MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 224 Gene Enhancement Experiment (1)

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Just when Li Yi was focusing on the 'Photon Brain' project, none of the research projects in the hands of many scientific veterans at the Xingyao Experimental Center stopped. The industrial chain, the improvement of human scientific and technological civilization has penetrated into various fields.

There are hundreds of major research projects underway at the Shining Star Experiment Center, of which the most urgent project is the adaptive genetic enhancement project that can enable human civilization to develop into the universe. The person in charge of this project is Professor Wei Hanzhi.

There was no time to participate in special projects such as the anatomical experiment of the 'abyssal life' on Mars. Professor Wei Hanzhi had to spare time to expeditiously carry out the experiment of adaptive gene enhancement and test Sun Yi's body again.

In fact, this test has been done many times...

Adaptive genetic enhancement has been studied for more than ten years, and human experiments have been carried out thousands of times. No matter how stupid you are, you have found something. However, the human adaptive genetic enhancement project is related to the future of human civilization and must not be allowed to appear. any errors.

When he came to the laboratory, Professor Wei Hanzhi used the virtual network to connect the biological experimental base on the moon for the first time.

The physical test experiment has already started. Two female scientific researchers on the scene are conducting various physical tests around the experimental subject - Sun Yi.

Sun Yi was a little empty at first, but now he has gradually gotten used to it. I don't know how many times I've done this kind of routine examination since I was a child, such as muscle tests, blood draws, heartbeat monitoring, brain wave tests, etc. After a series of tests, half a day has passed.

Alice tapped the muscles on Yi Feng's chest with her finger, and said with a smile, "Sun Yi, your body is really good, all functions are normal, the cell activity is five or six times that of ordinary people, and the speed of neural response is Ten times that of ordinary people, I don't know that aspect..."

"Cough cough!" Ning Xiaojing hurriedly coughed twice to divert her attention, so that she would not say some nonsense.

Alice was just laughing there. She had no other thoughts, but she had been at the moon base for a long time and needed some adjustments on her body. She felt very good.

Speaking of kung fu, Professor Wei Hanzhi's virtual projection was presented in the laboratory.

"Professor Wei, are you late today? Did you have a tryst with your old lover and forgot the time?" Sun Yi joked when he saw Professor Wei Hanzhi's virtual projection.

Sun Yi and Professor Wei Hanzhi can be said to be 'no acquaintance without fighting'. He has performed hundreds of cruel and inhumane experiments on himself. Sun Yi hates him, but he is only a death row prisoner. He survived in this experiment, his body also gained a lot of benefits, and the hatred for him was much less in his heart.

However, Sun Yi wouldn't give him a good face. As soon as he saw this old guy, he couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Xiaojing, Alice, what's the result of this guy's test?" Professor Wei Hanzhi gave him a blank look, ignoring him, and instead asked the two female researchers who were helping Sun Yi with a physical test.

"Professor, Sun's physical data hasn't fluctuated, it's still the same. However, he has already started taking genetic medicines that act on the brain, and his IQ test has improved. A month ago, the test was 117, and the current test is 135. That is to say, his brain has a tendency to become better with use, and it is estimated that it will rise to 150, 160 in the future, and the limit of human intelligence is around 230, I don’t know if he can reach this level.” Alice replied to Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"That's right! The improvement is not obvious. Maybe there is a problem with the IQ test. Xiaojing, call Professor Qian Hongliang to check his brain together." Professor Wei Hanzhi smiled in disbelief and looked at him Another female subordinate.

"Okay!" Ning Xiaojing answered the order and started talking to Professor Qian Hongliang.

Ordinary people also have this phenomenon of "the more the brain is used, the better it is". The average intelligence of ordinary human beings is 100. However, higher education or long-term mental exercise can improve intelligence. A good undergraduate student has an intelligence of around 120-130.

A person's logical thinking ability can be exercised the day after tomorrow. In addition, the IQ test has a great chance of being inaccurate. In the end, it is still based on the genetic data and biological characteristics of his body to check the situation.

"Old man Wei, can you all do it well, I have already carried out an experiment to strengthen the genetic medicine, why do you still need to inject me into the experiment to strengthen the brain? You have to torment people like you! Do you have to grasp the toss to death? Old man Wei You won't be so careful!" Sun Yi's expression changed slightly, he looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi pitifully, and begged for mercy.

Professor Wei Hanzhi grinned, looked at Sun Yi and asked, "What! Are you afraid?"

"Che, what do I have to be afraid of? Eighteen years later, I will be a hero again. It's just that you are too cruel. You have tossed me in all kinds of ways. Your conscience is just fine." Geological question.

"The development of the brain domain is based on adaptive genes. It has the same root as the adaptive gene you originally injected. It will not hurt you, but will help you to complete the strengthening better. I don't mean to toss. You." At this moment, a virtual projection appeared, and it was Professor Qian Hongliang, who explained to Sun Yi as he appeared.

"I don't understand what you are saying, I just want to know when the experiment will be completed and let me leave this laboratory." Sun Yi said with a dark face.

"You are patient for a period of time, waiting for the brain-enhancing genetic medicine to successfully work on your body. Cooperate with us to complete the next experiment. I promise that in another two years, you will be able to recover..." Professor Qian Hongliang He assured Sun Yi confidently.

"Cough cough!" Professor Wei Hanzhi coughed twice in time, interrupting Professor Qian Hongliang's words.

"What happened in two years?" Sun Yi glared at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked with concern at Professor Qian Hongliang.

"If you can do my project within two years, I won't care about you anymore!" Professor Qian Hongliang smiled awkwardly, took back his original words, and added.

"Old Man Wei, what about you! When will the experiment on me end?" Sun Yi glared at Professor Qian Hongliang angrily, then looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"I'll give you freedom after the experiment is over. Just cooperate well, why do you ask so many questions!" Professor Wei Hanzhi didn't give this kid a chance to put his nose on his face, looked at Professor Qian Hongliang's virtual projection, and directly arranged: "You Here we are, just in time to start the brain domain monitoring experiment."

"Alice, prepare for anesthesia." After speaking, Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at the blonde female assistant and ordered.

"Okay!" Alice answered the order. The next moment, she operated the virtual projection screen, and a metal surgical robot immediately moved, extending a thick syringe into Sun Yi's arm.

"Alice, you murdered your husband!" Sun Yi on the operating table changed his face and glared at Alice.

"Sun, you sleep and wake up and you'll be fine!" Alice smiled sweetly at Sun Yi. She was a European girl, in her early thirties, with long brown hair. Even wearing a medical white coat, you can see that she has a very good figure, with a bulging front and back, quite like a royal girl.

The indicators of the adaptive gene enhancement project are several times higher than that of ordinary humans, and the physiological limits are also higher than ordinary people.

For example, the maximum dose of docaine that an ordinary person can withstand anesthesia is no more than 400 mg, and the anesthesia sleep time is generally about 16 hours. If the amount of anesthesia is too large, or the duration of anesthesia is too long, it will lead to many problems in human organs. , may cause neurosis, low back pain, cardiac arrest, and sensory disturbances.

However, this situation is different for Sun Yi. After being enhanced by adaptive genes, his anti-anaesthetic effect has also been greatly enhanced. The amount of anesthetic that can anesthetize 2 elephants can only make him sleep for 3 hours. , The physical strengthening effect has been greatly improved in all aspects.

In other words, Professor Wei Hanzhi's expectations for Sun Yi are very high. He is an experimental body that perfectly shows the adaptive enhancement gene. Every day he explores a little more, the hope for the future of mankind is higher.

Think about it, if all human beings can complete the strengthening of adaptive genes, everyone can become a strengthened person whose physical quality has improved several times, and who can adapt to the cosmic environment, the brain will become more active, more sensitive, and live longer. , ... In this way, in the vast and boundless universe, what difficulties can still hinder the exploration of human civilization.

At that time, human civilization will completely enter the era of interstellar navigation.

"Professor Wei, Xiao Sun fell asleep. According to the previous measurement, it is estimated that he can sleep for 6 hours. Let's hurry up and start!" Professor Qian Hongliang looked at Sun Yi, who had fallen silent on the operating table, and reminded Wei Hanzhi. Professor said.

"Let's start! Prepare for a craniotomy!" Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded happily.

Alice and Ning Xiaojing couldn't bear to glance at Shen Sun Yi. After getting along for so long, they inevitably felt a little bit about Sun Yi. Seeing that he was about to be dissected by a 'craniotomy', they inevitably rose up. A touch of sympathy.

biququ/html/12472/ "Heaven Arrives"

However, there is no way, for science, for human civilization to be able to adapt to the cosmic environment in the future...

Under the co-chairmanship of Professor Wei Hanzhi and Professor Qian Hongliang, Sun Yi's brain was opened by surgical instruments, and he began to explore the structure of his brain realistically. Data, as small as the activity data of brain cells, are scanned and entered one by one.

When the adaptive gene enhancement project was launched, the experimental project was arranged at the lunar base. For this purpose, a fully functional and most advanced biochemical laboratory was built at the core of the lunar base.

Located in the 0.28 times the gravity area of ​​the earth's gravity, under this gravity condition, the biochemical surgery experiment becomes safer.

Soon, under the work of the new craniotomy medical machine, Sun Yi's brain was opened.

"Alice, release 0.7 micrograms of nanorobots to perform a full-scope scan of the right brain area."

"Old Qian, pay attention, don't shoot the brain nerves."

"Prepare to implant a biochip,..."


A craniotomy detection experiment was carried out in an orderly manner under the instruction of Professor Wei Hanzhi.

Soon, the secrets hidden in the depths of Sun Yi's brain were gradually exposed to the surveillance of various medical aids. At the same time, a biological device for real-time monitoring of his brain activity was implanted in Sun Yi's cerebral cortex. chip.

After more than three hours of craniotomy experiment finally came to an end, Ning Xiaojing, Alice, with the help of advanced nano-medical equipment, began to suture the wound for Sun Yi on the operating table.

Professor Wei Hanzhi and Professor Qian Hongliang stared at the brain image on the holographic screen and discussed the changes in Sun Yi's brain.

"This is fast. Compared with the last graph, this place has changed a lot." Professor Qian Hongliang pointed to the two brain images, and the graph pointed out the difference and said excitedly.

Throughout the human life cycle, the brain is in a constant process of change. Each stage is critical for cognition, language, memory, emotion, and thinking functions. From embryonic bud to late years, the development and maturation of the nervous system may be accelerated or delayed, but it cannot be surpassed.

However, after taking the brain-enhancing gene drug, Sun Yi's brain nerves and the right brain connected to the gray matter layer and brain adipose tissue have undergone significant redevelopment.

"The increase in the fat tissue surrounding neurons, or the white matter of the brain, helps to speed up the strength of nerve electrical impulses and the stability of neural connections. The prefrontal and temporal cortices of the brain, the areas of 'executive control functions', have also been significantly improved. Lao Qian, you have a lot of fun in this project!" Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Professor Qian Hongliang with joy and congratulated him.

Professor Qian Hongliang couldn't help showing a smile on his face, pointing to the complex monitoring data on the all-needs screen, and replied with a smile: "The strengthening of brain-domain genes seems to be enough to stabilize the adaptive gene project~www.novelbuddy. com~ You see, his brain activity is stronger for his own body, and various physical function indexes in sleep state have stabilized a lot."

Professor Wei Hanzhi was staring at the real-time monitoring data of Sun Yi's body. Isn't that the case! After Sun Yi injected the adaptive gene enhancement agent, his body function has been greatly improved, but the monitoring data fluctuated violently. After the injection of the brain gene enhancement agent, the fluctuation rate of the monitoring data of various body functions became lower in sleep state. .

"Yes, Sun Yi's previous body was a 'low core' and a high match. Now, the strengthened brain and the strengthened body are just matched, and the body has changed significantly." Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded happily when he saw this.

"Do you want to notify President Li of this situation?" Professor Qian Hongliang nodded happily and asked happily.

"Wait a minute, let's check the situation of other experimental subjects." Professor Wei Hanzhi waved his hand, restrained his excitement, and said cautiously.

Professor Qian Hongliang nodded, and the virtual projection and Professor Wei's virtual projection disappeared together in the experimental operating room. They need to go to the experimental body to verify the experimental situation. If it is a large-scale event, it means that the adaptive gene enhancement project, It is a project that goes hand in hand with the brain enhancement project and can benefit from it.