an ordinary inner disciple of the Soul Refinement Sect.

Shen Qingxuan, although a direct disciple of the elders of Xianzong, is still far from the status of Gu Chenfeng.

As long as Luo Jing can leave the Soul Refining Sect, there is basically no resistance for the two of them to be together.

However, Luo Jing also knew that this was his wife's good intentions, so he should be mentioned on the side, not to be in the Soul Refinement Sect.

But Luo Jing was confident that he couldn't be in the Soul Refining Sect. UU Reading

A disciple of the inner sect who feeds monsters in the mountains, Luo Jing can make himself have no sense of existence in the inner sect.

When the so-called rotten thought comes to mind, the world suddenly feels wide.

The other inner sect disciples thought they wanted to climb up, but Luo Jing had no such idea.

He has a better life, waiting for him outside the Manggu mountains.

In the Soul Refinement Sect, he doesn't need to fight for anything at all, as long as it's rotten.

It's hard to get ahead, but isn't it easy to be bad?

Luo Jing is good at this!

The life in the mountains just started like this.

Every morning, Luo Jing went to the ground fire to refine flint and feed fire foxes according to the requirements in the breeding manual.

In the afternoon, I went back to the wooden house, or directly practiced, or took out the paper and paint I had prepared, and painted something I liked to pass the time.

For the sake of insurance, Luo Jing didn't draw anything too outrageous. Either painting landscapes or painting some ancient styles, and never touch those two-thorned ape themes that were best at in previous lives, so as not to cause disaster.

Although theoretically speaking, you can paint casually in the mountains, and no one will come to see it.

But Luo Jing was used to being cautious and unwilling to take even a little risk.

In such a bland daily life, Luo Jing spent the first ten days in the mountains.

The torrential rain that lasted for a long time finally stopped.

The sun rises in the sky, and among the mountains, a white mist rises slightly, like a sea of ​​clouds.

In the clear blue sky, a familiar figure flew over the mountains and landed in front of Luo Jing's wooden house.

Interrupted Luo Jing who was painting.

Luo Yanyin, this little girl with a quirky temperament who claimed to like to watch the annihilation, actually flew over the Manggu mountains by herself and came to the door.