MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 232

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I already know the answer in my heart. Those who changed their tone before may be like them.

Threatened by the crew of the Demon Lord of Hell, otherwise how could they change their tone? Isn't this a joke.

Luo walked away slowly, looking at Brother Doflamingo's residence not far away, an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged up, he didn't know what it was, it always felt strange.

It may be that Luo was reluctant to use him for a while, and he met Doflamingo at this time.

On the other side, Fan Oka and the others, just like headless flies, turned around randomly.

"Doflamingo's residence, is it only Luo who knows?"

Fan Oka suddenly wanted to give up, but such a challenging thing was lost in the distance.

"if not?"

Nami asked back angrily. After walking for so long, she still hadn't found Doflamingo's place, so she was a little impatient.

"No, such a challenging task must be completed."

Fan Oka suddenly had a lot of fighting spirit. There were so many of them that they couldn't believe that they couldn't find Doflamingo.

With so many of them together, they will definitely be able to defeat Doflamingo.

One-on-one is not enough, and group fights are not enough.

Although this is unfair to Doflamingo, there is no way it can be done.

Treat this kind of person fairly.

"Why doesn't Luo come back?"

They all walked near the tree hole and waited for Luo. Although they defeated Doflamingo, they couldn't let the captain praise them.

"Isn't that the captain?"

Jessica saw Wu An with sharp eyes and waved to him happily. Seeing Wu An alone, she always felt a little strange.

"o\'Why is the captain alone?"

Namei said curiously. In the past, the captain was either with Hancock or Luo. Why were they not here at this time.

So where did they go?

"Captains never let them go alone."

Van Oka said as if he saw through everything, neither of them had much force, and wanted them to act,

"Then they went back?"

Jessica didn't speak, and didn't want to pay attention to what they meant.

Wu An looked at Jessica, and a soft string in his heart was suddenly touched.

A gentle smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Why don't you go back?"

Wu An looked at them as if they were standing guard, stayed here, and asked casually why they didn't go back.

"Wait for Luo."

If you don't get caught, that's fine.

Jessica answered truthfully, no matter what answer they would give Wu An.

Zhao's Zhao) what are you waiting for him?"

All right, what are you waiting for Luo?

Are you going to beat him up? No way!

Although Luo does not integrate into them, there is no need to be ruthless.

Wu An shook his head alone, they should not be like this.


Jessica was about to say the answer, but Nami took the first step and covered her mouth,

"You're going to beat Roku?"

Let her say the words behind, can't speak.

Wu An obviously didn't believe it. Seeing that they were all silent, she didn't let Jessica tell the truth.

"To unite."

Wu An didn't know how to tell them that he could only unite them. If the crew was not united, even if he had great ability, he could not successfully establish a new world government.


Fan Oka, Nami, Sabas nodded wildly, like chickens pecking at rice.

"Having said so much, do you remember?"

Wu An felt a big head.

280 Concealing the Captain

In any case, they must be united, there can be no Neijiang, and the usual petty fights are fine, it will be a group fight, and the new crew members, no matter what, cannot allow this kind of thing to happen.

"I know..."

Wu An almost made a foul language, but fortunately he stopped the car in time.

"We know the captain."

Nami was very helpless. She felt that the current captain was like in charge of things.

Wu An was still worried and looked at them over and over again. If they really dared to do such a thing, they must accept it, a punishment they will never forget.

Wu An was already in his heart, and he didn't know how many times he would delay them, provided they did such a thing.

Wu An wanted to ask what they had to do with Luo, but felt that they had followed him for so long, and it was right to trust them, so they stopped asking.

"He should be here in a while."

Luo went to look for prey and should be back soon.

"Captain, why aren't they with you?"

Van Oka's curiosity was aroused again, and he wanted to know what was going on.

"What are you doing with 710?"

Wu An spoke reluctantly. Fan Oka touched his nose and asked the question without breaking the casserole. His intuition told him that it shouldn't be so simple, and he couldn't tell the specifics.

"Did that see Hancock?"

Wu An touched the back of his head and asked casually.

He thought the tone was as simple as if he had eaten.

Van Oka seems to have captured some important information.

"What did you do to people?"

Fan Oka's language was amazing, Wu An was stunned, what could he do to her?

Jessica wanted to ignore this sentence, and it was like a repeater in her mind, repeating it over and over again.

"This sentence is very problematic, what can I do to her?"

"If I'm not with you, who else can I be with?"

Nami grasped the point. Hancock has always been with the captain and seldom acted alone. Even them, Hancock did not follow them.

"do not know."

Wu An's answer was a little guilty, he couldn't say it, he refused to be small, and said: send EUR from! Group, stay! Stayed*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56, Hancock, the little girl left in anger, right?

It was too difficult for him to say such words.

"If I don't go back to the tree hole, I'm not familiar with other places."

Jessica told him in a gentle tone that as long as he returned to the tree hole, there would be no danger. Wu An nodded thoughtfully. Hancock was a pick-and-place guy, not a stalker. people, so he is also very relieved.

Wu An didn't want to go back to the tree hole. Going back meant that he wanted to get along with Hancock alone, which was not the result he wanted.

"Captain, why haven't you left yet?"

Nami looked at him suspiciously, knowing that Hancock was in the tree hole and didn't go back.

"What are you doing?"

Wu An had nothing to say, so he didn't say anything when he saw them.

"It's just a matter of looking for Luo, it's not a big deal."

Van Oka didn't want to tell him the truth, so he could only tell him so.

"anything else?"

Wu An didn't believe it. They stayed here so honestly and didn't tell him anything. It was obviously a plan.

Wu An still knew his crew very well. They must have planned something and didn't want him to know.


Fan Oka shook his head truthfully, his face was very firm, there was no trace of lying, Wu An looked at them with suspicion, and he just didn't believe it.

"Captain, if you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do about it."

"Xiao Ba, say it."

Wu An is so serious, it is purely because he is unwilling to return to the tree hole, and do not stay with Hancock alone.

"I do not know either."

Xiao Ba said in embarrassment, how could he know such a thing.

"Learn to lie."

Xiao Ba listened to Wu An's words, bowed his head embarrassedly, Tiger's eyes were erratic, obviously he didn't want to say anything.

(badg) "Okay, what are you doing, I won't ask."

Wu'an was defeated by them, as long as they can't afford the internal evidence, it's fine, and the rest is nothing to ask.


They were all waiting here. When Luo came back, Wu An didn't mention what happened to him and Hancock. Jessica had a strong intuition, which told her that Hancock must be sad.

It is self-evident who is the culprit. This kind of thing makes her unable to speak, but she feels that she is very selfish and cannot give Wu An to anyone.

There is no way to change this kind of selfishness, unless one day, I no longer like the captain, which is probably never going to happen.

Luo swayed slowly, looking not far away, they were all staying here, it was a little strange, what were they doing here?

Could it be waiting for him? Luo Xiang couldn't help shaking his head, how could he be waiting for him? It was obvious to all that he didn't integrate into them.

Roben didn't want to go back, but obviously, they all saw him. In desperation, they had to go back, thinking that they would not meet them when they came back at this time.

"What are you doing here?"

Luo asked curiously, Fan Oka was startled, and the tone of Luo and the captain seemed to be.

They looked at each other and spoke very tacitly.

"Wait for you."

The surprise in Luo's eyes flashed by, waiting for him to do what?

Not knowing why he looked at Wu An, the latter shrugged helplessly, and he didn't know either.

"Wait for me to do?"

Luo actually really didn't want to ask, but there was no way, they all said so.

"Of course something happened."

Nami looks at Luo with a pair, you don't seem to be a very smart Ako.

"What's the matter?" Luo said in a formulaic manner. It has been several days since he joined them. At this time, something suddenly came to him, which was strange.

Wu An also wanted to hear what they were looking for him for.

"Just go with them."